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day2 高性能客户端

2024/10/24 8:26:22 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/YouMing_Li/article/details/140894542  浏览:    关键词:day2 高性能客户端


  • Call 的设计
  • 实现 Client
  • Demo



  • 实现一个支持异步和并发的高性能客户端,代码约 250

Call 的设计

net/rpc 而言,一个函数需要能够被远程调用,需要满足如下五个条件:

  • the method’s type is exported.
  • the method is exported.
  • the method has two arguments, both exported (or builtin) types.
  • the method’s second argument is a pointer.
  • the method has return type error.


func (t *T) MethodName(argType T1, replyType *T2) error

根据上述要求,首先我们封装了结构体 Call 来承载一次 RPC 调用所需要的信息。


// Call represents an active RPC.
// Call 承载一次RPC调用所需要的信息
type Call struct {Seq           uint64ServiceMethod string      // format "<service>.<method>"Args          interface{} // arguments to the functionReply         interface{} // reply from the functionError         error       // if error occurs, it will be setDone          chan *Call  // Strobes when call is complete.
}func (call *Call) done() {call.Done <- call

为了支持异步调用,Call 结构体中添加了一个字段 DoneDone 的类型是 chan *Call,当调用结束时,会调用 call.done() 通知调用方。

实现 Client

接下来,我们将实现 GeeRPC 客户端最核心的部分 Client

// Client 表示一个RPC客户端,一个Client可以关联多个Call,即一个客户端可以发起多个RPC调用
// 一个Client也可能同时被多个协程使用
type Client struct {cc       codec.Codecopt      *Optionsending  sync.Mutex // protect followingheader   codec.Headermu       sync.Mutex // protect followingseq      uint64pending  map[uint64]*Callclosing  bool // user has called Closeshutdown bool // server has told us to stop
}var _ io.Closer = (*Client)(nil)var ErrShutdown = errors.New("connection is shut down")// Close the connection
func (client *Client) Close() error {client.mu.Lock()defer client.mu.Unlock()if client.closing {return ErrShutdown}client.closing = truereturn client.cc.Close()
}// IsAvailable return true if the client does work
func (client *Client) IsAvailable() bool {client.mu.Lock()defer client.mu.Unlock()return !client.shutdown && !client.closing

Client 的字段比较复杂:

  • cc 是消息的编解码器,和服务端类似,用来序列化将要发送出去的请求,以及反序列化接收到的响应。
  • sending 是一个互斥锁,和服务端类似,为了保证请求的有序发送,即防止出现多个请求报文混淆。
  • header 是每个请求的消息头,header 只有在请求发送时才需要,而请求发送是互斥的,因此每个客户端只需要一个,声明在 Client 结构体中可以复用。
  • seq 用于给发送的请求编号,每个请求拥有唯一编号。
  • pending 存储未处理完的请求,键是编号,值是 Call 实例。
  • closingshutdown 任意一个值置为 true,则表示 Client 处于不可用的状态,但有些许的差别,closing 是用户主动关闭的,即调用 Close 方法,而 shutdown 置为true一般是有错误发生。

紧接着,实现和 Call 相关的三个方法。

func (client *Client) registerCall(call *Call) (uint64, error) {client.mu.Lock()defer client.mu.Unlock()if client.closing || client.shutdown {return 0, ErrShutdown}call.Seq = client.seqclient.pending[call.Seq] = callclient.seq++return call.Seq, nil
}func (client *Client) removeCall(seq uint64) *Call {client.mu.Lock()defer client.mu.Unlock()call := client.pending[seq]delete(client.pending, seq)return call
}func (client *Client) terminateCalls(err error) {client.sending.Lock()defer client.sending.Unlock()client.mu.Lock()defer client.mu.Unlock()client.shutdown = truefor _, call := range client.pending {call.Error = errcall.done()}
  • registerCall:将参数 call 添加到 client.pending 中,并更新 client.seq
  • removeCall:根据 seq,从 client.pending 中移除对应的 call,并返回。
  • terminateCalls:服务端或客户端发生错误时调用,将 shutdown 设置为 true,且将错误信息通知所有 pending 状态的 call

对一个客户端端来说,接收响应、发送请求是最重要的 2 个功能。那么首先实现接收功能,接收到的响应有三种情况:

  • call 不存在,可能是请求没有发送完整,或者因为其他原因被取消,但是服务端仍旧处理了。
  • call 存在,但服务端处理出错,即h.Error不为空。
  • call 存在,服务端处理正常,那么需要从 body 中读取 Reply 的值。
func (client *Client) receive() {var err errorfor err == nil {var h codec.Headerif err = client.cc.ReadHeader(&h); err != nil {break}call := client.removeCall(h.Seq)switch {case call == nil:// it usually means that Write partially failed// and call was already removed.err = client.cc.ReadBody(nil)case h.Error != "":call.Error = fmt.Errorf(h.Error)err = client.cc.ReadBody(nil)call.done()default:err = client.cc.ReadBody(call.Reply)if err != nil {call.Error = errors.New("reading body " + err.Error())}call.done()}}// error occurs, so terminateCalls pending callsclient.terminateCalls(err)

创建 Client 实例时,首先需要完成一开始的协议交换,即发送 Option 信息给服务端。协商好消息的编解码方式之后,再创建一个子协程调用 receive() 接收响应。

func NewClient(conn net.Conn, opt *Option) (*Client, error) {f := codec.NewCodecFuncMap[opt.CodecType]if f == nil {err := fmt.Errorf("invalid codec type %s", opt.CodecType)log.Println("rpc client: codec error:", err)return nil, err}// 将opt发送给服务端if err := json.NewEncoder(conn).Encode(opt); err != nil {log.Println("rpc client: options error: ", err)_ = conn.Close()return nil, err}return newClientCodec(f(conn), opt), nil
}func newClientCodec(cc codec.Codec, opt *Option) *Client {client := &Client{seq:     1, // seq starts with 1, 0 means invalid callcc:      cc,opt:     opt,pending: make(map[uint64]*Call),}// 启动接收服务端响应的协程go client.receive()return client

还需要实现 Dial 函数,便于用户传入服务端地址,创建 Client 实例。为了简化用户调用,通过 ...*Option Option 实现为可选参数。

func parseOptions(opts ...*Option) (*Option, error) {// if opts is nil or pass nil as parameterif len(opts) == 0 || opts[0] == nil {return DefaultOption, nil}if len(opts) != 1 {return nil, errors.New("number of options is more than 1")}opt := opts[0]opt.MagicNumber = DefaultOption.MagicNumberif opt.CodecType == "" {opt.CodecType = DefaultOption.CodecType}return opt, nil
}// Dial connects to an RPC server at the specified network address
func Dial(network, address string, opts ...*Option) (client *Client, err error) {opt, err := parseOptions(opts...)if err != nil {return nil, err}conn, err := net.Dial(network, address)if err != nil {return nil, err}// close the connection if client is nildefer func() {if client == nil {_ = conn.Close()}}()return NewClient(conn, opt)

此时,GeeRPC 客户端已经具备了完整的创建连接和接收响应的能力了,最后还需要实现发送请求的能力。

func (client *Client) send(call *Call) {// make sure that the client will send a complete requestclient.sending.Lock()defer client.sending.Unlock()// register this call.seq, err := client.registerCall(call)if err != nil {call.Error = errcall.done()return}// prepare request headerclient.header.ServiceMethod = call.ServiceMethodclient.header.Seq = seqclient.header.Error = ""// encode and send the request// 客户端往连接流中写入数据,及时发送数据给服务端if err := client.cc.Write(&client.header, call.Args); err != nil {call := client.removeCall(seq)// call may be nil, it usually means that Write partially failed,// client has received the response and handledif call != nil {call.Error = errcall.done()}}
}// Go invokes the function asynchronously.
// It returns the Call structure representing the invocation.
func (client *Client) Go(serviceMethod string, args, reply interface{}, done chan *Call) *Call {if done == nil {done = make(chan *Call, 10)} else if cap(done) == 0 {log.Panic("rpc client: done channel is unbuffered")}call := &Call{ServiceMethod: serviceMethod,Args:          args,Reply:         reply,Done:          done,}client.send(call)return call
}// Call invokes the named function, waits for it to complete,
// and returns its error status.
func (client *Client) Call(serviceMethod string, args, reply interface{}) error {call := <-client.Go(serviceMethod, args, reply, make(chan *Call, 1)).Donereturn call.Error
  • GoCall 是客户端暴露给用户的两个 RPC 服务调用接口,Go 是一个异步接口,返回 call 实例。
  • Call 是对 Go 的封装,阻塞 call.Done,等待响应返回,是一个同步接口。

至此,一个支持异步和并发的 GeeRPC 客户端已经完成。


第一天 GeeRPC 只实现了服务端,因此我们在 main 函数中手动模拟了整个通信过程,今天我们就将 main 函数中通信部分替换为今天的客户端吧。


startServer 没有发生变化。

func startServer(addr chan string) {// pick a free portl, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":0")if err != nil {log.Fatal("network error:", err)}log.Println("start rpc server on", l.Addr())addr <- l.Addr().String()geerpc.Accept(l)

main 函数中使用了 client.Call 并发了 5 RPC同步调用,参数和返回值的类型均为 string

func main() {log.SetFlags(0)addr := make(chan string)go startServer(addr)client, _ := geerpc.Dial("tcp", <-addr)defer func() { _ = client.Close() }()time.Sleep(time.Second)// send request & receive responsevar wg sync.WaitGroupfor i := 0; i < 5; i++ {wg.Add(1)go func(i int) {defer wg.Done()args := fmt.Sprintf("geerpc req %d", i)var reply stringif err := client.Call("Foo.Sum", args, &reply); err != nil {log.Fatal("call Foo.Sum error:", err)}log.Println("reply:", reply)}(i)}wg.Wait()


start rpc server on [::]:50658
&{Foo.Sum 5 } geerpc req 3
&{Foo.Sum 1 } geerpc req 0
&{Foo.Sum 3 } geerpc req 1
&{Foo.Sum 2 } geerpc req 4
&{Foo.Sum 4 } geerpc req 2
reply: geerpc resp 1
reply: geerpc resp 5
reply: geerpc resp 3
reply: geerpc resp 2
reply: geerpc resp 4



