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论文速递 | Operations Research 7月文章合集

2024/10/25 2:18:50 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_53463894/article/details/141617440  浏览:    关键词:论文速递 | Operations Research 7月文章合集



在本系列文章中,我们梳理了运筹学顶刊Operations Research7月份发布的14篇文章的基本信息,旨在帮助读者快速洞察行业最新动态。


Dynamic Allocation of Reusable Resources: Logarithmic Regret in Overloaded Networks
Xinchang Xie, Itai Gurvich, Simge Küçükyavuz
This study addresses the challenge of dynamically allocating reusable resources to customers of various types within overloaded networks. The system comprises multiple pools of resources, each with a finite capacity, and customers who request service occupy one unit from each resource pool for a random duration. Upon completion, the resources are returned for future allocation. The objective is to maximize the long-term average reward while adhering to resource constraints.
The authors propose a threshold policy that leverages a corrected headcount process, which aligns with the linear programming (LP) relaxation of the problem and serves as an upper bound for policy performance. This policy is shown to achieve logarithmic regret in the high-volume, many-customer, and many-resource-units scenario, meaning that the performance loss relative to the LP upper bound is proportional to the logarithm of the total arrival volume.
The paper further demonstrates that no policy can attain sub-logarithmic regret in overloaded networks, establishing logarithmic regret as the best attainable performance. The proposed policy’s effectiveness is supported by simulations, which illustrate its practical utility in various network configurations.



Optimal No-Regret Learning in Repeated First-Price Auctions
Yanjun Han, Tsachy Weissman, Zhengyuan Zhou
This paper investigates the problem of online learning in repeated first-price auctions, where a bidder, observing only the winning bid after each auction, must learn to bid adaptively in order to maximize cumulative payoff. The bidder is subjected to censored feedback, meaning that if she wins, she cannot see the highest bid from other bidders, which are assumed to be independently and identically distributed (iid) from an unknown distribution. The authors develop the first learning algorithm that achieves a near-optimal O(√T) regret bound by leveraging the specific feedback structure and payoff function of first-price auctions.
The paper introduces a novel framework termed as partially ordered contextual bandits, which combines graph feedback across bids, cross learning across contexts (private values), and a partial order over contexts. This framework is applied to first-price auctions, revealing a separation between stochastic and adversarial contexts. Under stochastic contexts, a regret nearly independent of action/context sizes is achievable, while this is not possible under adversarial contexts. The authors propose two algorithms: one for stochastic private values with an O ( T l o g 2.5 T ) O(\sqrt{T}log2.5 T) O(T log2.5T) regret, and another for adversarial private values with an O ( T l o g 3 T ) O(\sqrt{T}log3 T) O(T log3T) regret, thus providing a complete learning strategy for first-price auctions.
The study contributes to the literature by providing optimal learning algorithms for first-price auctions and establishing the theoretical limits of regret under different contexts. It also discusses extensions and open problems, such as the impact of reversed one-sided feedback and the impossibility result under non-iid highest outbid (HOB) scenarios.

论文引入了一种新的框架,称为部分有序的上下文老虎机,它结合了跨出价的图反馈、跨上下文(私人价值)的交叉学习和上下文的部分顺序。该框架应用于首价拍卖,揭示了随机和对抗性情境之间的分离。在随机情境下,可以实现与行动/上下文大小几乎无关的遗憾,而在对抗性情境下这是不可能的。作者提出了两种算法:一种用于随机私人价值,遗憾为 O ( T l o g 2.5 T ) O(\sqrt{T}log2.5 T) O(T log2.5T) ;另一种用于对抗性私人价值,遗憾为 O ( T l o g 3 T ) O(\sqrt{T}log3 T) O(T log3T) ,从而为首价拍卖提供了完整的学习策略。


Business Model Choice for Heavy Equipment Manufacturers
Philippe Blaettchen, Niyazi Taneri, Sameer Hasija
The paper explores the impact of technological advances on the business models of heavy equipment manufacturers, focusing on the shift from traditional ownership-based models to access-based models such as servicization and peer-to-peer sharing. The authors develop a game-theoretic model to determine the optimal business model choice, considering factors like after-sales services, equipment characteristics, usage environments, and fuel prices.
The study reveals that the profitability and environmental performance of business models are influenced by the cost of ownership, maintenance, and the potential for pooling demand through access-based models. The authors find that traditional sales and after-sales services (SA), servicization (SV), and sharing platforms (SP) can all be optimal under different conditions. For instance, servicization is preferred when production costs are low, while sharing becomes more relevant as fuel costs increase and with the advent of electrification.
The paper also introduces a novel framework for analyzing the environmental impact of business models, showing that all models can potentially create win-win situations for manufacturers and the environment. The authors conclude that the choice of business model should be based on a holistic view that incorporates economic and environmental considerations, and they call for further research into the broader environmental analysis of business models.



Risk-Adaptive Local Decision Rules
Johannes O. Royset, Miguel A. Lejeune
This paper presents a framework for constructing local decision rules tailored for parameterized mixed-binary optimization problems. These decision rules are designed to provide near-optimal solutions across a spectrum of parameter values without assuming linearity, convexity, or smoothness of the underlying problem. The approach is grounded in solving risk-adaptive training problems that leverage continuous and potentially nonlinear mappings. Both asymptotic and nonasymptotic analyses are conducted to demonstrate the local near-optimality of the proposed decision rules. The framework also addresses practical considerations such as inexact function evaluations, solution tolerances, regularization, and solver-friendly model reformulations. Additionally, it enables sensitivity and stability analysis for a wide range of parameterized optimization problems.
The authors develop a decomposition algorithm to solve the resulting training problems and validate its effectiveness through a nonlinear binary optimization model derived from search theory. The decision rules are formulated to be consistent with the optimal decision for a given parameter vector and are adaptable to the level of conservativeness required by the analyst, using risk measures. The paper also explores the use of different risk measures, including expected value, worst-case, quantiles, and superquantiles, to adjust the decision rules’ conservativeness.



A Short and General Duality Proof for Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Optimization
Luhao Zhang, Jincheng Yang, Rui Gao
This paper presents a novel and concise proof of the general duality theorem for Wasserstein distributionally robust optimization (WDRO). The proof is applicable to any Kantorovich transport cost, measurable loss function, and nominal probability distribution. It is based on an interchangeability principle that is inherent in existing duality results, and leverages one-dimensional convex analysis. The paper also establishes the conditions under which the interchangeability principle holds, linking it to measurable projection and weak measurable selection conditions. The authors demonstrate the broad applicability of their approach through rigorous treatments of duality in distributionally robust Markov decision processes and multistage stochastic programming, as well as extensions to infinity-Wasserstein DRO, risk-averse optimization, and the globalized distributionally robust counterpart.

本文提出了Wasserstein分布鲁棒优化(WDRO)的通用对偶定理的新颖且简洁的证明。该证明适用于任何Kantorovich传输成本、可测量损失函数和名义概率分布。它基于现有对偶结果中固有的可交换性原则,并利用一维凸分析。本文还建立了可交换性原则成立的条件,将其与可测量投影和弱可测量选择条件联系起来。作者通过在分布稳健马尔可夫决策过程和多阶段随机规划中的对偶处理,以及对无穷Wasserstein DRO、风险厌恶优化和全局化分布鲁棒对偶的扩展,展示了他们方法的广泛适用性。


Improving Blockchain Consistency Bound by Assigning Weights to Random Blocks
Qing Zhang, Xueping Gong, Huizhong Li, Hao Wu, Jiheng Zhang
Blockchain technology, underpinned by the Nakamoto consensus protocol, has demonstrated its potential in applications such as cryptocurrencies. However, it grapples with scalability issues due to the inherent trade-off between block production speed and system security against adversarial attacks. This paper introduces a novel method named Ironclad that enhances blockchain consistency by assigning varying weights to randomly selected blocks. The method is applied to the original Nakamoto protocol, and through rigorous analysis, it is proven to significantly improve the consistency bound without compromising security, even when the proportion of malicious mining power remains the same.
The Ironclad method introduces the concept of weight, assigning a weight of 1 to regular blocks and a higher weight θ > 1 to iron blocks. The weight of a chain is the sum of all block weights within it. This method requires minimal changes to the Nakamoto protocol, as it simply shifts the criterion from following the longest chain to the heaviest chain. The paper provides a detailed analysis of the method’s efficacy, demonstrating improved chain quality, confirmation time, and other consensus properties through both theoretical proofs and numerical experiments.
The authors also offer guidelines for selecting the parameters θ and q, which define the weight and randomness of iron blocks, respectively. The selection is based on optimizing the tolerance to adversarial mining power and balancing confirmation time. The paper concludes with a discussion on the potential extension of Ironclad to other Nakamoto-based protocols, showcasing its broad applicability in enhancing blockchain scalability and security.

Ironclad方法引入了权重概念,将普通区块的权重设为1,将铁区块(iron blocks)的权重设为更高的θ > 1。一个链的权重是其上所有区块(铁区块或普通区块)权重的总和。这种方法对Nakamoto协议的改动很小,只是将跟随最长链的标准转变为跟随最重链。本文详细分析了该方法的有效性,通过理论和数值实验证明了链质量、确认时间和其他共识属性的改进。


Technical Note—Near-Optimal Bayesian Online Assortment of Reusable Resources
Yiding Feng, Rad Niazadeh, Amin Saberi
This paper addresses the problem of revenue maximization in the online assortment of reusable resources, motivated by applications in e-commerce rental services. The authors propose competitive online algorithms that perform near-optimally against the optimum online policy within a Bayesian setting. The algorithms are designed to handle a stream of arriving consumers with heterogeneous types and rental durations, each drawn independently from known distributions.
The main result is a near-optimal algorithm that achieves a competitive ratio of 1 − m i n { 1 2 , ϵ ∗ ( c m i n ) } 1-min\{\frac{1}{2},\epsilon^*(c_{min})\} 1min{21,ϵ(cmin)}, where ϵ ∗ ( x ) = O ( l o g x x ) \epsilon^*(x)=O(\frac{log{x}}{x}) ϵ(x)=O(xlogx) and c m i n c_{min} cmin is the minimum initial inventory. The algorithm relies on an expected Linear Programming (LP) benchmark, solving the LP and simulating the solution through randomized rounding. A key challenge is ensuring inventory feasibility in a computationally efficient manner, which is addressed through discarding policies and post-processing assortment procedures.
The authors also present an improved near-optimal algorithm for the special case of non-reusable resources, leveraging prophet inequality techniques. Numerical simulations on synthetic data demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms, showing significant improvements over existing policies in terms of expected revenue.

主要结果是提出了一个近最优算法,其竞争比达到了 1 − m i n { 1 2 , ϵ ∗ ( c m i n ) } 1-min\{\frac{1}{2},\epsilon^*(c_{min})\} 1min{21,ϵ(cmin)}的水平,其中 ϵ ∗ ( x ) = O ( l o g x x ) \epsilon^*(x)=O(\frac{log{x}}{x}) ϵ(x)=O(xlogx) c m i n c_{min} cmin 是最小初始库存。该算法依赖于预期线性规划(LP)基准,通过解决LP并通过随机舍入模拟解决方案。一个关键挑战是以计算效率高的方式确保库存的可行性,这通过丢弃策略和后处理组合程序来解决。


Hardness of Pricing Routes for Two-Stage Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problems with Scenarios
Matheus J. Ota, Ricardo Fukasawa
This paper delves into the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands (VRPSD), which extends the traditional vehicle routing problem by treating customer demands as random variables. The VRPSD has been predominantly addressed with set-partitioning formulations in state-of-the-art algorithms, necessitating efficient pricing problem routines. However, these methods often assume no correlation between demand variables, an oversimplification inconsistent with real-world scenarios where correlations are common. The paper focuses on the VRPSD with demands outlined by scenarios, demonstrating that the pricing problem remains strongly NP-hard under any route relaxation and any recourse cost approximation that meets mild assumptions. This finding underscores the challenge of developing efficient column-generation algorithms for the VRPSD, especially when demands adhere to an empirical probability distribution of scenarios.
The paper begins with an introduction to VRPSD and its significance in operations research, followed by a literature review. It then defines the VRPSD with scenarios and discusses the set partitioning formulations used in exact algorithms. The authors present the definitions of recourse cost functions and the VRPSD pricing problem, leading to the proof of their complexity results. The paper concludes with a discussion on the implications of the findings and potential future research directions.



Asymptotic Scaling of Optimal Cost and Asymptotic Optimality of Base-Stock Policy in Several Multidimensional Inventory Systems
Jinzhi Bu, Xiting Gong, Xiuli Chao
This study examines the asymptotic behavior of optimal costs and the asymptotic optimality of base-stock policies in three classes of multi-dimensional inventory systems under long-run average cost. The systems considered include (i) periodic-review systems with lost sales and positive lead times under a non-stationary demand process, (ii) periodic-review systems for perishable products with partial backorders and a non-stationary demand process, and (iii) continuous-review systems with fixed lead times, Poisson demand processes, and lost sales. The state spaces of these systems are multi-dimensional, making the computation of their optimal control policies/costs challenging.
Given that the unit shortage penalty cost is typically much higher than the unit holding cost, the analysis is conducted in the regime of large unit penalty cost. The research establishes the asymptotic optimality of the best (modified) base-stock policy and derives an explicit form solution for the optimal cost rate in each system when the lead-time demand is unbounded. This solution is expressed in terms of a simple fractile solution of the lead-time demand distribution. Additionally, the asymptotic scaling of the optimal cost in the first two systems is characterized when the lead-time demand is bounded.
The study contributes to the literature by providing insights into the optimal cost for three classical yet complex inventory systems under the regime of large unit penalty costs. It extends the asymptotic optimality results of simple base-stock policies to systems with non-stationary demand processes and establishes the asymptotic optimality of simple base-stock policies for continuous-review lost-sales inventory systems with Poisson demands.



Logarithmic Regret in Multisecretary and Online Linear Programs with Continuous Valuations
Robert L. Bray
This paper investigates the behavior of shadow prices in a linear program (LP) that allocates an endowment of resources to customers as the number of customers approaches infinity. The study demonstrates that the shadow prices exhibit a concentration of measure, converge to a multivariate normal distribution under central limit theorem scaling, and have a variance decreasing at a rate of θ ( 1 n ) \theta(\frac{1}{n}) θ(n1) . Utilizing these findings, the author proves that the expected regret in the online linear program by Li and Ye (2022) is θ ( log ⁡ n ) \theta(\log{n}) θ(logn) , irrespective of whether the customer variable distribution is known beforehand or learned during the process. This result refines Li and Ye’s upper bound from O ( log ⁡ n log ⁡ log ⁡ n ) O(\log n \log \log n) O(lognloglogn) to O ( log ⁡ n ) O(\log n) O(logn) and extends Lueker’s (1998) Ω ( log ⁡ n ) \Omega(\log n) Ω(logn) lower bound to a multidimensional context. The author also provides a simplified analysis of the multisecretary problem by Arlotto and Gurvich (2019) using new techniques.

本文研究了随着客户数量趋向无穷大,在线线性规划(LP)中影子价格的行为,该规划将资源的捐赠分配给客户。研究表明,影子价格表现出集中度量,根据中心极限定理的缩放,收敛于多变量正态分布,并且其方差以 θ ( 1 n ) \theta(\frac{1}{n}) θ(n1) 的速率递减。利用这些发现,作者证明了在 Li 和 Ye (2022)的在线线性规划中,预期的遗憾是 θ ( log ⁡ n ) \theta(\log{n}) θ(logn) ,无论是事先知道客户变量分布还是在此过程中学习分布。这一结果将 Li 和 Ye 的上界从 O ( log ⁡ n log ⁡ log ⁡ n ) O(\log n \log \log n) O(lognloglogn) 细化为 O ( log ⁡ n ) O(\log n) O(logn) ,并将Lueker(1998)的 Ω ( log ⁡ n ) \Omega(\log n) Ω(logn) 下界扩展到多维情境。作者还使用新技术对Arlotto和Gurvich(2019)的多秘书问题进行了简化分析。


Nonadaptive Stochastic Score Classification and Explainable Half-Space Evaluation
Rohan Ghuge, Anupam Gupta, Viswanath Nagarajan
This paper addresses the problem of sequential testing in complex systems with multiple components, each having an independent probability of being “working.” The goal is to evaluate the system’s status, represented by a function f f f of the components’ outcomes, at the minimum expected cost. The authors introduce a more general “score classification” function and present the first constant-factor approximation algorithm, improving upon previous logarithmic approximation ratios. Notably, their algorithm is non-adaptive, performing tests in a fixed order, and also extends to batched tests where multiple tests are conducted simultaneously incurring an extra setup cost. The paper also tackles the halfspace evaluation problem, providing an O ( d 2 log ⁡ d ) O(d^2\log d) O(d2logd) approximation algorithm for evaluating functions on d d d halfspaces. Computational experiments demonstrate the practical performance of the algorithm, showing that for most instances, the cost is within 50% of an information-theoretic lower bound on the optimal value.

本文研究了具有多个组件的复杂系统的顺序测试问题,每个组件“工作”的独立概率不同。目标是以最低的预期成本评估系统状态,该状态由其组件结果的函数 f f f 表示。作者引入了更一般的“分数分类”函数,并提出了首个常数因子近似算法,改进了之前的对数近似比率。值得注意的是,他们的算法是非自适应的,以固定顺序执行测试,并且也扩展到了批量测试,其中可以同时进行多个测试并产生额外的设置成本。本文还探讨了半空间评估问题,为在 d d d 个半空间上评估函数提供了一个 O ( d 2 log ⁡ d ) O(d^2\log d) O(d2logd) 近似算法。计算实验表明了算法的实际性能,在大多数情况下,成本在最优值的信息论下界内的50%以内。


Side-Constrained Dynamic Traffic Equilibria
Lukas Graf, Tobias Harks
This paper delves into the complexities of dynamic traffic assignment with side-constraints, challenging a key assertion in the existing literature about the existence of dynamic equilibria within the classical linear edge-delay model under volume constraints. The authors present a counterexample that demonstrates the feasible flow space is not necessarily convex, and the traditional infinite-dimensional variational inequalities are inadequate for defining general side-constrained dynamic equilibria.
To address these issues, they propose a novel framework for side-constrained dynamic equilibria, which hinges on the concept of feasible ε-deviations of flow particles in space and time. This framework is then used to explore the characterization of equilibria through quasi-variational and variational inequalities under certain assumptions. The paper also establishes the first existence results for side-constrained dynamic equilibria in the non-convex setting of volume-constraints.
The authors’ contribution is multifaceted, including the introduction of a behavioral equilibrium concept through a noncooperative game that models the space of feasible deviations given a dynamic flow. They define several equilibrium concepts, including dynamic extensions of Larsson-Patriksson (LP), Bernstein-Smith (BS), and Marcotte-Nguyen-Schoeb (MNS) equilibria. The paper also provides necessary and sufficient conditions for equilibria to be characterized by associated quasi-variational inequalities or variational inequalities, and demonstrates the existence of equilibrium solutions under mild assumptions.
The paper concludes with an application of the augmented Lagrangian function approach to model volume constraints, showing the existence of dynamic LP and MNS equilibria under mild continuity assumptions. However, the authors note that this approach fails for stricter equilibrium concepts, such as the dynamic BS equilibrium, where flows for the unconstrained model with penalties do not converge to a strong dynamic BS equilibrium.

作者的贡献是多方面的,包括通过非合作博弈引入行为平衡概念,该博弈模型了给定动态流量的可行偏差空间。他们定义了几种平衡概念,包括Larsson-Patriksson (LP)、Bernstein-Smith (BS) 和 Marcotte-Nguyen-Schoeb (MNS) 平衡的动态扩展。本文还提供了平衡可以通过相关的准变分不等式或变分不等式来表征的必要和充分条件,并在温和假设下证明了平衡解的存在。


Strong Optimal Classification Trees
Sina Aghaei, Andrés Gómez, Phebe Vayanos
Decision trees are widely used in various applications due to their interpretability and effectiveness. However, the problem of learning optimal binary classification trees is known to be NP-hard, and traditional methods often rely on heuristics, which do not guarantee optimal solutions. In this paper, we propose a novel mixed-integer optimization (MIO) formulation for learning optimal binary classification trees with univariate splits. Our approach leverages the power of MIO to its full extent by introducing a flow-based MIO model that can handle side constraints, enabling the design of interpretable and fair decision trees. We demonstrate that our formulation has a stronger linear optimization relaxation, which results in faster convergence and smaller optimality gaps compared to existing methods.
Our model exploits the decomposable structure of the problem and the max-flow/min-cut duality to develop a Benders’ decomposition method, which significantly speeds up the computation. We also propose a tailored procedure for solving each decomposed subproblem, generating facet-defining constraints for the main problem. Extensive computational experiments on standard benchmark datasets show that our proposed approaches are significantly faster, up to 29 times, and improve out-of-sample performance by up to 8% compared to state-of-the-art MIO-based techniques.



Information Relaxation and a Duality-Driven Algorithm for Stochastic Dynamic Programs
Nan Chen, Xiang Ma, Yanchu Liu, Wei Yu
This paper introduces a novel duality-driven iterative approach that utilizes information relaxation to enhance confidence interval estimates for the true value in finite-horizon stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) problems. The proposed method demonstrates a monotonic convergence of dual value estimates to the actual value function within a finite number of dual iterations. Addressing the dimensionality curse prevalent in SDP applications, the authors also present a regression-based Monte Carlo algorithm facilitating practical implementation. This innovative approach is not only capable of evaluating heuristic policies but also possesses the potential to refine them when a significant duality gap is identified. The paper provides a convergence rate analysis for the Monte Carlo method, focusing on the impact of basis functions and sampled states. The efficacy of the method is exemplified through its application to an optimal order execution problem under market friction and an inventory management problem with lost sales and lead time. The results indicate that the proposed method can markedly improve upon existing heuristics, yielding new policies with robust performance guarantees.



