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介绍一个 SpringBoot 集成各种场景的项目

2025/1/7 12:55:53 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/dot_life/article/details/139697653  浏览:    关键词:介绍一个 SpringBoot 集成各种场景的项目


今天给大家介绍一个 SpringBoot 集成各种场景的项目,可以用来学习,也可以开箱即用,无需重复造轮子!包含中英文使用说明文档

a simple springboot demo with some components for example: redis,solr,rockmq and so on.

  • Quick Start
  • Easier Understand
  • Simple Use


spring boot demo 是一个用来深度学习并实战 spring boot 的项目,目前总共包含 115 个集成 demo,已经完成 83 个。此项目会持续更新, 目前已经集成功能如下: 

Module nameModule nameModule descriptiondocsstatus
1demospringboot with webCN / ENdone
2redisspringboot with redisCN / ENdone
3hanlpspringboot with hanlpCN / ENdone
4mysqlspringboot with mysqlCN / ENdone
5miniospringboot with minioCN / ENdone
6elasticsearchspringboot with elasticsearchCN / ENdone
7rocketmqspringboot with rocketmqCN / ENdone
8graylogspringboot with graylogCN / ENdone
9mongodbspringboot with mongodbCN / ENdone
10prometheusspringboot with prometheusCN / ENdone
11kafakaspringboot with kafakaCN / ENdone
12nacosspringboot with nacosCN / ENdone
13xxl-jobspringboot with xxl-jobCN / ENdone
14emailspringboot with emailCN / ENdone
15logbackspringboot with logbackCN / ENdone
16dockerspringboot with dockerCN / ENdone
17flywayspringboot with flywayCN / ENdone
18webSocketspringboot with WebSocketCN / ENdone
19neo4jspringboot with Neo4jCN / ENdone
20flinkspringboot with flinkCN / ENdone
21graalvm-jsspringboot with graalvm-jsCN / ENdone
22pythonspringboot with pythonCN / ENdone
23hazelcastspringboot with hazelcastCN / ENdone
24mapstructspringboot with mapstructCN / ENdone
25jpaspringboot with jpaCN / ENdone
26mybatis-plusspringboot with mybatis-plusCN / ENdone
27quartzspringboot with quartzCN / ENdone
28rabbitmqspringboot with rabbitmqCN / ENdone
29sessionspringboot with sessionCN / ENdone
30testspringboot with testCN / ENdone
31oauth2springboot with oauth2CN / ENdone
32swaggerspringboot with swaggerCN / ENdone
33druidspringboot with druidCN / ENdone
34ldapspringboot with ldapCN / ENdone
35zookeeperspringboot with zookeeperCN / ENdone
36activitispringboot with activitiCN / ENdone
37asyncspringboot with asyncCN / ENdone
38dubbospringboot with dubboCN / ENdone
39dynamic-datasourcespringboot with dynamic-datasourceCN / ENdone
40httpsspringboot with httpsCN / ENdone
41securityspringboot with securityCN / ENdone
42shirospringboot with shiroCN / ENdone
43sharding-jdbcspringboot with sharding-jdbcCN / ENdone
44freemakerspringboot with freemakerCN / ENdone
45thymeleafspringboot with thymeleafCN / ENdone
46hystrixspringboot with hystrixCN / ENtodo
47eurekaspringboot with eurekaCN / ENtodo
48configspringboot with configCN / ENtodo
49azkabanspringboot with azkabanCN / ENtodo
50Captchaspringboot with CaptchaCN / ENdone
51SpringRetryspringboot with SpringRetryCN / ENdone
52nettyspringboot with nettyCN / ENdone
53spring boot starterspringboot with starterCN / ENdone
54debeziumspringboot with debeziumCN / ENdone
55qrcodespringboot with qrcodeCN / ENdone
56easypoispringboot with easypoiCN / ENdone
57api-versionspringboot with api-versionCN / ENdone
58jwtspringboot with jwtCN / ENdone
59JSchspringboot with JSchCN / ENdone
60atomikosspringboot with atomikosCN / ENdone
61fastdfsspringboot with fastdfsCN / ENdone
62Chronicle Queuespringboot with Chronicle QueueCN / ENdone
63hikarispringboot with hikariCN / ENdone
64itextpdfspringboot with itextpdfCN / ENdone
65disruptorspringboot with disruptorCN / ENdone
66zipkinspringboot with zipkinCN / ENdone
67ContentNegotiationspringboot with ContentNegotiationCN / ENdone
68GraphQLspringboot with GraphQLCN / ENdone
69postgresspringboot with postgresCN / ENdone
70webfluxspringboot with webfluxCN / ENdone
71posterspringboot with posterCN / ENtodo
72AIspringboot with AICN / ENdone
73grpcspringboot with grpcCN / ENtodo
74StateMachinespringboot with StateMachineCN / ENdone
75pluginspringboot with pluginCN / ENtodo
76rmispringboot with rmiCN / ENtodo
77sitemapspringboot with sitemapCN / ENdone
78generatespringboot with generateCN / ENdone
79profile multi envspringboot with profileCN / ENtodo
80Olingospringboot with OlingoCN / ENtodo
81Atomixspringboot with AtomixCN / ENtodo
82Deeplearning4jspringboot with Deeplearning4jCN / ENtodo
83Droolsspringboot with DroolsCN / ENtodo
84EthereumJspringboot with EthereumJCN / ENtodo
85Spring Mobilespringboot with Spring MobileCN / ENtodo
86Blockchainspringboot with BlockchainCN / ENtodo
87jsoupspringboot with jsoupCN / ENtodo
88Spring Task Schedulerspringboot with SchedulerCN / ENdone
89Tensorflowspringboot with TensorflowCN / ENtodo
90XStreamspringboot with XStreamCN / ENtodo
91WebRTCspringboot with WebRTCCN / ENtodo
92vavrspringboot with vavrCN / ENtodo
93Vaadinspringboot with VaadinCN / ENtodo
94timefold-solverspringboot with timefold-solverCN / ENtodo
95ANTLRspringboot with ANTLRCN / ENdone
96Tikaspringboot with TikaCN / ENdone
97tablesawspringboot with tablesawCN / ENdone
98pmdspringboot with pmdCN / ENdone
99GeoToolsspringboot with GeoToolsCN / ENdone
100Spring Shellspringboot with Spring ShellCN / ENdone
101Picoclispringboot with PicocliCN / ENdone
102tidbspringboot with tidbCN / ENdone
103testcontainersspringboot with testcontainersCN / ENdone
104validationspringboot with validationCN / ENdone
105SpELspringboot with SpELCN / ENdone
106bannerspringboot with bannerCN / ENdone
107rssspringboot with rssCN / ENdone
108ssespringboot with sseCN / ENdone
109Qwen1.5-7B-Chatspringboot with Qwen1.5-7B-ChatCN / ENtodo
111hanaspringboot with hanaCN / ENdone
112geodesyspringboot with geodesyCN / ENdone
113findbugspringboot with findbugCN / ENtodo
114checkstylespringboot with checkstyleCN / ENtodo
115jacocospringboot with jacocoCN / ENtodo


The module(ai、sharding-jdbc) is based on Spring Boot 3.x and JDK 17, the others are based on Spring Boot 2.X and JDK 8

if you need some components to integrate with Spring Boot,tell me ,I will help you! you can also leave a message in issues.


  • https://github.com/Harries/springboot-demo

刚兴趣的话,可以去下载!尝试一下各种好玩的demo!have funning、enjoy it!


