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Chromium 沙盒Sandbox源码介绍(1)

2024/10/23 23:27:33 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/jangdong/article/details/143135976  浏览:    关键词:Chromium 沙盒Sandbox源码介绍(1)


2、Windows 作业对象

      更多参考:SetInformationJobObject 函数 (jobapi2.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn
3、Windows desktop对象
4、限于Vista:完整性级别 (xp以下无)






2、作业(JobLevel) ,

3、环境变量 (Environment),

4、Files 【hook文件操作】,

5、Named pipes【hook 命令管道,mojom消息使用命名管道实现】,
6、 Process creation 【进程创建】

7、Registry【hook注册表操作】 , 

 8、Synchronization objects 【同步对象等】





policy_base->MakeTokens(initial_token, lockdown_token);


  result = UpdateDesktopIntegrity(config_base->desktop(),config_base->integrity_level());


     result = policy_base->InitJob(); //限制或禁用访问剪切板桌面等等资源。


4、将以上初始化的token 桌面 job 环境变量信息存储到StartupInformationHelper对象里面。


6、在TargetProcess::Create 函数里面会判定是否需要环境变量过滤

  if (startup_info_helper->IsEnvironmentFiltered()) {wchar_t* old_environment = ::GetEnvironmentStringsW();if (!old_environment) {return SBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_OBTAIN_ENVIRONMENT;}// Only copy a limited list of variables to the target from the broker's// environment. These are//  * "Path", "SystemDrive", "SystemRoot", "TEMP", "TMP": Needed for normal//    operation and tests.//  * "LOCALAPPDATA": Needed for App Container processes.//  * "CHROME_CRASHPAD_PIPE_NAME": Needed for crashpad.static constexpr std::wstring_view to_keep[] = {L"Path",L"SystemDrive",L"SystemRoot",L"TEMP",L"TMP",L"LOCALAPPDATA",L"CHROME_CRASHPAD_PIPE_NAME"};new_env = FilterEnvironment(old_environment, to_keep);::FreeEnvironmentStringsW(old_environment);}

7、最后根据StartupInformationHelper信息 调用CreateProcessAsUserW创建子进程。

  bool inherit_handles = startup_info_helper->ShouldInheritHandles();PROCESS_INFORMATION temp_process_info = {};if (!::CreateProcessAsUserW(lockdown_token_.get(), exe_path, cmd_line.get(),nullptr,  // No security attribute.nullptr,  // No thread attribute.inherit_handles, flags,new_env.empty() ? nullptr : std::data(new_env),nullptr,  // Use current directory of the caller.startup_info->startup_info(),&temp_process_info)) {*win_error = ::GetLastError();return SBOX_ERROR_CREATE_PROCESS;}


BOOL CreateProcessAsUserW([in, optional]      HANDLE                hToken,[in, optional]      LPCWSTR               lpApplicationName,[in, out, optional] LPWSTR                lpCommandLine,[in, optional]      LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,[in, optional]      LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes,[in]                BOOL                  bInheritHandles,[in]                DWORD                 dwCreationFlags,[in, optional]      LPVOID                lpEnvironment,[in, optional]      LPCWSTR               lpCurrentDirectory,[in]                LPSTARTUPINFOW        lpStartupInfo,[out]               LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation

CreateProcessAsUserW 函数 (processthreadsapi.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn



1、integrity level 

// List of all the integrity levels supported in the sandbox.
// The integrity level of the sandboxed process can't be set to a level higher
// than the broker process.
// Note: These levels map to SIDs under the hood.
// INTEGRITY_LEVEL_SYSTEM:      "S-1-16-16384" System Mandatory Level
// INTEGRITY_LEVEL_HIGH:        "S-1-16-12288" High Mandatory Level
// INTEGRITY_LEVEL_MEDIUM:      "S-1-16-8192"  Medium Mandatory Level
// INTEGRITY_LEVEL_LOW:         "S-1-16-4096"  Low Mandatory Level
// INTEGRITY_LEVEL_UNTRUSTED:   "S-1-16-0"     Untrusted Mandatory Level
// Not defined:                 "S-1-16-20480" Protected Process Mandatory Level
// Not defined:                 "S-1-16-28672" Secure Process Mandatory Level



2、Token level

// The Token level specifies a set of  security profiles designed to
// provide the bulk of the security of sandbox.
//  TokenLevel                 |Restricting   |Deny Only       |Privileges|
//                             |Sids          |Sids            |          |
// ----------------------------|--------------|----------------|----------|
// USER_LOCKDOWN               | Null Sid     | All            | None     |
// ----------------------------|--------------|----------------|----------|
// USER_LIMITED                | Users        | All except:    | Traverse |
//                             | Everyone     | Users          |          |
//                             | RESTRICTED   | Everyone       |          |
//                             |              | Interactive    |          |
// ----------------------------|--------------|----------------|----------|
// USER_INTERACTIVE            | Users        | All except:    | Traverse |
//                             | Everyone     | Users          |          |
//                             | RESTRICTED   | Everyone       |          |
//                             | Owner        | Interactive    |          |
//                             |              | Local          |          |
//                             |              | Authent-users  |          |
//                             |              | User           |          |
// ----------------------------|--------------|----------------|----------|
// USER_RESTRICTED_NON_ADMIN   | Users        | All except:    | Traverse |
//                             | Everyone     | Users          |          |
//                             | Interactive  | Everyone       |          |
//                             | Local        | Interactive    |          |
//                             | Authent-users| Local          |          |
//                             | User         | Authent-users  |          |
//                             |              | User           |          |
// ----------------------------|--------------|----------------|----------|
// USER_RESTRICTED_SAME_ACCESS | All          | None           | All      |
// ----------------------------|--------------|----------------|----------|
// USER_UNPROTECTED            | None         | None           | All      |
// ----------------------------|--------------|----------------|----------|
// The above restrictions are actually a transformation that is applied to
// the existing broker process token. The resulting token that will be
// applied to the target process depends both on the token level selected
// and on the broker token itself.
// The LOCKDOWN level is designed to allow access to almost nothing that has
// security associated with and they are the recommended levels to run sandboxed
// code specially if there is a chance that the broker is process might be
// started by a user that belongs to the Admins or power users groups.


3、 Job level

// The Job level specifies a set of decreasing security profiles for the
// Job object that the target process will be placed into.
// This table summarizes the security associated with each level:
//  JobLevel        |General                            |Quota               |
//                  |restrictions                       |restrictions        |
// -----------------|---------------------------------- |--------------------|
// kUnprotected     | None                              | *Kill on Job close.|
// -----------------|---------------------------------- |--------------------|
// kInteractive     | *Forbid system-wide changes using |                    |
//                  |  SystemParametersInfo().          | *Kill on Job close.|
//                  | *Forbid the creation/switch of    |                    |
//                  |  Desktops.                        |                    |
//                  | *Forbids calls to ExitWindows().  |                    |
// -----------------|---------------------------------- |--------------------|
// kLimitedUser     | Same as kInteractive plus:        | *One active process|
//                  | *Forbid changes to the display    |  limit.            |
//                  |  settings.                        | *Kill on Job close.|
// -----------------|---------------------------------- |--------------------|
// kLockdown        | Same as kLimitedUser plus:        | *One active process|
//                  | * No read/write to the clipboard. |  limit.            |
//                  | * No access to User Handles that  | *Kill on Job close.|
//                  |   belong to other processes.      | *Kill on unhandled |
//                  | * Forbid message broadcasts.      |  exception.        |
//                  | * Forbid setting global hooks.    |                    |
//                  | * No access to the global atoms   |                    |
//                  |   table.                          |                    |
// -----------------|-----------------------------------|--------------------|
// In the context of the above table, 'user handles' refers to the handles of
// windows, bitmaps, menus, etc. Files, treads and registry handles are kernel
// handles and are not affected by the job level settings.
enum class JobLevel { kLockdown = 0, kLimitedUser, kInteractive, kUnprotected };





  其实最核心的就是利用CreateProcessAsUserW函数 指定用户token, 桌面, 环境变量和job,然后来限制子进程的权限。


