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2024/10/25 17:18:28 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/m0_54189068/article/details/141610250  浏览:    关键词:【生活英语】1、高兴与难过


  • 一、我非常非常开心
  • 二、心情
  • 三、不开心
  • 四、运气
  • 五、英语对话
    • 1、We broke up
    • 2、中奖了


(1) I’m really happy.
(2) I’m really overjoyed.
(3) I couldn’t be happier.

I couldn’t agree with you more.

(4) I’m on top of the world.
(5) I’m walking on air.
(6) I’ve never been this happy. 我从来没有这么开心过。
(7) This is the happiest moment of my life. 这是我人生中最高兴的时刻。


(1) I’m in a good mood.
(2) I’m in a bad mood.
(3) I’m not in the mood. 没有心情


(1) You don’t look happy today.
(2) Why are you so glum? 闷闷不乐的
(3) It looks like something’s on your mind. 看起来你有心事。
(4) You’re not yourself today. 你今天有点儿反常。


(1) I’m really having a bad day.
(2) I guess today is not my day.
(3) Today is my day. 我运气真好。


1、We broke up

👨 You look upset, Jane. What’s up?
👩 Jack and I broke up this morning.

I just broke up with Jack.

👨 Oh, I’m sorry.
👩 I’m heartbroken. How could he do this to me?

She had a broken heart.
He broke my heart.

👨 Cheer up, Jane. You’ll forget him very soon.
👩 I hope so, but now I’m too sad to do anything.

cheer up 高兴起来;振作起来
How can I cheer you up? 我怎样才能让你高兴起来呢?
I got something that’s gonna cheer you up.

I’m too sleepy to keep my eyes open.
I’m too tired to do anything.
She’s too strong for me to do anything.


👩 What’s the rush? 为什么这么匆忙?
👨 This is really my day today.

Don’t rush me. 别催我。
We can’t rush it. 我们不能仓促行事。强调在做某事时不能过于匆忙,而应该谨慎、有条不紊地进行。

👨 I won a 2000-yuan cash prize in an online survey activity and I’m fetching my money now.

cash prize 现金奖
survey 调查
fetch 去拿回

👩 Oh, congratulations! That’s marvelous!
👨 I know. I’m overjoyed to see my name on the winning list.

Congratulations on your promotion.
marvelous 极好的
overjoyed 欣喜若狂

👩 You lucky dog!
👨 I guess I am. I can’t wait to tell everyone the good news.

👩 What are you going to do with the money, by the way?
👨 Well, I haven’t had time to think about it.


