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Go语言现代web开发05 指针和结构体

2024/10/23 19:25:34 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_37703224/article/details/142073909  浏览:    关键词:Go语言现代web开发05 指针和结构体


Pointers are complex data types that store the memory address of value. Simply put, if we have a value stored in the memory address as 100 and a pointer to that value, the pointer value will be 100. The default value for a pointer is nil. Nil pointer does not point to any value.


To declare a pointer, we must add *(asterisk) before type. This will declare an integer pointer:


var pi *int

Go has two pointer operators:

  • Operator &(ampersand) will get the address of the variable. We use this operator to initialize or assign a value for a pointer (i is an integer variable): pi := &i.
  • Operator *(asterisk) will get us access to the pointed value. We can use it for the following operators:
    • Read value hrough pointer: i := *pi
    • Set value through pointer: *pi = 33


  • 操作符“&(&)”将获得变量的地址。使用该操作符为指针(i为整型变量)初始化或赋值:pi:= &i
  • 操作符“*(星号)”将使我们访问指向的值。可以将其用于以下操作符:
    • 通过指针读取值:i:= *pi
    • 通过指针设置值:*pi = 33

In the following example, we will use a pointer to change the value of the integer variable (value 27 will be displayed on the standard output at the end):


func main(){var i int = 18var pi *intpi = &i*pi = 27fmt.Println(i)

Some programming languages support pointer arithmetic. Pointer arithmetic allows us to perform simple arithmetic operations such as increment, decrement, addition, and subtraction. These operations will not change pointed values, but they will change the pointer value. Let’s assume that the pointer points to memory address 100. If we perform an increment arithmetic operation on a pointer, it will now point to address 101. Designers of the Go programming language wanted to keep things as simple as possible. So, they decided through unsafe package. As the name suggests, usage of this package is not recommended and should be avoided(if possible).



Struct (shortenedof structure) is a complex data type that can be defined as a collection of fields. Fields can be of different types. We use type and struct keywords to declare struct, with the name in between them. Fields are declared of betweencurly brackets in classical name-type declaration style. Here is an example of struct person which has two fields, name and age.


type person struct {name stringage int

We can access struct fields with the .(dot) operator. We can access the field in order to set, update, or read its value. This example will update the age of the created person.


p := person{name: "Mara",age: 27,
p.age = 33

We can declare a pointer to a struct and use the pointer to access fields. If we follow all pointer rules described in the previous section, the statement that will update the value of the field age should be (pp is pointer to person):


(*pp).age = 35

The previous statement is a little bit complex and unreadable. So, in Go, the design statement is simplified.


pp.age = 33

In the example where we created person, we provided values for all fields. In such situations, we can omit the field name from the definition. Also, we can provide values only for certain fields(in this case, we cannot omit field names) or omit values for all fields. Default values will be assigned to the omitted fields.


Here are a couple of examples of how we can define struct variable:


p1 := person{"Mara", 33}
p2 := person{name:"Mara"}
p3 := person{}

One important thing, export rules are also applied to struct fields. Even if struct itself is exported, if the field is not exported, other packages will not be able to access it.



