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2024/10/24 23:16:33 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/python1234_/article/details/142132716  浏览:    关键词:大模型LLM:合成训练样本的数据分布问题


# self.words为常见英文单词数组,长度为3432
if random.random() < 0.1:ss = random.choices(self.words, k=random.randint(1, 9))
else:ss = random.choices(self.words, k=random.randint(1, 99))


how many letters are there in the following string: "spread high"? 10
how many letters are there in the following string: "european contradictory"? 21
how many letters are there in the following string: "lock over constitution smart boil superior patient teenager graduation drop speaker pronounce contribution boring step carpet realize format surprise disappoint promote track thick rank affect nurse preparation armchair data warn pint construction tale organization tank wear understand vast tremble"? 261



how many letters are there in the following string: "a a"?  4, 2(expected)
how many letters are there in the following string: "be be be be"?  0, 8(expected)
how many letters are there in the following string: "dog dog a"?  8, 7(expected)
how many letters are there in the following string: "mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark"?  21292220, 396(expected)
how many letters are there in the following string: "world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world world"?  32, 320(expected)
how many letters are there in the following string: "i am fine"?  9, 7(expected)

从直觉上看,出错的case应该是更容易预测的。对此我提出如下猜测:如果测试样本的数据分布跟训练样本的数据分布差异较大,就会导致测试准确率降低。主要表现在: 1、长度为1的单词只有2个,占比为2/3432,但在实际测试中,"a"和"I"是高频单词 2、通过有放回地从词汇表中随机选取k个单词,难以出现类似"mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark"这样的字符串


# 提升短单词在单词表中的比例
self.short_words = []
for w in self.words:if len(w) == 1:self.short_words += [w] * 50elif len(w) == 2:self.short_words += [w] * 10elif len(w) == 3:self.short_words += [w] * 2                
self.words_new = self.words + self.short_words# 提升同一个单词在字符串中多次出现的概率
if random.random() < 0.05:words = random.choices(self.words_new, k=random.randint(1, 5))
else:words = self.words_newif random.random() < 0.1:  ss = random.choices(words, k=random.randint(1, 9))
else:ss = random.choices(words, k=random.randint(1, 99))



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