下面我会展示我为期一周的实验结果,创作不宜,希望大家关注我,以后多多互3!前一阵我在互联网上看到很多关于DeepSeek R1的讨论,这个开源模型据说可以媲美,甚至优于像OpenAI o1这样的付费模型。
我从一个AI代码开排行榜 - lmarena中选择了前两名的模型,即Gemini-Exp-1206和OpenAI的o1,以及挑战者——DeepSeek R1作为对比。然后我设计了三个实用的编程场景来测试每个模型的能力:
1. 情绪追踪Web应用
2. 随机食谱生成器
主要功能包括集成MealDB API、食谱类别筛选、收藏夹管理
3. “打地鼠”游戏
1. 编写简要需求文档
2. 让AI生成完整代码
3. 评分结果
4. 结果对比
name: "Mood Tracker"
about: "Modern mood tracking web app with data visualization"
date_created: "2025-01-26"
project_name: "MoodTracker"
tech_stack: ["NextJS 15", "TypeScript", "Shadcn", "Tailwind CSS", "Chart.js", "date-fns"]
version: "1.3"
---# 🎯 Mood Tracker PRDA modern web application for logging daily moods and visualizing emotional trends with charts.---## 1. **Success Criteria**1. **Core Functionality**- [ ] **Clickable Calendar**: Users can select a date to log or edit a mood entry.- [ ] **Emoji & Note Input**: A modal or dialog with an emoji picker and text field.- [ ] **Local Data Storage**: Persist mood entries between sessions.- [ ] **Data Visualization**: At least two Chart.js charts to display weekly, monthly, or overall trends.- [ ] **Mobile-Responsive**: Layout should adjust for smaller screens without major issues.2. **Validation Checklist**- [ ] **Build & Run**: Fresh `npm install && npm run dev` works without errors.- [ ] **Calendar Interaction**: Clicking a calendar date opens the mood logging UI.- [ ] **Color Coding**: Each date cell or icon changes based on mood score or emoji.- [ ] **Chart Page**: A separate page or section to visualize stats (e.g., line chart + pie chart).- [ ] **Data Persistence**: Entries remain available if the user navigates away and comes back later.---## 2. **Tech Stack**- **NextJS 15** (App Router) for site structure
- **TypeScript** for type safety
- **Shadcn** UI components (dialogs, buttons, forms)
- **Tailwind CSS** for styling
- **Chart.js** for data visualization
- **date-fns** for date operations
- **localforage** (or equivalent) for local data storage
- **@emoji-mart/react** for an emoji picker### **Why These Choices?**
- **NextJS + TypeScript**: Great for server/client flexibility and type safety
- **Shadcn + Tailwind**: Rapid UI development with consistent design
- **Chart.js**: Straightforward library for rendering charts
- **date-fns**: Lightweight date utilities---## 3. **Design & Mood Scores**| MoodScore | Mood | Tailwind Color | Emoji |
| 1 | Angry | `red-500` | 😡 |
| 2 | Sad | `orange-400` | 😞 |
| 3 | Neutral | `yellow-300` | 😐 |
| 4 | Happy | `lime-400` | 😊 |
| 5 | Ecstatic | `emerald-500` | 😄 |> You can style each date cell background or display an icon to indicate the logged mood.---## 4. **User Stories**1. **Daily Mood Logging**- **As a user**, I want to quickly log how I feel each day so I can track my emotional journey.- **Given** I click on a specific date- **When** I choose an emoji and type a note- **Then** the date on the calendar updates visually to reflect my mood2. **Mood Analysis**- **As a user**, I want to see a higher-level overview of my moods so I can spot trends.- **Given** I navigate to a “Stats” page- **When** I select a timeframe (weekly, monthly, etc.)- **Then** I see at least two types of charts illustrating changes or distributions in my mood data---## 5. **Data Structures**```typescript
export interface MoodEntry {date: string; // e.g. "2025-01-23"emoji: string; // e.g. "😊"note: string;moodScore: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5;
```- Store mood entries in `lib/storage.ts` using local data storage (e.g., localforage).
- Components like `MoodCalendar` and `MoodChart` can import these entries to display logs.### 6. File Structure
├── app/
│ ├── (dashboard)/
│ │ └── page.tsx # main calendar view
│ ├── stats/
│ │ └── page.tsx # charts & statistics
│ └── layout.tsx # global layout or shared UI
├── components/
│ ├── MoodCalendar.tsx
│ ├── MoodChart.tsx
│ └── EmojiPicker.tsx
├── lib/
│ ├── storage.ts
│ └── mood.ts # data types
└── styles/└── globals.css
```### 7. Additional Notes
- **Shadcn**: Ideal for modals (Dialog component), buttons, forms, etc.
- **Chart.js**: Use a line chart, bar chart, pie chart, or any combination to showcase data trends.
- **Optional**: You can add a hover tooltip on each calendar day to preview the note or emoji.
- DeepSeek R1:77.66%
- OpenAI o1:73.50%
- Gemini 2.0:71.24%
DeepSeek R1最终获得最高分,但是从结果数据中我们也可以看到所有模型的表现都还不错。话虽如此,我并不认为哪个模型是“万能工具”——每个模型都有其优势和劣势,下面我们具体分析。
DeepSeek R1
- 思考推理型模型(可以进行更深入的推理提升准确度)
- 高质量
- 生成能力强
- 稳定
- 免费
- 推理速度慢(长时间推理)
- 在Cursor AI中经常超时
- 在调试时有时会过度思考
OpenAI o1
- 与Cursor AI集成良好
- 高质量
- 生成能力强
- 稳定
- 价格昂贵
- 不是思考推理型模型
- 调试提示词优化结果的能力不如Claude Sonnet
Gemini 2.0
- 严格遵循指令
- 速度极快!
- 免费
- 生成能力较低
- 在Cursor AI中不支持思考和推理
- 需要非常具体的指令才能表现良好
额外测试的模型Claude Sonnet 3.5
- 调试提示词优化结果的极强
- 运行速度快
- 稳定性好(表现一致,可靠)
- 生成能力较弱(相比“推理”类模型)
在这次编程场景的测试中,DeepSeek R1以 77.66% 的最高分胜出,但OpenAI o1和Gemini 2.0的表现也并不差。在我们实际使用过程中,模型的选择往往取决于以下具体需求:
- 如果需要速度,Gemini的响应速度非常快。
- 如果需要更好的生成能力或更“拟人化”生成近似人类生成的响应,DeepSeek和o1都是不错的选择。
- 如果调试优化结果是首要任务,Claude Sonnet尽管没有参与本次的测试,但它的调试能力非常出色。
没有哪个模型是“万能神器”,选择合适的工具取决于预算、与大家正使用的IDE(如Cursor AI)的兼容性,还有性能需求。如果大家对这些模型有任何问题或使用经验,欢迎分享共同讨论!