all app granted permissions by default
+++ b/frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/permission/Permission.java
@@ -206,12 +206,18 @@ public final class Permission {}public boolean isNormal() {
- return (mPermissionInfo.protectionLevel & PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_MASK_BASE)
- == PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_NORMAL;
+ //add text
+ /*return (mPermissionInfo.protectionLevel & PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_MASK_BASE)
+ == PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_NORMAL;*/
+ return true;
+ //add text}public boolean isRuntime() {
- return (mPermissionInfo.protectionLevel & PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_MASK_BASE)
+ //add text
+ /*return (mPermissionInfo.protectionLevel & PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_MASK_BASE)
+ == PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_DANGEROUS;*/
+ return false;
+ //add text}
customer’s app granted permissions by default
/*** Restore the permission state for a package.** <ul>* <li>During boot the state gets restored from the disk</li>* <li>During app update the state gets restored from the last version of the app</li>* </ul>** @param pkg the package the permissions belong to* @param replace if the package is getting replaced (this might change the requested* permissions of this package)* @param packageOfInterest If this is the name of {@code pkg} add extra logging* @param callback Result call back* @param filterUserId If not {@link UserHandle.USER_ALL}, only restore the permission state for* this particular user*/private void restorePermissionState(@NonNull AndroidPackage pkg, boolean replace,@Nullable String packageOfInterest, @Nullable PermissionCallback callback,@UserIdInt int filterUserId) {...else if (bp.isRuntime()) {boolean hardRestricted = bp.isHardRestricted();boolean softRestricted = bp.isSoftRestricted();...if (wasChanged) {updatedUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(updatedUserIds, userId);}uidState.updatePermissionFlags(bp, MASK_PERMISSION_FLAGS_ALL, flags);
+ //add text
+ String packageName_t = pkg.getPackageName();
+ if(packageName_t.equals("android.xx.xxxxx")){
+ uidState.revokePermission(bp);//先撤销
+ uidState.updatePermissionFlags(bp, MASK_PERMISSION_FLAGS_ALL, 0);//在更新
+ updatedUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(updatedUserIds, userId);
+ if(uidState.grantPermission(bp)){
+ changedInstallPermission = true;//让RunTime Permission 走 Install Permission 的路
+ }
+ }
+ //add text} else {Slog.wtf(LOG_TAG, "Unknown permission protection " + bp.getProtection()+ " for permission " + bp.getName());...}