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Postgresql CLOG文件及其从库同步解析

2024/10/25 0:33:35 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_40687433/article/details/141871255  浏览:    关键词:Postgresql CLOG文件及其从库同步解析


clog segment


为了区别普通日志,PG 10对clog和wal的目录进行了重命名1



clog segment name


#define SlruFileName(ctl, path, seg) \snprintf(path, MAXPGPATH, "%s/%04X", (ctl)->Dir, seg)


[pg_xact]$ ll
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 262144 Aug 15 16:29 03C0
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 262144 Aug 19 23:04 03C1





typedef int XidStatus;#define TRANSACTION_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS		0x00

相反,库中还没有分配的事务ID(实际是少许,参考下面的extend clog章节),在clog中对应in_progress状态。
4个事务状态实际上2个bit位即可存储。那么1个字节(8 bits)可存储4个事务状态,1个页(8k)能放8KB*4=32768个事务状态。这些都在源码中定义了:

 * Defines for CLOG page sizes.  A page is the same BLCKSZ as is used* everywhere else in Postgres.
#define CLOG_BITS_PER_XACT	2  								 //一个事务状态占2个bit
#define CLOG_XACTS_PER_BYTE 4  								 //1个字节可存放4个事务状态
#define CLOG_XACTS_PER_PAGE (BLCKSZ * CLOG_XACTS_PER_BYTE)   //1个页可存放32768个事务状态,8KB*4=32768
#define CLOG_XACT_BITMASK ((1 << CLOG_BITS_PER_XACT) - 1)    //事务状态的bitmask位=((1<<2)-1)=3,用二进制表达为11
#define SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT	32  //1个segment有32个pages


  • 1个clog segment有32个page
  • 1个clog page有8k(一般)
  • 1个bytes有4个事务状态
  • 1个事务状态占2 bit

clog segment/page/bytes的转换


 * Note: because TransactionIds are 32 bits and wrap around at 0xFFFFFFFF,* CLOG page numbering also wraps around at 0xFFFFFFFF/CLOG_XACTS_PER_PAGE,* and CLOG segment numbering at* 0xFFFFFFFF/CLOG_XACTS_PER_PAGE/SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT
//segment number=xid/CLOG_XACTS_PER_PAGE/SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT=xid/32768/32            //事务id对应在哪个CLOG段,xid/32768/32,需要转成16进制


#define TransactionIdToPage(xid)	((xid) / (TransactionId) CLOG_XACTS_PER_PAGE)       //事务id对应在哪个CLOG page,xid/32768
#define TransactionIdToPgIndex(xid) ((xid) % (TransactionId) CLOG_XACTS_PER_PAGE)       //事务id对应在上面page中的偏移量,xid%32768
#define TransactionIdToByte(xid)	(TransactionIdToPgIndex(xid) / CLOG_XACTS_PER_BYTE) //事务id对应在page中的第几个字节,(xid%32768)/4
#define TransactionIdToBIndex(xid)	((xid) % (TransactionId) CLOG_XACTS_PER_BYTE)		//事务id对应在上面字节中的哪个bit index(注意是bit index不是bit本身),xid%4


[pg_xact]$ ll  # 256k的clog segment
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 262144 Aug 15 16:29 03C0
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 262144 Aug 19 23:04 03C1

clog bit位的转换

设置clog bit和获取clog bit的函数(对应TransactionIdSetStatusBitTransactionIdGetStatus)都有以下代码以获取事务id对应到clog中的哪两位bit:

	int			bshift = TransactionIdToBIndex(xid) * CLOG_BITS_PER_XACT;char	   *byteptr;
...byteptr = XactCtl->shared->page_buffer[slotno] + byteno;curval = (*byteptr >> bshift) & CLOG_XACT_BITMASK;

clog bit获取的关键代码curval = (*byteptr >> bshift) & CLOG_XACT_BITMASK分两段来看:

  • *byteptr >> bshift表示指针右移0、2、4、6位
  • & CLOG_XACT_BITMASK其实就是右移后取后两位(00&11=00、01&11=01、10&11=10、11&11=11)


  • xid%4=0时,取第7、8位
  • xid%4=1时,取第5、6位
  • xid%4=2时,取第3、4位
  • xid%4=3时,取第1、2位



如果我们要手工通过hexdump定位CLOG中的事务,需要计算出三个元素<CLOG的段号、段中的偏移量in bytes、byte上的偏移量in bitindex>。(这里参考了《PostgreSQL数据库内核分析》的说法,不过有一些区别3


  • clog段文件号是16进制的
  • hexdump是16进制的,每行存放16个字节,即每行存放16*CLOG_XACTS_PER_BYTE=16*4=64个事务状态
  • hexdump -s xxx是以byte为单位


select lpad(upper(to_hex(txid_current()%4294967296/(8192*4*32))),4,'0') as clog_segmentno;--段中的偏移量in bytes 
select txid_current()%4294967296%(8192*32*4)/4 as in_clog_offset_bytes;--byte上的偏移量in bitindex
select txid_current()%4294967296%4 as in_byte_offset_bitindex;--或者一条sql
select lpad(upper(to_hex(txid_current()%4294967296/(8192*4*32))),4,'0') as clog_segmentno,txid_current()%4294967296%(8192*32*4)/4 as in_clog_offset_bytes,txid_current()%4294967296%4 as in_byte_offset_bitindex;


begin;select lpad(upper(to_hex(txid_current()%4294967296/(8192*4*32))),4,'0') as clog_segmentno,txid_current()%4294967296%(8192*32*4)/4 as in_clog_offset_bytes,txid_current()%4294967296%4 as in_byte_offset_bitindex;clog_segmentno | in_clog_offset_bytes | in_byte_offset_bitindex 
----------------+----------------------+-------------------------0002           |                63196 |                       3

checkpoint是未来保证clog page刷脏,不然clog page在clog buffer中还没写到clog segment文件。

cd pg_xact/hexdump -C 0002 -s 63196 -n 1 -v
0000f6dc  95                                                |.|
> select 'x96'::bit(8);bit    




hexdump -C 0001 -v|head -10
00000000  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  |UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU|
00000010  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  |UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU|
00000020  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  |UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU|
00000030  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  |UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU|
00000040  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  |UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU|
00000050  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  |UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU|
00000060  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  |UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU|
00000070  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  |UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU|
00000080  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  |UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU|
00000090  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55  |UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU|


  • 二进制为01010101,十六进制为55
  • 十六进制55在ASCII中为U,所以在肉眼看CLOG文件一般可以看到很多U
  • 偶尔有些数组不是55或U,因为生产环境中偶尔有些事务没有完成或者使用了子事务。子事务在clog中的提交状态是x03。

shared clog buffer

clog shared buffers的个数很容易理解:

/** Number of shared CLOG buffers.** On larger multi-processor systems, it is possible to have many CLOG page* requests in flight at one time which could lead to disk access for CLOG* page if the required page is not found in memory.  Testing revealed that we* can get the best performance by having 128 CLOG buffers, more than that it* doesn't improve performance.** Unconditionally keeping the number of CLOG buffers to 128 did not seem like* a good idea, because it would increase the minimum amount of shared memory* required to start, which could be a problem for people running very small* configurations.  The following formula seems to represent a reasonable* compromise: people with very low values for shared_buffers will get fewer* CLOG buffers as well, and everyone else will get 128.*/
{return Min(128, Max(4, NBuffers / 512));

翻译:经过测试128个clog buffers性能是最好的,再多也提升不了性能。但是由于有些库的配置实在是太小了,128个clog buffers显得有点大,所以取shared buffers个数的1/512。也就是说:
clog buffers的个数=1/512 shared buffer,最小是4,最大是128。注意这里都是buffer的个数,不是大小!
clog buffer是slru管理的,slru每个page都是8k:

A page is the same BLCKSZ as is used everywhere

我们可以从clog slru初始化的角度窥探shared clog buffer的大小:

/** Initialization of shared memory for CLOG*/
{return SimpleLruShmemSize(CLOGShmemBuffers(), CLOG_LSNS_PER_PAGE);

传入的CLOGShmemBuffers()是4~128,传入的CLOG_LSNS_PER_PAGE=1024 byte(8k page时)。
SimpleLruShmemSize初始化slru shmem:

SimpleLruShmemSize(int nslots, int nlsns)
{Size		sz;/* we assume nslots isn't so large as to risk overflow */sz = MAXALIGN(sizeof(SlruSharedData));sz += MAXALIGN(nslots * sizeof(char *));	/* page_buffer[] */sz += MAXALIGN(nslots * sizeof(SlruPageStatus));	/* page_status[] */sz += MAXALIGN(nslots * sizeof(bool));	/* page_dirty[] */sz += MAXALIGN(nslots * sizeof(int));	/* page_number[] */sz += MAXALIGN(nslots * sizeof(int));	/* page_lru_count[] */sz += MAXALIGN(nslots * sizeof(LWLockPadded));	/* buffer_locks[] */if (nlsns > 0)sz += MAXALIGN(nslots * nlsns * sizeof(XLogRecPtr));	/* group_lsn[] */return BUFFERALIGN(sz) + BLCKSZ * nslots;

slrus用一些数组保存slru的元数据和控制信息,sz大小都是数据类型*buffer个数,这些大致估算都不是特别不大。主要初始化的内存还是BLCKSZ * nslots,也就是8k * (4~128)=(32k~1M)大小。所以可以粗略的认为,shared clog buffer的大小为1M左右。



extend clog

ZeroCLOGPage会写wal,ZeroCLOGPage(pageno, true)实际上ExtendCLOG调用:

/** Make sure that CLOG has room for a newly-allocated XID.** NB: this is called while holding XidGenLock.  We want it to be very fast* most of the time; even when it's not so fast, no actual I/O need happen* unless we're forced to write out a dirty clog or xlog page to make room* in shared memory.*/
ExtendCLOG(TransactionId newestXact)
{int			pageno;/** No work except at first XID of a page.  But beware: just after* wraparound, the first XID of page zero is FirstNormalTransactionId.*/if (TransactionIdToPgIndex(newestXact) != 0 &&!TransactionIdEquals(newestXact, FirstNormalTransactionId))return;pageno = TransactionIdToPage(newestXact); //由TransactionId换算的clog page号LWLockAcquire(XactSLRULock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);/* Zero the page and make an XLOG entry about it */ZeroCLOGPage(pageno, true);LWLockRelease(XactSLRULock);


/** Write a ZEROPAGE xlog record*/
static void
WriteZeroPageXlogRec(int pageno)
{XLogBeginInsert();XLogRegisterData((char *) (&pageno), sizeof(int));(void) XLogInsert(RM_CLOG_ID, CLOG_ZEROPAGE);

WriteZeroPageXlogRec就是在写wal record了,写入的类型是“RM_CLOG_ID, CLOG_ZEROPAGE”。

pg_waldump -z 000000010000056B00000018 --stat=record
Type                                           N      (%)          Record size      (%)             FPI size      (%)        Combined size      (%)
----                                           -      ---          -----------      ---             --------      ---        -------------      ---
CLOG/ZEROPAGE                                  1 (  0.00)                   30 (  0.00)                    0 (  0.00)                   30 (  0.00)

extend clog page时都是以page为单位,实际上在clog segment的末尾可以很容易看到00

hexdump 03C2
0000000 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555 5555
001bb30 5555 5555 0055 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
001bb40 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  
* ##clog文件后面的都是0

truncate clog

除了extend clog外,还有truncate clog,truncate clog会在vacuum期间被调用,调用时会写truncate clog的wal record,并将wal record flush到磁盘

/** Remove all CLOG segments before the one holding the passed transaction ID** Before removing any CLOG data, we must flush XLOG to disk, to ensure* that any recently-emitted FREEZE_PAGE records have reached disk; otherwise* a crash and restart might leave us with some unfrozen tuples referencing* removed CLOG data.  We choose to emit a special TRUNCATE XLOG record too.* Replaying the deletion from XLOG is not critical, since the files could* just as well be removed later, but doing so prevents a long-running hot* standby server from acquiring an unreasonably bloated CLOG directory.** Since CLOG segments hold a large number of transactions, the opportunity to* actually remove a segment is fairly rare, and so it seems best not to do* the XLOG flush unless we have confirmed that there is a removable segment.*/
TruncateCLOG(TransactionId oldestXact, Oid oldestxid_datoid)
{int			cutoffPage;/** The cutoff point is the start of the segment containing oldestXact. We* pass the *page* containing oldestXact to SimpleLruTruncate.*///写入wal的是clog的位置,clog位置是oldestXact转换出来的clog page号cutoffPage = TransactionIdToPage(oldestXact); ...../** Write XLOG record and flush XLOG to disk. We record the oldest xid* we're keeping information about here so we can ensure that it's always* ahead of clog truncation in case we crash, and so a standby finds out* the new valid xid before the next checkpoint.*/// WriteTruncateXlogRec会写对应的wal record并将其写到磁盘上WriteTruncateXlogRec(cutoffPage, oldestXact, oldestxid_datoid);//wal写完后,才真正执行truncate clog段/* Now we can remove the old CLOG segment(s) */SimpleLruTruncate(XactCtl, cutoffPage);

WriteTruncateXlogRec就是写RMGRRM_CLOG_IDinfoCLOG_TRUNCAT的wal record:

/** Write a TRUNCATE xlog record** We must flush the xlog record to disk before returning --- see notes* in TruncateCLOG().*/
static void
WriteTruncateXlogRec(int pageno, TransactionId oldestXact, Oid oldestXactDb)
{XLogRecPtr	recptr;xl_clog_truncate xlrec;xlrec.pageno = pageno;xlrec.oldestXact = oldestXact;xlrec.oldestXactDb = oldestXactDb;XLogBeginInsert();XLogRegisterData((char *) (&xlrec), sizeof(xl_clog_truncate));recptr = XLogInsert(RM_CLOG_ID, CLOG_TRUNCATE);XLogFlush(recptr);

当制造了clog wal record后,还需要redo恢复的routine:

/** CLOG resource manager's routines*/
clog_redo(XLogReaderState *record)
...//redo info类型是CLOG_ZEROPAGE时,将读取出来的redo信息放在内存,然后写到CLOG page文件中if (info == CLOG_ZEROPAGE){int			pageno;int			slotno;memcpy(&pageno, XLogRecGetData(record), sizeof(int));LWLockAcquire(XactSLRULock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);slotno = ZeroCLOGPage(pageno, false);SimpleLruWritePage(XactCtl, slotno); Assert(!XactCtl->shared->page_dirty[slotno]);LWLockRelease(XactSLRULock);}//redo info类型是CLOG_TRUNCATE时,将读取出来的redo信息放在内存中,确认page是可删除的(如果不可用需要write page),然后truncate segmentelse if (info == CLOG_TRUNCATE){xl_clog_truncate xlrec;memcpy(&xlrec, XLogRecGetData(record), sizeof(xl_clog_truncate));/** During XLOG replay, latest_page_number isn't set up yet; insert a* suitable value to bypass the sanity test in SimpleLruTruncate.*/XactCtl->shared->latest_page_number = xlrec.pageno;AdvanceOldestClogXid(xlrec.oldestXact);SimpleLruTruncate(XactCtl, xlrec.pageno);}elseelog(PANIC, "clog_redo: unknown op code %u", info);

clog redo routine所做的事:

  • redo info类型是CLOG_ZEROPAGE时,找到一个合适的slot(如果没有需要换出),根据读取出来的redo信息(实际上是clog page号)进行一些是否可写的判断,可以再讲page write到clog文件
  • redo info类型是CLOG_TRUNCATE时,根据读取出来的redo信息(实际上是clog page号),确认page是可删除的(如果不可用需要write page),然后truncate clog segment


CLOG只有两种wal日志,两种都不包含事务状态信息,且仅仅是在extend clog page和truncate clog segment时触发,写入的wal record只是一个clog page编号。

/* XLOG stuff */
#define CLOG_ZEROPAGE 0x00
#define CLOG_TRUNCATE 0x10

clog wal同步总结:




>  begin;
>  select txid_current();txid_current 
(1 row)>  rollback;
> begin;
>  select txid_current();txid_current 
(1 row)> commit;
> checkpoint;
[datalzl/pg_wal]$ pg_waldump ../../pg_wal/000000010000007300000008|grep  -E "1817254|1817258"
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot):     34/    34, tx:    1817254, lsn: 73/400ED210, prev 73/400ED1E0, desc: ABORT 2024-08-01 14:41:26.017612 CST
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot):     46/    46, tx:    1817258, lsn: 73/400EEB08, prev 73/400EEAD8, desc: COMMIT 2024-08-01 14:41:37.042545 CST
pg_waldump: fatal: error in WAL record at 73/400F7C78: invalid record length at 73/400F7F88: wanted 24, got 0

在wal中有记录事务ID(1817254,1817258)的状态,并且分别记录为ABORTCOMMIT ;rmgr为Transaction
很明显,我们需要找到这部分的redo信息。按照刚才的经验,clog_redo代表rmgr=clog的wal redo源码,那么源码搜索_redo应该能找到rmgr=transactionid的wal redo源码。搜搜,在xact.c中的找到函数xact_redo,其主要调用xact_redo_commit,xact_redo_abort,明显各自对应提交事务和回退事务的wal日志应用逻辑。

xact_redo(XLogReaderState *record)
{uint8		info = XLogRecGetInfo(record) & XLOG_XACT_OPMASK;/* Backup blocks are not used in xact records */Assert(!XLogRecHasAnyBlockRefs(record));if (info == XLOG_XACT_COMMIT){...xact_redo_commit(&parsed, XLogRecGetXid(record),record->EndRecPtr, XLogRecGetOrigin(record));}
...else if (info == XLOG_XACT_ABORT){...xact_redo_abort(&parsed, XLogRecGetXid(record));}
...}elseelog(PANIC, "xact_redo: unknown op code %u", info);


static void
xact_redo_commit(xl_xact_parsed_commit *parsed,TransactionId xid,XLogRecPtr lsn,RepOriginId origin_id)
...if (standbyState == STANDBY_DISABLED){/** Mark the transaction committed in pg_xact.*/TransactionIdCommitTree(xid, parsed->nsubxacts, parsed->subxacts);}else//standby逻辑{.../** Mark the transaction committed in pg_xact. We use async commit* protocol during recovery to provide information on database* consistency for when users try to set hint bits. It is important* that we do not set hint bits until the minRecoveryPoint is past* this commit record. This ensures that if we crash we don't see hint* bits set on changes made by transactions that haven't yet* recovered. It's unlikely but it's good to be safe.*///在pg_xact中标记事务提交TransactionIdAsyncCommitTree(xid, parsed->nsubxacts, parsed->subxacts, lsn);...


为了验证wal中事务commit信息的redo逻辑,下面给从库的startup进程打三个断点,然后在源库执行begin;select txid_current();commit;提交一个事务,看看从库的startup进程在做redo的时候是否命中我们想要看到的函数:

(gdb) bt
#0  TransactionIdAsyncCommitTree (xid=xid@entry=1818665, nxids=0, xids=0x0, lsn=lsn@entry=495398394064) at transam.c:274
#1  0x000000000050c139 in xact_redo_commit (parsed=parsed@entry=0x7ffda52c0fc0, xid=1818665, lsn=495398394064, origin_id=<optimized out>) at xact.c:5805
#2  0x000000000050ffa3 in xact_redo (record=0x2b5ff2434038) at xact.c:5962
#3  0x0000000000519ea5 in StartupXLOG () at xlog.c:7411
#4  0x000000000072f301 in StartupProcessMain () at startup.c:204
#5  0x0000000000528701 in AuxiliaryProcessMain (argc=argc@entry=2, argv=argv@entry=0x7ffda52c6ef0) at bootstrap.c:450
#6  0x000000000072c459 in StartChildProcess (type=StartupProcess) at postmaster.c:5494
#7  0x000000000072ec44 in PostmasterMain (argc=argc@entry=3, argv=argv@entry=0x2b5ff242d1c0) at postmaster.c:1407
#8  0x000000000048931f in main (argc=3, argv=0x2b5ff242d1c0) at main.c:210
(gdb) info b
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
1       breakpoint     keep y   0x000000000050c060 in xact_redo_commit at xact.c:5753breakpoint already hit 43 times
2       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000508190 in TransactionIdCommitTree at transam.c:262
3       breakpoint     keep y   0x00000000005081a0 in TransactionIdAsyncCommitTree at transam.c:274breakpoint already hit 1 time

可以命中断点TransactionIdAsyncCommitTree ,并且xid=1818665,也就是刚才在源库提交的事务ID。说明刚才肉眼看的代码逻辑没有问题。
so,standby库的clog事务ID状态由wal rmgr=Transaction来同步


  • clog只存储了事务ID的状态,没有存储事务ID本身
  • 可以通过事务ID手动定位到CLOG文件中的事务状态
  • rmgr=clog的wal只有扩展和清理clog文件,没有更新事务状态
  • rmgr=transaction的wal会更新clog的事务状态


  1. 《快速掌握PostgreSQL版本新特性》p24 ↩︎

  2. 阎书利 PostgreSQL的CLOG解析 https://www.modb.pro/db/606433 ↩︎

  3. 《PostgreSQL数据库内核分析》第7章 p380-390 ↩︎


