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Go语言现代web开发11 函数

2024/10/24 5:21:51 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_37703224/article/details/142204403  浏览:    关键词:Go语言现代web开发11 函数



func pi() float64(){return 3.14159
}func inc(a int) int{return a + 1
}func add(a int, b int){return a + b



func add(a, b int) int {return a + b


func swap(a, b int) (int int) {return b, a



func add(a, b int) (c int) {c = a + breturn


func calc(fn func(int, int) int) int {return fn(7, 18)
}func main() {add := func(a, b int) int {return a + b}fmt.Println(calc(add))



func multiply(param int) func(int) int {if param % 2 == 0 {return func(a int) int {return a * 2}} else {return func(a int) int {return a * 3}}}func main(){double := multiply(2)triple := multiply(3)fmt.Println(double(5), triple(5))




func double (a int) {a = a * 2
}func doublePointer(a *int){*a = *a *2
}func main(){a := 5double(a)fmt.Println(a)doublePointer(&a)fmt.Println(a)

如果我们稍微修改函数double()和doublePointer(),增加Println()调用作为每个函数的最后一个表达式,标准输出将显示以下值:10 5 10 10 10。


func double(a int) {a = a * 2fmt.Println(a)
}func doublePointer(a *int){*a = *a * 2fmt.Println(*a)


func modify(s []int) {s[0] = 4s = append(s, 5)fmt.Println(s)
}func main(){s := []int{1, 2, 3}modify(s)fmt.Println(s)


func calc() func() int {a := 0return func() int() {a += 1return a}


Functions are named sections of programs that perform specific tasks. We usually write functions to avoid code repetition (by moving a block of code that is repeated through a project or package into a function) or to make the code more readable (by moving a huge block of code that performs a specific task into a function). In the Go programming language, functions are defined with the the keyword func.


Arguments are the values provided to a function in order to obtain the result. The function can have zero or more arguments. Here are examples of three functions, the first one without arguments will return the value for the mathematcal constant pi, the second one with one argument will increment the value of the integer variable, and the third one will return the sum of two integers passed as arguments.


func pi() float64(){return 3.14159
}func inc(a int) int{return a + 1
}func add(a int, b int){return a + b

The return value type is at the end of the declaration after arguments and before the function body that is between the curly brackets.


If we have multiple arguments of the same type (like, in the third example with add() function), we can shorten the argument declaration by omitting the type for all variables except the last one (we see a similar thing for the declaration of variables, where we hadd a list of variabl names before type). Here, is add() function with shortened declaration.


func add(a, b int) int {return a + b

In all previous examples, functions returned one result. But functions can return multiple results. Here, is an example of a function returns two results.


func swap(a, b int) (int int) {return b, a

We can also create functions that do not return any results. For these functions, we just need to omit the result type at the end of the declaration. The main() function is a good example of a function without a return value.


We can also name return values. Named return values will be treated as variables declared on the top of the function. With named return values, we can use return without arguments, which will return values assigned to named return values. Argument-less return is often referred to as a naked return. Here, is the add() function from previous examples with named return values.


func add(a, b int) (c int) {c = a + breturn

Functions are the values, so they can be passed around like all other values. We can use functions as arguments in other functions or as return values. Here, is an example where we pass one function as an argument of another function.


func calc(fn func(int, int) int) int {return fn(7, 18)
}func main() {add := func(a, b int) int {return a + b}fmt.Println(calc(add))

This example will display the sum of numbers 7 and 18 on the standard output. As we can see, the function is assigned to a variable name, but we do not define the function name. These functions are called anonymous functions.


In the next example, function multiply() will return a function based on the value of param argument. If the passed value is an even number, a function that duplicates the integer value will be returned, otherwise, a function that triples the integer value will be returned.


func multiply(param int) func(int) int {if param % 2 == 0 {return func(a int) int {return a * 2}} else {return func(a int) int {return a * 3}}}func main(){double := multiply(2)triple := multiply(3)fmt.Println(double(5), triple(5))

In the previous example, values 10 and 15 will be displayed on the standard output.


Arguments are passed by balue, so each time a function is called, a new copy of the passed argument is created. The function will work with that copy, so fi we forgot to return the updatedcopy, changes will have no effect. But if we pass a pointer as an argument, a copy of the memory address will be created so that all chagnes will take effect on the original variable, pointed by the original pointer. It’s good practice to use pointer arguments, especially for large structures in order to avoid unneccessary copying and memory consumption.


The following example shows the difference between value and pointer arguments. Function with value argument double() will multiply copy of the passed argument, so the first Println() will display value 5 on standard output. On the other hand, the function doublePointer() will multiply the value stored on the address referenced by the pointer, so the second call of Println() will display value 10.


func double (a int) {a = a * 2
}func doublePointer(a *int){*a = *a *2
}func main(){a := 5double(a)fmt.Println(a)doublePointer(&a)fmt.Println(a)

If we slightly modify functions double() and doublePointer() with the addition of Println() call as the last expression in each function, the following values will be displayed on standard output: 10 5 10 10.

如果我们稍微修改函数double()和doublePointer(),增加Println()调用作为每个函数的最后一个表达式,标准输出将显示以下值:10 5 10 10 10。

As we can seee, a copy of the value will be properly updated, but that result will be lost. Here are an modified function.


func double(a int) {a = a * 2fmt.Println(a)
}func doublePointer(a *int){*a = *a * 2fmt.Println(*a)

Functions with slice arguments are interesting ones. Slices have pointer to underlying arrays which means that the content of the slice can be changed even if the slice sis passed as value, but capacity and length cannot. In the following example, the call of Println() inside modfy() function will display a slice with the modified first element and new element appended at the end, while the second Println() inside the main function will display a slice only with the modified first element.


func modify(s []int) {s[0] = 4s = append(s, 5)fmt.Println(s)
}func main(){s := []int{1, 2, 3}modify(s)fmt.Println(s)

Functions can reference a varable from outside their body, these functions are called closures. Each function value has its own copy of referenced variable and can access it and assign values to it. We can say that closure is bound to a variable. Here is an example of the function that returns a closure. As we can see, the anonymous function is bounded with variable a.


func calc() func() int {a := 0return func() int() {a += 1return a}


