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【导航查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列

2025/2/20 14:17:16 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/mss359681091/article/details/144179575  浏览:    关键词:【导航查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列

   .NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列

  1. 【开篇】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  2. 【入门必看】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  3. 【实体配置】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  4. 【Db First】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  5. 【Code First】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  6. 【数据事务】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  7. 【连接池】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  8. 【查询目录】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  9. 【查询基础】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  10. 【排序用法】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  11. 【分组去重】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  12. 【联表查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  13. 【导航查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  14. 【子查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  15. 【嵌套查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列





1.1 无外键开箱就用

其它ORM导航查询 需要 各种配置或者外键,而  SqlSugar  则开箱就用,无外键,只需配置特性和主键就能使用

1.2 高性能优 

 查询 性能非常强悍版本进行了性能优化 


3.3 语法超级爽

 var list=db.Queryable<Test>().Includes(t=> t.Provinces, pro=>pro.Citys ,cit=>cit.Street) //多层级.Includes(t=> t.ClassInfo)// 一个层级查询.ToList();              //具体用法看下面文档介绍//多层级可以看2.5


适合有主键的常规操作, 请升级到5.0.6.8

2.1.1 一对一 ( one to one )

public class StudentA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsIdentity = true)]public int StudentId { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public  string SexCode { get;set;}public int SchoolId { get; set; }//用例1:主键模式 StudentA(主表)表中的 SchoolId 和SchoolA(子表)中的主键关联 [Navigate(NavigateType.OneToOne, nameof(SchoolId))]//一对一 SchoolId是StudentA类里面的public SchoolA SchoolA { get; set; } //不能赋值只能是null//用例2:反向导航,2个字段匹配关系 [Navigate(NavigateType.OneToOne,nameof(SchoolId),nameof(SchoolA.Id))]//变量名不要等类名 public SchoolA SchoolItem { get; set; } //不能赋值只能是null//第一个主表字段,第二从表字段  顺序不要错了//用例3: 字典导航 多了个SQL条件参数  //[SqlSugar.Navigate(NavigateType.OneToOne,nameof(SexId),nameof(DataDictionary1.Code),"type='sex'")]//具体用法可以看配置查询 https://www.donet5.com/Home/Doc?typeId=2309}
public class SchoolA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsIdentity = true)]public int Id{ get; set; }public string SchoolName { get; set; }
} //导航+主表过滤  导航属性过滤
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.SchoolA) //填充子对象 (不填充可以不写).Where(x =>x.SchoolA.SchoolName=="北大") .ToList();//导航+主表过滤  只查有导航数据 (新功能:
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.SchoolA) //填充子对象 (不填充可以不写).Where(x => SqlFunc.Exists(x.SchoolA.主键)).ToList();            //导航+子表过滤 请注意升级 
public static List<T> Where<T>(this T thisValue, Func<T,bool> whereExpression ) where T:class,new()
{return new List<T>() { thisValue };
var list = db.Queryable<Student_003>().Includes(x => x.school_001.Where(z=>z.Name=="a").ToList())//扩展的Where对子表进行过滤.ToList(); // 才支持 请注意升级 请注意升级//导航 指定字段
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.SchoolA.ToList(it=>new SchoolA(){ Name =it.Name,id=it.Id})) .ToList();                    //只查一个字段写法1:   
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>().Where(x => x.id>1)  //Where和Select中别名要写一样.Select(x =>new { x=x,SchoolName= x.SchoolA.SchoolName}).ToList();//只查一个字段写法2:
[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToOne, nameof(SchoolId))] 
public SchoolA SchoolA { get; set; }   
public string SchoolName{get=>this.SchoolA?.Name;}//?防止空引用

多字段1对1 看文档2.4

2.1.2 多对一 (many to oney)


 //第一个参数:当前表字段 //第二个参数: 子表中字段[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToOne,nameof(WorkOrderId),nameof(Wo.Id))]public Wo Wo { get; set; }//不要给get set赋值//也可以这样[Navigate(NavigateType.ManyToOne,nameof(WorkOrderId),nameof(Wo.Id))]public Wo Wo { get; set; }//不要给get set赋值


2.2 一对多 ( one to many)

BookA(子表)中的 studenIdStudentA(主表)中的主键关联

public class StudentA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsIdentity = true)]public int Id{ get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public int SchoolId { get; set; }//用例1:正常一对多[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToMany, nameof(BookA.studenId))]//BookA表中的studenIdpublic List<BookA> Books { get; set; }//注意禁止给books手动赋值//用例2:反向导航支持:StudentA没有主键或者指定关系[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToMany, nameof(BookA.studenId),nameof(Id))] public List<BookA> Books { get; set; }//注意禁止给books手动赋值//与一对一相反 第一个 从表字段,第二个主表字段}
public class BookA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsIdentity = true)]public int BookId { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public int studenId { get; set; }
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>()
.Includes(x => x.Books)
.ToList();//例2:支持Any和Count 对主表进行过滤 (子对象过滤看下面)
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>()
.Includes(x => x.Books)
.Where(x => x.Books.Any())
//.Where(x => x.Books.Any(z=>z.Name=="jack")))
.ToList();//例3: 没有Includes也可以使用过滤
var list2 = db.Queryable<StudentA>()
.Where(x => x.Books.Any())//Any中可以加条件 Any(z=>z.BookId==1)
.ToList();                         //例4 Where子对象进行排序和过滤 (支持WhereIF)
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.Books.Where(y => y.BookId > 0).OrderBy(y => y.BookId).ToList()).ToList();//例5 主表+子表都过滤
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>()
.Includes(x => x.Books.Where(it=>it.Name=="jack").ToList())//只过滤子表
.Where(x => x.Books.Any(z=>z.Name=="jack")))//通过子表过滤主表
var list= db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.Books.Select(z=>new BookA() { Names = z.Names }).ToList()) //例7:Select多层级  (结构:StudentAt->books->BookItems)      
var list= db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.Books.Select(z=>new BookA(){Names=z.Name}.ToList(),it=>BookItems)) .ToList();、//Includes中的Select只能是字段 ,不能导航对象           //例8:OrderBy指定字段 (Skip Take可以分页)
var list= db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.Books.OrderBy(z=>z.Id).ToList()) .ToList();//例9:Take取前几条
var list= db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.Books.Take(10).ToList()) .ToList();          //例10:DTO支持进行了强化   
看标题2.7        //例11:一对多后还可用追加字段映射MappingField 如果以前是1个字关联,现在追加后就成了1+1       
db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.Books.MappingField(z=>z.字段,()=>x.字段).ToList() ).ToList();
//MappingField 和 Where区别
//MappingField MappingField用来指定2个对象的关系,Where只能当前表过滤不能和主表进行关联 
//MappingField 可以多个也可以和Where一起始用

非标准1对多 看文档2.4

2.3 多对多 ( many to many)

public class ABMapping1
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]//中间表可以不是主键public int AId { get; set; }[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]//中间表可以不是主键public int BId { get; set; }
public class A1
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsIdentity = true)]public int Id { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }[Navigate(typeof(ABMapping1), nameof(ABMapping1.AId), nameof(ABMapping1.BId))]//注意顺序public List<B1> BList { get; set; }//只能是null不能赋默认值
public class B1
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsIdentity = true)]public int Id { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }[Navigate(typeof(ABMapping1), nameof(ABMapping1.BId), nameof(ABMapping1.AId))]//注意顺序public List<A1> AList { get; set; }//只能是null不能赋默认值
//例1:简单用法 直接填充B的集合,只要配置好特性非常简单
var list3= db.Queryable<A1>().Includes(x => x.BList).ToList(); //例2:支持子对象排序和过滤 (支持WhereIF)
var list3= db.Queryable<A1>().Includes(x => x.BList.Where(z=>z.Id>0).ToList()).ToList(); //例3:支持主表过滤  Any和Count
var list3= db.Queryable<A1>().Includes(x => x.BList).Where(x=>x.BList.Any())//Any里面可以加条件 Any(z=>z.xxxx>0).ToList();//例4主表+子表都过滤
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.BList.Where(it=>it.Name=="jack").ToList())//只过滤子表.Where(x => x.BList.Any(z=>z.Name=="jack")))//通过子表过滤主表.ToList();               //不使用Includes一样可以过滤              
var list3= db.Queryable<A1>() .Where(x=>x.BList.Any()) //可以加条件.Where(x=>x.BList.Any(z=>z.xxx==x.yyy)).ToList();                //A表和B表不是主键情况多了2个参数 
//升级到: SqlSugarCore
[Navigate(typeof(OptRole), nameof(OptRole.operId), //中间表 aidnameof(OptRole.roleId),//中间表 bidnameof(OperatorInfo.id),//a表 idnameof(Role.id2))] //b表idpublic List<Role> Roles { get; set; }//四参数重载只支持查询

2.4  多字段关系映射

支持多个字段关联 (可以是N个)

var list=db.Queryable<UnitAddress011>().Includes(x => x.Persons).ToList();//m是主表字段 c是子表字段 是一个json数组 格式不要错了 
[Navigate(NavigateType.Dynamic, "[{m:\"Id\",c:\"AddressId\"},{m:\"Id2\",c:\"AddressId2\"}]")]
public List<UnitPerson011> Persons { get; set; }


2.5 多级导航


public class StudentA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int StudentId { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public int SchoolId { get; set; }[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToOne, nameof(SchoolId))]//一对一public SchoolA SchoolA { get; set; }[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToMany, nameof(BookA.studenId))]//一对多public List<BookA> Books { get; set; }//只能是null不能赋默认值}
public class SchoolA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int SchoolId { get; set; }public string SchoolName { get; set; }[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToMany, nameof(RoomA.SchoolId))]//一对多public List<RoomA> RoomList { get; set; }//只能是null不能赋默认值
}public class RoomA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int RoomId { get; set; }public string RoomName { get; set; }public int SchoolId { get; set; }
public class BookA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int BookId { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public int studenId { get; set; }
}       var list2 = db.Queryable<StudentA>()//查2层.Includes(st => st.SchoolA, sch=> sch.RoomList)//查询2级(等于EF ThenInclude)//查1层.Includes(st=> st.Books)  .ToList()
//说明: 一对多 多对多 一对多 只要配好了都可以多层级使用//如果想超过3个层级需要.AsNavQueryable()

2.6 性能优化

1、升级 如果搜索不到勾选预览版本 + 版本针对大数据导航有了很好的性能优化 +又进行了一次优化 ,主表一次查一万以上建议升级


底层分批量查询 适合一次性查询 1000 条以上的导航

var list = new List<Tree1>();db.Queryable<Tree1>().Includes(it => it.Child).ForEach(it => list.Add(it), 300); //每次查询300条



2.7 转DTO (必学的技巧)

1. 自动DTO (推荐 )

//Mapster 工具映射 (推荐) 比AutoMapper方便不需要配置
var list=db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.Books).ToList();
var dtoList=list.Adapt<List<StudentDTO>>()//技巧示例:这个用法必学通过规则映射DTOpublic class TreeDTO{public int Id { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public int ParentId { get; set; }public string ParentName { get; set; }//对应Parent中的Name}
public class Tree{[SqlSugar.SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int Id { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public int ParentId { get; set; }[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToOne,nameof(ParentId))]public Tree Parent { get; set; } 
}var list= db.Queryable<Tree>().Includes(it => it.Parent) .ToList();//DTO和List不能是同一个类不然这种映射会失效var dtolist= list.Adapt<List<TreeDTO>>();//DTO中的ParentName就有值了

2. 手动转DTO   升级:

老版本注意:是 Select 中用导航对象

var list = db.Queryable<Student_004>().Includes(x => x.books).Select(x => new Student_004DTO{books = x.books }, true)//true是自动映射其他属性,匿名对象需要手动.ToList();//Mapster转换
var list = db.Queryable<Student_004>().Includes(x => x.books).Select(x => new Student_004DTO{name=x.Name,books = x.books.Adapt<List<BooksDTO>>() //导航对象用 Mapster转换 (NUGET安装)}).ToList();            //DTO中用方法
var list = db.Queryable<Student_004>().Includes(x => x.books).Select(x => new Student_004DTO{name=x.Name, //导航对象books可以是C#任何方法结尾bookIds=x.books.Select(it=>it.id).ToList(), booksDto=x.books.Select(it=>new BookDTO(){  id=it.Id,Name=it.Name  }).ToList()}).ToList();   //联表查询用DTO写法           
var list5= db.Queryable<Student_004>().Includes(x => x.school_001, x => x.rooms).Includes(x => x.books).LeftJoin<Order>((x, y) => x.Id==y.sid).Select((x,y) => new Student_004DTO{SchoolId = x.SchoolId,books = x.books,school_001 = x.school_001,Name=y.Name}).ToList();

2.8 导航方法


在我们一对多和多对多对象我们可以用导航方法 Any() 和导航方法 Count 

//注意:不需 Includes 就可以使用
Where(it=>it..导航对象.Any(List<IConditionalModel>)//5.1 //Count用法类似


//注意:不需 Includes 就可以使用

2.9  2个同级 Root->books->[A,B]  

如果 Books下面有2个导航 A 和 B

.IncludesAllSecondLayer(x=>x.Books)  //自动只能有这么多层次,更深层级需要手动写法//手动写法
.Includes(x => x.Books,x=>x.A) 
.Includes(x => x.Books,x=>x.B)



var list5= db.Queryable<Student_004>().Includes(x => x.school_001, x => x.rooms).Includes(x => x.books).LeftJoin<Order>((x, y) => x.Id==y.sid).Select((x,y) => new Student_004DTO{SchoolId = x.SchoolId,books = x.books,school_001 = x.school_001,Name=y.Name}).ToList();

 手动映射适合没有主键或者复杂的一些操作,该功能和 Includes 文档 2.4比较接近


 4.1  创建数据


public class StudentA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int StudentId { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public int SchoolId { get; set; }[SugarColumn(IsIgnore = true)]public SchoolA SchoolA { get; set; }
}public class SchoolA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int SchoolId { get; set; }public string SchoolName { get; set; }[SugarColumn(IsIgnore = true)]public List<RoomA> RoomList { get; set; }[SugarColumn(IsIgnore = true)]public List<TeacherA> TeacherList { get; set; }
public class TeacherA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int Id { get; set; }public int SchoolId { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }
public class RoomA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int RoomId { get; set; }public string RoomName { get; set; }public int SchoolId { get; set; }


db.CodeFirst.InitTables<StudentA, RoomA, SchoolA,TeacherA>();
db.Insertable(new RoomA() { RoomId = 1, RoomName = "北大001室", SchoolId = 1 }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new RoomA() { RoomId = 2, RoomName = "北大002室", SchoolId = 1 }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new RoomA() { RoomId = 3, RoomName = "北大003室", SchoolId = 1 }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new RoomA() { RoomId = 4, RoomName = "清华001厅", SchoolId = 2 }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new RoomA() { RoomId = 5, RoomName = "清华002厅", SchoolId = 2 }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new RoomA() { RoomId = 6, RoomName = "清华003厅", SchoolId = 2 }).ExecuteCommand();db.Insertable(new SchoolA() { SchoolId = 1, SchoolName = "北大" }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new SchoolA() { SchoolId = 2, SchoolName = "清华" }).ExecuteCommand();db.Insertable(new StudentA() { StudentId = 1, SchoolId = 1, Name = "北大jack" }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new StudentA() { StudentId = 2, SchoolId = 1, Name = "北大tom" }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new StudentA() { StudentId = 3, SchoolId = 2, Name = "清华jack" }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new StudentA() { StudentId = 4, SchoolId = 2, Name = "清华tom" }).ExecuteCommand();db.Insertable(new TeacherA() {  SchoolId=1, Id=1, Name="北大老师01" }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new TeacherA() { SchoolId = 1, Id =2, Name = "北大老师02" }).ExecuteCommand();db.Insertable(new TeacherA() { SchoolId = 2, Id = 3, Name = "清华老师01" }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new TeacherA() { SchoolId = 2, Id = 4, Name = "清华老师02" }).ExecuteCommand();

4.2 手动实现二层

注意:普通导航看标题2 , ThenMapper 是用来处理 普通导航不能实现的功能

结构:  Student->SchoolA

var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>().ToList();//这儿也可以联表查询
db.ThenMapper(list, stu =>
{//如果加Where不能带有stu参数,stu参数写到 SetContext//可以用Where写SetContext但是不能带有stu对象stu.SchoolA=db.Queryable<SchoolA>().SetContext(scl=>scl.SchoolId,()=>stu.SchoolId,stu).FirstOrDefault();//可以联查询的//stu.xxxx=db.Queryable<SchoolA>().LeftJoin<XXX>().Select(xxxx).SetContext(....).ToList();
// SetContext不会生成循环操作,高性能  和直接Where性能是不一样的

注意:1、如果没有 SetContext 那么这个查询将会循环

          2、 db.ConextId 外面和里面需要是同一个

4.3 联表导航多层级

注意:普通导航看标题2, ThenMapper 是用来处理 普通导航不能实现的功能

了解原理后我们用 ThenMapper 想映射哪层就映射哪层

var treeRoot=db.Queryable<Tree>().Where(it => it.Id == 1).ToList();
db.ThenMapper(treeRoot, item =>
{item.Child = db.Queryable<Tree>().SetContext(x => x.ParentId, () => item.Id, item).ToList();
db.ThenMapper(treeRoot.SelectMany(it=>it.Child), it =>
{it.Child = db.Queryable<Tree>().SetContext(x => x.ParentId, () => it.Id, it).ToList();
db.ThenMapper(treeRoot.SelectMany(it => it.Child).SelectMany(it=>it.Child), it =>
{it.Child = db.Queryable<Tree>().SetContext(x => x.ParentId, () => it.Id, it).ToList();
//这儿只是用树型结构来证明可以实现无限级别导航查询 ,实际开发中树型结构用ToTree实现
public class Tree
[SqlSugar.SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey =true)]
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int ParentId { get; set; }
[SqlSugar.SugarColumn(IsIgnore = true)]
public Tree Parent { get; set; }
[SqlSugar.SugarColumn(IsIgnore = true)]
public List<Tree> Child { get; set; }
// SetContext不会生成循环操作,高性能  和直接Where性能是不一样的

新功能 : 请升级到5.0.6.7 预览版本 及以上 




通过实体 AOP 方法实现,具体用法看实体配置

EntityService= (type, columnInfo) =>
{p.IfTable<Order>().OneToOne(it => it.Item, nameof(Order.ItemId));


第二层的所有导航自动 Include (不支持第三层和第四层)

var list3 = db.Queryable<UnitaStudentA>().IncludesAllFirstLayer().ToList();//有重载可以排除不想要的//排除说明://IncludesAllFirstLayer(nameof(UnitaStudentA.ProjectPhases)) //这样就是排除ProjectPhases的导航属性//可以排除多个//IncludesAllFirstLayer("a","b") //自动导航如果有重复的情况: 谁在前面执行哪个
var list3 = db.Queryable<UnitaStudentA>().Includes(it=>it.Order.Where(s=>s.id==1).ToList()).IncludesAllFirstLayer().ToList();//自动导航和Order重复//根据名字导航              

可以看下图 自动导航替换了下面注释代码  



第一层it下面的通过 IncludesAllFirstLayer 全自动

第二层 (it.ProjectTransferDocs) 通过 IncludesAllSecondLayer 半自动。三层四级需要全部手动

9、兼容EF CORE 非List<T>的导航

 vra list=db.Queryable<Order>().Includes(it=>it.导航对象.ToList())//通过.ToList()转成SqlSugar导航类型就行.ToList();



var dis=db.Queryable<UnitTestDis<Cat>>().Includes(x => x.Animals).ToList();//T是Cat那么就能导航Catvar dis2 = db.Queryable<UnitTestDis<Dog>>().Includes(x => x.Animals).ToList();//T是Dog那么就能导航Dog

   .NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列

  1. 【开篇】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  2. 【入门必看】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  3. 【实体配置】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  4. 【Db First】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  5. 【Code First】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  6. 【数据事务】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  7. 【连接池】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  8. 【查询目录】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  9. 【查询基础】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  10. 【排序用法】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  11. 【分组去重】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  12. 【联表查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  13. 【导航查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  14. 【子查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
  15. 【嵌套查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列



