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(耗时4天制作)详细介绍macOS系统 本博文含有全英版

2025/3/18 19:46:27 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/fafdafaafdfafQWQ/article/details/144477102  浏览:    关键词:(耗时4天制作)详细介绍macOS系统 本博文含有全英版





macOS系统的发展经历了多个阶段,从最初的Mac OS到后来的OS X,再到现在的macOS,每一次更新都带来了显著的性能提升和新功能。

  1. Mac OS(经典Mac OS)

    • 首个版本于1984年推出,搭载在首部Mac计算机上。
    • 终极版本是Mac OS 9,该系统完全没有命令行模式,是一个100%的图形操作系统。
    • 引入了“功能扩展”(Extensions)来扩充操作系统,但某些功能扩展可能无法一起工作,或只能按特定次序载入。
    • 使用了创新的文件系统,将参数存储在“资源分支”(resource fork),原始数据存储在“数据分支”(data fork)。
  2. OS X(Mac OS X)

    • 为了解决经典Mac OS的问题,苹果推出了基于BSD Unix内核的OS X。
    • 带来了Unix风格的内存管理和先占式多任务(pre-emptive multitasking),大大改进了内存管理。
    • 允许同时运行更多软件,并实质上消除了一个程序崩溃导致其他程序崩溃的可能性。
    • 首个包括“命令行”模式的macOS,除非执行单独的“终端”(terminal)程序,否则用户可能永远也见不到。
    • 有一个兼容层负责执行老旧的Mac应用程序,名为Classic环境(程序员所熟知的“蓝盒子”)。
  3. macOS(现代macOS)

    • 2016年,OS X改名为macOS,与iOS、tvOS、watchOS相照应。
    • 经历了多个版本的更新,包括macOS High Sierra、macOS Mojave、macOS Catalina、macOS Big Sur等。
    • 每次更新都带来了新功能和性能提升,如深色模式、Safari浏览器的翻译功能、跨设备协同工作等。



  1. 独特的用户界面

    • macOS以其直观的图标、桌面和应用程序设计而闻名。
    • 用户界面简洁明了,使用户可以快速轻松地找到并打开所需的文件和应用程序。
    • 提供了一系列优雅简洁的系统和应用程序,让用户能够高效地完成工作。
  2. 稳定和安全

    • 由于苹果公司对硬件和操作系统的严格控制,macOS相比其他操作系统更加稳定和安全。
    • 内置了针对恶意软件和网络威胁的安全性能,采用了多层次的安全措施从硬件到操作系统保护用户的隐私和数据安全。
    • 很少受到电脑病毒的袭击,因为macOS的架构与Windows不同,病毒难以在macOS上运行。
  3. 生态系统的完整性

    • macOS与其他苹果设备(如iPhone、iPad和Apple Watch)紧密结合,构成了一个完整的生态系统。
    • 用户可以通过iCloud轻松同步和分享文件、应用程序和数据。
    • 允许用户在Mac和其他设备之间无缝切换和接续操作,提供了更加便捷的跨设备体验。
  4. 丰富的应用程序

    • 苹果应用商店(App Store)为macOS用户提供了大量丰富多样的应用程序选择。
    • 应用程序涵盖了各个领域,满足了不同用户的需求。
    • 苹果还提供了完备的开发者工具,鼓励开发者为macOS创造更多精彩的应用程序。
  5. 优秀的用户体验

    • macOS以其卓越的图形界面、便捷的操作方式和流畅的性能著称。
    • 既适用于日常办公,也能满足专业人士的需求。
    • 稳定性和安全性减少了系统崩溃和故障的风险,提高了工作效率。



  1. Spotlight搜索

    • Spotlight是macOS内置的强大搜索工具。
    • 用户可以通过它快速查找Mac上的应用程序、文件、照片、邮件、联系人以及网页上的信息等。
    • Spotlight还支持自然语言搜索,用户可以用自然语言输入搜索关键词,系统会自动解析并给出相关搜索结果。
  2. 多任务处理

    • macOS支持多任务处理,用户可以同时打开多个应用程序和窗口。
    • 通过Mission Control功能,用户可以查看当前打开的所有窗口和桌面空间,并轻松地在它们之间切换。
    • 还可以将窗口拖放到不同的桌面空间中,以便更好地组织和管理任务。
  3. 通知中心

    • macOS的通知中心是一个集中显示各种通知和提醒的区域。
    • 用户可以在这里查看来自不同应用程序的通知,如邮件、日历、消息等。
    • 还可以对通知进行自定义设置,以便只显示重要的通知并忽略其他不重要的通知。
  4. iCloud云同步

    • 通过iCloud,用户可以将Mac上的数据同步到其他苹果设备上。
    • 这包括文档、照片、联系人、日历、提醒事项等。
    • 用户还可以在不同设备之间无缝切换和接续操作,提高了工作效率和便利性。
  5. AirDrop无线传输

    • AirDrop是macOS内置的无线传输功能。
    • 用户可以通过它轻松地将文件、照片等传输到附近的苹果设备上。
    • AirDrop使用了苹果设备的蓝牙和Wi-Fi技术来实现快速、安全的文件传输。
  6. Gatekeeper安全机制

    • Gatekeeper是macOS内置的安全机制。
    • 它可以帮助用户防止运行不受信任的应用程序。
    • 用户可以在系统偏好设置中设置Gatekeeper的级别,以便只允许来自Mac App Store的应用程序运行,或者允许来自Mac App Store和被认可的开发者的应用程序运行。
  7. Handoff接力功能

    • Handoff是macOS与其他苹果设备之间的协同工作功能。
    • 当用户在Mac上开始一项任务时,可以将其无缝地转移到iPhone或iPad上继续完成。
    • 这使得用户可以在不同设备之间自由切换,提高了工作效率和灵活性。
  8. Siri智能助手

    • Siri是苹果公司的智能语音助手。
    • 在macOS上,用户可以通过语音与Siri进行交互,完成各种任务。
    • 如发送消息、查找信息、设置提醒等。Siri还支持自然语言处理,使得用户可以用自然语言与其进行交流。
  9. 触控板手势操作

    • macOS的触控板支持多种手势操作。
    • 如点按、双指滚动、三指拖动等。
    • 这些手势操作使得用户可以更加方便地控制Mac计算机,提高了工作效率和便捷性。
  10. 屏幕共享和远程管理

    • macOS支持屏幕共享功能,用户可以通过它与其他Mac用户共享屏幕并进行协作。
    • 还可以使用远程管理功能来远程访问和控制其他Mac计算机。
    • 这些功能使得用户可以在不同地点之间轻松地进行协作和管理。



  1. 系统更新

    • 用户可以通过Mac App Store或系统偏好设置中的“软件更新”选项来检查并安装最新的macOS系统更新。
    • 在安装更新之前,建议用户备份重要数据以防万一。
    • 更新过程通常需要一定的时间,用户需要耐心等待直到更新完成。
  2. 软件维护

    • 除了系统更新外,用户还需要定期维护Mac计算机上的软件以确保其正常运行。
    • 这包括清理不必要的文件、更新应用程序、检查磁盘错误等。
    • 用户可以使用macOS内置的磁盘工具来检查和修复磁盘错误,或者使用第三方清洁工具来清理不必要的文件和缓存。



  1. 与Windows的比较

    • 用户界面:macOS的用户界面更加直观和简洁,而Windows的用户界面则相对复杂一些。
    • 稳定性和安全性:macOS通常比Windows更加稳定和安全,因为苹果公司对硬件和操作系统的控制更加严格。
    • 软件生态:虽然Windows拥有更多的软件选择,但macOS的软件生态也非常丰富且高质量。
    • 价格:Mac计算机通常比Windows计算机更昂贵,但这也反映了其更高的品质和性能。
  2. 与Linux的比较

    • 开源性:Linux是一个开源操作系统,用户可以自由地定制和修改它。而macOS则是一个专有操作系统,用户无法直接修改其源代码。
    • 用户界面:macOS的用户界面更加友好和易用,而Linux的用户界面则相对更加灵活和可定制。
    • 软件支持:虽然Linux拥有庞大的开源软件库,但macOS的软件生态更加完整且高质量。
    • 硬件兼容性:Linux可以运行在多种硬件平台上,而macOS则主要运行在苹果公司的Mac计算机上。


  1. 全球市场

    • 根据Canalys的数据,2024年第二季度,全球个人电脑市场同比增长3.4%,总出货量达6280万台。其中,苹果公司以550万台的出货量位居第四,市场份额为9%,比2023年同期增长了6%。这表明苹果个人电脑在全球市场上的表现也在稳步增长。





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Introduction to the macOS System

I. Overview of macOS

macOS is a proprietary operating system developed by Apple Inc., primarily used for Macintosh (Mac) computers. It is the first commercially successful Graphical User Interface (GUI) operating system, and since its inception, it has garnered widespread praise for its exceptional user experience and powerful functionality. macOS is renowned for its intuitive icons, desktops, and application designs, providing users with a stable, secure, and easy-to-use operating environment.

II. Development History of macOS

The development of macOS has gone through multiple stages, from the initial Mac OS to OS X and now macOS. Each update has brought significant performance enhancements and new features.

The first version was launched in 1984, accompanying the first Mac computer. The final version of the classic Mac OS series, Mac OS 9, was a 100% graphical operating system without a command-line mode. It used "Extensions" to expand the operating system, but some extensions might not work together or could only be loaded in a specific order. The innovative filesystem stored parameters in the "resource fork" and raw data in the "data fork."

To address the issues of the classic Mac OS, Apple introduced OS X, based on the BSD Unix kernel. OS X brought Unix-style memory management and preemptive multitasking, significantly improving memory management. It allowed for running more software simultaneously and virtually eliminated the possibility of one program crashing causing others to crash. OS X was the first macOS to include a "command-line" mode, which users might never see unless they executed a separate "terminal" program. A compatibility layer named the Classic environment (known to programmers as the "Blue Box") was responsible for running older Mac applications.

In 2016, OS X was renamed macOS, aligning with iOS, tvOS, and watchOS. It has undergone multiple version updates, including macOS High Sierra, macOS Mojave, macOS Catalina, macOS Big Sur, and others. Each update introduced new features and performance improvements, such as dark mode, Safari's translation capabilities, cross-device collaboration, and more.

III. Characteristics of macOS

macOS is renowned for its unique user interface, stability and security, integrated ecosystem, abundant applications, and excellent user experience.

macOS is famous for its intuitive icons, desktops, and application designs. The user interface is simple and clear, enabling users to quickly and easily find and open the required files and applications. It provides a series of elegant and streamlined systems and applications, enabling users to work efficiently.

Due to Apple's tight control over hardware and the operating system, macOS is more stable and secure than other operating systems. It incorporates security features against malware and network threats, employing multi-layered security measures to protect user privacy and data security from hardware to the operating system. macOS is rarely affected by computer viruses because its architecture differs from Windows, making it difficult for viruses to run on macOS.

macOS is tightly integrated with other Apple devices (such as iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch), forming a complete ecosystem. Users can easily synchronize and share files, applications, and data via iCloud. It allows seamless switching and continuation of operations between Mac and other devices, providing a more convenient cross-device experience.

The Mac App Store offers macOS users a vast selection of diverse applications. These applications cover various fields, meeting the needs of different users. Apple also provides comprehensive developer tools, encouraging developers to create more exciting applications for macOS.

macOS is known for its excellent graphical interface, convenient operation, and smooth performance. It suits both daily office work and professionals' needs. Its stability and security reduce the risk of system crashes and failures, enhancing work efficiency.

IV. Features of macOS

macOS includes numerous practical features that make using Mac computers more convenient and efficient.

Spotlight is a powerful built-in search tool in macOS. Users can quickly find applications, files, photos, emails, contacts, and information on web pages on their Macs through it. Spotlight supports natural language search, allowing users to input search keywords in natural language, and the system will automatically parse and provide relevant search results.

macOS supports multitasking, allowing users to open multiple applications and windows simultaneously. With Mission Control, users can view all currently open windows and desktop spaces and easily switch between them. They can also drag windows to different desktop spaces to better organize and manage tasks.

macOS's Notification Center is an area that centrally displays various notifications and reminders. Users can view notifications from different applications here, such as mail, calendar, messages, etc. Users can also customize notifications to only display important ones and ignore others.

With iCloud, users can synchronize data on their Macs to other Apple devices. This includes documents, photos, contacts, calendars, reminders, etc. Users can seamlessly switch and continue operations between different devices, improving work efficiency and convenience.

AirDrop is a built-in wireless transfer feature in macOS. Users can easily transfer files, photos, etc., to nearby Apple devices through it. AirDrop uses Apple devices' Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologies to achieve fast and secure file transfers.

Gatekeeper is a built-in security mechanism in macOS. It helps users prevent running untrusted applications. Users can set the level of Gatekeeper in System Preferences to allow only applications from the Mac App Store to run or allow applications from the Mac App Store and recognized developers to run.

Handoff is a collaboration feature between macOS and other Apple devices. When users start a task on a Mac, they can seamlessly transfer it to an iPhone or iPad to continue. This allows users to freely switch between different devices, improving work efficiency and flexibility.

Siri is Apple's intelligent voice assistant. On macOS, users can interact with Siri via voice to complete various tasks, such as sending messages, finding information, setting reminders, etc. Siri supports natural language processing, enabling users to communicate with it in natural language.

The trackpad on macOS supports various gesture operations, such as clicking, two-finger scrolling, three-finger dragging, etc. These gesture operations make it more convenient for users to control Mac computers, improving work efficiency and convenience.

macOS supports screen sharing, allowing users to share screens with other Mac users and collaborate. It also offers remote management functionality to remotely access and control other Mac computers. These features enable users to easily collaborate and manage across different locations.

V. Updating and Maintaining macOS

To ensure the stability and security of the macOS system, Apple regularly releases system updates. These updates typically include new features, performance improvements, and security fixes.

Users can check for and install the latest macOS system updates through the Mac App Store or the "Software Update" option in System Preferences. Before installing updates, users are advised to back up important data as a precaution. The update process usually takes some time, and users need to wait patiently until it completes.

Besides system updates, users also need to regularly maintain the software on their Mac computers to ensure it runs smoothly. This includes cleaning up unnecessary files, updating applications, checking for disk errors, etc. Users can use macOS's built-in Disk Utility to check and repair disk errors or use third-party cleaning tools to clean up unnecessary files and caches.

VI. Comparison of macOS with Other Operating Systems

Compared to other operating systems (such as Windows and Linux), macOS has some unique features and advantages.

User Interface: macOS has a more intuitive and streamlined user interface, while Windows' user interface is relatively more complex.
Stability and Security: macOS is generally more stable and secure than Windows because Apple has stricter control over hardware and the operating system.
Software Ecosystem: While Windows has more software options, macOS's software ecosystem is also rich and high-quality.
Price: Mac computers are usually more expensive than Windows computers, reflecting their higher quality and performance.

Open Source: Linux is an open-source operating system that users can freely customize and modify. In contrast, macOS is a proprietary operating system whose source code users cannot directly modify.
User Interface: macOS has a more user-friendly and easy-to-use interface, while Linux's user interface is more flexible and customizable.
Software Support: Although Linux has a vast open-source software library, macOS's software ecosystem is more complete and high-quality.
Hardware Compatibility: Linux can run on multiple hardware platforms, while macOS primarily runs on Apple's Mac computers.

VII. Sales of Personal Computers (including Mac)

According to Canalys, in the second quarter of 2024, the global personal computer market grew 3.4% year-on-year with total shipments reaching 62.8 million units. Among them, Apple ranked fourth with shipments of 5.5 million units, accounting for a 9% market share, up 6% from the same period in 2023. This indicates that Apple's personal computers are also growing steadily in the global market.

VIII. Tips for Using macOS

Remember the macOS keyboard shortcuts we introduced in the previous article? I've found some video links to help you become more familiar with your computer.

  1. "26 Useful Shortcuts for Mac Computers! Increase Efficiency by 100%!" - Bilibili, by Adu's Free Channel

  2. "5-Minute Quick Start for Mac Computers, MacBook Beginners' Guide to System and Desktop, macOS Operating System Video Tutorial, Free Professional MacBook Air Pro Beginner's Comprehensive Online Course" - Bilibili, by XianPing_

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