Python 学习整合文件
Python 学习整合文件
包含 Python 的基础语法、数据结构、函数定义、面向对象编程、异常处理、文件操作、高级特性等内容
每个部分都有详细的注释,帮助理解 Python 的各种特性
"""# ================================ 一、基础语法 ================================# 1. 变量与数据类型
# Python 是动态类型语言,不需要显式声明变量类型
integer_var = 10 # 整数类型
float_var = 3.14 # 浮点类型
string_var = "Hello, Python!" # 字符串类型
boolean_var = True # 布尔类型# 2. 运算符
# 算术运算符
addition = 5 + 3 # 加法
subtraction = 10 - 4 # 减法
multiplication = 6 * 7 # 乘法
division = 10 / 2 # 除法,结果为浮点数
integer_division = 10 // 3 # 整数除法
modulus = 10 % 3 # 取余
exponentiation = 2 ** 3 # 幂运算# 比较运算符
equal = (5 == 5) # 等于
not_equal = (5 != 3) # 不等于
greater_than = (5 > 3) # 大于
less_than = (3 < 5) # 小于# 逻辑运算符
logical_and = (True and False) # 与
logical_or = (True or False) # 或
logical_not = not True # 非# 3. 控制流
# if-elif-else 语句
age = 18
if age < 18:print("未成年")
elif age == 18:print("刚成年")
else:print("成年")# for 循环
for i in range(5): # 遍历 0 到 4print(i, end=" ")
print()# while 循环
count = 0
while count < 3:print(count, end=" ")count += 1
print()# ================================ 二、数据结构 ================================# 1. 列表(List)
# 可变、有序序列,允许重复元素
fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
fruits.append("date") # 添加元素
fruits.remove("banana") # 移除元素
print(fruits)# 2. 元组(Tuple)
# 不可变、有序序列
coordinates = (3, 5)
x, y = coordinates # 解包
print(f"x: {x}, y: {y}")# 3. 字典(Dictionary)
# 键值对集合,键必须是不可变类型
person = {"name": "Alice", "age": 30, "city": "New York"}
person["age"] = 31 # 修改值
person["job"] = "Engineer" # 添加键值对
print(person)# 4. 集合(Set)
# 无序、不重复元素集合
unique_numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
unique_numbers.add(5) # 重复元素不会被添加
print(unique_numbers)# ================================ 三、函数定义 ================================# 1. 定义函数
def greet(name):"""简单函数示例"""print(f"Hello, {name}!")greet("Bob")# 2. 默认参数值
def power(base, exponent=2):"""计算幂,exponent 有默认值"""return base ** exponentprint(power(3)) # 使用默认指数
print(power(3, 3)) # 指定指数# 3. 可变参数
def sum_numbers(*args):"""接受可变数量的参数"""total = 0for num in args:total += numreturn totalprint(sum_numbers(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))# 4. lambda 表达式
square = lambda x: x ** 2
print(square(5))# ================================ 四、面向对象编程 ================================# 1. 定义类
class Dog:"""一个简单的狗类"""species = "Canis familiaris" # 类属性def __init__(self, name, age):"""初始化方法"""self.name = name # 实例属性self.age = agedef bark(self):"""实例方法"""print(f"{self.name} is barking!")# 创建实例
my_dog = Dog("Buddy", 3)
print(f"{my_dog.name} is {my_dog.age} years old.")
my_dog.bark()# 2. 继承
class GoldenRetriever(Dog):"""继承自 Dog 类"""def fetch(self, item):"""新增方法"""print(f"{self.name} is fetching {item}!")golden = GoldenRetriever("Max", 5)
golden.fetch("ball")# 3. 多态
class Cat:"""猫类"""def speak(self):print("Meow!")class Dog:"""狗类"""def speak(self):print("Woof!")def animal_sound(animal):"""多态示例函数"""animal.speak()cat = Cat()
dog = Dog()
animal_sound(dog)# ================================ 五、异常处理 ================================# 1. try-except 语句
try:result = 10 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:print("Cannot divide by zero!")
finally:print("Exception handling completed.")# ================================ 六、文件操作 ================================# 1. 读取文件
try:with open("example.txt", "r") as file:content = file.read()print(content)
except FileNotFoundError:print("File not found.")# 2. 写入文件
with open("example.txt", "w") as file:file.write("Hello, Python!\n")file.write("This is a test file.\n")# ================================ 七、高级特性 ================================# 1. 装饰器
def uppercase_decorator(func):"""装饰器示例"""def wrapper():original_result = func()modified_result = original_result.upper()return modified_resultreturn wrapper@uppercase_decorator
def greet():return "hello"print(greet())# 2. 上下文管理器
class MyContextManager:"""上下文管理器示例"""def __enter__(self):print("Entering context")return selfdef __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):print("Exiting context")def do_something(self):print("Doing something")with MyContextManager() as cm:cm.do_something()# 3. 生成器
def count_up_to(n):"""生成器示例"""count = 1while count <= n:yield countcount += 1for num in count_up_to(5):print(num, end=" ")
print()# 4. 迭代器
class MyIterator:"""迭代器示例"""def __init__(self, max_value):self.max_value = max_valueself.current = 0def __iter__(self):return selfdef __next__(self):if self.current >= self.max_value:raise StopIterationself.current += 1return self.currentfor num in MyIterator(5):print(num, end=" ")
print()# ================================ 八、模块与包 ================================# 1. 导入模块
import math
print(math.sqrt(16))# 2. 自定义模块
# 假设有一个名为 my_module.py 的文件,包含以下内容:
# def greet(name):
# print(f"Hello, {name}!")
# from my_module import greet
# greet("Alice")# ================================ 主函数 ================================if __name__ == "__main__":print("Running Python learning file...")# 在这里可以添加测试代码,调用上述定义的函数和类
这个文件整合了 Python 的主要语法和特性,并通过注释解释了每个部分的功能和用法。你可以将这些代码复制到 Python 文件中运行,通过实践来加深对 Python 的理解。
# 导入必要的模块
import math
from datetime import datetime# 基础数据类型:整数、浮点数、字符串、布尔值
integer_example = 42
float_example = 3.14159
string_example = "Hello, world!"
boolean_example = True# 列表(动态数组)
list_example = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]# 元组(不可变序列)
tuple_example = (1, 'apple', 3.14)# 字典(哈希表/映射)
dict_example = {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 25}# 集合(无序且不重复的元素集合)
set_example = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}# 控制流语句: if-elif-else
if integer_example > 0:print("Positive")
elif integer_example < 0:print("Negative")
else:print("Zero")# 循环: for 和 while
for i in range(5):print(i)i = 0
while i < 5:print(i)i += 1# 函数定义
def greet(name="world"):return f"Hello, {name}!"print(greet("Alice"))# Lambda函数
multiply = lambda x, y: x * y
print(multiply(2, 3))# 类定义: 面向对象编程
class Person:def __init__(self, name, age):self.name = nameself.age = agedef greet(self):print(f"Hello, my name is {self.name}")p = Person("Bob", 30)
p.greet()# 装饰器: 修改函数行为
def my_decorator(func):def wrapper():print("Something is happening before the function is called.")func()print("Something is happening after the function is called.")return wrapper@my_decorator
def say_hello():print("Hello!")say_hello()# 上下文管理器: 使用with语句自动管理资源
with open('example.txt', 'w') as f:f.write('Hi there!')# 异常处理
try:result = 10 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:print("Cannot divide by zero.")# 生成器: 使用yield关键字创建迭代器
def count_up_to(max):count = 1while count <= max:yield countcount += 1counter = count_up_to(5)
for num in counter:print(num)# 时间操作
print(datetime.now())# 模块导入与使用
# 文件名:PythonSyntaxDemo.py
# 功能:覆盖 Python 核心语法与高级特性# ===== 1. 基础语法 =====
# 变量与数据类型
immutable_var: int = 42 # 类型注解(Python 3.5+)
mutable_var = "Hello"
mutable_var += " World!" # 字符串拼接
data_types = [1, 2.0, "3", True, None] # 列表包含多种类型# 控制流
def control_flow_demo(num: int) -> str:if num > 10:return ">10"elif num == 10:return "=10"else:return "<10"# 结构模式匹配(Python 3.10+)
def pattern_matching_demo(obj: object):match obj:case [x, y, z]: print(f"列表包含三个元素: {x}, {y}, {z}")case {"name": str(n), "age": int(a)}: print(f"用户: {n}, 年龄 {a}")case _: print("未知类型")# ===== 2. 函数特性 =====
# 参数类型
def func_params(a: int, b: int=0, *args: float, **kwargs: str):"""位置参数、默认参数、可变参数、关键字参数"""print(f"a={a}, b={b}, args={args}, kwargs={kwargs}")# Lambda 表达式
square = lambda x: x ** 2# 装饰器
def decorator(func):def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):print(f"调用函数: {func.__name__}")return func(*args, **kwargs)return wrapper@decorator
def decorated_func():print("装饰器生效")# ===== 3. 类与面向对象 =====
class Animal:def __init__(self, name: str):self.name = namedef speak(self) -> str:raise NotImplementedErrorclass Dog(Animal): # 继承def speak(self):return "Woof!"# 魔术方法def __str__(self):return f"Dog(name={self.name})"# 属性装饰器
class Circle:def __init__(self, radius):self._radius = radius@propertydef radius(self):return self._radius@radius.setterdef radius(self, value):if value > 0:self._radius = value# 静态方法与类方法
class MyClass:@staticmethoddef static_method():print("静态方法")@classmethoddef class_method(cls):print(f"类方法调用,类名: {cls.__name__}")# ===== 4. 高级特性 =====
# 生成器
def fibonacci(n: int):a, b = 0, 1for _ in range(n):yield aa, b = b, a + b# 上下文管理器
class FileManager:def __init__(self, filename):self.filename = filenamedef __enter__(self):self.file = open(self.filename, "w")return self.filedef __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):self.file.close()# 类型提示高级用法(Python 3.10+)
from typing import Union, Optional
def type_hint_demo(a: Union[int, str], b: Optional[float] = None) -> list[int]:return [a] if b is None else [a, b]# ===== 5. 异步编程 =====
import asyncio
async def async_demo():await asyncio.sleep(1)print("异步任务完成")# ===== 6. 元编程 =====
# 元类(控制类创建)
class Meta(type):def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):dct["created_by_meta"] = Truereturn super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)class MyMetaClass(metaclass=Meta):pass# ===== 7. 其他核心特性 =====
# Walrus 运算符(Python 3.8+)
if (n := len("Hello")) > 3:print(f"字符串长度 {n} > 3")# 数据类(Python 3.7+)
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Point:x: inty: int# 枚举
from enum import Enum
class Color(Enum):RED = 1GREEN = 2BLUE = 3# ===== 执行演示 =====
if __name__ == "__main__":# 基础语法print(control_flow_demo(10)) # 输出 "=10"pattern_matching_demo({"name": "Alice", "age": 30}) # 匹配字典模式# 函数特性func_params(1, 2, 3.0, 4.0, key="value") # 展示参数传递print(square(5)) # 输出 25decorated_func()# 类与对象dog = Dog("Buddy")print(dog.speak()) # 输出 "Woof!"print(dog) # 调用 __str__# 高级特性print(list(fibonacci(5))) # 输出 [0, 1, 1, 2, 3]with FileManager("test.txt") as f:f.write("Hello Context Manager")# 异步执行asyncio.run(async_demo())# 元类验证print(hasattr(MyMetaClass, "created_by_meta")) # 输出 True# 数据类p = Point(3, 4)print(p) # 输出 "Point(x=3, y=4)"
- 类型注解与联合类型(
) - 结构模式匹配(
) - 装饰器与元类
- 异步编程(
) - 上下文管理器(
) - 数据类与枚举
- 属性装饰器与魔术方法
- Walrus 运算符(
- 类型注解与联合类型(
- Python 3.10+ 环境(部分特性如模式匹配需要高版本)
- 异步代码需在支持事件循环的环境中执行(如直接运行文件)
- 需深入理解装饰器时,可结合
保留原函数元数据 - 异步编程可结合
等库实现网络请求 - 元类可用于实现 ORM 框架或 API 验证逻辑
- 需深入理解装饰器时,可结合