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【GraphRAG】微软 graphrag 效果实测

2025/3/19 20:47:47 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/HYY_2000/article/details/140488771  浏览:    关键词:【GraphRAG】微软 graphrag 效果实测


本文将基于以下来源,对Microsoft GraphRAG分析优缺点、以及示例实测分析。

1. Source


Welcome to GraphRAGicon-default.png?t=N7T8https://microsoft.github.io/graphrag/

微软文章1(2024.2.13):GraphRAG: Unlocking LLM discovery on narrative private data

Microsoft First Blogicon-default.png?t=N7T8https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/blog/graphrag-unlocking-llm-discovery-on-narrative-private-data/

微软文章2(2024.7.2):GraphRAG: New tool for complex data discovery now on GitHub

Second Blogicon-default.png?t=N7T8https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/blog/graphrag-new-tool-for-complex-data-discovery-now-on-github/


From Local to Globalicon-default.png?t=N7T8https://arxiv.org/pdf/2404.16130

2. Advantages









简单 RAG 回复

被反复提及的公众人物包括<公众人物1, 2, 3和4>。这些人物因各种原因被突出,从他们的职业成就到个人生活。

  • <公众人物1> [...]
  • <公众人物2> [...]
  • <公众人物3> [...]
  • <公众人物4> [...]


GraphRAG 回复


  • 演员和导演 [... 20个人物 ...]
  • 争议中的公众人物 [... 3个人物 ...]
  • 音乐家和高管 [... 5个人物 ...]
  • 运动员和教练 [... 7个人物 ...]
  • 影响者和企业家 [... 3个人物 ...]


3. Limitations

Indexing is a relatively expensive operation;

虽然单次的查询成本降低了,但是建立 索引(或者说是图谱) 超级烧钱!

GraphRAG depends on a well-constructed indexing examples. For general applications (e.g. content oriented around people, places, organizations, things, etc.) we provide example indexing prompts. For unique datasets effective indexing can depend on proper identification of domain-specific concepts.



4. 示例demo 运行结果

论文的核心流程如下,使用的流程主要分为 建立索引的Indexing Time以及查询提问的Query Time.

4.1 建立索引(图谱)



按照 chunk_size = 300 、 overlap = 100

最后拆成 230个300字符的chunk + 单个155字符chunk = 69155 字符 的文档块






根据论文生成的节点和边的关系,简单估算论文在Podcast的节点和边的数目,预计1400$ 以上?


How can users minimize the impact of GraphRAG’s limitations when using the system?

a best practice to mitigate indexing is to create a small test dataset in the target domain to ensure indexer performance prior to large indexing operations.

ps: 选择生成的LLM模型最好能够支持32k及以上的上下文,因为默认的prompt特别长,即便是chunk大小设置了300,构建节点的时候至少会出现6k的输入,一开始选择的模型能力仅有4k,导致报错。

8k的没有测试过,但是默认的entity_extraction.txt内部的prompt(few shot),算上空格空行,存在10835个字符!

4.2 全局性询问



python -m graphrag.query --root ./ragtest --method global "What are the top themes in this story?"


method 改local,再次问询主题:

python -m graphrag.query --root ./ragtest --method local "What are the top themes in this story?"
SUCCESS: Local Search Response: In this story, several themes are prominent. One of the main themes is Scrooge's transformation. Initially, Scrooge is shown to be a harsh employer, with a negative attitude towards Christmas and his fellow human beings. However, through his encounters with various ghosts and his experiences, he undergoes a significant change and decides to improve his behavior and outlook on life [Data: Relationships (37, 72, 73, 75, 16, 18, 17, 127, 129); Entities (60)].Another theme is the significance of Christmas. It is initially not a favored holiday by Scrooge, but his interactions with the ghosts and his various experiences lead him to have a more positive view of Christmas, emphasizing its importance as a time of kindness, forgiveness, and charity [Data: Relationships (37, 285, 286, 313, 336); Entities (60)].The theme of death and its implications is also present. Scrooge is affected by the man's death and is shown various aspects related to it. This event has various implications and is connected to other characters and the spirit [Data: Relationships (159, 337, 376); Entities (354)].The story also explores the theme of family and relationships. Scrooge has relationships with his nephew and other family members, and his attitude towards them changes over the course of the story. Additionally, the Cratchit family is depicted, with their interactions and celebrations around Christmas [Data: Relationships (14, 19, 286, 427, 428); Entities (60)].Finally, the theme of employer-employee relationships is evident. Scrooge's relationship with his employees, such as Bob Cratchit, is complex. Initially, he is a harsh employer, but he later decides to improve their working conditions and salaries [Data: Relationships (127, 129)].





故事还探讨了家庭和关系的主题。斯克鲁奇与他的侄子和其他家庭成员有关系,他对他们的态度随着故事的发展而改变。此外,Cratchit家族也被描绘成圣诞节前后的互动和庆祝活动[数据:Relationships (14, 19, 286, 427, 428);实体(60)]。


4.3 局部信息提问


python -m graphrag.query \
--root ./ragtest \
--method local \
"Who is Scrooge, and what are his main relationships?"
SUCCESS: Local Search Response: Scrooge is the main character in 'A Christmas Carol'. He is initially described as a caustic, cold, grumpy, and cynical old sinner who is rich, tight-fisted, covetous, and against the celebration of Christmas. However, throughout the story, he undergoes a positive transformation.Scrooge has several important relationships:
- **Employer-Employee Relationships**: Scrooge is the employer of Bob Cratchit. Initially, he is a harsh employer, but later decides to improve Bob's working conditions and salary [Data: Relationships (127, 129)].
- **Interaction with Ghosts**: Scrooge has significant interactions with various ghosts, including Marley's Ghost and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come. These encounters have a profound impact on his character and worldview [Data: Relationships (72, 73, 75, 16, 18, 17)].
- **Family Connections**: Scrooge is the uncle of his nephew (referred to as Scrooge's Nephew, Fred, Your Nephew, and The Nephew in different contexts). His initial attitude towards them is not particularly warm, but this changes over the course of his experiences [Data: Relationships (34, 14, 19, 180, 216)].
- **Relationship with Christmas**: Scrooge initially has a negative attitude towards Christmas, but his encounters with the ghosts and various experiences lead him to have a more positive view of the holiday [Data: Relationships (37, 126)].
- **Old Friend and Former Partner**: Scrooge has an old friend Belle and was a partner with Jacob Marley [Data: Relationships (116, 70, 20)].
- **Fellow Apprentice**: Scrooge was a fellow apprentice with Dick Wilkins [Data: Relationship (109)].




  • 雇主-雇员关系:斯克罗吉是鲍勃·克拉特基特的雇主。最初,他是一个苛刻的雇主,但后来决定改善鲍勃的工作条件和工资[数据:关系(127,129)]。
  • 与鬼魂的互动:斯克鲁奇与各种鬼魂有重要的互动,包括马利的鬼魂和圣诞节过去,现在和未来的鬼魂。这些遭遇对他的性格和世界观产生了深远的影响[数据:关系(72,73,75,16,18,17)]。
  • 家庭关系:斯克鲁奇是他侄子的叔叔(在不同的语境中被称为斯克鲁奇的侄子、弗雷德、你的侄子和侄子)。他最初对他们的态度不是特别热情,但随着他的经历,这种态度发生了变化[数据:关系(34,14,19,180,216)]。
  • 与圣诞节的关系:斯克鲁奇最初对圣诞节持消极态度,但他与鬼魂的接触和各种经历使他对圣诞节有了更积极的看法[数据:关系(37,126)]。
  • 老朋友和前合伙人:斯克鲁奇有一个老朋友贝尔,是雅各布·马利的合伙人[数据:关系(116,70,20)]。
  • 徒弟:斯克罗吉是迪克威尔金斯的徒弟[数据:关系(109)]。


SUCCESS: Global Search Response: **Scrooge**Scrooge is a central figure in various communities. Here are his main relationships and associated details:**Employer-Employee Relationships**:
- He is the employer of The Clerk [Data: Reports (43)].
- He is also the employer of Bob Cratchit [Data: Reports (61, 67, 62, 37, 44, 9) +more].**Family Relationships**:
- He has a strained relationship with his nephew [Data: Reports (49)].
- He has a sister named Fan [Data: Reports (9, 61)].**Business Partnerships**:
- Jacob Marley was his partner [Data: Reports (63)].**Spiritual Encounters**:
- He is associated with the Spirit, with whom he has various discussions and is highly influenced [Data: Reports (26)].
- He has significant interactions with various ghosts, including Marley's Ghost and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come [Data: Reports (61, 67, 62, 37, 44, 9) +more].**Connections to Other Characters and Events**:
- He is associated with the Cratchit family, particularly Tiny Tim [Data: Reports (34)].
- He is involved in events related to Christmas Day. He is associated with the Bakers and the Dinner-Carriers on this day [Data: Reports (31)].
- He is also connected to the Ghost of Christmas Present, who shows him the present and blesses Bob Cratchit's house [Data: Reports (24)].
- He has a former relationship with old friend Belle and fellow apprentice Dick Wilkins. The Husband saw Scrooge and informed his wife Belle [Data: Reports (9, 61)].




  • 他是职员的雇主 [数据:报告 (43)]。
  • 他也是鲍勃·克拉奇特的雇主 [数据:报告 (61, 67, 62, 37, 44, 9) +更多]。


  • 他与侄子的关系紧张 [数据:报告 (49)]。
  • 他有一个叫范的妹妹 [数据:报告 (9, 61)]。


  • 雅各布·马利是他的合伙人 [数据:报告 (63)]。


  • 他与幽灵有各种讨论,并深受其影响 [数据:报告 (26)]。
  • 他与多个幽灵有重要互动,包括马利的幽灵和过去、现在及未来的圣诞幽灵 [数据:报告 (61, 67, 62, 37, 44, 9) +更多]。


  • 他与克拉奇特一家,特别是小蒂姆有关联 [数据:报告 (34)]。
  • 他参与了与圣诞节相关的事件,特别是与当天的面包师和送餐员有关 [数据:报告 (31)]。
  • 他还与现在的圣诞幽灵有关,幽灵向他展示了现在,并祝福了鲍勃·克拉奇特的家 [数据:报告 (24)]。
  • 他与旧友贝尔和学徒迪克·威尔金斯有过往关系。丈夫见到了斯克鲁奇并告知妻子贝尔 [数据:报告 (9, 61)]。


CHARACTERSBob Cratchit, clerk to Ebenezer Scrooge.
Peter Cratchit, a son of the preceding.
Tim Cratchit ("Tiny Tim"), a cripple, youngest son of Bob Cratchit.
Mr. Fezziwig, a kind-hearted, jovial old merchant.
Fred, Scrooge's nephew.Ghost of Christmas Past, a phantom showing things past.
Ghost of Christmas Present, a spirit of a kind, generous,and hearty nature.
Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, an apparition showing the shadows of things which yet may happen.
Ghost of Jacob Marley, a spectre of Scrooge's former partner in business.Joe, a marine-store dealer and receiver of stolen goods.
Ebenezer Scrooge, a grasping, covetous old man, the surviving partner of the firm of Scrooge and Marley.
Mr. Topper, a bachelor.
Dick Wilkins, a fellow apprentice of Scrooge's.Belle, a comely matron, an old sweetheart of Scrooge's.
Caroline, wife of one of Scrooge's debtors.
Mrs. Cratchit, wife of Bob Cratchit.
Belinda and Martha Cratchit, daughters of the preceding.Mrs. Dilber, a laundress.
Fan, the sister of Scrooge.
Mrs. Fezziwig, the worthy partner of Mr. Fezziwig.


鲍勃·克拉奇特,埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇的职员。 彼得·克拉奇特,前者之子。 蒂姆·克拉奇特(简称“小蒂姆”),一个跛子,鲍勃·克拉奇特的幼子。 费泽威格先生,一位善良、快活的老商人。 弗雷德,斯克鲁奇的侄子。

圣诞节过去的幽灵,展示过去的事物。 圣诞节现在的幽灵,一个善良、慷慨、热忱的幽灵。 圣诞节未来的幽灵,展示将来可能发生的事物。 雅各布·马利的鬼魂,斯克鲁奇生意上的前合伙人。

乔,一家船舶用品商和盗窃物品的接收人。 埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇,一个贪婪、贪得无厌的老头,是斯克鲁奇和马利公司的幸存的合伙人。 陶普先生,一个单身汉。 迪克·威尔金斯,斯克鲁奇的一个学徒。

贝尔,一个漂亮的已婚妇女,是斯克鲁奇的一个旧情人。 卡罗琳,斯克鲁奇一个债务人的妻子。 克拉奇特夫人,鲍勃·克拉奇特夫人。 贝琳达和玛莎·克拉奇特,前者的女儿。

迪尔伯夫人,一位洗衣女工。 范,斯克鲁奇的一个妹妹。 费泽威格夫人,费泽威格先生的贤内助。


5. 总结

  • 如果不是local和global的含义错了,即便是local的似乎也能进行全局性总结?
  • local的生成比global的生成更加自然。
  • 如果以博客内容为准,也可能是因为复用同一个处理摘要总结时候的prompt,但是GPT4和豆包对这个prompt的响应敏感程度和生成倾向不同。

6. 附录-圣诞颂歌 剧情简介

《A Christmas Carol》的具体剧情分为五个部分,分别称为“五个章节”(Staves),以下是每个章节的详细剧情:

第一章:斯克鲁奇的幽灵(Marley's Ghost)

故事开始于平安夜,吝啬刻薄的商人埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇在伦敦的办公室里。他冷酷无情,对圣诞节毫无兴趣,对慈善和人情味毫不在意。当他的侄子弗雷德(Fred)来邀请他共度圣诞节时,斯克鲁奇粗暴地拒绝了。晚上回到家后,斯克鲁奇遇到了他已故合伙人雅各布·马利(Jacob Marley)的幽灵。马利告诉斯克鲁奇,他将被三个圣诞幽灵拜访,警告他如果不改变自己的行为,将在死后面临同样的悲惨命运。

第二章:过去的圣诞幽灵(The First of the Three Spirits)

第一个幽灵出现了——过去的圣诞幽灵(Ghost of Christmas Past)。这个幽灵带着斯克鲁奇回到了他的童年、青年和早年的职业生涯。斯克鲁奇看到了自己曾经的快乐时光,尤其是与他深爱的贝尔(Belle)的关系。然而,由于对金钱的贪婪,斯克鲁奇最终失去了贝尔。看到这些往事,斯克鲁奇深感痛苦和悔恨。

第三章:现在的圣诞幽灵(The Second of the Three Spirits)

第二个幽灵——现在的圣诞幽灵(Ghost of Christmas Present)带领斯克鲁奇参观了他同时代人的圣诞节庆祝活动。斯克鲁奇看到了他的店员鲍勃·克拉奇特(Bob Cratchit)一家尽管贫穷却充满温暖和爱,尤其是病弱的小蒂姆(Tiny Tim)。幽灵还展示了他侄子弗雷德的圣诞聚会,斯克鲁奇看到了自己被嘲笑和怜悯。通过这些经历,斯克鲁奇逐渐开始理解爱与同情的重要性。

第四章:未来的圣诞幽灵(The Last of the Spirits)

最后一个幽灵——未来的圣诞幽灵(Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come)出现了。这个幽灵带斯克鲁奇看到了他可能的未来:他的死亡。没有人悲伤,没有人关心他的去世。他看到了克拉奇特一家失去小蒂姆的痛苦,也看到了自己被遗忘和被嘲笑的结局。斯克鲁奇被这些景象吓坏了,恳求有机会改变自己的命运。

第五章:终章(The End of It)





