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《雅思口语真经总纲1.0》话题实战训练笔记part1——5. Transportation

2024/10/24 17:32:06 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/Dontla/article/details/140753019  浏览:    关键词:《雅思口语真经总纲1.0》话题实战训练笔记part1——5. Transportation



  • Transportation
    • Hou did you come here today and why did you choose that?
      • 20240728
        • 评价
        • 疑问
          • 为什么“so I first took the subway to the southern station of Shenzhen University. ”用first不用firstly?
      • 范例答案
        • 对范例答案的评价
    • What forms of transport do you usually use?
      • 20240728
        • 评价
        • 疑问
          • whatever和whether用法有何区别?(Whether用来引入两个或两个以上的选择或可能性)
          • “I usually take the subway whether I’m commuting to work or traveling to other places”为什么用现在进行时?(使用现在进行时更加生动,使用一般现在时也是可以的)
          • be super near from my home不对吗?(near后不接介词)
          • “be super near my home”中super是副词,修饰near动词吗?(super是副词,near是形容词)
          • “so it really is the best way for me to get around.”和“so it is really the best way for me to get around.”和“so it is the really best way for me to get around.”都对吗?(第三个是错的)
      • 范例答案
        • 评价
        • 疑问
          • “not too shabby, really”是什么?
    • Is it convenient to take a bus in your city?
      • 20240802
        • 评价
        • 疑问
          • “There are a mount of bus stations here”为什么不对?
          • “It makes getting around town a breeze”是什么意思?
      • 范例答案
    • Is driving popular in your country?
      • 20240802
        • 评价
        • 疑问
          • “Even when the roads are jam-packed and cars crawl along at a snail's pace”表示爬行用crawl不就行了,为什么要加个along?
      • 范例答案


Hou did you come here today and why did you choose that?


I got here by subway and bike cause subway station is just 200 meters away from where I live so firstly I took subway to the “southern of ShenZhen university” station but there were more 300 meters left to my destination, so I chose to ride a shared bike to get here for my rest journey.



  1. “cause”这个词在口语中虽然常用,但在雅思口语考试中,使用“because”会显得更正式一些。
  2. “southern of ShenZhen university”应该是“the southern station of ShenZhen University”。英语中描述地点时,“the”和正确的地名使用是必要的。
  3. “there were more 300 meters left to my destination”这句话可以表达得更自然一些。在英语中,描述剩余距离通常不会用“there were”,而是直接说“it was another 300 meters to my destination”。
  4. “for my rest journey”这部分表达有点不自然,可以用“for the rest of my journey”来替换。


“I traveled here today by subway and bike. The subway station is conveniently just 200 meters from my home, so I first took the subway to the southern station of Shenzhen University. Since my destination was still 300 meters away, I decided to ride a shared bike for the rest of my journey.”



为什么“so I first took the subway to the southern station of Shenzhen University. ”用first不用firstly?


“First”通常用作副词,意味着“首先”,在口语和非正式写作中使用得更为频繁。例如:“I first went to the store, then to the library.” 这里的“first”直接修饰动词“went”,表示行动的顺序。

“Firstly”也是副词,用于列举或强调序列中的第一点,常见于更正式的语境,尤其是在列出多个理由或步骤时。比如在正式文档或演讲中:“Firstly, we need to consider the budget. Secondly, the timeline.”

在你的句子中,“so I first took the subway to the southern station of Shenzhen University”已经很自然,且符合日常英语的使用习惯。如果使用“firstly”,虽然不是错误,但会显得稍微正式一点,而且在这种情况下,使用“first”已经足够清楚地表达了顺序和过程。所以,“first”是更自然的选择。


A: Well, I just took the subway here coz it’s the most reliable form of transport I think, I knew exactly what time I would get here. However, if I had taken a bus or taxi, I wouldn’t have known because there could have been a traffic jam and I could have gotten caught up in it.



  1. “Well, I just took the subway here coz it’s the most reliable form of transport I think,”

    • “coz"是"because"的非正式表达,不太适合用于考试场合。应该使用"because”。
    • 你可以在句子中加入一些连接词来使语句更加流畅。
  2. “I knew exactly what time I would get here.”

    • 这句话已经很清楚明了,语法正确。
  3. “However, if I had taken a bus or taxi, I wouldn’t have known because there could have been a traffic jam and I could have gotten caught up in it.”

    • 这句话的意思表达得很好,但为了让语言更加自然,可以稍作简化。
    • “gotten caught up in it"可以简化为"been delayed”,更简洁明了。


“Well, I took the subway here because I find it the most reliable form of transport. I knew exactly when I would arrive, which is really important to me. With other options like a bus or taxi, there’s always the risk of traffic jams that could delay me, and I wanted to avoid any uncertainty.”


What forms of transport do you usually use?


Well, I usually take subway whatever comute to work or travel to other places, because subway is super near from my home, which is 200 meters away. And also my company is not far from the subway station, so I find it the best transportation for me.



  1. “Well, I usually take subway whatever comute to work or travel to other places,”

    • “take subway”后面应该加定冠词,变成“take the subway”。
    • “whatever comute to work or travel to other places”这里的“whatever”用法不正确,应该使用“whether”来表示两种选择,且“comute”应拼写为“commute”。
  2. “because subway is super near from my home, which is 200 meters away.”

    • “subway is super near from my home”中的“from”是多余的,应该去掉。
    • “super near”虽然可以理解,但更常见的表达是“very close to”。
  3. “And also my company is not far from the subway station, so I find it the best transportation for me.”

    • “And also”在句首使用有些重复,可以简化为“Also”。
    • 最后的“the best transportation for me”可以稍作简化,使语言更加自然。


“Well, I usually take the subway whether I’m commuting to work or traveling to other places because it’s very close to my home—just 200 meters away. Also, my company is not far from a subway station, so it really is the best way for me to get around.”




  1. Whether

    • Whether 用来引入两个或两个以上的选择或可能性。它通常用在表达条件或选择的情况下,类似于中文中的“是否”或“是……还是……”。
    • 例如:“I’m not sure whether I will go to the party or stay home.”(我不确定是去参加派对还是待在家里。)
    • 另一个常见用法是在不直接列出选择的情况下使用,比如:“Please let me know whether you can come.”(请告诉我你能否来。)
  2. Whatever

    • Whatever 通常用作代词或形容词,表示“无论什么”,“任何……都行”,用于指代不特定的事物或情况,有时带有放弃或不关心的语气。
    • 例如:“You can select whatever you like from the menu.”(你可以从菜单中选择任何你喜欢的东西。)
    • 在语气词的使用上,如:“Whatever happens, stay calm.”(无论发生什么,保持冷静。)


“I usually take the subway whether I’m commuting to work or traveling to other places”为什么用现在进行时?(使用现在进行时更加生动,使用一般现在时也是可以的)

在这个句子中,“I usually take the subway whether I’m commuting to work or traveling to other places”,使用现在进行时(“I’m commuting”和“I’m traveling”)实际上是为了表达一种通常情况下经常发生的活动。这里,现在进行时并不是严格意义上表示正在进行的动作,而是用来描述习惯性、重复发生的活动,这在英语中是一种非常普遍的用法。


  • “I’m taking yoga classes on weekends.”(我周末在上瑜伽课。)
  • “She’s playing soccer this season.”(她这个赛季在踢足球。)




“I usually take the subway whether I commute to work or travel to other places.”

这样表达同样准确,使用一般现在时(“I commute” 和 “I travel”)来描述你的通常习惯。这种用法简洁明了,也是完全符合英语语法习惯的。

be super near from my home不对吗?(near后不接介词)

表达 “be super near from my home” 在英语中并不正确。通常描述距离近时,我们不会在 “near” 后面使用介词 “from”。正确的表达应该是 “be super near my home” 或者 “be very close to my home”。

  • “be super near my home” 是一个更简洁的表达方式,“near” 直接后接地点。
  • “be very close to my home” 使用了介词 “to”,这是在描述距离时常用的表达方式。

所以,如果你想使用 “near”,正确的表达应该是:

  • “The subway is super near my home.”

或者,如果你想用 “close to”,可以表达为:

  • “The subway is very close to my home.”


“be super near my home”中super是副词,修饰near动词吗?(super是副词,near是形容词)

在“super near my home”这个短语中,虽然“near”经常用作介词,但它在这里也可以理解为形容词形式,特别是当它被“super”这样的副词修饰时。这是非正式的用法,尤其是在口语中,人们有时会将“near”用作形容词来描述距离的近。例如,当我们说“super near”时,这是一种非常口语化的表达方式,用来加强“近”的程度。

通常,“near”作为介词更为常见,直接后接一个名词来表达一种位置的关系,如“near my home”。但在一些非正式或口语的环境下,它可能会以形容词的形式出现,尤其是被如“super”这样的副词修饰时。在这种用法中,它不遵循标准的语法规则,但在非正式交流中是可接受的。

因此,“The subway is super near my home”在口语中是可以接受的,尽管它偏离了更正式或书面英语中的标准用法。在更正式或书面的语境中,我们可能会选择说“The subway is very close to my home”来避免任何混淆。

“so it really is the best way for me to get around.”和“so it is really the best way for me to get around.”和“so it is the really best way for me to get around.”都对吗?(第三个是错的)


  1. “So it really is the best way for me to get around.”

    • 这个句子是正确的。在这里,“really”用来强调整个句子,“is”之前的位置使得强调落在“is the best way”上,表示这确实是最好的方式。
  2. “So it is really the best way for me to get around.”

    • 这个句子也是正确的。在这种结构中,“really”修饰“the best way”,用来加强“最好的方式”这个描述。这里的“really”放在“is”之后,更加强调了“the best way”的程度。
  3. “So it is the really best way for me to get around.”

    • 这个句子是不正确的。在英语中,副词“really”不能用来直接修饰形容词“best”。如果你想强调“best”,应该使用“really”在一个助动词或主动词之前,或者使用其他形容词如“very”直接前置修饰形容词。

总结来说,第一和第二个句子都是正确的,可以根据需要选择强调的位置。但是第三个句子因为语法问题需要调整。正确的方式可以是:“It is really the best way for me to get around”或者“It is the very best way for me to get around”。


A: Um, the subway actually. Not only did I take it today, I take it every day. Every morning I take it to work and it’s a 40-minute ride——not too bad. And then, after work, I take it back home. The subway is an important part of my life.



首先,开头用了“Um”,这种语气词的使用在口语中是很自然的,可以保留。接着你说的“Not only did I take it today, I take it every day”可以稍作修改,因为这里的时态有点混乱。“did I take it”是过去时,但“I take it every day”是现在时。我们可以统一时态,让句子更加流畅。

然后,“Every morning I take it to work and it’s a 40-minute ride——not too bad”这句话本身很好,但可以稍微调整一下语序和措辞,让听起来更地道一些。

最后,“The subway is an important part of my life”这句话很好地总结了你的回答,可以保留。


You know, I usually take the subway. Actually, not only did I take it today, but I also use it every day. Each morning, I hop on the subway to get to work, and it’s about a 40-minute ride—not too shabby, really. And then, after work, I catch it again to head back home. The subway really is an essential part of my life.


“not too shabby, really”是什么?

“Not too shabby” 是一个非常口语化的表达,意思是“还不错”,“相当好”。在这个短语中加上“really”是为了加强语气,使得回答听起来更加自然和轻松。这种表达在日常英语对话中很常见,用来表示某事物虽不是最好,但也足够好,让人满意。在雅思口语考试中使用这样的表达可以帮助展示你的自然口语能力和对地道表达的掌握。

Is it convenient to take a bus in your city?


Definitely, It’s super convenient to take a bus in my city, there are a mount of bus stations here, and the interval between buses is very short so that passengers don’t need wait too much time to commute.



首先,你的答案开头用了“Definitely,” 这个词,这很好,因为可以立即表达出你的肯定态度。但是,“It’s”后面不需要大写字母。接着你说了“super convenient”,这个表达很口语化,很适合雅思口语的场景。

然后,你说“There are a mount of bus stations here,”。这里有个小错误,“a mount”应该是“a lot of”或者“many”,来表达“很多”的意思。

接下来,“and the interval between buses is very short so that passengers don’t need wait too much time to commute.” 这句话里,“don’t need wait”应该是“don’t need to wait”,加上“to”来构成正确的结构。


“Oh, absolutely, taking the bus around my city is super convenient. We’ve got loads of bus stations pretty much everywhere, and the buses run so frequently that you hardly have to wait at all. It makes getting around town a breeze!”


这个答案用了一些非常口语化的表达,比如“loads of”代替“many”,“pretty much everywhere”增加了一些详细的描述,让答案听起来更加地道和具体。使用“hardly”和“at all”也让语气更强烈,表达了等车时间很短的意思。总体上,这样的回答更符合英语的口语表达,也能更好地吸引考官的注意。

“There are a mount of bus stations here”为什么不对?

你大概想表达的是“There are an amount of bus stations here”,当你说“There are an amount of bus stations here,” 这句话在英语中是有些问题的。在这里,“amount” 通常用于不可数名词,例如“水”(water)、“空气”(air)或“信息”(information)。但是,“bus stations”(公交车站)是可数名词,所以应该使用可以和可数名词搭配的词汇,比如 “a number of”。

正确的表达应该是:“There are a number of bus stations here,” 这样既符合语法规则,也更自然地道。如果想表达数量很多,可以使用“many”或者“a lot of”,例如:“There are many bus stations here,” 或者 “There are a lot of bus stations here。”这些都是更常用且正确的表达方式。

“It makes getting around town a breeze”是什么意思?

表达 “It makes getting around town a breeze” 的意思是,它让在城镇中四处走动变得非常容易和舒适。这里的 “a breeze” 是一个常用的英语习语,形容某事非常简单、轻松。所以,这句话强调的是因为某种原因(比如交通便利),在城市里移动变得非常轻松愉快。


A: Um, I think so. In my opinion, it’s pretty convenient because there are bus stations everywhere and you can take the bus to every corner of the city, For instance, there’s a station within walking distance of my home and roughly 15 buses come here and go to different parts of the city every day. So yeah. I’d say it’s generally pretty good.


Is driving popular in your country?


Rather than say it is popular, it’s more like a mental state that people have a huge tendency to purchase large properties like houses, cars and so on in my country. So you may see a situation in my country that even if the roads were full of traffic jam, people would still drove their cars ran like snails.



首先,你的回答是:“Rather than say it is popular, it’s more like a mental state that people have a huge tendency to purchase large properties like houses, cars and so on in my country.” 这句话有点复杂,而且用“mental state”(心理状态)来描述人们倾向于购买大件物品如汽车可能不太准确。这样的表达也从驾驶的普及性转移到了购买行为上,可能有点偏题。

接着是:“So you may see a situation in my country that even if the roads were full of traffic jam, people would still drove their cars ran like snails.” 这句话的语法需要调整。“drove” 应该是 “drive”,因为它应与 “would” 一起用来形成条件语气的过去式;“ran” 也应改为 “run”。


“Driving is quite common in my country, not just because it’s convenient, but also because owning a car is often seen as a status symbol. Even when the roads are jam-packed and cars crawl along at a snail’s pace, people still prefer to drive their own vehicle.”



“Even when the roads are jam-packed and cars crawl along at a snail’s pace”表示爬行用crawl不就行了,为什么要加个along?

在这个句子中,“crawl along”是一个习惯用法,用来强调移动的缓慢性和进行的方式。单独的“crawl”确实意味着缓慢地移动,但是当加上“along”后,这个短语带有一种更具描述性的感觉,让听者或读者能更生动地想象到车辆缓慢地、一点一点地在道路上前进的情形。

“Along” 在这里起到了强调行动过程和路径的作用,使整个场景描述更加形象和具体。这种用法在英语中很常见,尤其是在描述缓慢或持续的动作时。

在这个短语 “crawl along” 中,“along” 是一个副词。它用来描述动词 “crawl”(爬行)的方式,指示动作是沿着某一路线或方向进行的。这种用法强调了动作的延续性和路径。


A: Yeah, it sure is. Driving is extremely popular in China because people’s living standards are getting higher and higher, and more and more people want to go to different places in a more comfortable way, so an increasing number of people are buying cars. As a result, there are so many cars on the streets every day, which means the trafic is awful in many cities.


