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2024/10/26 5:27:56 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/hsy1603914691/article/details/142903374  浏览:    关键词:贪吃蛇游戏(代码篇)







1. 下面代码直接复制即可运行。

2. 每个代码块都用简洁的总结和介绍。


#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>#define KEY_PRESS(VK) ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK)&0x1) ? 1 : 0) //设置键值
#define POS_X 24 //蛇初始位置
#define POS_Y 5 //蛇初始位置//节点类型
typedef struct SnakeNode
{//节点的坐标int x;int y;//指向下一个节点的指针struct SnakeNode* next;
typedef struct SnakeNode*  pSnakeNode;//贪吃蛇的信息
typedef struct Snake
{pSnakeNode _pSnake;//贪吃蛇的身体节点pSnakeNode _pFood;//食物节点enum Direction _dir;//贪吃蛇的方向enum Game_Statues _status;//贪吃蛇的状态int _food_weight;//一个食物的分数int _score;//总分数int _sleep_time;//休息时间,即贪吃蛇的速度
typedef struct Snake* pSnake;//方向
enum Direction
enum Game_Status
void GameStart(pSnake ps);
void WelcomeToGame();
void SetPos(int x, int y);
void CreateMap();
void InitSnake(pSnake ps);
void CreateFood(pSnake ps);
void GameRun(pSnake ps);
void PrintHelpInfo();
void Pause();
void SnakeMove(pSnake ps);
int NextIsFood(pSnakeNode pn, pSnake ps);
void EatFood(pSnakeNode pn, pSnake ps);
void NoFood(pSnakeNode pn, pSnake ps);
void KillByWall(pSnake ps);
void KillBySelf(pSnake ps);
void GameEnd(pSnake ps);


#include "snake.h"
void GameStart(pSnake ps)
{//设置窗口system("mode con cols=100 lines=30");//调整CMD行与列system("title 贪吃蛇");//修改CMD的标题//获取标准输出的句柄,存放在houtput中。HANDLE houtput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);if (houtput == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) // 处理错误,例如输出错误信息{fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get standard output handle.\n");return;}//创建一个CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO的结构体CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO CursorInfo;if (!GetConsoleCursorInfo(houtput, &CursorInfo)) // 处理错误,例如输出错误信息{fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get console cursor info.\n");return;}//隐藏控制台光标CursorInfo.bVisible = false; if (!SetConsoleCursorInfo(houtput, &CursorInfo)) // 处理错误,例如输出错误信息{fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set console cursor info.\n");return;}//欢迎函数WelcomeToGame();//打印地图CreateMap();//初始化贪吃蛇InitSnake(ps);//设置食物的位置CreateFood(ps);
void WelcomeToGame()
{SetPos(32, 13);printf("Welcome to the Classic Snake Game!");SetPos(39, 22);system("pause");//打印完一个界面后直接暂停,直到点击继续system("cls");//在清空界面,打印新的一个界面SetPos(30, 13);wprintf(L"Navigate the Snake using ↑ ↓ ← →.");SetPos(33, 15);wprintf(L"Accelerate to earn more points.");SetPos(38, 23);system("pause");system("cls");
void SetPos(int x, int y)
{//获取标准输出的句柄,存放在houtput中HANDLE houtput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);//设定我们想要定位的坐标COORD pos = { x,y };//将光标定位到pos2SetConsoleCursorPosition(houtput, pos);
void CreateMap()
{int i = 0;//打印上边界for (i = 0; i < 29; i++){wprintf(L"□");}//打印下边界SetPos(0, 26);for (i=0; i < 29; i++){wprintf(L"□");}//打印左边界for (i = 1; i <= 25; i++){SetPos(0, i);wprintf(L"□");}//打印右边界for (i = 1; i <= 25; i++){SetPos(56, i);wprintf(L"□");}
void InitSnake(pSnake ps)
{int i = 0;for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)//开始贪吃蛇一共设置五个长度{pSnakeNode  cur = (pSnakeNode)malloc(sizeof(SnakeNode));if (cur == NULL){perror("InitSnake error");exit(1);}cur->next = NULL;cur->x = POS_X + 2 * i;cur->y = POS_Y;//头插法if (ps->_pSnake == NULL){ps->_pSnake = cur;}else{cur->next = ps->_pSnake;ps->_pSnake = cur;}}pSnakeNode  cur = ps->_pSnake;while (cur != NULL){SetPos(cur->x, cur->y);wprintf(L"●");cur = cur->next;}//设置贪吃蛇的属性ps->_dir = RIGHT;ps->_score = 0;ps->_food_weight = 10;ps->_sleep_time = 200;ps->_status = OK;
void CreateFood(pSnake ps)
{int x;int y;
again:do{x = (rand()) % 53 + 2;y = (rand()) % 25 + 1;} while (x % 2 != 0);//不能与蛇身冲突pSnakeNode  cur = ps->_pSnake;while (cur != NULL){if ((x == cur->x) && (y == cur->y)){goto again;}cur = cur->next;}//创建食物节点pSnakeNode  pFood = (pSnakeNode)malloc(sizeof(SnakeNode));if (pFood == NULL){perror("CreateFood error");exit(1);}pFood->x = x;pFood->y = y;pFood->next = NULL;SetPos(x, y);wprintf(L"★");ps->_pFood = pFood;
void GameRun(pSnake ps)
{//打印欢迎界面PrintHelpInfo();//游戏开始运行do{//显示分数SetPos(64, 7);printf("Current score: %d", ps->_score);SetPos(64, 8);printf("Current food score: %2d", ps->_food_weight);//判断玩家操作if (KEY_PRESS(VK_UP) && (ps->_dir != UP)){ps->_dir = UP;}else if (KEY_PRESS(VK_DOWN) && (ps->_dir != DOWN)){ps->_dir = DOWN;}else if (KEY_PRESS(VK_LEFT) && (ps->_dir != LEFT)){ps->_dir = LEFT;}else if (KEY_PRESS(VK_RIGHT) && (ps->_dir != RIGHT)){ps->_dir = RIGHT;}else if (KEY_PRESS(VK_SPACE)){Pause();//暂停设置}else if (KEY_PRESS(VK_ESCAPE)){ps->_status = END_NORMAL;}else if (KEY_PRESS(VK_F3)){if (ps->_sleep_time > 80){ps->_sleep_time -= 30;ps->_food_weight += 2;}}else if (KEY_PRESS(VK_F4)){if (ps->_food_weight > 2){ps->_sleep_time += 30;ps->_food_weight -= 2;}}//实现贪吃蛇的移动SnakeMove(ps);//通过短暂暂停来展现动态效果Sleep(ps->_sleep_time);} while (ps->_status == OK);
void PrintHelpInfo()
{SetPos(64, 10);wprintf(L"No wall passing. No self-biting.");SetPos(64, 12);wprintf(L"F3 to speed up. F4 to slow down.");SetPos(64, 14);wprintf(L"ESC to exit. Space to pause.");SetPos(74, 21);wprintf(L"Made by HSY,");SetPos(66, 22);wprintf(L"a uniquely independent pig.");
void Pause()
{while (1){Sleep(200);if (KEY_PRESS(VK_SPACE)){break;}}
void SnakeMove(pSnake ps)
{pSnakeNode  pNextNode = (pSnakeNode)malloc(sizeof(SnakeNode));if (pNextNode == NULL){perror("SnakeMove error");exit(1);}switch (ps->_dir){case UP:pNextNode->x = ps->_pSnake->x;pNextNode->y = ps->_pSnake->y - 1;break;case DOWN:pNextNode->x = ps->_pSnake->x;pNextNode->y = ps->_pSnake->y + 1;break;case LEFT:pNextNode->x = ps->_pSnake->x - 2;pNextNode->y = ps->_pSnake->y;break;case RIGHT:pNextNode->x = ps->_pSnake->x + 2;pNextNode->y = ps->_pSnake->y;break;}if (NextIsFood(pNextNode,ps)){EatFood(pNextNode, ps);}else{NoFood(pNextNode, ps);}KillByWall(ps);//被墙杀死KillBySelf(ps);//被自己杀死
int NextIsFood(pSnakeNode pn, pSnake ps)
{return (ps->_pFood->x == pn->x && ps->_pFood->y == pn->y);
void EatFood(pSnakeNode pn, pSnake ps)
{ps->_pFood->next = ps->_pSnake;ps->_pSnake = ps->_pFood;free(pn);pn = NULL;pSnakeNode cur = ps->_pSnake;while (cur!=NULL){SetPos(cur->x, cur->y);wprintf(L"●");cur = cur->next;}ps->_score += ps->_food_weight;CreateFood(ps);
void NoFood(pSnakeNode pn, pSnake ps)
{pn->next = ps->_pSnake;ps->_pSnake = pn;pSnakeNode  cur = ps->_pSnake;while (cur->next->next != NULL){SetPos(cur->x, cur->y);wprintf(L"●");cur = cur->next;}SetPos(cur->next->x, cur->next->y);printf("  ");free(cur->next);cur->next = NULL;
void KillByWall(pSnake ps)
{if (ps->_pSnake->x == 0 || ps->_pSnake->x == 56 || ps->_pSnake->y == 0 || ps->_pSnake->y == 26){ps->_status = KILL_BY_WALL;}
void KillBySelf(pSnake ps)
{pSnakeNode cur = ps->_pSnake->next;while (cur){if (cur->x == ps->_pSnake->x && cur->y == ps->_pSnake->y){ps->_status = KILL_BY_SELF;break;}cur = cur->next;}
void GameEnd(pSnake ps)
{//判断哪种结束方式switch (ps->_status){case END_NORMAL:SetPos(17, 12);printf("You have ended the game.");break;case KILL_BY_WALL:SetPos(10, 12);printf("You ended the game by hitting a wall.");break;case KILL_BY_SELF:SetPos(10, 12);printf("You ended the game by self-collision.");break;}//清除贪吃蛇pSnakeNode cur = ps->_pSnake;pSnakeNode prev = NULL;while (cur){prev = cur;cur = cur->next;free(prev);}}


#include "snake.h"
void test()
{char ch;do{system("cls");Snake snake = { 0 };GameStart(&snake);//游戏开始GameRun(&snake);//游戏运行GameEnd(&snake);//游戏结束SetPos(20, 15);//结束之后,询问是否再来一次printf("Play again? (Y/N)");ch = getchar();//用户输入一个字符并按回车后,实际上有两个字符进入了输入缓冲区:用户输入的字符和随后的换行符。第一个 getchar() 会读取用户输入的字符,而第二个 getchar() 则用来读取(并丢弃)换行符。getchar();} while (ch == 'Y'|| ch == 'y');SetPos(0, 28);//如果游戏结束,(为了美观)退出代码定位
int main()
{//设置本地环境setlocale(LC_ALL, "");//生成随机值srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));//测试游戏test();return 0;




