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[MOCO] Momentum Contrast for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning

2024/10/25 8:21:37 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/sinat_30618203/article/details/140529135  浏览:    关键词:[MOCO] Momentum Contrast for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning


        无监督表示学习在自然图像领域已经很成功,因为语言任务有离散的信号空间(words, sub-word units等),便于构建tokenized字典

        现有的无监督视觉表示学习方法可以看作是构建动态字典,字典的“keys”则是从数据(images or patches)中采样得到的,并用编码网络来代表

        构建的字典需要满足large和consistent as they evolve during training这两个条件


        Momentum Contrast (MoCo)


        1)contrastive learning

                dictionary look-up

                -> loss: info NCE


                -> momentum

                        the dictionary is dynamic: the keys are randomly sampled, and the key encoder evolves during training

        2)dictionary as a queue

                -> large: decouple the dictionary size (can be set as a hyper-parameter) from the mini-batch size

                -> consistent: the encoded representations of the current mini-batch are enqueued, and the oldest are dequeued.

                                        the dictionary keys come from the preceding several mini-batches, slowly progressing key encoder, momentum-based moving average of the query encoder

        3)momentum update


                -> 只有\theta _{q}的参数是通过back-propagation更新的

                -> 尽管不同mini-batch中的key是用不同的encoder编码的,这些encoder之间的差异比较小

        4)pretext task

                instance discrimination: a query matches a key if they are encoded views (e.g. different crops) of the same image

        5)shuffling BN

                perform BN on the samples independently for each GPU,以防intra-batch communication among samples造成信息泄露


