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P4356 [CERC2015] Looping Labyrinth 题解

2025/2/24 19:26:52 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/Alan_Becker/article/details/143446297  浏览:    关键词:P4356 [CERC2015] Looping Labyrinth 题解


A labyrinth is obtained by tiling the entire plane with a pattern – a rectangular grid consisting of n rows and m columns where every cell is either empty or blocked. The result is an infinite grid of cells with the pattern repeating in all four directions.

Formally, suppose we denote both rows and columns of the infinite grid with integers (including the negative integers). The row number increases as we move downwards in the grid, while the column number increases as we go to the right. The cell at coordinates (0,0) is called the origin. The labyrinth is obtained by copying the pattern (without mirroring or rotation) to every n-by-m rectangular area that, in the upper-left corner, has a cell with the row number divisible by n and the column number divisible by m. In particular, the upper-left corner of the pattern gets copied to the origin, while the lower-right corner gets copied to the cell with coordinates (n−1,m−1).

To escape the labyrinth starting from a particular cell, we need to reach the origin via a sequence of empty cells, going up, down, left or right in each step.

You are given a pattern and a sequence of possible starting cells. For each starting cell determine if it is possible to escape the labyrinth.


The first line contains two integers n and m (1≤n, m≤100)–the number of rows and columns in the pattern, respectively. Each of the following n lines contains a string of exactly m characters describing one row of the pattern. The character # denotes a blocked cell while the dot character denotes an empty cell. The following line contains an integer q (1≤q≤200,000) – the number of starting cells. The k-th of the following q lines contains two integers r and c (−109−109 ≤ r, c ≤ 109109) – the row and column of the k-th starting cell.

The origin and all starting cells will be empty.


Output should consist of q lines. The k-th line should contain the word yes if it is possible to exit the labyrinth from the k-th starting cell and the word no otherwise.







以下每一行包含mm个字符。“#”表示墙,“.”表示路。 以下的一行包含整数qq(1≤q≤2000001≤q≤200000)表示起点的数量。



输出格式: 输出qq行。如果可以从当前起点逃出迷宫,则每行输出yesyes,否则输出nono。


输入 #1复制

6 9 
1 4 
5 4 
1 -5 
5 -5 
-1000000000 0

输出 #1复制



Central Europe Regional Contest 2015 Problem L


现在有一个无限大小的格子迷宫,它是由一个已知的 n×m 的图形无限重复得到的。现在有 T个格子,请你回答每个格子能否到达格子 (0,0)


对每个格子我们都可以求出它的**"块坐标""块内坐标"**,即 (x,y)=(nxB+xI,myB+yI),下面记为 (xB,yB,xI,yI)

记格子 u 能到达 v 为 u→v。箭头只是个符号,其实这是个双向关系。

每个块的 (0,0)是否可达显然是十分重要的,下面进行研究。


引理 1.

若 (x,y,0,0)→(0,0,0,0),则 ∀λ,(λx,λy,0,0)→(0,0,0,0)。

引理 1 - 证明.

对于 λ≥0λ≥0,(λx,λy,0,0)→((λ−1)x,(λ−1)y,0,0)→…。

λ≤0λ≤0 亦然。

引理 2.

若 (x1,y1,0,0)→(0,0,0,0)←(x2,y2,0,0),

则 ∀λ,μ,(λx1+μx2,0,0)→(0,0,0,0)∀λ,μ,(λx1​+μx2​,2​,0,0)→(0,0,0,0)。

引理 2 - 证明. 同上。

仔细一想你会发现,你好像构造不出 (2,0,0,0)能到达,(1,0,0,0) 却到不了的情况。更进一步我们有如下猜想

定理 1.

若 (λxu,λyu,0,0)→(0,0,0,0),则 (xu,yu,0,0)→(0,0,0,0)。

定理 1 - 证明.


假如我们一顿走位走到了 (λxu​,λyu​,0,0)(这条路径称为 0 路径),那么我们把它移动到 (xu,yu,0,0),(2xu,2yu,0,0),…,这些路径称为 1,2,...路径。

如果 0 路径和 1 路径之间相交,那么我们就立刻得出了一条 (0,0,0,0)→(xu,yu,0,0) 的路径。现在我们来证明,它们真的一定会相交。

如图,所有的 0 路径构成了一条无限长的城墙。

这条城墙把平面分成三个部分:上面下面 和 里面。不难发现 1 路径如果和 0 路径无交,那就必定完全存在于这三部分之一。不难证明它不可能在里面,要在就在上面或下面,不妨设为上面。

那么 2 路径在 1 路径的上面,3 路径在 2 路径的的上面,……λ 路径在 λ−1 路径的上面,自然也就在 0 路径的上面。

——等等!λ 路径难道不就是 0 路径自己吗?!一条路径怎么可能在自己的上面呢?这引出了矛盾,原假设不成立。

有了以上知识储备,我们可以发现,可达的 (∗,∗,0,0) 构成的集合的形态是极度有限的。

  • {(0,0,0,0)}。最简单的形态。
  • {(u,v,0,0)},gcd⁡(u,v)=1。即找到了一组可达 (u,v,0,0)。
  • 如果找到了两组 (u1,v1,0,0),(u2,v2,0,0),那么不难发现任何一个 (x,y,0,0) 都能被表示,即形态为 {(x,y,0,0),x,y∈Z}。

考虑求解这个"块可达性形态"。我们从 (0,0,0,0) 开始 BFS,限制每个块内坐标至多访问一次,若试图访问多次便说明我们找到了一组 (u,v)。这样复杂度是 O(nm) 的,还顺利完成了形态求解的任务。

然后又发现这个形态好像只和 BFS 出的集合有关,换句话说:除了那些根本到不了的点,其他所有点的"块可达性形态"是一样的。直接用相同的做法套就完事了。


using namespace std;
int n, m;
bool H[105][105];
struct node {int xB, yB, xI, yI;
node calc(int x, int y) {node ans;ans.xB = x >= 0 ? (x / n) : ((x + 1) / n - 1);ans.yB = y >= 0 ? (y / m) : ((y + 1) / m - 1);ans.xI = x - ans.xB * n; assert(ans.xI >= 0 && ans.xI < n);ans.yI = y - ans.yB * m;return ans;
}int U = 0, V = 0;
void insert(int nU, int nV) {if (U == -998244353) return; // case 2if (nU == 0 && nV == 0) return; // meaninglessif (nU < 0) nU = -nU, nV = -nV;else if (nU == 0 && nV < 0) nV = -nV;int g = __gcd(nU, abs(nV)); nU /= g, nV /= g;if (nU == U && nV == V) return;if (U || V)  U = V = -998244353; // case 1 -> case 2else U = nU, V = nV; // case 0 -> case 1
}bool vis[105][105];
pair<int, int> pB[105][105];
bool isvalid(node u) {if (H[u.xI][u.yI]) return 0;if (!vis[u.xI][u.yI]) {vis[u.xI][u.yI] = 1;pB[u.xI][u.yI] = make_pair(u.xB, u.yB);return 1;}insert(u.xB - pB[u.xI][u.yI].first, u.yB - pB[u.xI][u.yI].second);return 0;
}int d[4][2] = {{1, 0}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, -1}};int main() {scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {char c = getchar();while (c != '.' && c != '#') c = getchar();for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)H[i][j] = c == '#', c = getchar();}queue<pair<int, int> > Q;isvalid((node){0, 0, 0, 0}); Q.push(make_pair(0, 0));while (!Q.empty()) {pair<int, int> u = Q.front(); Q.pop();for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {int vx = u.first + d[i][0], vy = u.second + d[i][1];if (isvalid(calc(vx, vy))) Q.push(make_pair(vx, vy));}}int T; scanf("%d", &T);while (T--) {int x, y; scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);node qaq = calc(x, y);if (!vis[qaq.xI][qaq.yI]) { printf("no\n"); continue; }if (U == 0 && V == 0) {if (qaq.xB != pB[qaq.xI][qaq.yI].first || qaq.yB != pB[qaq.xI][qaq.yI].second)printf("no\n");else printf("yes\n");continue;}if (U == -998244353 && V == -998244353) {printf("yes\n"); continue;}int nU = qaq.xB - pB[qaq.xI][qaq.yI].first,nV = qaq.yB - pB[qaq.xI][qaq.yI].second;if (nU == 0 && nV == 0) { printf("yes\n"); continue; }if (nU < 0) nU = -nU, nV = -nV;else if (nU == 0 && nV < 0) nV = -nV;int g = __gcd(nU, abs(nV)); nU /= g, nV /= g;if (nU == U && nV == V) { printf("yes\n"); continue; }printf("no\n");}



