1 持有 harbor2 2 反映 mirror 3 缩短 bridge
4 使用 harness 5 掩饰 mask/veil 6 修改 tailor
7 汇集 pool 8 控制 curb 9 想象 picture
10 激发 trigger
1 虽然 albeit
Albeit our individual habits might seem insignificant, they can add up in a big way at the macro level.
个人习惯 individual habits 微不足道 insignificant
宏观角度 at the macro level
累积 add up 在很大程度上 inabig way
2 实际上 de facto
Despite seemingly powerless, individuals de facto can do a lot to make a difference
while/ despite /in spite of 虽然
powerless 无能为力的
make a difference 做出改变
3 自身 / 本身 per se
Focusing on job-related skills / techniques can benefit university per se.
关注 focus on
与工作相关的 job-related
技能 skills / techniques
受益 benefit
4 现状 status quo
Less diligent people are merely content with status quo.
勤奋的 diligent / industrious / hardworking
仅仅 only / just / merely
满足 be content with / be satisfied with
5 反之亦然 vice versa
Language can influence culture, and vice versa.
语言 language
影响 influence / impact / affect
文化 culture
If you want to do sth, you should do sth.
If students want to have a brighter future, they should study overseas.
If sb want to do sth, sb should do sth.
Provided that sb aim to do sth, it is sensible for sb to do sth.
1 Provided that sb intends to do sth, it is (not) advisable / reasonable for sb to do sth. 假设某人打算做……事,那么该人做……事就是不明智/不合理的。
2 (现象) Currently, living in an era of + 时代特征, people / we …
3 (意义排比) 话题词 + can bring us great convenience, arouse our enthusiasm for …, and help sb (to) do sth …
4 (重要性/弊端) people in large numbers have realized / recognized that + 宾从
5 (利弊强调) we should bear in mind that + 话题词 do / does / did (not) enhance … (多个方面)advancement.
6 (措施) Students in schools / Youngsters should be advocated and cultivated to do sth.
7 (观点) I, as a college student, deem that it is of great necessity for sb to do sth. 我 作为一名大学生,认为做……是非常必要的。
8. (观点) I harbor the idea that +句子
1 This is a simple but enlightening remark / phenomenon on + 话题词
2 (意义排比) 话题词, without any doubt, is the stepping stone which can enrich…, enhance …, ensure …, and enable sb to do sth …
3 (举例) A typical example is that + 句子
4 (重要性/后果) Without / With +话题词, sb is prone to confine oneself to low efficiency, poor abilities, and narrow-mindedness.
5 (意义总结) 话题词+lay(s) a solid foundation for sth, as well as for sb to do sth.
6 (措施) Drastic actions should be taken to address these issues.
首段 首句 写法
1 The bar chart above explicitly mirrors the change / trend / proportion / number of 主题 of 对象 during 多长时间 from 起始时间 to 终止时间.
2 The bar chart above explicitly mirrors the change / trend / proportion / number of 主题 of 对象1 and 对象2 during 多长时间 from 起始时间 to 终止时间.
3 Mirrored in the bar chart above is the change / trend / proportion / number of 主题 of 对象 during 多长时间 from 起始时间 to 终止时间.
首段 第二句
It is clearly indicated that 主题 of 对象increased / decreased + 程度变化 from 起始值 to 终值 during this period of time.
2 两个对象:同趋势
It is clearly indicated that both 主题 of 对象1 and that of 对象2 increased / decreased from 起始值 to 终值 and from 起始值 to 终值 respectively during this period of time.
3 两个对象:不同趋势
It is clearly indicated that both 主题 of 对象1 increased / decreased + 程度变化 from 起始值 to 终值, which, on the contrary, has witnessed a + 程度形容词 + ascent / descent of that of 对象2 from 起始值 to 终值 during this period of time.
4 表格类 或 饼状图 写法
It is clearly indicated that among all the _____ items included in the survey, 最多项 outruns the others, with _____%. 次多项 comes as the runner-up, which occupies _____%, followed by 第三项 and 第四项, which accounts for ____% and _____% respectively. 最少项 ranks the last, taking up only _____%.
- I hope you are doing great!
- How’s everything going?
姓名 + 身份
My name is Li Ming, the coordinator of the upcoming school anniversary ceremony.
My name is Li Ming, the president of the student union in our university.
My name is Li Ming, one of the volunteers in the Hope Project Association in our university.
My name is Li Ming, one of the students in the class you will teach in the coming semester.
忠实用户Loyal users / 顾客customers / 读者readers
My name is Li Ming, one of the staff in the marketing department. Unfortunately, I ......
The main purpose of this letter is to + 这封信的主要目的是 +
1 recommend you some places / a book / a movie ... 向您推荐一些地方/一本书/一部电影...
2 give you some information regarding ... 向您提供一些有关...的信息
3 discuss with you my initial thoughts on ... 与您讨论我对...的初步想法
4 give you my apology and explain for ... 向您道歉并解释...
5 inquire about some useful information concerning ... 询问一些有关...的有用信息
6 give you some proposals for your ... 为您的...提供一些建议
7 apply for + 职位 申请+职位
8 make a complaint about …. 投诉...
9 inform you that I have decided to leave my present job as + 职位 通知您我已决定辞去目前的工作+职位..
10 express thanks/appreciation to sb. for sth. 对某人表示感谢/赞赏。
1. 喜讯:I felt thrilled to know that you had been successfully ............. (admitted to your ideal school.) Congratulations!
2. 坏事:I felt very sorry when I heard that .....
3. 对询问的回答:I felt very happy to receive your inquiry about ....
4. 通用回信:I was delighted to receive your letter, in which you mentioned that you would ..../
5 感谢某人邀请:I am so grateful to you for inviting me to do sth