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2025/2/26 0:31:03 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/2301_79083481/article/details/144312254  浏览:    关键词:MySQL知识大总结(进阶)



1not null非空约束,标记这个字段不可以为空


4primary key主键约束,相当于not null  +  unique
5foreign key外键约束,与其他表的主键简历联系,在添加或修改数据是,会根据主外键关系检查数据是否合法

 1,not null 

试着使用not null 来创建数据表 

create table if not exists student(-> id bigint not null,-> name varchar(20) not null-> );
 desc student;
| Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id    | bigint      | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| name  | varchar(20) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |


insert into student values (1,'张三'),(2,'李四');
select * from student;
| id | name   |
|  1 | 张三   |
|  2 | 李四   |


insert into student values (null,null);
ERROR 1048 (23000): Column 'id' cannot be null




create table if not exists student(-> id bigint unique,-> name varchar(20) unique-> );
desc student;
| Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id    | bigint      | YES  | UNI | NULL    |       |
| name  | varchar(20) | YES  | UNI | NULL    |       |

key 变成了唯一类型


insert into student values (1,'张三'),(2,'李四');
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)


insert into student values (1,'王五');
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '1' for key 'student.id'
 insert into student values (3,'张三');
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '张三' for key 'student.name'



 create table if not exists student(-> id bigint default 0,-> name varchar(20) default '无名氏' unique-> );


desc student;
| Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default   | Extra |
| id    | bigint      | YES  |     | 0         |       |
| name  | varchar(20) | YES  | UNI | 无名氏    |       |


insert into student (id) values (1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)mysql> insert into student (name) values ('张三');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
select * from student;
| id   | name      |
|    1 | 无名氏    |
|    0 | 张三      |


4,primary key 


 create table if not exists student(-> id bigint primary key auto_increment,-> name varchar(20)-> );


create table if not exists student(-> id bigint,-> name varchar(20),-> primary key(id,name)-> );
desc student;
| Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id    | bigint      | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| name  | varchar(20) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |

5,foreign key

create table if not exists student(-> id bigint primary key auto_increment,-> name varchar(20),-> class_id bigint,-> foreign key (class_id) references class(id)-> );
desc student;
| Field    | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id       | bigint      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| name     | varchar(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| class_id | bigint      | YES  | MUL | NULL    |                |


select * from class;
| id | name    |
|  1 | java113 |
|  2 | java112 |
|  3 | java111 |


select * from student;
| id | name   | class_id |
|  1 | 张三   |        1 |
|  2 | 李四   |        2 |
|  3 | 王五   |        3 |



insert into student (name,class_id) values ('张三','4');
ERROR 1452 (23000): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`java113`.`student`, CONSTRAINT `student_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`class_id`) REFERENCES `class` (`id`))
















> create table if not exists class (-> id bigint primary key auto_increment,-> name varchar(20)-> );


create table if not exists student(-> id bigint primary key auto_increment,-> name varchar(20)-> );


 create table if not exists sorce(-> id bigint primary key auto_increment,-> student_id bigint,-> class_id bigint,-> stu_score decimal(3,1),-> foreign key (student_id) references student(id),-> foreign key (class_id) references class(id)-> );





insert into 新表名 (列名) select 要复制的列名(这里不要使用括号)from 旧表名


select * from student;
| id | name    |
|  1 | 张三    |
|  2 | 0李四   |
|  3 | 王五    |


 create table if not exists new_student(-> id bigint primary key auto_increment,-> name varchar(20)-> );
 insert into new_student (id,name) select id,name from student;


select * from course;
| course_id | name               |
|         1 | Java               |
|         2 | 中国传统文化       |
|         3 | 计算机原理         |
|         4 | 语文               |
|         5 | 高阶数学           |
|         6 | 英文               |
 select * from class;
| class_id | name                    |
|        1 | 计算机系2019级1班       |
|        2 | 中文系2019级3班         |
|        3 | 自动化2019级5班         |
 select * from student;
| student_id | sn    | name            | mail             | class_id |
|          1 | 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com  |        1 |
|          2 | 00835 | 菩提老祖        | NULL             |        1 |
|          3 | 00391 | 白素贞          | NULL             |        1 |
|          4 | 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com    |        1 |
|          5 | 00054 | 不想毕业        | NULL             |        1 |
|          6 | 51234 | 好好说话        | say@qq.com       |        2 |
|          7 | 83223 | tellme          | NULL             |        2 |
|          8 | 09527 | 老外学中文      | foreigner@qq.com |        2 |
 select * from exam;
| id   | name      | chinese | math | english |
|    1 | 唐三藏    |    67.0 | 98.0 |    56.0 |
|    2 | 孙悟空    |    87.5 | 78.0 |    77.0 |
|    3 | 猪悟能    |    88.0 | 98.0 |    90.0 |
|    4 | 曹孟德    |    82.0 | 84.0 |    67.0 |
|    5 | 刘玄德    |    55.5 | 85.0 |    45.0 |
|    6 | 孙权      |    70.0 | 73.0 |    78.5 |
|    7 | 宋公明    |    75.0 | 65.0 |    30.0 |

mysql> select * from emp;
| id | name      | role         | salary     |
|  1 | 马云      | 老板         | 1500000.00 |
|  2 | 马化腾    | 老板         | 1800000.00 |
|  3 | 鑫哥      | 讲师         |   10000.00 |
|  4 | 博哥      | 讲师         |   12000.00 |
|  5 | 平姐      | 学管         |    9000.00 |
|  6 | 莹姐      | 学管         |    8000.00 |
|  7 | 猪悟能    | 游戏角色     |     700.50 |
|  8 | 沙和尚    | 游戏角色     |     333.30 |
select * from score;
| score_id | student_id | course_id | score |
|        1 |          1 |         1 | 70.50 |
|        2 |          1 |         3 | 98.50 |
|        3 |          1 |         5 | 33.00 |
|        4 |          1 |         6 | 98.00 |
|        5 |          2 |         1 | 60.00 |
|        6 |          2 |         5 | 59.50 |
|        7 |          3 |         1 | 33.00 |
|        8 |          3 |         3 | 68.00 |
|        9 |          3 |         5 | 99.00 |
|       10 |          4 |         1 | 67.00 |
|       11 |          4 |         3 | 23.00 |
|       12 |          4 |         5 | 56.00 |
|       13 |          4 |         6 | 72.00 |
|       14 |          5 |         1 | 81.00 |
|       15 |          5 |         5 | 37.00 |
|       16 |          6 |         2 | 56.00 |
|       17 |          6 |         4 | 43.00 |
|       18 |          6 |         6 | 79.00 |
|       19 |          7 |         2 | 80.00 |
|       20 |          7 |         6 | 92.00 |




select count(*) from exam;
| count(*) |
|        7 |

————2,统计班级收集的 qq_mail 有多少个,qq_mail 为 NULL 的数据不会计入结果

 select count(mail) from student-> ;
| count(mail) |
|           4 |



select sum(math) from exam;
| sum(math) |
|     581.0 |

————2,不及格 < 60 的总分,没有结果,返回 NULL

select sum(math) from exam where math<60;
| sum(math) |
|      NULL |



 select avg(english) from exam;
| avg(english) |
|     63.35714 |



 select max(english) from exam;
| max(english) |
|         90.0 |


————1,返回 > 70 分以上的数学最低分

select min(math) from exam where math>70;
| min(math) |
|      73.0 |

3,group by

group by 语句就是分组查询


select 字段1 字段2 from 表名 group by 字段1 ,字段2;

group by是可以使用别名的,但是where不行 

select * from emp;
| id | name      | role         | salary     |
|  1 | 马云      | 老板         | 1500000.00 |
|  2 | 马化腾    | 老板         | 1800000.00 |
|  3 | 鑫哥      | 讲师         |   10000.00 |
|  4 | 博哥      | 讲师         |   12000.00 |
|  5 | 平姐      | 学管         |    9000.00 |
|  6 | 莹姐      | 学管         |    8000.00 |
|  7 | 猪悟能    | 游戏角色     |     700.50 |
|  8 | 沙和尚    | 游戏角色     |     333.30 |



select role,max(salary),min(salary),avg(salary) from emp group by role;
| role         | max(salary) | min(salary) | avg(salary)    |
| 老板         |  1800000.00 |  1500000.00 | 1650000.000000 |
| 讲师         |    12000.00 |    10000.00 |   11000.000000 |
| 学管         |     9000.00 |     8000.00 |    8500.000000 |
| 游戏角色     |      700.50 |      333.30 |     516.900000 |


我们使用group by 的时候不能使用where字句,所以出现了Having,我们使用Having来过滤条件;


select role,avg(salary) from emp group by role having avg(salary)<1500;
| role         | avg(salary) |
| 游戏角色     |  516.900000 |





select 表1 别名,表2 别名 where 连接条件 and 其他条件

select 表1 别名 [inner] join 表2 别名2 on 连接条件 and 其他条件

————1,查询“许仙”同学的 成绩

 select stu.name,sc.score from student stu,score sc where sc.student_id = stu.student_id and stu.name = '许仙';
| name   | score |
| 许仙   | 67.00 |
| 许仙   | 23.00 |
| 许仙   | 56.00 |
| 许仙   | 72.00 |
 select stu.name,sc.score from student stu inner join score sc on stu.student_id = sc.student_id where stu.name = '许仙';
| name   | score |
| 许仙   | 67.00 |
| 许仙   | 23.00 |
| 许仙   | 56.00 |
| 许仙   | 72.00 |


select stu.name,stu.sn,stu.mail,sum(sc.score) from student stu,score sc where stu.student_id = sc.student_id group by stu.student_id;
| name            | sn    | mail            | sum(sc.score) |
| 黑旋风李逵      | 09982 | xuanfeng@qq.com |        300.00 |
| 菩提老祖        | 00835 | NULL            |        119.50 |
| 白素贞          | 00391 | NULL            |        200.00 |
| 许仙            | 00031 | xuxian@qq.com   |        218.00 |
| 不想毕业        | 00054 | NULL            |        118.00 |
| 好好说话        | 51234 | say@qq.com      |        178.00 |
| tellme          | 83223 | NULL            |        172.00 |
select stu.sn,stu.name,stu.mail,sum(sc.score) from student stu inner join score sc on stu.student_id = sc.student_id group by stu.student_id;
| sn    | name            | mail            | sum(sc.score) |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com |        300.00 |
| 00835 | 菩提老祖        | NULL            |        119.50 |
| 00391 | 白素贞          | NULL            |        200.00 |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com   |        218.00 |
| 00054 | 不想毕业        | NULL            |        118.00 |
| 51234 | 好好说话        | say@qq.com      |        178.00 |
| 83223 | tellme          | NULL            |        172.00 |


 select stu.sn,stu.name,stu.mail,sc.score from student stu,score sc where stu.student_id = sc.student_id;
| sn    | name            | mail            | score |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com | 70.50 |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com | 98.50 |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com | 33.00 |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com | 98.00 |
| 00835 | 菩提老祖        | NULL            | 60.00 |
| 00835 | 菩提老祖        | NULL            | 59.50 |
| 00391 | 白素贞          | NULL            | 33.00 |
| 00391 | 白素贞          | NULL            | 68.00 |
| 00391 | 白素贞          | NULL            | 99.00 |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com   | 67.00 |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com   | 23.00 |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com   | 56.00 |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com   | 72.00 |
| 00054 | 不想毕业        | NULL            | 81.00 |
| 00054 | 不想毕业        | NULL            | 37.00 |
| 51234 | 好好说话        | say@qq.com      | 56.00 |
| 51234 | 好好说话        | say@qq.com      | 43.00 |
| 51234 | 好好说话        | say@qq.com      | 79.00 |
| 83223 | tellme          | NULL            | 80.00 |
| 83223 | tellme          | NULL            | 92.00 |
 select stu.sn,stu.name,stu.mail,sc.score from student stu inner join score sc on stu.student_id = sc.student_id;
| sn    | name            | mail            | score |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com | 70.50 |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com | 98.50 |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com | 33.00 |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com | 98.00 |
| 00835 | 菩提老祖        | NULL            | 60.00 |
| 00835 | 菩提老祖        | NULL            | 59.50 |
| 00391 | 白素贞          | NULL            | 33.00 |
| 00391 | 白素贞          | NULL            | 68.00 |
| 00391 | 白素贞          | NULL            | 99.00 |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com   | 67.00 |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com   | 23.00 |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com   | 56.00 |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com   | 72.00 |
| 00054 | 不想毕业        | NULL            | 81.00 |
| 00054 | 不想毕业        | NULL            | 37.00 |
| 51234 | 好好说话        | say@qq.com      | 56.00 |
| 51234 | 好好说话        | say@qq.com      | 43.00 |
| 51234 | 好好说话        | say@qq.com      | 79.00 |
| 83223 | tellme          | NULL            | 80.00 |
| 83223 | tellme          | NULL            | 92.00 |


外连接分为左外连接和右外连接。如果联合查询,左侧的表完全显示我们就说是左外连接;右侧的表完 全显示我们就说是右外连接。



select 字段名 from 表名1 left join 表名2 on 连接条件



select 字段名 from 表名1 right join 表名2 on 连接条件

 ————1,显示,“老外学中文”同学的考试成绩 ,没有考试成绩也要显示

 select stu.sn,stu.name,stu.mail,sc.score from student stu left join score sc on stu.student_id = sc.student_id;
| sn    | name            | mail             | score |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com  | 70.50 |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com  | 98.50 |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com  | 33.00 |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com  | 98.00 |
| 00835 | 菩提老祖        | NULL             | 60.00 |
| 00835 | 菩提老祖        | NULL             | 59.50 |
| 00391 | 白素贞          | NULL             | 33.00 |
| 00391 | 白素贞          | NULL             | 68.00 |
| 00391 | 白素贞          | NULL             | 99.00 |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com    | 67.00 |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com    | 23.00 |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com    | 56.00 |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com    | 72.00 |
| 00054 | 不想毕业        | NULL             | 81.00 |
| 00054 | 不想毕业        | NULL             | 37.00 |
| 51234 | 好好说话        | say@qq.com       | 56.00 |
| 51234 | 好好说话        | say@qq.com       | 43.00 |
| 51234 | 好好说话        | say@qq.com       | 79.00 |
| 83223 | tellme          | NULL             | 80.00 |
| 83223 | tellme          | NULL             | 92.00 |
| 09527 | 老外学中文      | foreigner@qq.com |  NULL |


 select stu.sn,stu.name,stu.mail,sc.score,co.name from student stu left join score sc on stu.student_id = sc.student_id left join course co on sc.course_id = co.course_id;
| sn    | name            | mail             | score | name               |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com  | 70.50 | Java               |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com  | 98.50 | 计算机原理         |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com  | 33.00 | 高阶数学           |
| 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com  | 98.00 | 英文               |
| 00835 | 菩提老祖        | NULL             | 60.00 | Java               |
| 00835 | 菩提老祖        | NULL             | 59.50 | 高阶数学           |
| 00391 | 白素贞          | NULL             | 33.00 | Java               |
| 00391 | 白素贞          | NULL             | 68.00 | 计算机原理         |
| 00391 | 白素贞          | NULL             | 99.00 | 高阶数学           |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com    | 67.00 | Java               |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com    | 23.00 | 计算机原理         |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com    | 56.00 | 高阶数学           |
| 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com    | 72.00 | 英文               |
| 00054 | 不想毕业        | NULL             | 81.00 | Java               |
| 00054 | 不想毕业        | NULL             | 37.00 | 高阶数学           |
| 51234 | 好好说话        | say@qq.com       | 56.00 | 中国传统文化       |
| 51234 | 好好说话        | say@qq.com       | 43.00 | 语文               |
| 51234 | 好好说话        | say@qq.com       | 79.00 | 英文               |
| 83223 | tellme          | NULL             | 80.00 | 中国传统文化       |
| 83223 | tellme          | NULL             | 92.00 | 英文               |
| 09527 | 老外学中文      | foreigner@qq.com |  NULL | NULL               |




这个我们来分析一下,计算机原理和java是课程表中,成绩是score表的内容,要取这两个表的笛卡尔积,java的course_id = 1,计算机原理的course_id = 3,这次我们不是比列而是行与行,

 select * from score sc1,score sc2 where sc1.course_id = 1 and sc2.course_id = 3 and sc2.score > sc1.score and sc1.student_id = sc2.student_id;
| score_id | student_id | course_id | score | score_id | student_id | course_id | score |
|        1 |          1 |         1 | 70.50 |        2 |          1 |         3 | 98.50 |
|        7 |          3 |         1 | 33.00 |        8 |          3 |         3 | 68.00 |



————1,查询与“不想毕业” 同学的同班同学:

select * from student where class_id = (select class_id from student where name = '不想毕业');
| student_id | sn    | name            | mail            | class_id |
|          1 | 09982 | 黑旋风李逵      | xuanfeng@qq.com |        1 |
|          2 | 00835 | 菩提老祖        | NULL            |        1 |
|          3 | 00391 | 白素贞          | NULL            |        1 |
|          4 | 00031 | 许仙            | xuxian@qq.com   |        1 |
|          5 | 00054 | 不想毕业        | NULL            |        1 |


 select * from score where course_id in (select course_id from course where name = '语文' or name = '英文');
| score_id | student_id | course_id | score |
|       17 |          6 |         4 | 43.00 |
|        4 |          1 |         6 | 98.00 |
|       13 |          4 |         6 | 72.00 |
|       18 |          6 |         6 | 79.00 |
|       20 |          7 |         6 | 92.00 |

exists 关键字


select * from score where not exists (select course_id from course where name = '语文' or name = '英文');
Empty set (0.00 sec)
 select * from score where exists (select course_id from course where name = '语文' or name = '英文');
| score_id | student_id | course_id | score |
|        1 |          1 |         1 | 70.50 |
|        2 |          1 |         3 | 98.50 |
|        3 |          1 |         5 | 33.00 |
|        4 |          1 |         6 | 98.00 |
|        5 |          2 |         1 | 60.00 |
|        6 |          2 |         5 | 59.50 |
|        7 |          3 |         1 | 33.00 |
|        8 |          3 |         3 | 68.00 |
|        9 |          3 |         5 | 99.00 |
|       10 |          4 |         1 | 67.00 |
|       11 |          4 |         3 | 23.00 |
|       12 |          4 |         5 | 56.00 |
|       13 |          4 |         6 | 72.00 |
|       14 |          5 |         1 | 81.00 |
|       15 |          5 |         5 | 37.00 |
|       16 |          6 |         2 | 56.00 |
|       17 |          6 |         4 | 43.00 |
|       18 |          6 |         6 | 79.00 |
|       19 |          7 |         2 | 80.00 |
|       20 |          7 |         6 | 92.00 |


select * from score sc where sc.score > (select avg(score) from score sc,class cl,student stu where cl.class_id = stu.class_id and sc.student_id = stu.student_id and cl.name = '中文系2019级3班');
| score_id | student_id | course_id | score |
|        1 |          1 |         1 | 70.50 |
|        2 |          1 |         3 | 98.50 |
|        4 |          1 |         6 | 98.00 |
|        9 |          3 |         5 | 99.00 |
|       13 |          4 |         6 | 72.00 |
|       14 |          5 |         1 | 81.00 |
|       18 |          6 |         6 | 79.00 |
|       19 |          7 |         2 | 80.00 |
|       20 |          7 |         6 | 92.00 |



不去重 union all


select * from course where course_id<3 union select * from course where name = '英文';
| course_id | name               |
|         1 | Java               |
|         2 | 中国传统文化       |
|         6 | 英文               |

union all可以去重,这里就不演示了。


