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2024/12/26 12:31:28 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/lov1993/article/details/140733571  浏览:    关键词:【Plotly-驯化】一文教你学会画最美动态可视化的热力图:heatmap技巧


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🎓 博主简介:AI算法驯化师,混迹多个大厂搜索、推荐、广告、数据分析、数据挖掘岗位 个人申请专利40+,熟练掌握机器、深度学习等各类应用算法原理和项目实战经验

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    • 🎯 1. 基本介绍
    • 🔍 2. 原理介绍
    • 🔍 3. 画图实践
      • 3.1 数据准备
      • 3.2 画图实践
    • 🔍 4. 注意事项
    • 🔍 5. 总结




🎯 1. 基本介绍


🔍 2. 原理介绍


  • 颜色映射:数据值映射到颜色空间,通常使用渐变色来表示数值的大小。
  • 矩阵布局:数据以矩阵形式排列,每个单元格的数值通过颜色深浅展示。

🔍 3. 画图实践

3.1 数据准备


# plotly standard imports
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import chart_studio.plotly as py# Cufflinks wrapper on plotly
import cufflinks# Data science imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np# Options for pandas
pd.options.display.max_columns = 30# Display all cell outputs
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShellInteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all"from plotly.offline import iplot
import time
cufflinks.go_offline()# Set global theme
cufflinks.set_config_file(world_readable=True, theme="pearl")claps	days_since_publication	fans	link	num_responses	publication	published_date	read_ratio	read_time	reads	started_date	tags	text	title	title_word_count	type	views	word_count	claps_per_word	editing_days	<tag>Education	<tag>Data Science	<tag>Towards Data Science	<tag>Machine Learning	<tag>Python
119	2	574.858594	2	https://medium.com/p/screw-the-environment-but...	0	None	2017-06-10 14:25:00	41.98	7	68	2017-06-10 14:24:00	[Climate Change, Economics]	Screw the Environment, but Consider Your Walle...	Screw the Environment, but Consider Your Wallet	8	published	162	1859	0.001076	0	0	0	0	0	0
118	18	567.540639	3	https://medium.com/p/the-vanquishing-of-war-pl...	0	None	2017-06-17 22:02:00	32.93	14	54	2017-06-17 22:02:00	[Climate Change, Humanity, Optimism, History]	The Vanquishing of War, Plague and Famine Part...	The Vanquishing of War, Plague and Famine	8	published	164	3891	0.004626	0	0	0	0	0	0
121	50	554.920762	19	https://medium.com/p/capstone-project-mercedes...	0	None	2017-06-30 12:55:00	20.19	42	215	2017-06-30 12:00:00	[Machine Learning, Python, Udacity, Kaggle]	Capstone Project: Mercedes-Benz Greener Manufa...	Capstone Project: Mercedes-Benz Greener Manufa...	7	published	1065	12025	0.004158	0	0	0	0	1	1
122	0	554.078160	0	https://medium.com/p/home-of-the-scared-5af0fe...	0	None	2017-07-01 09:08:00	35.85	9	19	2017-06-30 18:21:00	[Politics, Books, News, Media Criticism]	Home of the Scared A review of A Culture of Fe...	Home of the Scared	4	published	53	2533	0.000000	0	0	0	0	0	0
114	0	550.090507	0	https://medium.com/p/the-triumph-of-peace-f485...	0

3.2 画图实践


colorscales = ["Greys","YlGnBu","Greens","YlOrRd","Bluered","RdBu","Reds","Blues","Picnic","Rainbow","Portland","Jet","Hot","Blackbody","Earth","Electric","Viridis","Cividis",
corrs = df.corr()figure = ff.create_annotated_heatmap(z=corrs.values,x=list(corrs.columns),y=list(corrs.index),colorscale="Earth",annotation_text=corrs.round(2).values,showscale=True,reversescale=True,
)figure.layout.margin = dict(l=200, t=200)
figure.layout.height = 800
figure.layout.width = 1000iplot(figure)


🔍 4. 注意事项

  • 热力图中的z参数代表数据矩阵,x和y参数定义了矩阵的行和列标签。
  • 可以通过colorscale参数自定义颜色映射方案,Plotly提供了多种预设的颜色方案。
  • 使用hoverinfo参数可以控制鼠标悬停时显示的信息,例如可以设置为’z’以显示单元格的数值。
  • 对于大数据集,可能需要调整热力图的性能设置,如降低颜色分辨率。

🔍 5. 总结



