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2024/10/24 7:29:33 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/s_lisheng/article/details/139800923  浏览:    关键词:PostgreSQL源码分析——数据页校验



这里摘录比较重要的描述: 校验数据页被设计为检测I/O系统故障。我们不会检测内存Buffer错误,因为它时一个非常低概率事件,可参考论文http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~bianca/papers/sigmetrics09.pdf中的描述。 对一个数据页的校验并不是所有的时候都有效。校验仅在数据页离开缓存share buffer以及从I/O中读取数据页时有效。我们在数据页从缓冲区刷入磁盘前设置checksum值,在读入缓冲区前进行校验。

这就意味着,当一个页的WAL日志改变时,页没有更新页checksum值,所以full page image并没有一个有效的checksum。当WAL回放时不进行checksum校验。


默认情况下PG是没有开启数据校验的,开启后会有性能损失,所以,这个功能并不是没有代价的,需要用户根据实际情况选择是否开启。可以查看只读配置变量data_checksums的值来验证集群中校验和的当前状态,通过执行SHOW data_checksums命令。

-- 默认是关闭的
postgres=# show data_checksums;data_checksums 
(1 row)

如果要开启数据校验,则需要在initdb中指定-k或者--data-checksums。在数据页面上使用校验码来帮助检测I/O系统造成的损坏。启用校验码将会引起显著的性能惩罚。 如果设置,则为所有对象计算校验和,在整个数据库中。

postgres@slpc:~/pg15.5$ ./bin/initdb -D mn -k
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
This user must also own the server process.The database cluster will be initialized with this locale configuration:provider:    libcLC_COLLATE:  en_US.UTF-8LC_CTYPE:    en_US.UTF-8LC_MESSAGES: en_US.UTF-8LC_MONETARY: zh_CN.UTF-8LC_NUMERIC:  zh_CN.UTF-8LC_TIME:     zh_CN.UTF-8
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8".
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".Data page checksums are enabled.   # 页数据校验已开启creating directory mn ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix
selecting default max_connections ... 100
selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB
selecting default time zone ... Asia/Shanghai
creating configuration files ... ok
running bootstrap script ... ok
performing post-bootstrap initialization ... ok
syncing data to disk ... okinitdb: warning: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections
initdb: hint: You can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or using the option -A, or --auth-local and --auth-host, the next time you run initdb.Success. You can now start the database server using:bin/pg_ctl -D mn -l logfile start


postgres=# select * from pg_stat_database where datname='postgres';
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------+-----------
datid                    | 5
datname                  | postgres
numbackends              | 1
xact_commit              | 10
xact_rollback            | 0
blks_read                | 258
blks_hit                 | 3920
tup_returned             | 1663
tup_fetched              | 1547
tup_inserted             | 129
tup_updated              | 18
tup_deleted              | 36
conflicts                | 0
temp_files               | 0
temp_bytes               | 0
deadlocks                | 0
checksum_failures        | 0        -- 在此数据库(或共享对象)中检测到的数据页校验码失败数,如果没有启用数据校验码则为NULL。
checksum_last_failure    |          -- 在此数据库(或共享对象)中检测到最后一个数据页校验码失败的时间,如果没有启用数据校验码则为NULL。
blk_read_time            | 0
blk_write_time           | 0
session_time             | 100412.449
active_time              | 49.166
idle_in_transaction_time | 0
sessions                 | 1
sessions_abandoned       | 0
sessions_fatal           | 0
sessions_killed          | 0
stats_reset              | 

默认情况下,数据页不被校验和保护,当开启后,每个数据页都包含一个校验和,该校验和在写页到磁盘时更新,在每次从磁盘读页时进行验证。如果验证失败,则会发生错误并终止当前正在执行的事务,该功能使得 PostgreSQL 自身拥有了检测 I/O 或硬件错误的能力。

postgres=# show data_checksums ;data_checksums 

还有一个GUC参数ignore_checksum_failure,该参数若设置为 true,校验失败后不会产生错误,而是给客户端发送一个警告。当然,checksum 失败意味着磁盘上的数据已经损坏,忽略此类错误可能导致数据损坏扩散甚至导致系统奔溃,此时宜尽早修复,因此,若开启 checksum,该参数建议设置为 false。当试图从页面损坏中恢复时,可能需要旁路校验和保护,可临时设置配置参数ignore_checksum_failure

postgres=# show ignore_checksum_failure ;ignore_checksum_failure 
(1 row)


postgres=# select * from page_header(get_raw_page('t1',0));lsn    | checksum | flags | lower | upper | special | pagesize | version | prune_xid 
-----------+----------+-------+-------+-------+---------+----------+---------+-----------0/175E7E8 |   -28273 |     0 |    28 |  8160 |    8192 |     8192 |       4 |         0
(1 row)




/** PageInit*		Initializes the contents of a page.*		Note that we don't calculate an initial checksum here; that's not done*		until it's time to write.*/
void PageInit(Page page, Size pageSize, Size specialSize)
{PageHeader	p = (PageHeader) page;specialSize = MAXALIGN(specialSize);Assert(pageSize == BLCKSZ);Assert(pageSize > specialSize + SizeOfPageHeaderData);/* Make sure all fields of page are zero, as well as unused space */MemSet(p, 0, pageSize);p->pd_flags = 0;p->pd_lower = SizeOfPageHeaderData;p->pd_upper = pageSize - specialSize;p->pd_special = pageSize - specialSize;PageSetPageSizeAndVersion(page, pageSize, PG_PAGE_LAYOUT_VERSION);/* p->pd_prune_xid = InvalidTransactionId;		done by above MemSet */

页checksum在从Buffer刷盘到磁盘时进行设置,我们可看一下bgwriter进程刷盘的代码,在FlushBuffer函数中,PageSetChecksumCopy((Page) bufBlock, buf->tag.blockNum);即为设置checksun。数据页没有刷盘保存在Buffer Pool时是没必要做checksum的,因为其主要目的是检测I/O错误或者磁盘等硬件错误。设置校验的目的也是为了校验可靠性相对较差的外部存储等。

BackgroundWriterMain(void)  // bgwriter进程主流程
{//...if (sigsetjmp(local_sigjmp_buf, 1) != 0) // 错误处理{/* Close all open files after any error. */smgrcloseall();}for (;;){BgBufferSync(&wb_context);  // 刷脏页落盘--> SyncOneBuffer(next_to_clean, true, wb_context);--> FlushBuffer(bufHdr, NULL);  // 具体脏页落盘的实现{Block		bufBlock;/* Find smgr relation for buffer */if (reln == NULL)reln = smgropen(buf->tag.rnode, InvalidBackendId);bufBlock = BufHdrGetBlock(buf);// 设置页checksum/* Update page checksum if desired.  Since we have only shared lock on the* buffer, other processes might be updating hint bits in it, so we must* copy the page to private storage if we do checksumming. */bufToWrite = PageSetChecksumCopy((Page) bufBlock, buf->tag.blockNum);// .../* bufToWrite is either the shared buffer or a copy, as appropriate.*/smgrwrite(reln, buf->tag.forkNum, buf->tag.blockNum, bufToWrite, false);// ...}}// ...


/** Set checksum for a page in shared buffers.** If checksums are disabled, or if the page is not initialized, just return* the input.  Otherwise, we must make a copy of the page before calculating* the checksum, to prevent concurrent modifications (e.g. setting hint bits)* from making the final checksum invalid.  It doesn't matter if we include or* exclude hints during the copy, as long as we write a valid page and* associated checksum.** Returns a pointer to the block-sized data that needs to be written. Uses* statically-allocated memory, so the caller must immediately write the* returned page and not refer to it again.*/
char *
PageSetChecksumCopy(Page page, BlockNumber blkno)
{static char *pageCopy = NULL;/* If we don't need a checksum, just return the passed-in data */if (PageIsNew(page) || !DataChecksumsEnabled())return (char *) page;/** We allocate the copy space once and use it over on each subsequent* call.  The point of palloc'ing here, rather than having a static char* array, is first to ensure adequate alignment for the checksumming code* and second to avoid wasting space in processes that never call this.*/if (pageCopy == NULL)pageCopy = MemoryContextAlloc(TopMemoryContext, BLCKSZ);// 在计算校验和前先copy数据页以防止并发修改对计算的影响memcpy(pageCopy, (char *) page, BLCKSZ);// 页pd_checksum值的计算((PageHeader) pageCopy)->pd_checksum = pg_checksum_page(pageCopy, blkno);return pageCopy;
}/** Compute the checksum for a Postgres page.** The page must be adequately aligned (at least on a 4-byte boundary).* Beware also that the checksum field of the page is transiently zeroed.** The checksum includes the block number (to detect the case where a page is* somehow moved to a different location), the page header (excluding the* checksum itself), and the page data.*/
uint16 pg_checksum_page(char *page, BlockNumber blkno)
{PGChecksummablePage *cpage = (PGChecksummablePage *) page;uint16		save_checksum;uint32		checksum;/* We only calculate the checksum for properly-initialized pages */Assert(!PageIsNew(&cpage->phdr));/** Save pd_checksum and temporarily set it to zero, so that the checksum* calculation isn't affected by the old checksum stored on the page.* Restore it after, because actually updating the checksum is NOT part of* the API of this function. */save_checksum = cpage->phdr.pd_checksum;cpage->phdr.pd_checksum = 0;checksum = pg_checksum_block(cpage);cpage->phdr.pd_checksum = save_checksum;/* Mix in the block number to detect transposed pages */checksum ^= blkno;/** Reduce to a uint16 (to fit in the pd_checksum field) with an offset of* one. That avoids checksums of zero, which seems like a good idea. */return (uint16) ((checksum % 65535) + 1);  //pd_checksum为uint16,截取16位。
}/** Set checksum for a page in private memory.** This must only be used when we know that no other process can be modifying* the page buffer.*/
PageSetChecksumInplace(Page page, BlockNumber blkno)
{/* If we don't need a checksum, just return */if (PageIsNew(page) || !DataChecksumsEnabled())return;((PageHeader) page)->pd_checksum = pg_checksum_page((char *) page, blkno);

校验是在从磁盘读到Buffer时进行校验,我们先看一下从磁盘读一个数据页到Buffer的调用栈,通过调试select * from t1,我们跟踪源码:

mdread(SMgrRelation reln, ForkNumber forknum, BlockNumber blocknum, char * buffer) (src\backend\storage\smgr\md.c:687)
smgrread(SMgrRelation reln, ForkNumber forknum, BlockNumber blocknum, char * buffer) (src\backend\storage\smgr\smgr.c:536)
ReadBuffer_common(SMgrRelation smgr, char relpersistence, ForkNumber forkNum, BlockNumber blockNum, ReadBufferMode mode, BufferAccessStrategy strategy, _Bool * hit) (src\backend\storage\buffer\bufmgr.c:1021)
ReadBufferExtended(Relation reln, ForkNumber forkNum, BlockNumber blockNum, ReadBufferMode mode, BufferAccessStrategy strategy) (src\backend\storage\buffer\bufmgr.c:780)
heapgetpage(TableScanDesc sscan, BlockNumber page) (src\backend\access\heap\heapam.c:402)
heapgettup_pagemode(HeapScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir, int nkeys, ScanKey key) (src\backend\access\heap\heapam.c:901)
heap_getnextslot(TableScanDesc sscan, ScanDirection direction, TupleTableSlot * slot) (src\backend\access\heap\heapam.c:1352)
table_scan_getnextslot(TableScanDesc sscan, ScanDirection direction, TupleTableSlot * slot) (src\include\access\tableam.h:1046)
SeqNext(SeqScanState * node) (src\backend\executor\nodeSeqscan.c:80)
ExecScanFetch(ScanState * node, ExecScanAccessMtd accessMtd, ExecScanRecheckMtd recheckMtd) (src\backend\executor\execScan.c:132)
ExecScan(ScanState * node, ExecScanAccessMtd accessMtd, ExecScanRecheckMtd recheckMtd) (src\backend\executor\execScan.c:181)
ExecSeqScan(PlanState * pstate) (src\backend\executor\nodeSeqscan.c:112)
ExecProcNodeFirst(PlanState * node) (src\backend\executor\execProcnode.c:464)
ExecProcNode(PlanState * node) (src\include\executor\executor.h:262)
ExecutePlan(EState * estate, PlanState * planstate, _Bool use_parallel_mode, CmdType operation, _Bool sendTuples, uint64 numberTuples, ScanDirection direction, DestReceiver * dest, _Bool execute_once) (src\backend\executor\execMain.c:1636)
standard_ExecutorRun(QueryDesc * queryDesc, ScanDirection direction, uint64 count, _Bool execute_once) (src\backend\executor\execMain.c:363)
ExecutorRun(QueryDesc * queryDesc, ScanDirection direction, uint64 count, _Bool execute_once) (src\backend\executor\execMain.c:307)
PortalRunSelect(Portal portal, _Bool forward, long count, DestReceiver * dest) (src\backend\tcop\pquery.c:924)
PortalRun(Portal portal, long count, _Bool isTopLevel, _Bool run_once, DestReceiver * dest, DestReceiver * altdest, QueryCompletion * qc) (src\backend\tcop\pquery.c:768)
exec_simple_query(const char * query_string) (src\backend\tcop\postgres.c:1250)
PostgresMain(const char * dbname, const char * username) (src\backend\tcop\postgres.c:4598)
BackendRun(Port * port) (src\backend\postmaster\postmaster.c:4514)
BackendStartup(Port * port) (src\backend\postmaster\postmaster.c:4242)
ServerLoop() (src\backend\postmaster\postmaster.c:1809)
PostmasterMain(int argc, char ** argv) (src\backend\postmaster\postmaster.c:1481)
main(int argc, char ** argv) (src\backend\main\main.c:202)


/** ReadBuffer_common -- common logic for all ReadBuffer variants** *hit is set to true if the request was satisfied from shared buffer cache.*/
static Buffer ReadBuffer_common(SMgrRelation smgr, char relpersistence, ForkNumber forkNum,BlockNumber blockNum, ReadBufferMode mode,BufferAccessStrategy strategy, bool *hit)
{BufferDesc *bufHdr;Block		bufBlock;// ...if (isExtend) {/* new buffers are zero-filled */MemSet((char *) bufBlock, 0, BLCKSZ);/* don't set checksum for all-zero page */smgrextend(smgr, forkNum, blockNum, (char *) bufBlock, false);} else {/* Read in the page, unless the caller intends to overwrite it and* just wants us to allocate a buffer. */if (mode == RBM_ZERO_AND_LOCK || mode == RBM_ZERO_AND_CLEANUP_LOCK)MemSet((char *) bufBlock, 0, BLCKSZ);else{// 从磁盘读数据页smgrread(smgr, forkNum, blockNum, (char *) bufBlock);/* check for garbage data */// 校验数据页if (!PageIsVerifiedExtended((Page) bufBlock, blockNum,PIV_LOG_WARNING | PIV_REPORT_STAT)){if (mode == RBM_ZERO_ON_ERROR || zero_damaged_pages){ereport(WARNING,(errcode(ERRCODE_DATA_CORRUPTED),errmsg("invalid page in block %u of relation %s; zeroing out page",blockNum,relpath(smgr->smgr_rnode, forkNum))));MemSet((char *) bufBlock, 0, BLCKSZ);}else   // 如果校验失败,直接报错。ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_DATA_CORRUPTED),errmsg("invalid page in block %u of relation %s",blockNum,relpath(smgr->smgr_rnode, forkNum))));}}}


bool PageIsVerifiedExtended(Page page, BlockNumber blkno, int flags)
{PageHeader	p = (PageHeader) page;size_t	   *pagebytes;int			i;bool		checksum_failure = false;bool		header_sane = false;bool		all_zeroes = false;uint16		checksum = 0;/** Don't verify page data unless the page passes basic non-zero test*/if (!PageIsNew(page)){if (DataChecksumsEnabled()){// 计算校验和checksum = pg_checksum_page((char *) page, blkno);// 与页Header中存储的pd_checksum进行比对,如果不同,则校验失败if (checksum != p->pd_checksum)checksum_failure = true;}/** The following checks don't prove the header is correct, only that* it looks sane enough to allow into the buffer pool. Later usage of* the block can still reveal problems, which is why we offer the* checksum option.*/if ((p->pd_flags & ~PD_VALID_FLAG_BITS) == 0 &&p->pd_lower <= p->pd_upper &&p->pd_upper <= p->pd_special &&p->pd_special <= BLCKSZ &&p->pd_special == MAXALIGN(p->pd_special))header_sane = true;if (header_sane && !checksum_failure)return true;}/* Check all-zeroes case */all_zeroes = true;pagebytes = (size_t *) page;for (i = 0; i < (BLCKSZ / sizeof(size_t)); i++){if (pagebytes[i] != 0){all_zeroes = false;break;}}if (all_zeroes)return true;/* Throw a WARNING if the checksum fails, but only after we've checked for* the all-zeroes case. */if (checksum_failure){if ((flags & PIV_LOG_WARNING) != 0)ereport(WARNING,(errcode(ERRCODE_DATA_CORRUPTED),errmsg("page verification failed, calculated checksum %u but expected %u",checksum, p->pd_checksum)));if ((flags & PIV_REPORT_STAT) != 0)pgstat_report_checksum_failure();if (header_sane && ignore_checksum_failure)return true;}return false;

关于具体的算法实现,可参考src/include/storage/checksum_impl.h。基于FNV-1a hash算法改造而来。具体算法我们不去研究。但是对于数据页的校验和计算,其实可以认为是对页数据计算哈希,找到一种能快速计算,为了提升快速计算的能力,要求算法能够支持SIMD计算。

/** The algorithm used to checksum pages is chosen for very fast calculation.* Workloads where the database working set fits into OS file cache but not* into shared buffers can read in pages at a very fast pace and the checksum* algorithm itself can become the largest bottleneck.** The checksum algorithm itself is based on the FNV-1a hash (FNV is shorthand* for Fowler/Noll/Vo).  The primitive of a plain FNV-1a hash folds in data 1* byte at a time according to the formula:**	   hash = (hash ^ value) * FNV_PRIME** FNV-1a algorithm is described at http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/fnv/** PostgreSQL doesn't use FNV-1a hash directly because it has bad mixing of* high bits - high order bits in input data only affect high order bits in* output data. To resolve this we xor in the value prior to multiplication* shifted right by 17 bits. The number 17 was chosen because it doesn't* have common denominator with set bit positions in FNV_PRIME and empirically* provides the fastest mixing for high order bits of final iterations quickly* avalanche into lower positions. For performance reasons we choose to combine* 4 bytes at a time. The actual hash formula used as the basis is:**	   hash = (hash ^ value) * FNV_PRIME ^ ((hash ^ value) >> 17)** The main bottleneck in this calculation is the multiplication latency. To* hide the latency and to make use of SIMD parallelism multiple hash values* are calculated in parallel. The page is treated as a 32 column two* dimensional array of 32 bit values. Each column is aggregated separately* into a partial checksum. Each partial checksum uses a different initial* value (offset basis in FNV terminology). The initial values actually used* were chosen randomly, as the values themselves don't matter as much as that* they are different and don't match anything in real data. After initializing* partial checksums each value in the column is aggregated according to the* above formula. Finally two more iterations of the formula are performed with* value 0 to mix the bits of the last value added.** The partial checksums are then folded together using xor to form a single* 32-bit checksum. The caller can safely reduce the value to 16 bits* using modulo 2^16-1. That will cause a very slight bias towards lower* values but this is not significant for the performance of the* checksum.** The algorithm choice was based on what instructions are available in SIMD* instruction sets. This meant that a fast and good algorithm needed to use* multiplication as the main mixing operator. The simplest multiplication* based checksum primitive is the one used by FNV. The prime used is chosen* for good dispersion of values. It has no known simple patterns that result* in collisions. Test of 5-bit differentials of the primitive over 64bit keys* reveals no differentials with 3 or more values out of 100000 random keys* colliding. Avalanche test shows that only high order bits of the last word* have a bias. Tests of 1-4 uncorrelated bit errors, stray 0 and 0xFF bytes,* overwriting page from random position to end with 0 bytes, and overwriting* random segments of page with 0x00, 0xFF and random data all show optimal* 2e-16 false positive rate within margin of error.** Vectorization of the algorithm requires 32bit x 32bit -> 32bit integer* multiplication instruction. As of 2013 the corresponding instruction is* available on x86 SSE4.1 extensions (pmulld) and ARM NEON (vmul.i32).* Vectorization requires a compiler to do the vectorization for us. For recent* GCC versions the flags -msse4.1 -funroll-loops -ftree-vectorize are enough* to achieve vectorization.** The optimal amount of parallelism to use depends on CPU specific instruction* latency, SIMD instruction width, throughput and the amount of registers* available to hold intermediate state. Generally, more parallelism is better* up to the point that state doesn't fit in registers and extra load-store* instructions are needed to swap values in/out. The number chosen is a fixed* part of the algorithm because changing the parallelism changes the checksum* result.** The parallelism number 32 was chosen based on the fact that it is the* largest state that fits into architecturally visible x86 SSE registers while* leaving some free registers for intermediate values. For future processors* with 256bit vector registers this will leave some performance on the table.* When vectorization is not available it might be beneficial to restructure* the computation to calculate a subset of the columns at a time and perform* multiple passes to avoid register spilling. This optimization opportunity* is not used. Current coding also assumes that the compiler has the ability* to unroll the inner loop to avoid loop overhead and minimize register* spilling. For less sophisticated compilers it might be beneficial to* manually unroll the inner loop.*/


