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2025/3/17 20:34:22 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/lyyiangang/article/details/145165287  浏览:    关键词:mono3d汇总


lidar坐标系可以简单归纳为标准lidar坐标系和nucense lidar坐标系,参考链接。这个坐标系和车辆的ego坐标系是一致的。

  • 标准lidar坐标系
                   up z^   x front|  /| /left y <------ 0

后面说的global yaw就是目标与’-y’的夹角,与’-y’重合时是0, 与x重合为90度。

  • nucense lidar坐标系

local yaw & global yaw

由于透视投影的关系,目标在相平面上的成像会同时收到目标转动和相对相机位移的双重影响。所以引出了local yaw和global yaw。

网络学习的对象为local yaw(下面的 α z \alpha_z αz, 其中 α z = α x + p i / 2 \alpha_z = \alpha_x + pi/2 αz=αx+pi/2), 推理时根据目标位置+local yaw计算出global yaw。

α x \alpha_x αx在kitti数据集中的定义为:

α∈[−π,π],即从 −180∘ 到 180∘。
α>0:目标物体的朝向偏向相机光轴的 左侧(逆时针方向)。
α<0:目标物体的朝向偏向相机光轴的 右侧(顺时针方向)。

部分公司2d目标标注的local yaw:目标与相机z同向重叠:90度,与右侧方向的相机x轴重叠:0度。
global yaw为[-pi, pi]之间,一般正前方为0,左边为90,右边-90. 参考lidar_box3d.py中的定义:

class LiDARInstance3DBoxes(BaseInstance3DBoxes):"""3D boxes of instances in LIDAR coordinates.Coordinates in LiDAR:.. code-block:: noneup z    x front (yaw=0)^   ^|  /| /(yaw=0.5*pi) left y <------ 0The relative coordinate of bottom center in a LiDAR box is (0.5, 0.5, 0),and the yaw is around the z axis, thus the rotation axis=2. The yaw is 0 atthe positive direction of x axis, and increases from the positive directionof x to the positive direction of y.Attributes:tensor (Tensor): Float matrix with shape (N, box_dim).box_dim (int): Integer indicating the dimension of a box. Each row is(x, y, z, x_size, y_size, z_size, yaw, ...).with_yaw (bool): If True, the value of yaw will be set to 0 as minmaxboxes."""YAW_AXIS = 2@propertydef corners(self) -> Tensor:"""Convert boxes to corners in clockwise order, in the form of (x0y0z0,x0y0z1, x0y1z1, x0y1z0, x1y0z0, x1y0z1, x1y1z1, x1y1z0)... code-block:: noneup zfront x           ^/            |/             |(x1, y0, z1) + -----------  + (x1, y1, z1)/|            / |/ |           /  |(x0, y0, z1) + ----------- +   + (x1, y1, z0)|  /      .   |  /| / origin    | /left y <------- + ----------- + (x0, y1, z0)(x0, y0, z0)Returns:Tensor: A tensor with 8 corners of each box in shape (N, 8, 3)."""if self.tensor.numel() == 0:return torch.empty([0, 8, 3], device=self.tensor.device)dims = self.dimscorners_norm = torch.from_numpy(np.stack(np.unravel_index(np.arange(8), [2] * 3), axis=1)).to(device=dims.device, dtype=dims.dtype)corners_norm = corners_norm[[0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6]]# use relative origin (0.5, 0.5, 0)corners_norm = corners_norm - dims.new_tensor([0.5, 0.5, 0])corners = dims.view([-1, 1, 3]) * corners_norm.reshape([1, 8, 3])# rotate around z axiscorners = rotation_3d_in_axis(corners, self.tensor[:, 6], axis=self.YAW_AXIS)corners += self.tensor[:, :3].view(-1, 1, 3)return corners

mmdetection3d box_3d_mode.py中定义的各种坐标系:

class Box3DMode(IntEnum):"""Enum of different ways to represent a box.Coordinates in LiDAR:.. code-block:: noneup z^   x front|  /| /left y <------ 0The relative coordinate of bottom center in a LiDAR box is (0.5, 0.5, 0),and the yaw is around the z axis, thus the rotation axis=2.Coordinates in Camera:.. code-block:: nonez front//0 ------> x right||vdown yThe relative coordinate of bottom center in a CAM box is (0.5, 1.0, 0.5),and the yaw is around the y axis, thus the rotation axis=1.Coordinates in Depth:.. code-block:: noneup z^   y front|  /| /0 ------> x rightThe relative coordinate of bottom center in a DEPTH box is (0.5, 0.5, 0),and the yaw is around the z axis, thus the rotation axis=2."""

SMOKE: Single-Stage Monocular 3D Object Detection via Keypoint Estimation 对local yaw给出了示意图:

  • globa2local转换
def _get_target_single(..):
#...# change orientation to local yawgt_bboxes_3d[..., 6] = -torch.atan2(gt_bboxes_3d[..., 0], gt_bboxes_3d[..., 2]) + gt_bboxes_3d[..., 6]



