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VsCode/Cursor workbench.desktop.main.js 的入口

2025/3/9 18:20:27 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/aerror/article/details/146066627  浏览:    关键词:VsCode/Cursor workbench.desktop.main.js 的入口

这个也是main函数开始的,下面就是最后一行代码,表示export出rSo 函数作为它的名字公开为main, 和dll export表有点像了。

	export {rSo as main}; 


function rSo(i) {return new nSo(i).open()


var nSo = class extends V {constructor(i) {super(), this.a = i, this.b()}b() {this.c(), fle(!!this.a.fullscreen, _t)}c() {const i = YCn(this.a.workspace);(oN(i) || mC(i)) && (this.a.workspace = i);const e = this.a.filesToWait,t = e ? .paths;for (const s of [t, this.a.filesToOpenOrCreate, this.a.filesToDiff, this.a.filesToMerge])if (Array.isArray(s))for (const n of s) n.fileUri && (n.fileUri = W.revive(n.fileUri));e && (e.waitMarkerFileUri = W.revive(e.waitMarkerFileUri))}async open() {const [i] = await Promise.all([this.j(), H0n(_t)]);this.f(i.configurationService);const e = new T0o(_t.document.body, {extraClasses: this.g()}, i.serviceCollection, i.logService);this.h(e, i.storageService);const t = e.startup();this.D(t.createInstance(dCt))}f(i) {let e;if (this.a.isCustomZoomLevel && typeof this.a.zoomLevel == "number") e = this.a.zoomLevel;else {const t = i.getValue();e = typeof t.window ? .zoomLevel == "number" ? t.window.zoomLevel : 0}rxe(e, _t)}g() {return Bt && LRi(this.a.os.release) ? ["macos-bigsur-or-newer"] : []}h(i, e) {this.D(i.onWillShutdown(t => t.join(e.close(), {id: "join.closeStorage",label: f(12421, null)}))), this.D(i.onDidShutdown(() => this.dispose()))}async j() {const i = new Da,e = this.D(new VCo(this.a.windowId));i.set(mI, e);const t = this.a.policiesData ? new YCo(this.a.policiesData, e.getChannel("policy")) : new Esn;i.set(ksn, t);const s = {_serviceBrand: void 0,...ao};i.set(os, s);const n = new Gf(this.a, s);i.set(Vl, n);const r = [...this.a.loggers.global.map(D => ({ ...D,resource: W.revive(D.resource)})), ...this.a.loggers.window.map(D => ({ ...D,resource: W.revive(D.resource),hidden: !0}))],o = new Pho(this.a.windowId, this.a.logLevel, n.windowLogsPath, r, e.getChannel("logger"));i.set(Ip, o);const a = this.D(new jCo(o, n));i.set(Ft, a), av && a.info("workbench#open()"), a.getLevel() === Un.Trace && a.trace("workbench#open(): with configuration", Nze({ ...this.a,nls: void 0}));const l = new KCi(this.a.windowId, a);i.set(f5, l);const c = new FCi(this.a.windowId, a, e);i.set(gsn, c);const u = JE.toService(e.getChannel("sign"));i.set(bCt, u);const h = this.D(new tSi(a));i.set(yt, h);const d = new YCi(s, new rSi(n.window.id, e, h));i.set(Ym, d);const g = this.D(new GCo(e, c, a, o));h.registerProvider(me.file, g);const p = new yCt(h);i.set(bs, p);const m = new c8s(this.a.profiles.all, W.revive(this.a.profiles.home).with({scheme: n.userRoamingDataHome.scheme}), e.getChannel("userDataProfiles"));i.set(_a, m);const v = new XCo(Fk(this.a.profiles.profile, m.profilesHome.scheme));i.set(Pl, v), h.registerProvider(me.vscodeUserData, this.D(new KCo(me.file, g, me.vscodeUserData, m, p, a)));const y = new zIr;y.register(0, new tSo(null)), i.set(Vye, y);const w = this.D(new QCi(y, v, n, s, d, u, a));i.set(Ia, w), this.D(FCo.register(w, h, a));const C = this.m(n),[S, x] = await Promise.all([this.n(C, n, v, m, h, w, p, a, t).then(D => (i.set(Dt, D), i.set(rI, D), D)), this.q(C, n, v, m, e).then(D => (i.set(ft, D), D)), this.r(e).then(D => (i.set(_sn, D), D))]),k = new T9t(S, n);i.set(z3, k);const I = new P9t(S, d, x, p, n, S, k, h);return i.set(Dd, I), S.updateWorkspaceTrust(I.isWorkspaceTrusted()), this.D(I.onDidChangeTrust(() => S.updateWorkspaceTrust(I.isWorkspaceTrusted()))), {serviceCollection: i,logService: a,storageService: x,configurationService: S}}m(i) {return this.a.workspace ? this.a.workspace : NS(this.a.backupPath, i.isExtensionDevelopment)}async n(i, e, t, s, n, r, o, a, l) {const c = new OCo([me.file, me.vscodeUserData], e, n),u = new SCo({remoteAuthority: e.remoteAuthority,configurationCache: c}, e, t, s, n, r, o, a, l);try {return await u.initialize(i), u} catch (h) {return ls(h), u}}async q(i, e, t, s, n) {const r = new ECo(i, t, s, n, e);try {return await r.initialize(), r} catch (o) {return ls(o), r}}async r(i) {const e = new nSi(i);try {return await e.initialize(), e} catch (t) {return ls(t), e}}



