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计算机专业英语Computer English

2024/10/24 10:14:57 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/2301_77836489/article/details/139590868  浏览:    关键词:计算机专业英语Computer English


Computer English


Contents             目录

Part One  Computer hardware and software 计算机硬件和软件----------盖金曙  生家峰

Unit 1  the History of Computers计算机的历史

Unit 2  Computer System计算机系统

Unit 3  Disks and Disk Drives磁盘和磁盘驱动器

Unit 4  Operating System操作系统

Unit 5  Multimedia多媒体

Part Two  Network  网络----------------------------------------------------------盖金曙  -飞 

Unit 1  Internet 因特网

Unit 2  Source Transmission 信息传输

Unit 3  Wet Site 网站

Unit 4  Chatting Room 聊天室

Unit 5  Network and Game 网络与游戏

Unit 6  Prevent Viruses 预防病毒

Unit 7  The Internet’s Future因特网的未来

Part Three  Animation  动画-------------------------------------------------------盖金曙 

Unit 1  The History of Animation 动画的历史

Unit 2  Animation Techniques 动画技术

Unit 3  Computer Games 计算机游戏

Unit 4  Macromedia Flash MX

Unit 5  Creative Ad Design 有创造力的广告设计

Unit 6  Art and Design 艺术和设计

Unit 7  a 3D artist 三维艺术家



Part One  Computer hardware and software

Unit 1 the History of Computers


Buying your first computer

Lily: Hi Sam. How’s it going?

Sam: Pretty good. I’m going to buy a new computer this afternoon.

Lily: What kind are you going to buy?

Sam: I think I’ll buy a desktop, maybe a Dell.

Lily: They are very popular in America, and the prices are really coming down.


the History of Computers

In the history of computers, there are a few development stages. Therefore, several computer generations occur in the history.

The first electronic digital computer was borne in America in 1946 and its basic elements were vacuum tubes. Through the 1950s, several others were built. They were the first generation of computers, huge, heavy, expensive and slow, as well as using much more power than today’s but they still made great contributions to computer science, such as the concepts of stored programs, random access, They made a basic model of modern electronic computers.

The invention of transistors not only produced small portable radios, but also bore the second generation of computers. They became small, light, less expensive, but they were not yet small and cheap enough to enter families.

In 1960s, integrated circuits came . Integrated circuits, meant that huge complicated circuits and millions of their elements were only made on a small semiconductor chip, they were introduced into the third generation of computers. Their typical models were the system 360line of IMB computers. Special, large scale integrated circuits made digital computers so poplar that most middle class families could easily afford them. It is why you can see PCs every-where.

With the development of science and technology, biological computers and quantum computers will emerge out in near future. New generations of computers will be borne.


对话:         购买你的第一台电脑






短文:             计算机的历史






Unit 2  Computer System


Printer problems

Nary: I finished my report, but the printer is broken. What can I do?

Lily: Save the file on a floppy and bring it to my house. We can use my printer.

Nary: That’s a great idea.

Lily: Or, email it to me – that might be faster.

Nary: Hmm, that won’t work. The report has graphs.


Computer System

A system means a group of related parts working together. A digital computer system is mainly composed of four parts: Input parts: Input devices, Output devices, Memory and Central processing (CPU) which can accept, store and process data or symbols and yield output results fast under the indication of a series of instructions. After the CPU processing the information accepted by the input devices, the output devices give out the results users need.

Users hardly touch. CPUs, but all of them have used the input devices. IN PC systems, users often touch keyboards, mouse, input pens, touch screens, microphones and others for direct input. Regardless, of their differences, they are components that make interpretation and communication between users and computer systems. The storage deices, floppy disk drives and herds disk drives, are commonly used for indirect input. Users have also employed a variety of output devices such as monitors, printers and plotters which get the outcomes from the CPU in machine – coded form and coded form and change them into the forms users can users can understand. Hard disk drives or floppy disk drives, often record the results on disks for next or another machine input. Some people prefer to call input/output devices and floppy and hard disk drives, monitors, printers, plotters, etc, peripheral devices.

Traditionally, people accept that there are tow kinds of computers: digital computers and analog computers. The digital computers deal with numbers and symbols; the analog computers are only concerned with quantities, such as electrical currents or voltages. But nowadays, the former will be more powerful and occupy the positions of the latter.


对话:            打印机问题






短文:            计算机系统


    在PC系统中,用户很少接触CPU,但都用过输入设备,常接触键盘、鼠标、输入笔、触摸屏、话筒和其他直接输入设备。尽管它们之间存在差别但它们都是在用户和计算机系统之间进行解释和通信手工劳动的部件。存储部件、软盘驱动设备和硬盘驱动设备常用于间接输入。 用户也常使用各种输出设备,如显示器、打印机和绘图仪,这些输出设备从CPU那里得到机器形式的结果,并把它们转化为用户可理解的形式软盘和硬盘常把这些结果记录下来用于一一次或其他机器输入。某些人喜欢把输入输出设备、显示器、打印机和绘图仪等统称为外围设备。


Unit 3  Disks and Disk Drives


Sam is at a store buying a computer

Clerk: May I help you ?

Sam: Yes, I want to buy a new computer.

Clerk: How much RAM do you need? How big a hard drive will you need?

Sam: Well, Windows XP needs at least 256 MBS RAM, and I’ll be using a lot of word processors and game programs.

Clerk: I recommend a Pentium IV with an 80 GB hard drive.


Disks and Disk Drives

Computers use disks for storage. They can store small amounts of information on little floppy disks and large amounts of information on a hard disk, that thing inside your computer called C: A computer can handle only as much information as it can fit into its memory at one time.

    Disk drives contain a motor that spins the disk around at least 300 times each second, A thing called a head inside the drive hovers over the spinning disk, reading or writing information from or to the disk. The disk drive translates the stuff on the disk into information the computer can use (put into memory).

   Every computer has a drive A, which is your first floppy drive. Your computer most likely has another disk drive. This one, stored inside the computer, is a hard drive, and it’s usually called drive C. It’s a special kind of disk that stores much more information than a floppy disk. The most common type is the Winchester disk, which is a sealed unit. The heads on a Winchester drive are aerodynamically shaped and float on a cushion of air generated by the spinning platters. Their capacities range from about 20 megabytes on personal computers to around 40 gigabytes today.

    Like their floppy drive counterparthard drives have lights on the outside that turn on when the computer is accessing data. If your computer is taking a particularly long time to load a program, look at the hard drive light. It should be blanking in a somewhat random series of flashes. If it’s not on at all, or it’s on all the time, that may mean that something bad is happening.

  Hard disks are labeled with letters just like floppy disks. The first hard drive in your PC is drive C. Additional hard drives are given letters D, E, F, and so on.


对话:               山姆在一家商店买电脑






短文:                     磁盘和磁盘驱动器






Unit 4 Operating System


When problems happen

Sam: What’s the important part of the computer?

John: The most important part of your computer isn’t the hard disk or the monitor or the printer. The most important part is the data you use.

Sam: Why?

John: It’s the only part of your computer that can’t be replaced. If you didn’t make a back-up copy of it – and something bad happens to your computer – you will never see your data again.

Sam: I should buy a back – up tape drive.

John: That’s a very good idea.


Operating System

An operating system is a program, which acts as an interface between a user of a computer and the computer hardware. The purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which a user may execute programs. The primary goal of an operating system is thus to make the computer system convenient to use. A secondary goal is to use the computer hardware in an efficient manner.

An operating system is similar to a government. Its hardware, software, and data provide the basic resource of a computer system, The operating system provides the means for the proper use of these resources in the operation of the computer system. Like government, the operating system performs no useful function by itself. It simply provides an environment within which other programs can do useful work.

   We can view an operating system as a resource allocates. A computer system has many resources (hardware and software) which may be required to solve a problem: CPU time, memory space, file storage space, input/output (I/O) devices, and so on. The operating system acts as the manager of these resources and allocates them to specific programs and users as necessary for their tasks. Since there may be many , possibly conflicting, requests for resources, the operating system must decide which requests are allocated resources to operate the computer system fairly and efficiently.

   Operating systems and computer architecture have had a great deal of influence on each other. To facilitate the use of the hardware, operating systems were developed. As operating systems were designed and used, it became obvious that changes in the design of hardware could simplify the operating system. In this short historical review, notice how the introduction of new hardware features is the natural solution to many operating system problems.


对话:                         问题发生时








短文:                         操作系统





Unit 5  Multimedia


an Internet account 

A: Is this the Telecommunication Bureau?

B: Yes, this is the New-Service Demonstration Center. What can I do for you ?

A: I want to apply for an Internet account. Can you make house calls?

B: Certainly. Leave us your address, please?

A: OK. Will I have to wait for a long time?

B: We will arrange this in 24 hours.

A: By the way, is the service charge high?

B: Oh, no. It’s free of charge.

A: What else do you want?

B: Please tell us your telephone number so that we can contact with you.

A: It is 8765432.

B: Now all you need do is just wait at home. See you later.

A: Bye-bye.



   Multimedia combines audio and visual material to enhance communication and enrich its presentation. Multimedia refers to a synthesis of graphics, animation, optical storage, image processing, and sound, is not a single technology. It is a collection of technologies. Multimedia is a kind of computer technology that combines text, audio, video, and animated graphics; it provides easy access to large quantities of information, such as industrial training manuals, dictionaries, and encyclopedias: it often utilizes a small storage device, such as an optical disk.

    Electronic games – By far the most widely used form of interactive multimedia are the electronic games from Sega, Nintendo, and other manufacturers.

    Multimedia presentation systems – A multimedia presentation system is an “engine” that displays, synchronizes, provides interaction with, and generally manipulates multimedia material. Examples include “presentation software”, used to compile and display electronic “slides”, and browsers for multimedia documents (for example, a multimedia encyclopedia browser).

    Desktop conferencing systems – A desktop computer equipped with microphone, speakers, and a video camera, and placed on a multimedia network, can establish audio and video connections between other, similarly equipped, machines. This is the basis of desktop conferencing, when the computer plays the role of a multimedia communication device. A “conference” may be a short two – party conversation or a lengthy meeting between several participants, some of whom come and go as the conference proceeds.

     Multimedia services – Finally, many multimedia applications fit under the broad heading of “multimedia services”. Example include interactive shopping, banking, educational and medical services where multimedia is used to enrich the interface: and video – on – demand, where users play back remotely stored digital video in their homes.


对话:                    一个上网帐号

A: 你好,是电信局吗?

B: 新业务演示中心,我能帮您什么忙?

A: 我想申请一个上网帐号,你们可以上门服务吗?

B: 可以,请您把地址留一下。

A: 好,我要等好久吗?

B: 24小时之内我们一定安排。

A: 顺便问一下,服务费高吗?

B: 噢,不,我们免费服务。

A: 你还需要什么?

B: 请告诉我您的电话号码,以便我们跟您联系。

A: 8765432

B: 您在家等好了,再见!

A: 再见!

短文:                      多媒体


电子游戏——至今为止交互式多媒体的最广泛应用是电子游戏,它们来自Sega ,Nintendo及其他制造商。




Part Two  Network 

Unit 1 Internet

Dialogue 1 

the web is so popular

Nancy: Where did the web come from?

John: It started in 1989 at a Laboratory in Europe known as CERN where physicists around the world work together.

Nancy: Why is it so popular?

John: Because it is easy to use and connects people around the world who want to locate information and share knowledge.

Nancy: Thanks. I think I’ll go surf for a new salad recipe.

Dialogue 2

 the network

A: How do you think of the network?

B: One of the simplest networks involves two computers and one printer.

A: Really? It’s so supernatural.

B: Do you know what is the advantage of network?

A: Yes, sharing resources between computers.

B: That’s right.


 Why is the Internet more like a newspaper than TV?

    So, why is the Internet more like a newspaper than, say, television and why does this matter? The answer might surprise you.

    First, let us compare the Internet and television. Both involve electronic devices. Thus, both are equipped with an OFF button. Here, the similarity starts to break down.

Television is a one-way medium. You turn on a program and passively sit down to watch it. If it is boring, you either change the channel or turn off the set. If you disagree with a program, too bad.(Yes, you could write a complaint letter later, but that is usually a bit, too late.)

The Internet, on the other hand, is a strictly two-way medium. You turn it on and you decide what you want to see. The Internet does not come to you. You must go to it. ( In fact, one of the main problem currently is finding what you want to access on the Internet! ) It requires active participation.

A person reading a newspaper, on the other hand, quickly goes straight to the sports section if he ( or she ) is a rabid fan, or straight to the business section to check out the latest quotes from the stock market, or straight to the editorial section, if so inclined. In other words, people normally pick and choose what they want to see in the order they want to see it when they read a newspaper. This cannot be done with television .


对话1:               网络如此流行






对话2               网络

A: 你认为网络是怎么样的?

B: 最简单的一种网络仅包括两台计算机和一台打印机。

A: 真的吗?太不可思议了。

B: 你知道网络的优点是什么吗?

A: 彼此可以共享资源。

B: 太对了。

短文:           为什么互联网更像报纸而不是电视呢?






Unit 2 Source Transmission

Dialogue 1

 the anonymous login

A: The majority of the Internet sites are now web pages, accessed through the HTTP system described. Even on these systems, however, there are files that are not structured suing the HTML required for web pages. And there are other systems. That only provides access through the older and more limited FTP system.

B: In this, the Internet user establishes a connection to the remote host—“logging-in” exactly as though they were a local user.

A: Normally, the login is a so-called anonymous one—that is, the user’s name is not required; instead, the login name is “ftp”.

B: This anonymous login is achieved invisibly by your local browser software when you access an FTP site. Just like a normal login to a computer system, you are then given access to certain files and directories of files, that can be copied over the network to your PC.

Dialogue 2


A: Hello, is that the Data Center?

B: Yes. What’s the matter?

A: I am one of your clients who want to show thanks to your good service.

B: You are welcome. Why are you so glad?

A: I have changed my Internet bar from dial—up into ASDL after your convincing recommendation

B: Isn’t the result satisfying?

A: Yes. It was very slow when 20 people went online; but now it is all right when 50 people get on line.

B: Thanks a lot for your support to our work and for your feeding back so good information.


Formation of the Internet

   In 1972, the first International Conference on Computer Communications was held in Washington DC. Visitors from many countries were shown the ARPANET, and the need for a common set of standards for the network was discussed. This led to the formation of the Internet work Working Group. They also concluded that other networks similar to ARPANET could be connected, thus making it possible to build one huge network. This led to the beginning of the concept of the “internet” and the name itself.

The internet got a big boost in 1986 when the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) initiated development of NSFNET. Today this provides a major backbone to the internet. In addition NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and the U.S. Department of Energy added to the growing network. They contributed NSINET and ESNET respectively. The ARPANET was disbanded and commercial internet providers were put in place.


对话1                “无记名”登录

A: 因特网上的绝大多数网址现在都已做成了网页的形式,可以通过超文本传输协议(HTML)进行访问。但即便在这些主机系统中,仍有些文件的结构并未采用网页所需的超文本标记语言(HTML)。况且,还有一些系统只能通过比较老式、限制较多的文件传输体系(FTP)才能提供访问服务。

B: 为此,因特网用户便以“登录”的方式建立与远距离主机的连接通路,正如当地用户那样。

A: 一般而言,这种登录就是所谓的“无记名”登录,也就是说用户无需提供自己的姓名;登录名称便是“ftp”。

B: 当你接入一个文件传输协议(FTP)网址时,你在当地的浏览器软件即可不露痕迹地进行这类无记名登录,正如正常登录进入一台电脑系统一样。接通之后,你就可以访问某些文件和文件目录,还可以经过网络将之拷贝到你的个人电脑里。

对话2                        ASDL

A: 是数据中心吗?

B: 是,有什么事吗?

A: 我是您的客户,我对你们提供的优质服务表示感谢!

B: 不用谢,有什么事这么高兴?

A: 通过你们中心的力荐,我的网吧接入方式由拨号上网改为ADSL。

B: 效果不错吧?

A: 是,原来20人上网时速度就很慢;现在50人上网速度也可以。

B: 感谢你对我们工作的支持,反馈这么好的信息。

短文:                    因特网的形成



Unit 3 Wet Site

Dialogue 1

creating a web site

A: I hear about that you are a wonderful computer network engineer. Can you introduce something about creating a web site?

B: You flatter me. If you want to create a Web site from scratch, you have three basic options.

A: Oh, what are the options?

B: Use a Web design agency, build a Web site by using raw HTML code and use a software program that converts the HTML for you.

A: Which option is the best?

B: Deciding which route is best for you will depend on many factors—money, time and effort not least among them.

A: That is there is no right or wrong decision as there are advantages and disadvantages for each choice.

Dialogue 2

 the search function of the browser

A: I need some information, but I don’t know which web site to search .

B: You can use the search function of the browser to do it .

A: How to operate it ?

B: You can click the search button in the browser and then put the keywords in the input box .

A: Any way else ?

B: You can also use the special search web sites, such as Yahoo and Sohu, commonly named as the search engines.

A: Only the search engines web sites have the search function, isn’t it ?

B: No. Many famous web sites also have the search function ,and that goes for Netease.

A: They have the same operation method, don’t they ?

B: That’s right . You can try after back home .

A: That’s all . Thanks .


business on the Internet

More and more businesses are writing web pages or thinking about doing business on the Internet. Many people feel that this is the start of a new age – the Information Age. How will the Internet affect your family, your company and your community? The Internet will change the way you shop, make friends, and maybe even where you live. It will have great advantages for some people, but may not be good for people who don’t have computers.

In 1995 the population of the Internet was increasing at 10%per month. If that rate of growth were to continue(it’s impossible),the total number of Internet users would exceed the population of the world by 2003. The most important part of the Internet is the millions of people who use it to communicate. The International language of the Internet is English. You can use English to develop friendships from France to Japan.


对话1                        创立网站

A: 我听说你是一位杰出的计算机网络工程师,你能给我介绍一下网站的创立吗?

B: 过奖了,就我所知,如果你从头开始创立网站,你有三个基本选择。

A: 哦,什么样的三个选择?

B: 雇用网络设计代理,用未经处理的HTML编码建立网站和使用一种软件程序为你转换HTML码。

A: 哪个方案最好呢?

B: 确定最佳方案要考虑很多因素:资金、时间,尤其是在资金和时间方面要做的努力。

A: 那就是说决策无所谓正确或错误,因为每种选择都有各自的优缺点。

对话2                  浏览器的搜索功能

A: 我需要些信息,但不知道该上哪个网站去找。

B: 你可以使用浏览器的搜索功能进行查找。

A: 怎么操作?

B: 可单击浏览器的“搜索”按钮,再输入框内输入关键词。

A: 还有别的方法吗?

B: 您可以使用专门的搜索网站,像雅虎、搜狐,通常也被人们称为搜索引擎。
A: 不是搜索引擎的网站就没有搜索功能了吗?
B: 不是,很多著名的站点也提供搜索功能,像网易就是这样。
A: 他们的操作方法应该是相同的吧?
B: 是,今晚回家试试看。

A: 好,谢谢!

短文:                          电子商务



Unit 4 Chatting Room 聊天室


chatting with QQ

A: Hello! Nancy.

B: Hello, Steven!

A: What are you doing now? Have you surfed around recently?

B: Yeah, it’s very interesting.

A: What do you do in the Internet?

B: Chat and talk.

A: What software do you use?

B: QQ.

A: What is the meaning of QQ?
B: Don’t you know it ? It’s a chat software . Most people who surf around chat with QQ .

It is very convenient.

A: I see . It sounds interesting . I’ve never chat on the internet .

B: Really? What do you do on the Internet?

A: I just keep in touch with my friends through E-mail . And sometimes my teacher requires us to hand in all of our papers over E-mail , too.

B: I think you teacher must be very environmentally conscious .

A: How do you know?

B: He doesn’t want you do waste any paper!

A: Oh , my God! Maybe you’re right , but I think it is because E-mail is very fast and convenient . And there are numerous advantages to E-mail communication .

B: Do you think someday E-mail will replace “small moil”?

A: It might . but I hope it doesn’t.

B: Why is that ?

A: Because E-mail is very convenient but it lacks some of the personality that can be conveyed in a hand written letter .

B: That’s very true .

Passage                     Jerry Yang

   Jerry Yang realized a dream, creating an Internet – based online guide called Yahoo! He co-founded Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo has become one of the largest online navigational guide sites in the world, and has gone on to become involved in numerous subsidiary ventures, ranging from city guide sites to a print publication. Yang is a native of Taiwan who was raised in San Jose, Calif.

Just six year after he put up his humble little personal Web page and still in his early 30s, Yang is now a billionaire. The Website he created is now a household word around the globe, and is used every day by 25 million people. In addition to the original English – language Yahoo! Website, the Yahoo! Name can now be found on foreign – language directories, local guides, print magazines, and more. Like most fairy tales, Yang’s story seems to have a happy ending.


对话:                          QQ聊天

A: 你好,南希。

B: 你好,史蒂文。

A: 你现在在干什么?你最近上网冲浪了吗?

B: 去了,非常有趣。

A: 在网上你都干点什么?

B: 聊天。

A: 你用的是什么软件。


A: QQ是什么意思?

B: 你不知道吗?它是一种用于聊天的软件,许多人用QQ聊天,它非常地便捷。

A: 我知道了。听起来真有意思。我从来也没有上网聊过天。

B: 真的吗?那你上网干嘛呀?

A: 我只是通过E-mail和我的朋友保持联系,并且有的时候我的教师要求我们把论文通过E-mail交上去。

B: 我认为你们老师一定很有环保意识。

A: 你怎么知道?

A: 哦,天哪!或许你是正确的,但我认为E-mail更快捷,并且通过E-mail交流有许多的优点。

B: 你认为总有一天,E-mail会代替“现在的书信”吗?

A: 可能会吧,但我不希望。

B: 为什么?

A: 因为虽然E-mail非常简便,但缺乏一些手写的信所表达的个人情感。

B: 确实是。

短文:                       杨志远



Unit 5 Network and Game

Dialogue 1

     the net gaming

A: Do you know the net gaming or online gaming?

B: Yes, it’s very popular.

A: It’s so interesting that I spend all my spare time on it.

B: What kind of game do you like best?

A: Role performance and compete against each other in real time.

B: I like them too.

A: CS, a 5-year-old game was the FPS that I play most , regardless of the newer ,prettier ones

that are around . So now I’m wondering if you still play CS, or if you’ve switched

to something new, what do you play now?

B: A better question should be “Who DOESNT play CS ?” CS is the greatest FPS forever !

A: I believe more people play CS online than any other game , and probably more than all the other games combined .

B: I must admit CS is an awesome game , but I don’t play it any more. Now I play StarCraft.

Dialogue 2

An Intranet

A:An Intranet is simply the application of Internet technology within an Internet or closed user group.

B: Intranets are organization-specific and do not have to have a physical connection to the Internet.

A: However, the underlying principle behind Intranet theory is “information democracy”.

B: An Intranet is a highly effective corporate tool, capable of providing regularly updated information to empower the  workforce  with the information needed to perform  their roles.

A: As you say, used in this way, Intranets represent a step towards the paperless office, replacing printed documentation with electronic data.


Why would you want to use the internet ?

  There are so many things you can do and participate in once connected to the internet. They include using a range of services to communicate and share information and things quickly and inexpensively with tens of millions of people, both young and old and from diverse cultures around the world.

For example:

  1. You’ll be able to keep in touch and send things to colleagues and friends using electronic mail, internet telephone, keyboard chat and video conferencing.
  2. You can also tap into thousands of databases, libraries and newsgroups around the world to gather information on any topics of interest for work or recreation. The information can be in the form of text, pictures or even video material.
  3. This means you can stay up to date with news, sports, weather and any current affairs around the world with information updated daily, hourly or instantly.
  4. You can also locate and download computer software and other products that are available in cyberspace.
  5. You can listen to sounds and music, and watch digital movies.
  6. There are also a growing number of interactive multimedia games and educational tools.


对话1:                        网络游戏

A: 你知道网络游戏或在线游戏吗?

B: 是的,它现在非常受欢迎。

A: 它非常有趣,我的业余时间都花在玩游戏了。

B: 你最喜欢哪种游戏呀?

A: 角色扮演和即时对抗。

A: 反恐,这个已经红了五年的老游戏,无论新出了什么宣称更新,更完美的游戏依旧是



B: 你的问题最好这么同“有谁不玩反恐 ?”反恐永远是最棒的第一视角射击游戏

A: 我想信在网上玩反恐的人比玩其它任何游戏的人都多,其数量可能比其它任何所有


B: 我必须承认 “反恐”是一款相当棒的游戏,不过我不玩它了。我现在玩星际争霸。

对话2                         内部网

A: 内部网(Intranet)是国际互联网技术在内部或封闭的用户群内的应用。

B; 内部网是单位专用的,不一定必须与互联网有物理上的连接。

A: 不过,内部网理论的基本原理是“信息民主”。

B: 内部网可以成为全体公司员工共同利用的高效率工具,它能够定期向员工提供需要的新信息,使员工更有效地完成任务。

A: 照你所说,如此使用内部网,是我们迈向无纸办公的一步,即用电子数据代替印刷文档。

短文:                 为什么要使用互联网?


  1. 利用电子邮件、网上电话、网上聊天和视频会议与同事、朋友保持联系或


  1. 利用全球上千个数据库、图书馆或新闻组收集相关的工作或娱乐信息。


  1. 这也就是说,有了这些每天、每小时,甚至是即时更新的信息,你就能


  1. 同时,你也能在网上搜寻并下载计算机软件以及其他产品。
  2. 你可以听到声音和音乐,并收看数码电影。
  3. 互动的多媒体游戏和教育工具也越来越多。

Unit 6  Prevent Viruses

Dialogue 1

 the virus fire wall

A: I have a computer , but I am afraid that if may be infected by viruses , so I dare not use it frequently , and not mention getting on line.

B: You needn’t worry about it so much . You only need keep a look-out .

A: Have you any good ways ?

B: The passive way is to kill viruses whenever you open a document , run software or download programs from the web site .

A: It’s tedious and time –consuming .

B: right . The active way is to install the virus fire wall software in your computer.

A: The software sounds beautiful . Is it used to kill viruses ?

B: Starting up , the computer will load the fire wall automatically , and fire wall initiates the real-time monitor on all tasks underway . Whenever a virus is found , it will tell you in time .

A: Where can I get this software ?

B: Most virus-killing softwares under Windows2003 have the virus fire wall .

A: Then I have to buy a new virus-killing software.

Dialogue 2


A: The typical company’s computer network infrastructure is LAN.

B: An Intranet delivers the same level of power to users as a LAN, but offers greatly simplified network management. Intranets work within an organization over the existing LAN infrastructure, making cost of ownership very attractive.

A: Corporate Intranets hold information centrally in a Web server. All Intranet-related documents are written using hyper text markup language (HTML) , the industry-standard method of encoding a document which contains text and graphics to make it totally platform-independent.

B: Web servers are platform and application-independent, they can send or request data from legacy or external applications (including database).

A: All replies, once converted into HTML Format, can then be transmitted to a browser?

B: Intranet can offer lower desktop support costs, easy link with legacy applications and databases, and above all, ease of use.


Ding Lei and Netease

   Graduated from China Electronic Technology University and obtained Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering. Ding is the founder of Netease Co., Ltd(www.163.com), and currently is the CTO with the Netease.

   In June 1997, Ding Lei founded the Netease Corporation, which has contributed great to the development of China’s Internet. Meanwhile, the Netease also developed from a private enterprise with only a dozen of staff members to a well-known web-based company which has 300 staff members and have been listed in the Nasdaq in the US.

   Netease is a Mainland China-based provider of Chinese-language online content services. Since it was founded in mid-1997, Netease has developed a number of popular Web-based products, including China’s first free email service, the first online community and the first personalized information service. In July 1999, Netease conducted the first online auction in China. In November 1999,it launched both business-to-consumer and consumer-to-consumer business platforms.


对话1                      病毒防火墙

A 我有电脑,但是怕感染病毒不敢经常使用,更不敢上网。

B 用不着那样担心。只要注意防范就行。

A 有什么好方法吗?

B 消极点的方法是每当需要打开文档或运行软件及网上下载的程序之前先要进行杀毒。

A 这很烦琐而且费时。

B 对,积极的方法是在电脑里装一个“病毒防火墙”的软件。

A 这个软件听上去不错,它的作用是杀毒吗?

B 电脑启动时自动加载它,并监视所有正在运行的任务,发现病毒及时报告。

A 这种软件从哪里获得?

B 大多数工作在Windows2003下的杀毒软件都带病毒防火墙。

A 那我得买个新的杀毒软件了。

对话2                            局域网

A: 局域网是典型的公司网络基础设施。

B: 内部网提供给用户的权力与局域网相同,但大大简化了网络管理。内部网在现有的局域网基础设施上运行,这使成本低得诱人。

A: 公司内部网在一台Web服务器上集中保存信息。所有与内部网有关的文档,均用超文本标记语言(HTML)编写,这是业界标准的含有文本与图形的编制文档的方法,以使文档完全独立于平台。

B: Web服务器是独立于平台和应用程序的,所以它们能从过去的或外部的应用程序(包括数据库)中发送或获取数据。

A: 一旦转换面HTML格式,所有的应答都能传送给浏览器吗?

B: 内部网能够提供较低的桌面支持成本,容易与传统应用程序和数据库相连,其中最主要的还是使用方便。

短文:                       丁磊与网易




Unit7  The Internet’s Future

Dialogue 1

World Wide Web

A: What is World Wide Web?

B: That’s just like saying the Internet.

A: OK. That’s not so difficult to understand.

B: Do you know how to log into Internet?

A: Yes, of course. It’s very easy.

B: Can you teach me?

A: Enter your address and password, it’s OK.

Dialogue 2

Jim will start a business web page

Lily: Hey Sam, where have you been this week?

Sam: I was writing a web page for my new business – selling Bizen pottery.

Lily: Cool, What did you put on the page ?

Sam: I put a CGI form on it so people could send me information .

Lily: How many hits has it gotten?

Sam: It’s getting about 100 a day .

Lily: Have you sold anything ?

Sam: Not yet…..


The Internet’s Future

The number of people will continue to grow. Historically the Internet has doubled in size every 10 months. This may slow down, but it’s still doubling.

More interactivity. People don’t want static HTML pages any more. So more interactive pages will come, with audio, video and perhaps more usefully page animation. Expect popup menus and self-refreshing tables.

More commerce. Most people make money out of the internet through advertising. But sites are starting to sell product via the Net, with some like www.amazon.com becoming a serious rival to traditional outlets.

Net cash. Some form of electronic cash will be necessary to trade Internationally. Paying a few percent on credit cards and foreign currency transactions will drive people to use a universal, Net-based electronic form of money.

More ubiquitous. It already is. It’s getting rare these days to see an ad in traditional media that doesn’t offer a web address. Sell shares in any companies that don’t.


对话1         万维网

A: 请问万维网是什么?

B: 就是通常所说的因特网。

A: 那就不难理解了。

B: 你知道怎么登录因特网吗?

A: 当然知道,很简单。

B: 能教教我吗?

A: 输入你的地址和密码就可以了。

对话2              山姆将开一个商业网页









短文:                     因特网的未来






Part Three  Animation  动画

Unit 1  The History of Animation


Do You Know Animation History?

Jenny and Lynn are talking about the history of animation.

Jenny:  Lynn, how much do you know about animation history?

Lynn:  I know a little about it .But I know animation has quite a long history of development. Cave paintings drawn on walls are regarded as the earliest animations in history, about 1800B.C.

Jenny:  1800B.C. ! It’s unbelievable! Are you kidding?

Lynn:  It’s true. Up to now, computers are commonly used in all levels of animation making.

Jenny:  Then, what’s the main difference between traditional animation making and modern animation making?

Lynn:  I think the tools used in animation making may be the big difference. You know computer has totally changed the animation world


 Animation History

18000B.C. : Cave paintings were drawn on walls. Historians believe that these images were made to look as if they were moving when the flickering shadows from the fires cast on them.

7000B.C. : In China, shadows of puppets were projected onto parchment paper. This was developed into and art form in eastern countries, particularly in India.

2000B.C. : Greeks drew figures on vases in various stages of movement.

1660s: Magic lanterns were introduced.

1860s: Development of the flip book which led to a coin machine “viewer” based on a series of photographs being flipped by turning a handle.

1895: Plasticine was invented. This is used for model animation.

1897: An animated commercial was produced. It is one of the first recorded uses of animation in advertising.

1920s: The means for adding sound to film was invented.

1928: Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse made his first appearance as a character called Steamboat Willie. This was the first successful animated film by the Disney Film Company.

1930s: Color was added to film. Snow White (1937) became the first full-length animated feature film in color.

1990s: Computers are commonly used in all levels of film making.

2002: CGI is mixed with traditional hand-drawn animation to combine the art with the technology in films.

                      New Words and Expressions

Development    n.    发展            Cave          n.   洞穴,山洞

Unbelievable   adj.   难以置信的      Commonly    adv.  普通地,一般的

Traditional     adj.   传统的,惯例的   Totally        adv.  完全地,完整地

Historian       n.    历史学家        Cast          n.&v. 投射

Puppet         n.     傀儡,木偶       Project        v.    戏 , 投射,放映,射出

Parchment      n.     羊皮纸         Particularly    adv.  独特地,显著地

Various        adj.    不同的         Stage          n.    场景

Lantern        n.     灯笼,提灯       Plasticine      n.    橡皮泥

Model         n.      模型           Commercial   adj.   商业的,贸易的

Appearance     n.     出现,露面       Steamboat    n.     汽船,轮船

Successful      adj.    成功的          Length      n.     长度,

Feature         n.     正片           Combine     v.     联合,连接,结合

Regard as              把…….认作    Flip book            活页书



1. B.C.公元前 ; A.D. 公元

2. Magic lantern  幻灯, 早期放映机

3. coin machine   看西洋景儿

4. Disney Film Company  迪士尼电影公司

5. Snow White  白雪公主   feature film 正片

6. CGI: Computer Generated Imagery,  计算机生成图形


Word study: Match Column A to Column B.

Column A                                Column B.

flip book                             paintings which are painted on the wall of cave 

feature film                           animation of tradition

cave paintings                         a book which can be turned through quickly

film making                           full-length film

traditional animation                   the making of movies

Unit 2 Animation Techniques


How do You Get Moving Pictures?

Tom and Jerry are talking about how to get moving images when the pictures change in some way.

Tom: Jerry, I really want to know some ways to make still pictures moving. It sounds very interesting!

Jerry: Well, the most common way is to change in size. Things then can get bigger or get smaller. Try drawing a balloon. Now draw it again but a little bit bigger. Now draw one getting even bigger. Now draw a balloon which is so big that it bursts.

Tom: ( Tom tries to follow Jerry and draws the balloons ) Hey, the balloon seems to move now!

Jerry: Now, you can change in position. Imagine the spokes on a bike-wheel moving around as the wheel runs full circle. Draw the wheel five times, each time showing how the spokes on the wheel have moved.

Tom:  Hmm, I can imagine that!

Jerry: You can also try to change in angle. Draw the hands of a clock as time is passing. Each time the hands should show a different angle.

Tom: Easy to understand! Tell me more about it! I will write down whatever you are mentioning!

Jerry: You may try to change in speed. Draw a car parked. Now draw the same car speeding down a road. How could you show the element of speed?

Tom: I will draw many cars in the same size! It seems that the car is speeding on the road.

Jerry: You may know the way of changing in color. Draw six circles and color them in , each time showing how the colors are getting darker. And the most interesting way is to change of shape. Draw a face that is sad. Now draw three other faces changing the eyes and mouths to make, in four stages, a happy face.

Tom: Thank you. Jerry. I rally have learned a lot from your introduction today. I will practice more to get vivid moving pictures.


                   Do You Know These Animation Techniques?

There are four basic techniques used in animation. They are drawn animation, cut-out animation, model animation, and computer animation or computer generated imagery (CGI).

What is drawn animation?

This covers any form that one drawing is replaced by another in sequence. Each drawing is slightly different from the one before. It works the way a flip book does. These animated films are made up of thousands of drawings which are shown on screen very quickly one after another.

What is cut-out animation?

This covers any form of animation that the cut-out shapes are moved around or replaced by other cut-outs. Flat objects like buttons, matchsticks and strings can also be used in this form of animation. Cut-outs can also be laid on top of drawings.

What is model animation?

This involves the filming of puppets or any form of three-dimensional models. The materials that can be used include plasticine, clay or wire. In fact anything that can be bent or formed into another shape is OK. The puppets are positioned and filmed before being moved so slightly and filmed again. These shots are put together as a piece of film and will give the impression of the models’ moving.

What is computer animation or computer generated imagery (CGI)?

This refers to the drawing of three-dimensional models and sets on the computer. Images can be scanned into the computer by using digital photography or be made with the computer itself. Human characters can be built from clay, while sets and furnishings are modeled by using design systems similar to architects’ drawings. These models are scanned into the computer as wire-frame models which are gradually built up into a colored and textured form which will finally be recorded onto film. The wire-frame model was made on a computer before being built up into the character.

 New Words and Expressions

Cut-out          n.     图案,花样         generate  vt.     产生,生成

imagery         n.      画像(总称)       balloon   n.     气球

burst            v.     爆裂                position   n.     位置

imagine         vt.     想象,设想          Spoke     n     .轮辐

wheel           n.     车轮,轮子          angle      n.    

hand            n     .指针                speed     n./v     迅速,速度 

park            vt.    停放                 Vivid     adj.   生动的,逼真的

cover           vt.    包括,包含           Replace    vt.    取代,替换

Sequence        n.     次序,顺序,序列     Slightly    adv.    稍微地,苗条的

Button          n.     纽扣,按钮          Matchstick  n.    火柴杆

String           n.    线,细绳              Involve    vt.   包括

Three-dimensional adj.   三维的,立体的        Clay     n.    黏土

Wire            n.    金属丝                Impression       n.    印象

Scan            v.    扫描                 Human    adj.   人的,人类的

While           conj.   而,在``````同时      Furnishing         n.    家具

Similar            adj.   相似的,类似的     Architect          n.    建筑师

Gradually         adv.   逐渐地             Textured   adj.   起纹理的,地不平的

In detail                详细地


Drawn animation    绘制动画。

Cut-out animation    剪切动画。

Model animation     模型动画。

Computer animation  计算机动画。


Word study:  Match Column A  to Column B.

Column A                          Column B

Three-dimensional             take the place of

Clay                         an order of succession

Replace                      the pattern cut from wood or paper

Sequence                     the quality of having length, width and depth

Cut-out                       a fine-grained earthy material

Unit 3 Computer Games


                             Do You know 3D?

Mary and Jenny are talking about computer design. The technique of 3D Max is quite new to them. They are examine the basic orders on the interface of 3D Max 5.0 and try to learn the basic skills of using it.

Mary:  I really want to know what 3D stands for.

Jenny:  As far as I know, 3D stands for three dimensions which means “三维” in Chinese.

Mary:  Have you ever seen some films or television programs, in which 3D Max technique is wonderfully used?

Jenny:  Anything special about these films or TV programs?

Mary:  Definitely. The animations are quite realistic, expressive, productive and flexible. I really dream to design some animations by using 3D Max.

Jenny:  I get some general information from Internet. I think 3D Max technique is quite fascinating.

Mary:  In general, 3D Max technique is the world’s most popular animation modeling, and rendering solution for film, television, game and design visualization. If you want to learn some skills, just try to remember some terminology first.

Jenny:  Let’s learn together.


                   The History of Computer Games

     Computer games have not enjoyed overwhelming attention within research circle. Although one might expect some consensus on such a “young”: research area, many details are more than cloudy.

     Which kind of game, for example, was the first? The usual answer is action.

     Action games like Space War were well suited for quick battles and became the foundation for a rapidly growing industry.

     In 1976 the first adventure game was born. Later, in the 1980s, the strategy games became very popular following in the wake of successes such as Pirates ( Microprose, 1987).

     The 1990s were characterized by and explosion of proportions. The games have become bigger and more: “photo realistic”. For a while, game producers drew huge inspiration from movies but this tendency seems to have faded away by itself.

     Computer games are now very often played on networks. This can be seen as a return to the social element of the arcades. In Internet cafes, players can meet and play against other human opponents, making the gaming experience more unpredictable and exciting.

                      New Words and Expressions

Interface  n.  界面                       Dimension  n.  空间,维度

Definitely  adv. 明确地,干脆地            Expressive  adj. 有表现力的,富于表情的

Productive  adj. 多产的                   Flexible  adj. 灵活的

Modeling  n. 建模,造型                  Rendering  n. 表现,描写

Solution  n. 解决办法                     Visualization  n. 想象,构思,设想

Terminology  n. 术语                     Enjoy  vt. 享受`````的乐趣

Overwhelming  adj. 压倒性的,无法抵抗的  Attention   n. 注意,关心,关注

Research   n. 研究,调查                 Consensus  n. 一致同意,多数人的意见

Detail   n. 细节,详情,详细资料          Cloudy  adj. 朦胧的

Suited  adj. 适合的,匹配的,             Battle  n. 战役,战斗,搏斗

Foundation  n. 基础,根本                Industry  n. 产业,行业

Adventure  n. 冒险                       Explosion  n. 爆发,发出

Proportion  n. 比例,部分                 Producer  n. 制作者,制片人

Inspiration  n. 灵感                      Tendency  n. 趋向,倾向

Network  n. 网络                        Arcade   n. 娱乐走廊,娱乐厅

Opponent  n. 对手,反对者               Unpredictable  adj. 不可预知的

Action game  动作游戏                    Fade away  慢慢减弱,渐渐消失


Pirates 意为《海盗》


Word study: Match Column A to Column B.

Column A                           Column B

Overwhelming                difficult to foretell or foresee

Cloudy                      a game of acting or doing something

Action game                  an undertaking or enterprise of a hazardous nature

Adventure                    overpowering in effect or strength

Unpredictable                not clearly perceived

Unit 4   Macromedia Flash MX


                      How to Install Flash MX

Jenny and Mary just began to learn Flash MX. Everything is new to them so they are talking about what they have learned in class.

Jenny:  Mary, I feel quite confused about what Mr. Lee told us in class. What is the purpose for us to learn Flash MX?

Mary:  According to what Mr. Lee said, Macromedia Flash MX is the professional standard  instructional tool for producing high-impact Web experiences. Whether you are creating animated logos, Web site navigation controls, long-form animations, entire Flash Web sites or Web applications, you’ll find the power and flexibility of Flash ideal for your own creativity.

Jenny:  Sounds quite abstract. Now I want to practice what we have learned in class. But I didn’t install Flash software on my computer. What shall I do now?

Mary:  Follow these steps to install Flash on a Windows computer. First, insert the Flash CD into the CD driver. Then, choose Run in the start menu. Click Browse and find the file named “Installer. exe” in the Flash MX CD. And then click OK in the Run  dialogue box to begin the installation. Follow the onscreen instructions, you can install the Flash MX onto your computer. If prompted, restart your computer.

Jenny:  I’m afraid I can’t manage it. Can you help me to install this software?

Mary:  No problem. If you want to learn well about Flash, try to read Help document carefully. Then you can use it smoothly.

Jenny: Anyway, the first job for me is to install this software. Help me!


 the interface of Flash MX


The stage is where you draw and import artwork, add text and sound, and add additional features such as navigation buttons or user-interface components.


The toolbox contains the tools you will use to create, place and modify text and graphics. In the graphics, use the mouse to roll over the toolbox to learn about how each segment works.


The timeline organizes and controls a movie’s content over time. Like films, Flash divides the length of time into frames. Each frame can have its own content, or it can use the content of a previous frame.


To help organize the content, the timeline is divided into layer. A background layer, for example, may carry over into each frame of a movie, while an animation layer may be for a specific frame.


The library panel stores reusable elements called symbols. For example, if you want to reuse a graphic movie clip or sound, you can drag it to the library, and then drag it to the stage when you need it.


The panels in Flash assist you in working with objects on the stage, the entire document, the timeline and actions. Choose the Window menu to see a list of panel. You can display the panel set you used mostly often by choosing Window>Panel sets or by creating a custom panel set .

                        New Words and Expressions

Professional  adj. 专业的,职业的          Standard  adj.  标准的,权威的

High-impact  adj.  高冲击的               Operate  v.  操作,运转

Flexibility  n.  弹性,灵活性               Logo  n.  标识语

Navigation  n.  导航,领航                Entire  adj.  全部的,完整的

Install  vt.  安装                         Insert  vt.  插入,嵌入 

Driver  n.  驱动器,驱动程序              Browse  v.&n.  浏览

Installation  n.  安装                      Onscreen  adj.  在银幕上的

Prompt  vt.  提示,鼓动                   Document  n.  文档

Smoothly  adv.  平稳地                    Import  vt.  输入,进口,引入

Contain  vt.  包含,容纳                   Modify  vt.  更改,修改

Mouse  n.  鼠标                          Segment  n.  段,节,片断

Organize  vt.  组织                       Content  n.  内容,容量

Previous  adj.  在前的,早先的             Panel  n.  面板

Reusable  adj.  可以再利用的               Symbol   n.  符号

Clip  n.  剪辑                             Drag  v.  拖,拖曳

Roll over  翻身,反侧




Word study: Match Column A to Column B.

Column A                       Column B.

Stage                    where you draw and import artwork, add text and sound, etc.

Toolbox                  where contains the tools of Flash you will use

Timeline                 to organizes and controls a movie’s content over time

Library                  where stores reusable elements called symbols

Unit 5   Creative Ad Design

Dialogue 1                     

What is Advertising?

Professor Smith, and ad designer, is talking with Jenny, a student from Shenzhen Technical Institute, who wants to know something about ad.

Jenny: How do you do, Professor Smith.

Smith: How do you do, Jenny.

Jenny: I know you are a famous ad designer from New York. I feel so lucky to meet you here in our school. Would you mind if I ask you some questions?

Smith: What do you want to know first?

Jenny: I want to know the meaning of advertising.

Smith: Good question. Advertising is a kind of communication of information by medium. It can be divided into commercial advertising and non-commercial advertising.

Jenny: I see. My second question is why people make ads?

Smith: There are many reasons. Commercial ad is mainly for making profits and non-commercial ad is for public interests.

Jenny: Oh, I see. My last question is what are the important elements of making a good ad?

Smith: Well, different ads may have different choices. But the common elements are color choices, illustrations, layouts, logos and creative ideas. Imagination sometimes is also quite important.

Jenny: Thank you for your explanation, Professor Smith. I hope I could meet you next time.

Smith: You can send me E-mail if you have any question. It’s my pleasure to help you.

Dialogue 2

                     How to Design a Creative Ad?

Mary and Jenny are talking about the most popular brands and trade marks in the world. They are mentioning some main factors of designing an ad.

Jenny: Mary, I think advertising is an important means for business. It can build the consumer’s brand preference and loyalty, thus increasing the value of the product.

Mary: Right. Advertising is helpful to build the brand, increase the value of its goodwill and win the confidence of consumer. In this way, the product provides its consumer with greater sense of security and satisfaction and its value increases. In fact , human needs are mostly emotional, social and psychological rather than functional.

Jenny: I agree. There are some popular ads, such as McDonald’s in 1955, Pepsi, Coca Cola in 1931, Nokia and Nike, which are quite attractive. Mary, what do you think is the reason for their popularity?

Mary: The illustrations of their ads are the most important factors. The illustrations of the above ads are quite appealing.

Jenny: Does the illustrations you mentioned refer to the computer-generated image or the hand-rendered illustration?

Mary: Both are included. Also included is the photograph. The illustration can serve such purpose as attracting the attention of the target audience, showing the features and benefits of the product, creating a feeling or image and stimulating people’s interests on reading the copy of an ad.

Jenny: But I think the headline’s design of an ad is also important. Some headlines are very impressive. Once you look an ad, you can hardly forget what the headline says as well as how its type is designed.

Mary: Besides, the design quality of the color mix is also very important.

Jenny: Some colors are considered cold, others are warm. They give different feelings to the audience. Even the same color may have different meanings to different nations or different people.

Mary: In addition, the layout of an ad is also important. Some layouts are too gaudy, some include too many illustrations, and some copies on ads are too crowdedly arranged.

Jenny: It’s tough to arrange various elements well on one ad.

                           New Words and Expressions

Ad  n.  广告                               Advertising  n.  广告   adj.  广告的

Medium  n.  媒体,媒介                    Profit  n.  利润

Public  adj.  公众的,公共的                Interest  n.  利益

Illustration  n.  插图,图解                  Layout  n.  布局,版面设计

Imagination  n.  想象力                     Explanation  n.  解释,解说,说明

Brand  n.  商标,牌子                      Consumer  n.  消费者

Preference  n.  偏爱,优先选择               Loyalty  n.  忠诚,忠心

Goodwill  n.  善意,亲切                    Provide  v.  供应,提供

Security  n.  安全                           Satisfaction  n.  满意,满足

Emotional  adj.  情绪的,情感的             Social  adj.  社会的

Psychological  adj.  心理的                  Functional  adj.  功能的

Popularity  N。普及,流行                  Appealing  adj.  吸引人的

Target  n.  目标,对象                     Benefit  n.  利益,好处

Gaudy  adj.  华而不实的                   Crowdedly  adv.  拥挤地,完满地

Trade mark   商标                         In addition  另外


illustration   插图

Headline     大字标题

Color mix    色彩搭配

Layout       布局


Word study: Match Column A to Column B.

Column A                       Column B.

illustration              capable of performing, operative

Copy                   relating to society

Layout                 the words to be printed in an ad

Emotional               intended to influence the mind

Social                  the art of arranging graphic matter on a page

Psychological            some pictures of charts used to clarify

Functional               intended to arouse the emotions

Unit 6 Art and Design


Which Major do You Like Best?

Two new students, Helen and Daniel , are talking about their department and majors in the classroom.

Daniel: Helen, do you know how many departments are there in our school?

Helen: Twelve, including Language Education Department.

Daniel: Do you know which department is the biggest?

Helen: Design Department, the one we are in.

Daniel: Really? We are so lucky to be in Design Department.

Helen: By the way, Daniel, which major do you like best in our department?

Daniel: Among the four majors, Exhibition Engineering, Computer Graphics, Photography Communication, Cartoon &Animation, I like Cartoon & Animation best . Helen, how about you?

Helen: My favorite major is Exhibition Engineering. It attracts me a lot.


On Art and Design

What is art?

Art refers to the creation or expression of something beautiful, especially in a visual form, e.g. painting, sculpture. Art also refers to any skill or ability that can be learned by practice, especially contrasted with science and technology.

What is design?

Design refers to drawing or outline from which something may be made. Design also refers to general arrangement or planning of a building, book, machine, picture, etc. Arrangement of lines, shapes or figures as decoration on a carpet, vase, etc.

What is called artist?

Artist refers to the person who practices any of the fine arts, especially paintings, or person who does something with great skills.

What is called designer?

Designer refers to the person whose job is designing, e.g. machinery, furniture, fashionable clothes.

                New Words and Expressions

Art  n.  艺术                                 Design  n  设计

Goal  n.  目的,目标                            Definition  n.  定义,解说

Artist  n.  艺术家,画家                         Designer  n.  设计家,制图师

Profession  n.  职业,专业                       Task  n.  任务,作业

Practice  v.&n.  实践,练习                      Major  n.  主修课

Department  n.  系                            Lucky  adj.  幸运的

Exhibition  n.  展览                           Graphics  n.  制图法,图形

Photography  n.  摄影,摄影术                   Communication  n.  传播

Cartoon  n.  卡通片,动画片                     Animation  n.  动画

Attract  vt.  吸引                             Specific  adj.  明确的,特殊的

Purpose  n.  目的,意图                        Creation  n.  创造,创作物

Expression  n.  表达,表情,脸色                  Especially  adv.  特别,尤其

Visual  adj.  视觉的                           Sculpture  n.  雕刻,雕刻品,雕塑

Skill  n.  技能,技巧,熟练,巧妙                   Ability  n.  能力,才干

Contrast  vi.  和`````形成对照                   Science  n.  科学,自然科学

Technology  n.  工艺,技术                      Drawing  n.  图画,制图

Outline  n.  轮廓,略图,外形                     Arrangement  n.  排列,安排

Line  n.  线条                                Shape  n.  外形,形状

Figure  n.  外形,轮廓,体型,图形                 Decoration   n.  装饰,装饰品

Machinery  n.  机器,机械                      Furniture  n.  家具,设备,储藏物

Fashionable  adj.  流行的,时髦的               By the way   顺便

Refer to   与````有关,涉及,描述                 Computer graphics    计算机制图

Be contrast with````  使与```对比,使与````对照


Word study: Match Column A to Column B.

Column A                     Column B

Major                     something distinguished from its surroundings by its outline

Exhibition                 animation

Graphics                  the field of academic study which a student specializes in

Photography               lettering, drawings, etc.

Cartoon                   the person who produces designs

Shape                     the art for exhibiting

Designer                   the art of taking and printing photographs

Unit 7   a 3D artist


Interview with a 3D artist

Interviewer: Could you introduce yourself?

Artist: My name is Thomas Colding-J rgensen----- I was born on the 4th of August 1975. I am currently living in Frederiksberg , close to Copenhagen in Denmark. I have been drawing and painting since I was a small kid and I started using computers almost 15years ago. Professionally I have been working for about 6 years – staring out with graphics for computer games moving on to graphics for animated feature – short and commercial films.

       I am currently employed as a 3D-animator at A. Film ApS – one of the biggest animation – studios in Scandinavia doing mostly traditional animation and in the latest couple of years expanding into computer graphics.

Interviewer: What is your favorite genre, theme?

Artist: Well I like to try many different styles though I don’t think I will ever lose the interest in “cartoony” 3D. I really like to create little funny, cute and exciting environments and characters – little chips of my imagination and fantasy.

Interviewer: What are your strong  points?

Artist: I think I have progressed a lot with modeling and setting up light. Both modeling and composition of the works I do are strongly affected by my drawing skills – I won’t say that I am the best artist but it certainly helps to be able to draw when you want to do things from your own imagination. However its kind of difficult to say what my strong points are – I think I will let the “audience” decide that.

 Interviewer: What image are you most proud of and why?

 Artist: Uhh`````that’s really hard to say-I like most of the images I do and I am equally proud of them all. They are all so different and have their own qualities – I think I will let the audience decide that.

 Interviewer: How important are preliminary sketches to your works?

 Artist: I often do sketches before I even start anything –I find it very important for composition and design – you will save a lot of time and worries.

 Interviewer: If you were giving only one sentence of advice to a beginning 3D artist, what would it be?

 Artist: Get used to your software-learn from the critique you are getting-have patience and find your own style.

 Interviewer: What are your future plans?

 Artist: My future plans are of course to evolve in the 3D-World. I am constantly learning and developing my own style. Someday soon I want to direct a 3D short movie. In a couple of years who knows – I might be working in the United States or in the UK.


                              Words and Expressions

Studio  n.  画室,照相室,工作室

Genre  n.  类型,流派

Theme  n.  题目,主题,主旋律

Fantasy  n.  幻想,白日梦

Audience  n.  听众,观众

By all means  一定,务必

Preliminary  adj.  预备的,初步的

Rough  adj.  粗糙的,粗略的

Prediction  n.  预言,预报

Critique  n.  批评

Evolve  v.  发展,进展,进化

Constantly  adv.  不变地,经常地,坚持不懈地

译文                 三维艺术家


艺术家:我叫托马斯。克欧丁- 约根森,我生于197584日。目前我住在丹麦的腓特烈斯堡,靠近哥本哈根。还是一个小孩子时,我就开始涂涂画画,大约十五年前我开始接触电脑。我的职业生涯有六年了,起初是为电脑游戏制作画面,以后转到制作动画-----商业性质的短篇。

我现在作为三维动画 师受雇于A.Film  ApS公司,它是斯堪的纳维亚半岛最大的动画制作室之一,主要业务是传统动画,最近几年来扩展到计算机图形领域。














