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Getting started with Kivy

2024/10/25 12:20:19 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/xinzhengLUCK/article/details/139994784  浏览:    关键词:Getting started with Kivy

Getting started with Kivy – Kivy Blog

This post collates various resources for getting started with the Kivy graphical framework for Python.
这份发表通过 kivy图像框架 来校对不同的资源来开始

Installation  安装

Follow the official installation documentation.

Introductory resources   入门资料  们

  • Official Kivy docs  官方KIVY文档
    • The official Kivy "Getting Started" pages. These cover general introductory concepts, but are a bit eclectic. 官方的 kivy  开始  页面。 这涵盖了通常的入门概念,但是概念有些折中。
    • Kivy’s official Pong game tutorial  kivy的官方乒乓球导师课
    • Kivy’s paint app tutorial.     kivy的画画app导师课
  • Text tutorials  文档导师课
    • My from-scratch introduction to Kivy (direct link to first entry).   
      我的  零基础介绍kivy 
  • Videos   视频
    • My Kivy crash course.  我的kivy死机课
    • Sentdex’s Kivy application development series. 谁谁谁的 kivy应用程序发展系列
    • Kivy tutorials by Tech With Tim.   谁谁谁的kivy导师课

General resources

  • The official Kivy documentation. Linked is the API reference, almost everything in Kivy is documented in there somewhere.
    官方kivy文档。 超链接是API文献,

Kivy examples

Kivy comes with many examples, with fairly complete coverage of most widgets and other core features. These are very valuable for working out how to use things.

On some platforms, the examples may be installable as a separate package from your operating system’s package manager.

See in particular:

  • Widget examples
  • Canvas instruction examples

Support channels

  • The official Kivy Discord channels are the single most active support channel.
  • The Kivy-users google group.
  • The issues list on Github. This should only be used if reporting an apparent bug in Kivy itself, it isn’t a good place for generic support requests.
  • Kivy users and developers may be active on Python Discord.


