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您的位置:首页 > 汽车 > 时评 > 【EXCEL】【VBA】查找sheet中小于阈值的值并提取单元格对应的行列对应编号(Distance Check查找距离过小的点对)

【EXCEL】【VBA】查找sheet中小于阈值的值并提取单元格对应的行列对应编号(Distance Check查找距离过小的点对)

2025/2/11 23:21:28 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/hmywillstronger/article/details/145540083  浏览:    关键词:【EXCEL】【VBA】查找sheet中小于阈值的值并提取单元格对应的行列对应编号(Distance Check查找距离过小的点对)


1. 需求分析

这个 VBA 程序的主要目标是:

  • 从工作表中查找距离小于指定阈值的点对
  • 记录这些点对的信息和距离
  • 通过 VLOOKUP 函数提取点对的坐标信息
  • 将结果格式化输出到新工作表

2. 程序流程图

距离 < 阈值?

3. 关键 VBA 技术点解析

3.1 性能优化技术

' 禁用屏幕刷新和自动计算以提升性能
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

3.2 数组操作

' 声明动态数组
Dim dataMatrix() As Variant
' 从工作表读取数据到数组
dataMatrix = wsSource.Range(...).Value
' 动态调整数组大小
ReDim Preserve results(1 To 4, 1 To itemCount)

3.3 工作表操作

' 错误处理和工作表创建
On Error Resume Next
Set wsResult = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("04. Distance check")
If wsResult Is Nothing ThenSet wsResult = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.AddwsResult.Name = "04. Distance check"
End If
On Error GoTo 0

3.4 Excel 公式应用

' 使用 VLOOKUP 函数获取坐标信息
.Range("E2").Formula = "=VLOOKUP($B2,'03.Obj Geom - Point Coordinates'!$A:$D,2,FALSE)"

4. 代码结构详解

4.1 变量声明部分

Dim wsSource As Worksheet, wsResult As Worksheet
Dim lastRow As Long, lastCol As Long
Dim dataMatrix() As Variant
Dim results() As Variant
  • 使用 Dim 声明变量
  • 使用描述性变量名提高代码可读性

4.2 数据读取部分

lastRow = wsSource.Range("F" & wsSource.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
lastCol = wsSource.Cells(3, wsSource.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
dataMatrix = wsSource.Range(...).Value
  • 使用 End(xlUp)End(xlToLeft) 定位数据范围
  • 一次性读取数据到数组提高效率

4.3 数据处理部分

For i = 2 To arrRowCountFor j = 1 To arrColCountIf IsNumeric(dataMatrix(i, j)) ThenIf dataMatrix(i, j) < threshold And dataMatrix(i, j) <> 0 Then' 处理逻辑End IfEnd IfNext j
Next i
  • 使用嵌套循环遍历数据
  • 使用条件判断筛选有效数据

5. 实用技巧

5.1 使用计时器

startTime = Timer
' ... 代码执行 ...
executionTime = Format(Timer - startTime, "0.00")

5.2 数组动态扩展

ReDim Preserve results(1 To 4, 1 To itemCount)

5.3 单元格格式化

With .Range("A1:H1").Font.Bold = True.Interior.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
End With



Sub FindUnderDistanceValues()Dim wsSource As Worksheet, wsResult As WorksheetDim lastRow As Long, lastCol As LongDim i As Long, j As LongDim dataMatrix() As VariantDim point2Array() As VariantDim results() As VariantDim itemCount As LongDim threshold As DoubleDim startTime As DoubleDim p1 As String, p2 As StringApplication.ScreenUpdating = FalseApplication.Calculation = xlCalculationManualstartTime = Timer' 条件:距离小于 1300threshold = 1300' 使用 "03.Obj Geom - Point Coordinates" 作为数据来源工作表Set wsSource = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("03.Obj Geom - Point Coordinates")' 根据 F 列确定最后一行(假设数据从第4行开始)lastRow = wsSource.Range("F" & wsSource.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row' 根据第3行确定最后一列(转置区域从 G 列开始)lastCol = wsSource.Cells(3, wsSource.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column' 读取矩阵区域:从单元格 G3(第3行第7列)到最后一行、最后一列' 注意:dataMatrix 第一行为标题(转置后的点名称),数据从第2行开始(对应工作表第4行以后)dataMatrix = wsSource.Range(wsSource.Cells(3, 7), wsSource.Cells(lastRow, lastCol)).Value' 另外读取参考点(位于 F 列),从第4行到最后一行point2Array = wsSource.Range(wsSource.Cells(4, 6), wsSource.Cells(lastRow, 6)).ValueitemCount = 0ReDim results(1 To 4, 1 To 1) ' 初始化结果数组,后续扩容使用Dim arrRowCount As Long, arrColCount As LongarrRowCount = UBound(dataMatrix, 1) ' dataMatrix 第一行对应工作表第3行(标题行)arrColCount = UBound(dataMatrix, 2)' 遍历数据矩阵(注意:数据从 dataMatrix 的第2行开始,对应工作表第4行以后)For i = 2 To arrRowCountFor j = 1 To arrColCount' 确保单元格内容为数字,且小于阈值并且不为 0If IsNumeric(dataMatrix(i, j)) ThenIf dataMatrix(i, j) < threshold And dataMatrix(i, j) <> 0 Then' 获取两点名称:' 点1:数据矩阵中对应列的标题' 点2:当前行 F 列的值(注意:point2Array 的行索引为 i-1,因为数据从工作表第4行开始)p1 = CStr(dataMatrix(1, j))p2 = CStr(point2Array(i - 1, 1))' 为避免重复记录(忽略顺序),仅在 p1 < p2(不区分大小写)时记录If StrComp(p1, p2, vbTextCompare) < 0 ThenitemCount = itemCount + 1ReDim Preserve results(1 To 4, 1 To itemCount)' 记录数据来源信息:' 1. 数据来源工作表名称results(1, itemCount) = "03.Obj Geom - Point Coordinates"' 2.1results(2, itemCount) = "'" & p1' 3.2results(3, itemCount) = "'" & p2' 4. 距离数值results(4, itemCount) = dataMatrix(i, j)End IfEnd IfEnd IfNext jNext i' 创建或清空结果工作表(新工作表命名为 "04. Distance check")On Error Resume NextSet wsResult = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("04. Distance check")If wsResult Is Nothing ThenSet wsResult = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add(After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count))wsResult.Name = "04. Distance check"End IfOn Error GoTo 0wsResult.Cells.Clear' 将结果写入结果工作表With wsResult' 写入标题行.Range("A1") = "Sheet Name".Range("B1") = "Point 1".Range("C1") = "Point 2".Range("D1") = "Distance".Range("E1") = "Point 1_X".Range("F1") = "Point 1_Y".Range("G1") = "Point 2_X".Range("H1") = "Point 2_Y"If itemCount > 0 ThenDim k As LongFor k = 1 To itemCount.Cells(k + 1, 1) = results(1, k).Cells(k + 1, 2) = results(2, k).Cells(k + 1, 3) = results(3, k).Cells(k + 1, 4) = results(4, k)Next k' 利用 VLOOKUP 从源工作表 "03.Obj Geom - Point Coordinates" 的 A:D 区域获取点坐标信息.Range("E2").Formula = "=VLOOKUP($B2,'03.Obj Geom - Point Coordinates'!$A:$D,2,FALSE)".Range("F2").Formula = "=VLOOKUP($B2,'03.Obj Geom - Point Coordinates'!$A:$D,3,FALSE)".Range("G2").Formula = "=VLOOKUP($C2,'03.Obj Geom - Point Coordinates'!$A:$D,2,FALSE)".Range("H2").Formula = "=VLOOKUP($C2,'03.Obj Geom - Point Coordinates'!$A:$D,3,FALSE)"If itemCount > 1 Then.Range("E2:H2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("E2:H" & itemCount + 1)End If' 格式化标题行和数据区域With .Range("A1:H1").Font.Bold = True.Interior.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)End WithWith .Range("A1:H" & itemCount + 1).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous.Columns.AutoFitEnd With.Range("B:C").NumberFormat = "@".Range("A:A").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenterElse.Range("A2") = "No pairs with a distance less than " & threshold & " were found."End IfEnd WithApplication.ScreenUpdating = TrueApplication.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomaticDim executionTime As StringexecutionTime = Format(Timer - startTime, "0.00")MsgBox itemCount & " pairs of points with a distance less than " & threshold & " were found (excluding zeros and duplicate pairs)." & vbNewLine & _"Execution time: " & executionTime & " seconds", vbInformation
End Sub


