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2024/10/24 5:21:38 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42880082/article/details/139755970  浏览:    关键词:基于AT32_Work_Bench配置AT32工程


AT32_Work_Bench工具是用来给AT32 MCU快速构建外设初始化工程软件,类似STM32的STM32CubeMX工具软件。

  • 📍AT32 TOOL系列工具下载地址:https://www.arterytek.com/cn/support/index.jsp?index=4
  • 🏷这里以AT32F435RGT7作为测试对象(对标STMF4系列),创建基于Keil平台编译的代码工程。
  • 🎈对应 Keil AT pack包下载地址:https://www.arterytek.com/cn/support/index.jsp?index=4



    1. 新建工程
    1. 根据个人配置习惯,先配置debug,也就是下载和在线调试方式配置。
    1. CRM时钟配置:(如果选择关闭,则默认使用内部时钟源)
  • 点开列表可以参看对应总线上挂载的具体的哪些外设:
    1. GPIO 配置引脚输出
    1. 中断引脚配置
    1. NVIC中断配置
    1. 串口配置
    1. 代码预览功能查看
    1. 工程代码生成配置
  • Firmware Library固件包下载:https://www.arterytek.com/cn/product/AT32F435.jsp#Resource
  • 📜生成的工程:

    1. 使用DAP-LINK进行程序下载
  • 串口打印信息:


/* add user code begin Header */
/***************************************************************************** @file     main.c* @brief    main program***************************************************************************                       Copyright notice & Disclaimer** The software Board Support Package (BSP) that is made available to* download from Artery official website is the copyrighted work of Artery.* Artery authorizes customers to use, copy, and distribute the BSP* software and its related documentation for the purpose of design and* development in conjunction with Artery microcontrollers. Use of the* software is governed by this copyright notice and the following disclaimer.** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTIES,* GUARANTEES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND. ARTERY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS,* TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, ALL EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR* STATUTORY OR OTHER WARRANTIES, GUARANTEES OR REPRESENTATIONS,* INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.****************************************************************************/
/* add user code end Header *//* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "at32f435_437_wk_config.h"/* private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* add user code begin private includes */
#include "stdio.h"
#include "at32f435_437_int.h"
/* add user code end private includes *//* private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* add user code begin private typedef *//* add user code end private typedef *//* private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* add user code begin private define */
/* delay macros */
#define STEP_DELAY_MS                    50
/**************** define print uart ******************/
#define PRINT_UART                       USART1/* add user code end private define *//* private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* add user code begin private macro *//* add user code end private macro *//* private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* add user code begin private variables */
/* delay variable */
static __IO uint32_t fac_us;
static __IO uint32_t fac_ms;
/* add user code end private variables *//* private function prototypes --------------------------------------------*/
/* add user code begin function prototypes */
/* delay function */
void delay_init(void);
void delay_us(uint32_t nus);
void delay_ms(uint16_t nms);
void delay_sec(uint16_t sec);
/* add user code end function prototypes *//* private user code ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* add user code begin 0 */
/* support printf function, usemicrolib is unnecessary */
#if (__ARMCC_VERSION > 6000000)
__asm(".global __use_no_semihosting\n\t");
void _sys_exit(int x)
{x = x;
/* __use_no_semihosting was requested, but _ttywrch was */
void _ttywrch(int ch)
{ch = ch;
FILE __stdout;
#ifdef __CC_ARM
#pragma import(__use_no_semihosting)
struct __FILE {int handle;
FILE __stdout;
void _sys_exit(int x)
{x = x;
/* __use_no_semihosting was requested, but _ttywrch was */
void _ttywrch(int ch)
{ch = ch;
#endif#if defined (__GNUC__) && !defined (__clang__)
#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int __io_putchar(int ch)
#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)
#endif/*** @brief  retargets the c library printf function to the usart.* @param  none* @retval none*/
PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE {while(usart_flag_get(PRINT_UART, USART_TDBE_FLAG) == RESET);usart_data_transmit(PRINT_UART, (uint16_t)ch);while(usart_flag_get(PRINT_UART, USART_TDC_FLAG) == RESET);return ch;
}#if (defined (__GNUC__) && !defined (__clang__)) || (defined (__ICCARM__))
#if defined (__GNUC__) && !defined (__clang__)
int _write(int fd, char *pbuffer, int size)
#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
#pragma module_name = "?__write"
int __write(int fd, char *pbuffer, int size)
{for(int i = 0; i < size; i ++) {while(usart_flag_get(PRINT_UART, USART_TDBE_FLAG) == RESET);usart_data_transmit(PRINT_UART, (uint16_t)(*pbuffer++));while(usart_flag_get(PRINT_UART, USART_TDC_FLAG) == RESET);}return size;
#endif/*** @brief  initialize delay function* @param  none* @retval none*/
void delay_init()
{/* configure systick */systick_clock_source_config(SYSTICK_CLOCK_SOURCE_AHBCLK_NODIV);fac_us = system_core_clock / (1000000U);fac_ms = fac_us * (1000U);
}/*** @brief  inserts a delay time.* @param  nus: specifies the delay time length, in microsecond.* @retval none*/
void delay_us(uint32_t nus)
{uint32_t temp = 0;SysTick->LOAD = (uint32_t)(nus * fac_us);SysTick->VAL = 0x00;SysTick->CTRL |= SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk ;do {temp = SysTick->CTRL;} while((temp & 0x01) && !(temp & (1 << 16)));SysTick->CTRL &= ~SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk;SysTick->VAL = 0x00;
}/*** @brief  inserts a delay time.* @param  nms: specifies the delay time length, in milliseconds.* @retval none*/
void delay_ms(uint16_t nms)
{uint32_t temp = 0;while(nms) {if(nms > STEP_DELAY_MS) {SysTick->LOAD = (uint32_t)(STEP_DELAY_MS * fac_ms);nms -= STEP_DELAY_MS;} else {SysTick->LOAD = (uint32_t)(nms * fac_ms);nms = 0;}SysTick->VAL = 0x00;SysTick->CTRL |= SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk;do {temp = SysTick->CTRL;} while((temp & 0x01) && !(temp & (1 << 16)));SysTick->CTRL &= ~SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk;SysTick->VAL = 0x00;}
}/*** @brief  inserts a delay time.* @param  sec: specifies the delay time, in seconds.* @retval none*/
void delay_sec(uint16_t sec)
{uint16_t index;for(index = 0; index < sec; index++) {delay_ms(500);delay_ms(500);}
/* add user code end 0 *//*** @brief main function.* @param  none* @retval none*/
int main(void)
{/* add user code begin 1 */uint32_t TimerUART;/* add user code end 1 *//* system clock config. */wk_system_clock_config();/* config periph clock. */wk_periph_clock_config();/* config systick clock source */systick_clock_source_config(SYSTICK_CLOCK_SOURCE_AHBCLK_DIV8);/* system tick config *//*** use systick as time base source and configure 1ms tick.* users need add interrupt handler code into the below function in the at32f435_437_int.c file.*  --void SystTick_IRQHandler(void)*/systick_interrupt_config(system_core_clock / 8 / 1000);/* nvic config. */wk_nvic_config();/* init usart1 function. */wk_usart1_init();/* init exint function. */wk_exint_config();/* init gpio function. */wk_gpio_config();/* add user code begin 2 */TimerUART = HAL_GetTick();//	delay_init();/* add user code end 2 */while(1) {/* add user code begin 3 */if((HAL_GetTick() - TimerUART) > 3000) {/* set GPIO Pin*/GPIOA->scr = GPIO_PINS_1;/* reset GPIO Pin*/GPIOA->clr = GPIO_PINS_1;printf("(AT32 Work Bench)AT32F435RG:%d\n", system_core_clock);TimerUART = HAL_GetTick();}/* add user code end 3 */}
  • 📚测试工程:
    • 🔖AT32F435RGT7


  • 🎉BSP例程在上面的Firmware Library固件包中。(下载地址https://www.arterytek.com/cn/product/AT32F435.jsp#Resource
  • 🥕在线例程补充:https://www.arterytek.com/cn/support/index.jsp?index=2


