利用 Go 1.5+
的特性:当 map 中的 key 和 value 都是基础类型时,GC 就不会扫到 map 里的 key 和 value
,将其存放在buf中,并记录下它的offset,然后将offset值存到map的value位置,即 map[key-hash]offset
to keep the amount of GC work down you essentially have two choices as follows.1、Make sure the memory you allocate contains no pointers. That means no slices, no strings, no time.Time, and definitely no pointers to other allocations. If an allocation has no pointers it gets marked as such and the GC does not scan it.2、Allocate the memory off-heap by directly calling the mmap syscall yourself. Then the GC knows nothing about the memory. This has upsides and downsides. The downside is that this memory can’t really be used to reference objects allocated normally, as the GC may think they are no longer in-use and free them.
How it works
BigCache relies on optimization presented in 1.5 version of Go (issue-9477). This optimization states that if map without pointers in keys and values is used then GC will omit its content. Therefore BigCache uses map[uint64]uint32 where keys are hashed and values are offsets of entries.Entries are kept in byte slices, to omit GC again. Byte slices size can grow to gigabytes without impact on performance because GC will only see single pointer to it.
Bigcache vs Freecache
Both caches provide the same core features but they reduce GC overhead in different ways. Bigcache relies on map[uint64]uint32, freecache implements its own mapping built on slices to reduce number of pointers.
bigcache 开发团队的博客的测试数据:
With an empty cache, this endpoint had maximum responsiveness latency of 10ms for 10k rps. When the cache was filled, it had more than a second latency for 99th percentile. Metrics indicated that there were over 40 mln objects in the heap and GC mark and scan phase took over four seconds.
最终他们采用了 map[uint64]uint64
作为 cacheShard
中的关键存储。key 是 sharding 时得到的 uint64 hashed key,value 则只存 offset ,整体使用 FIFO
的 bytes queue,也符合按照时序淘汰的需求。
经过优化,bigcache 在 2000w 条记录下 GC 的表现:
go version
go version go1.13 linux/arm64go run caches_gc_overhead_comparison.go Number of entries: 20000000
GC pause for bigcache: 22.382827ms
GC pause for freecache: 41.264651ms
GC pause for map: 72.236853ms
// BigCache is fast, concurrent, evicting cache created to keep big number of entries without impact on performance.
// It keeps entries on heap but omits GC for them. To achieve that, operations take place on byte arrays,
// therefore entries (de)serialization in front of the cache will be needed in most use cases.
type BigCache struct {shards []*cacheShard // 缓存分片lifeWindow uint64 // 过期时间clock clockhash Hasherconfig ConfigshardMask uint64close chan struct{}
}type Config struct {// Number of cache shards, value must be a power of twoShards int// Time after which entry can be evictedLifeWindow time.Duration// Interval between removing expired entries (clean up).// If set to <= 0 then no action is performed. Setting to < 1 second is counterproductive — bigcache has a one second resolution.CleanWindow time.Duration// Max number of entries in life window. Used only to calculate initial size for cache shards.// When proper value is set then additional memory allocation does not occur.MaxEntriesInWindow int// Max size of entry in bytes. Used only to calculate initial size for cache shards.MaxEntrySize int// StatsEnabled if true calculate the number of times a cached resource was requested.StatsEnabled bool// Verbose mode prints information about new memory allocationVerbose bool// Hasher used to map between string keys and unsigned 64bit integers, by default fnv64 hashing is used.Hasher Hasher// HardMaxCacheSize is a limit for BytesQueue size in MB.// It can protect application from consuming all available memory on machine, therefore from running OOM Killer.// Default value is 0 which means unlimited size. When the limit is higher than 0 and reached then// the oldest entries are overridden for the new ones. The max memory consumption will be bigger than// HardMaxCacheSize due to Shards' s additional memory. Every Shard consumes additional memory for map of keys// and statistics (map[uint64]uint32) the size of this map is equal to number of entries in// cache ~ 2×(64+32)×n bits + overhead or map itself.HardMaxCacheSize int// OnRemove is a callback fired when the oldest entry is removed because of its expiration time or no space left// for the new entry, or because delete was called.// Default value is nil which means no callback and it prevents from unwrapping the oldest entry.// ignored if OnRemoveWithMetadata is specified.OnRemove func(key string, entry []byte)// OnRemoveWithMetadata is a callback fired when the oldest entry is removed because of its expiration time or no space left// for the new entry, or because delete was called. A structure representing details about that specific entry.// Default value is nil which means no callback and it prevents from unwrapping the oldest entry.OnRemoveWithMetadata func(key string, entry []byte, keyMetadata Metadata)// OnRemoveWithReason is a callback fired when the oldest entry is removed because of its expiration time or no space left// for the new entry, or because delete was called. A constant representing the reason will be passed through.// Default value is nil which means no callback and it prevents from unwrapping the oldest entry.// Ignored if OnRemove is specified.OnRemoveWithReason func(key string, entry []byte, reason RemoveReason)onRemoveFilter int// Logger is a logging interface and used in combination with `Verbose`// Defaults to `DefaultLogger()`Logger Logger
}// DefaultConfig initializes config with default values.
// When load for BigCache can be predicted in advance then it is better to use custom config.
func DefaultConfig(eviction time.Duration) Config {return Config{Shards: 1024,LifeWindow: eviction,CleanWindow: 1 * time.Second,MaxEntriesInWindow: 1000 * 10 * 60,MaxEntrySize: 500,StatsEnabled: false,Verbose: true,Hasher: newDefaultHasher(),HardMaxCacheSize: 0,Logger: DefaultLogger(),}
其中分片的个数 Shards
必须为 2 的倍数。
func (c *BigCache) Set(key string, entry []byte) errorentry的类型只能是[]byte,如果你要存结构体,我们还需要使用 json.Marshal 这样的工具来序列化。
func (f fnv64a) Sum64(key string) uint64 {var hash uint64 = offset64for i := 0; i < len(key); i++ {hash ^= uint64(key[i])hash *= prime64}return hash
shardMask: uint64(config.Shards - 1),func (c *BigCache) getShard(hashedKey uint64) (shard *cacheShard) {return c.shards[hashedKey&c.shardMask]
}默认值 shards = 1024 (10000000000),shardMask = 1023 (1111111111),然后进行按位与运算,它要比取模运算效率高。
然后向shard 中写入
type cacheShard struct {hashmap map[uint64]uint64 // 索引列表,hashedkey-indexOfEntryentries queue.BytesQueue // 实际数据存储lock sync.RWMutexentryBuffer []byteonRemove onRemoveCallbackisVerbose boolstatsEnabled boollogger Loggerclock clocklifeWindow uint64hashmapStats map[uint64]uint32stats StatscleanEnabled bool
}func (s *cacheShard) set(key string, hashedKey uint64, entry []byte) error {currentTimestamp := uint64(s.clock.Epoch())s.lock.Lock()// 冲突检查,将之前的key对应value置为空,粗暴解决哈希冲突问题if previousIndex := s.hashmap[hashedKey]; previousIndex != 0 {if previousEntry, err := s.entries.Get(int(previousIndex)); err == nil {resetHashFromEntry(previousEntry)//remove hashkeydelete(s.hashmap, hashedKey)}}if !s.cleanEnabled {// 每次插入新数据时,bigCache 都会获取 BytesQueue 头部数据if oldestEntry, err := s.entries.Peek(); err == nil {// 然后判断数据是否过期,如果过期则删除s.onEvict(oldestEntry, currentTimestamp, s.removeOldestEntry)}}// 包装数据,得到 []bytew := wrapEntry(currentTimestamp, hashedKey, key, entry, &s.entryBuffer)for {// 找到插入位置,记录在 hashmapif index, err := s.entries.Push(w); err == nil {s.hashmap[hashedKey] = uint64(index)s.lock.Unlock()return nil}// 没有找到插入位置时因为没有空间了,所以要删除。if s.removeOldestEntry(NoSpace) != nil {s.lock.Unlock()return errors.New("entry is bigger than max shard size")}}
}func wrapEntry(timestamp uint64, hash uint64, key string, entry []byte, buffer *[]byte) []byte {keyLength := len(key)blobLength := len(entry) + headersSizeInBytes + keyLengthif blobLength > len(*buffer) {*buffer = make([]byte, blobLength)}blob := *bufferbinary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(blob, timestamp)binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(blob[timestampSizeInBytes:], hash)binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(blob[timestampSizeInBytes+hashSizeInBytes:], uint16(keyLength))copy(blob[headersSizeInBytes:], key)copy(blob[headersSizeInBytes+keyLength:], entry)return blob[:blobLength]
}// BytesQueue is a non-thread safe queue type of fifo based on bytes array.
// For every push operation index of entry is returned. It can be used to read the entry later
type BytesQueue struct {full boolarray []byte // 实际存储数据的地方capacity intmaxCapacity inthead inttail intcount intrightMargin intheaderBuffer []byteverbose bool
entryBuffer: make([]byte, config.MaxEntrySize+headersSizeInBytes)它表示的是一个entry占用的最大存储空间。如果某个entry占用空间比entryBuffer还大,那么entryBuffer就会被替换掉。
在bigCache中,bigCache将数据存储在BytesQueue中,BytesQueue的底层结构是[]byte ,这样只给GC增加了一个额外对象,由于字节切片除了自身对象并不包含其他指针数据,所以GC对于整个对象的标记时间是O(1)的。
func (s *cacheShard) get(key string, hashedKey uint64) ([]byte, error) {s.lock.RLock()wrappedEntry, err := s.getWrappedEntry(hashedKey)if err != nil {s.lock.RUnlock()return nil, err}if entryKey := readKeyFromEntry(wrappedEntry); key != entryKey {s.lock.RUnlock()s.collision()if s.isVerbose {s.logger.Printf("Collision detected. Both %q and %q have the same hash %x", key, entryKey, hashedKey)}return nil, ErrEntryNotFound}entry := readEntry(wrappedEntry)s.lock.RUnlock()s.hit(hashedKey)return entry, nil
BigCache does not handle collisions. When new item is inserted and it's hash collides with previously stored item, new item overwrites previously stored value.
对应的Key的删除其实就是把 entries 中 arrary 对应的 itemIndex 上置为0。其实这种做法并没有正在删除数据,只是置为0,实际的内存并没有归还,但是把 s.hashmap 中的key对应的 index 删除了。这就做了假删除。用户已经查询不到这个数据了。
bigCache 可以为插入的数据设置过期时间,但是缺点是所有数据的过期时间都是一样的。bigCache 中自动删除数据有两种场景:
- 在插入数据时删除过期数据
- 通过设置 CleanWindow,启动 goroutine 后台定时批量删除过期数据