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一种轻量级生成模型用于可解释的个体级预测| 文献速递-医学影像人工智能进展

2025/2/3 13:02:52 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_38594676/article/details/145343298  浏览:    关键词:一种轻量级生成模型用于可解释的个体级预测| 文献速递-医学影像人工智能进展



A lightweight generative model for interpretable subject-level prediction





文献中已经提出了许多自动单个个体预测的方法,使用多变量技术,通过同时结合许多体素的微弱预测能力来获得个体水平的准确预测(Arbabshirani et al., 2017;Cole et al., 2019)。近年来,预测个体 年龄 的方法迅速增长,尤其是在通过脑部扫描进行的年龄预测中,估计年龄与实际年龄之间的差距被认为可能是神经系统疾病的潜在生物标志物(Cole et al., 2019;Kaufmann et al., 2019)。尽管如今可以实现较高的预测准确性,特别是当这些方法在最近可获得的大型数据集上进行训练时(German National Cohort Consortium, 2014;Breteler et al., 2014;Schram et al., 2014;Miller et al., 2016;Alfaro-Almagro et al., 2018),但相对较少关注的是 可解释性,即以生物学上有意义的方式向临床医生解释预测结果。然而,考虑到安全广泛应用于临床的前提,自动预测方法在临床使用之前,显然需要具备一定的可解释性(Rudin, 2019)。获得可解释性的一大难点是,目前几乎所有的个体水平预测方法都基于 判别 学习,即从训练样本中估计输入图像与目标变量之间的直接映射。特别是近年来逐渐流行的深度神经网络,产生了“黑盒”模型,其内部机制难以向人类解释。虽然许多为这种复杂模型开发的后期解释方法(Ras et al., 2022;Arrieta et al., 2020;Baehrens et al., 2010;Sundararajan et al., 2017;Springenberg et al., 2014;Selvaraju et al., 2017;Smilkov et al., 2017;Zeiler and Fergus, 2014;Bach et al., 2015)已经存在,但也面临着一些批评(Arun et al., 2021;Ghassemi et al., 2021;Adebayo et al., 2018;Rudin, 2019;Wilming et al., 2022;Sixt et al., 2020;Gu and Tresp, 2019)。更为根本的挑战是,判别性个体水平预测方法的可解释性 本质上 难以实现——即使使用非常简单(例如线性)的模型也是如此。这是因为判别性方法通过放大数据中的目标信号来优化预测性能,同时抑制不相关的“干扰”模式,因此很难推断出它们为何选择特定的体素(Haufe et al., 2014;Wilming et al., 2022;Weichwald et al., 2015)。因此,尽管例如线性判别方法在计算结果的过程中 如何 进行工作(它们给每个图像区域分配的权重可以很容易地检查)方面具有透明性,但它们无法解释 为什么 它们比其他区域更多地使用特定的图像区域(Ghassemi et al., 2021;Rudin, 2019;Haufe et al., 2014;Wilming et al., 2022;Lipton, 2018)。换句话说,它们的解释指向的是对模型工作原理的理解,而不是对世界运作方式的解释(Rudin, 2019)。经典的人脑图谱技术最初是为分析功能图像而开发的(Friston et al., 1991;Worsley et al., 1992;Friston et al., 1994;Worsley and Friston, 1995),后来也被应用于结构成像(Chung et al., 2001;Davatzikos et al., 2001;Wright et al., 1995;Ashburner and Friston, 2000;Fischl and Dale, 2000;Snook et al., 2007)。这些方法基于 生成 模型而不是 判别 模型:它们编码从一个感兴趣的变量到图像域的映射,而不是反向映射。其目的是在群体层面上识别与特定感兴趣变量(如疾病状态或实验条件)或其交互作用显著相关的大脑区域。尤其是当感兴趣变量对大脑解剖有 因果 影响时——例如年龄、性别或特定脑部疾病——这些方法天生具备可解释性:它们提供的空间图示意每个大脑位置如何变化,平均而言,如果我们能够随意控制感兴趣的变量。然而,由于经典的脑图谱技术仅考虑每个体素级测量 独立 进行(所谓的质量单变量建模),它们并不适用于个体级预测,因为每个体素通常仅对感兴趣变量具有微弱的预测能力。在本文中,我们提出了一种新方法,旨在结合现有的最先进的多变量模型的预测能力,同时结合经典脑图谱技术的优越可解释性特性。这通过将经典技术中的独立体素噪声模型推广为一个考虑体素间相关性的模型来实现。具体来说,我们使用线性-高斯潜变量模型,能够同时捕获噪声中的主导空间相关性,控制需要从训练数据中学习的自由参数数量,并有效地“反转”该模型,以进行准确的个体级预测。由于该方法继承了经典脑图谱技术中的因果效应建模,因此它天生具有可解释性:它不仅提供了变量对大脑形态影响的群体层面空间图,同时也能够在个体层面应用这些影响(所谓的反事实)。该方法灵活且易于使用:



Recent years have seen a growing interest in methods for predicting an unknown variable of interest, suchas a subject’s diagnosis, from medical images depicting its anatomical-functional effects. Methods based ondiscriminative modeling excel at making accurate predictions, but are challenged in their ability to explain theirdecisions in anatomically meaningful terms. In this paper, we propose a simple technique for single-subjectprediction that is inherently interpretable. It augments the generative models used in classical human brainmapping techniques, in which the underlying cause–effect relations can be encoded, with a multivariate noisemodel that captures dominant spatial correlations. Experiments demonstrate that the resulting model can beefficiently inverted to make accurate subject-level predictions, while at the same time offering intuitive visualexplanations of its inner workings. The method is easy to use: training is fast for typical training set sizes, andonly a single hyperparameter needs to be set by the user.




Fig. 1. The causal diagrams of the models considered in this paper are illustrated in thetop row: (a) basic model encoding how the unknown variable of interest 𝑥 generates anacquired brain scan 𝐭; (b) the model with additional known covariates 𝐲 included; and(c) the model where 𝐲 are known confounders. The arrows indicate causal relationships,and variables in empty vs. shaded circles are unknown vs. observed, respectively. Thebottom row illustrates two cases that are not considered in this paper: (d) a modelwith confounders that are not observed; and (e) a decoding model where the directionof causality is reversed

Fig. 1. 本文中考虑的模型的因果图示于顶行:(a)基本模型,编码了未知变量 𝑥 如何生成获得的大脑扫描 𝐭;(b)包含额外已知协变量 𝐲 的模型;(c)𝐲 是已知混杂因素的模型。箭头表示因果关系,空心圆与阴影圆中的变量分别代表未知变量与观察变量。底行展示了本文未考虑的两种情况:(d)包含未观察到的混杂因素的模型;(e)因果方向反转的解码模型。


Fig. 2. Example of the forward model (1), applied to modeling the effect of age on brain morphology. Here 𝑥 denotes the difference between the age of the subject and theaverage age in a training set.

Fig. 2. 前向模型(1)的示例,应用于建模年龄对大脑形态的影响。在这里,𝑥 表示受试者年龄与训练集中的平均年龄之间的差异。


Fig. 3. Illustration of how a subject’s age is estimated by inverting the model shownin Fig. 2.

Fig. 3. 通过反转图2所示的模型来估计受试者年龄的示意图。


Fig. 4. The estimated template 𝐦 (the average image in the training set) when the model is trained on 𝑁 = 2600 subjects in an age prediction task.

Fig. 4. 当模型在2600个受试者上进行年龄预测任务训练时,估计的模板 𝐦(训练集中的平均图像)。


Fig. 5. Top: the generative map 𝐰𝐺 – expressing the effect of aging – estimated from 𝑁 = 2600 subjects, overlaid on the template of Fig. 4. Voxels with zero weight are transparent.Bottom: the corresponding discriminative map 𝐰*𝐷* that is used for making age predictions. The discrepancy between these two maps is analyzed in Section 4.5.

Fig. 5. Top: 表达衰老效应的生成图 𝐰𝐺,由2600个受试者估计,并叠加在图4中的模板上。权重为零的体素为透明。 Bottom: 用于进行年龄预测的对应判别图 𝐰𝐷*。这两张图之间的差异将在第4.5节中进行分析。


Fig. 6. Illustration of the major modes of variation captured by the linear-Gaussian noise model, when trained on 𝑁 = 2600 subjects in an age prediction task. Each mode illustratesthe effect of applying one of the three first eigenvectors of 𝐕𝐕𝑇(the component of 𝐂 that has spatial structure) on the template of Fig. 4. (We note that directly showing thelearned basis vectors in the columns of 𝐕 is not meaningful, since the model is invariant to rotations in the latent space (Bishop, 2006): using ̃𝐕= 𝐕𝐑 for an arbitrary orthogonalmatrix 𝐑 yields the same covariance matrix ̃𝐕 ̃𝐕𝑇 = 𝐕𝐕𝑇 .) The top and bottom figures show the template modified in the positive and negative direction of the eigenvectors,respectively. Note that the first eigenvector seems to encode a general brightening/darkening of the image intensities, while the second one models residual bias fields that werenot removed in the preprocessing of the UK Biobank data.

图 6. 线性高斯噪声模型捕获的主要变化模式的示意图,在一个基于 𝑁 = 2600 个受试者的年龄预测任务中进行训练。每个模式展示了应用 𝐕𝐕*𝑇(𝐂 中具有空间结构的成分)的前三个特征向量之一对图 4 模板的影响。(需要注意的是,直接展示 𝐕 列中的学习基向量是没有意义的,因为该模型对潜在空间中的旋转是不可变的(Bishop, 2006):使用 ̃𝐕* = 𝐕𝐑 对于任意正交矩阵 𝐑,会得到相同的协方差矩阵 ̃𝐕** ̃𝐕𝑇 = 𝐕𝐕**𝑇。)上图和下图分别展示了模板在特征向量的正方向和负方向上的修改。需要注意的是,第一个特征向量似乎编码了图像强度的普遍亮度变化,而第二个特征向量则模型化了在 UK Biobank 数据预处理过程中未去除的残差偏置场。


Fig. 7. Prediction performance of the proposed method, RVoxM and SFCN for age (left) and gender (right) as the number of training subjects is varied. For each method, the fullline shows the average performance across multiple training runs, and the whiskers extend to one standard deviation away from the average. The test MAE for age is indicatedin years. For reference, we also include the performance of SFCN as reported in Peng et al. (2021), although the results are not entirely comparable

图 7. 随着训练样本数量的变化,所提方法、RVoxM 和 SFCN 在年龄(左)和性别(右)预测任务中的表现。对于每种方法,实线表示多个训练运行的平均表现,误差棒表示平均值的标准差。年龄的测试平均绝对误差(MAE)以年为单位表示。作为参考,我们还包括了 Peng 等人(2021)中报告的 SFCN 性能,尽管这些结果并不完全可比。


Fig. 8. Age prediction performance of the VAE and the proposed method, when appliedto 2 mm isotropic images cropped around the ventricles, represented in the same wayas in Fig. 7

图 8. VAE 和所提方法在应用于围绕脑室裁剪的 2 毫米各向同性图像时的年龄预测性能,与图 7 中的表示方式相同。


Fig. 9. Left: bias–variance decomposition for the age prediction results shown in Fig. 7 (left). Right: the same for the results shown in Fig. 8.

图 9. 左图:图 7(左)中所示的年龄预测结果的偏差–方差分解。右图:图 8 中所示结果的偏差–方差分解。


Fig. 10. Discriminative maps of proposed method, RVoxM, and SFCN (with SmoothGrad) obtained for age prediction with varying training set sizes, overlaid on a template. Voxelswith zero weight are transparent. Since SmoothGrad yields subject-specific maps, we averaged across all test subjcts to obtain population-level maps for SFCN.

图 10. 提出的模型、RVoxM 和 SFCN(使用 SmoothGrad)在不同训练集大小下获得的年龄预测判别图,叠加在模板上。权重为零的体素是透明的。由于 SmoothGrad 生成的是特定于个体的图,我们通过对所有测试对象取平均,得到 SFCN 的群体级图。


Fig. 11. Generative maps 𝐰𝐺 computed by the proposed method for age prediction, for different training set sizes. In addition to expressing known aging patterns in the brain,these maps also show consistency across the different training sizes.

图 11. 提出的方法计算的生成图 𝐰𝐺,用于不同训练集大小下的年龄预测。除了表达已知的脑部衰老模式外,这些图还展示了在不同训练集大小下的一致性。


Fig. 12. Left: illustration of a the image generation process in a toy example. The figure shows the template 𝐦, the generative map 𝐰𝐺, and contour plots of the noise covariancematrix 𝐂. Also shown are randomly generated 2D data points (dots in the figure), corresponding to 5 discrete values of a continuous variable of interest 𝑥 (marked with differentcolors). The discretization was performed for visualization purposes. Middle: when the model is inverted to compute a predicted value ̃𝑥 ∗ for a given data point 𝐭 ∗ , the signalis effectively decomposed into 𝐭 ∗ = 𝐦 + ̃𝑥 ∗𝐰𝐺 + 𝜼 ∗ . Right: the same result ̃𝑥 ∗ can also be obtained by projecting the data point 𝐭 ∗ orthogonally onto the direction 𝐰𝐷 = 𝐂−1𝐰𝐺.This operation is mathematically equivalent to decomposing the signal into its components as in the middle figure, but not in terms of interpretability, since causal effect and noisepattern are intermingled in 𝐰?

图 12. 左:一个玩具示例中的图像生成过程说明。该图展示了模板 𝐦、生成图 𝐰𝐺 和噪声协方差矩阵 𝐂 的等高线图。同时还展示了随机生成的 2D 数据点(图中的点),对应于感兴趣的连续变量 𝑥 的 5 个离散值(用不同颜色标记)。为可视化目的进行了离散化处理。 中:当模型被反演以计算给定数据点 𝐭 ∗ 的预测值 ̃𝑥 ∗ 时,信号实际上被分解为 𝐭 ∗ = 𝐦 + ̃𝑥 ∗ 𝐰𝐺 + 𝜼* ∗。 右:相同的结果 ̃𝑥 ∗ 也可以通过将数据点 𝐭 ∗ 正交投影到方向 𝐰𝐷= 𝐂⁻¹ 𝐰*𝐺* 上来获得。这一操作在数学上等同于中间图中的信号分解,但在可解释性方面不同,因为因果效应和噪声模式在 𝐰? 中交织在一起。


Fig. 13. Age-specific templates synthesized by the proposed method trained on 𝑁 = 2600 subjects, representing the expected ‘‘average’’ image for a specific age. Known age-relatedeffects, such as wider sulci and bigger ventricles (Fjell et al., 2009; Fjell and Walhovd, 2010), are clearly displayed

图 13. 通过所提方法合成的特定年龄模板,训练数据集为 𝑁 = 2600 名受试者,代表特定年龄的“平均”图像。已知的与年龄相关的效应,如较宽的脑沟和较大的脑室(Fjell 等,2009;Fjell 和 Walhovd,2010),在图像中得到了清晰展示。


Fig. 14. Two examples of counterfactuals synthesized by the model for age prediction, trained on 𝑁 = 2600 subjects. Left: real and counterfactual image of a 47-year old subjectwho is artificially aged to 80 years. Right: the same for a 80-year old subject who is rejuvenated to age 47

图 14. 模型为年龄预测合成的两个反事实示例,训练数据集为 𝑁 = 2600 名受试者。 左:一名47岁受试者的真实图像和反事实图像,模拟该受试者年龄增加至80岁。 右:一名80岁受试者的真实图像和反事实图像,模拟该受试者被年轻化至47岁。


Fig. 15. Generative maps obtained in a disease classification experiment based on gray matter segmentations, when age is included as a confounder: 𝐰𝐺 (top) and 𝐰𝑦 (bottom)express the effect of AD and age, respectively. The maps are overlaid on the population template. Voxels with zero weight are transparent.

图 15.在基于灰质分割的疾病分类实验中获得的生成图。当年龄作为混杂因素时,𝐰𝐺(顶部)和 𝐰𝑦(底部)分别表示阿尔茨海默病(AD)和年龄的效应。这些图像覆盖在群体模板上。零权重的体素为透明。


Fig. 16. Generative map 𝐰𝐺 obtained in the same disease classification experiment shown of Fig. 15, but without controlling for age in the model. The map is now biased to alsoreflect the effect of aging instead of just the AD effect.

图 16. 在与图 15 中相同的疾病分类实验中获得的生成图 𝐰𝐺,但模型中未对年龄进行控制。此图现在会偏向于同时反映衰老效应,而不仅仅是阿尔茨海默病(AD)的效应。


Fig. 17. (a) Age-specific maps expressing the effect of aging, overlaid on the population template, when a quadratic aging model is used. These maps were obtained by computingfor each voxel the tangent to the quadratic model at the specified age. Voxels with zero weight are transparent. (b) Corresponding generative map 𝐰𝐺 expressing the age effectobtained when a basic linear model is used instead. (c) Training data in a selected voxel (marked in red in figures (a) and (b)), together with the fitted quadratic and linearmodels.

图 17. (a) 使用二次衰老模型时,表达衰老效应的年龄特定图,叠加在群体模板上。这些图是通过计算每个体素在指定年龄时的二次模型切线获得的。体素权重为零的部分是透明的。 (b) 当使用基本线性模型时,得到的对应生成图 𝐰𝐺,表示年龄效应。 (c) 选定体素(在图 (a) 和 (b) 中标记为红色)的训练数据,以及拟合的二次和线性模型。


Fig. D.18. Illustration of why the Haufe transformation should not be used to explainthe prediction process of a discriminative method. Top: weights obtained when RVoxMis trained to predict age from 𝑁 = 2600 subjects when the weights are clamped tozero outside of two different ROIs indicated by the black outline. On the left the ROIencompasses only a cuboid area around the ventricles, whereas on the right only onehemisphere is included. Bottom: the corresponding maps 𝐰* 𝐺 obtained with Haufe’stransformation hide the fact that voxels outside of the respective ROIs are never usedin the predictions.

图 D.18. 说明为什么不应该使用 Haufe 变换来解释判别方法的预测过程。 顶部:当 RVoxM 被训练来预测年龄(基于 𝑁 = 2600 个受试者)时,权重被固定为零,除了两个不同的感兴趣区域(ROI),这些区域通过黑色轮廓标出。在左侧,ROI 只包含围绕脑室的一个长方体区域,而右侧只包括一个半球。 底部:使用 Haufe 变换得到的对应图 𝐰 𝐺 隐藏了一个事实:在预测过程中,除了各自的 ROI 外的体素从未被使用。



Table 1Training times in the age prediction task for the proposed method, RVoxM and SFCN. These training times were evaluated at the optimal valueof a single hyperparameter for each method, determined on an external validation set. The reported times are the average across all trainingruns for each training set size ?

表 1 各种方法在年龄预测任务中的训练时间,包括提议的方法、RVoxM 和 SFCN。每种方法的训练时间是在外部验证集上确定的单一超参数的最优值下评估的。报告的时间是针对每个训练集大小 ? 所有训练运行的平均值。


Table 2Optimal number of latent variables 𝐾 of the proposed method when predicting age, as determined on an external validationset. The reported number is the rounded average across all training runs for each training set size 𝑁.

表 2 提议方法在预测年龄时的最优潜在变量数量 𝐾,该值是在外部验证集上确定的。报告的数字是针对每个训练集大小 𝑁 所有训练运行的四舍五入平均值。


