Six daily habits for a higher Speaking band score
Getting a high band score on your IELTS Speaking test requires practice and persistence. Here are six daily habits that can help you achieve your goal.
Achieving a higher Speaking band score in your IELTS test is achievable, and comes down to what one does on a daily basis. Here are six daily habits to help you achieve your goal:
4. Record yourself 给自己录音
Nerves can get the better of many test takers once at an IELTS Speaking Test.
The best way to train yourself for this is to desensitise yourself to the act of speaking on the spot and record it.
Set your timer for one minute as you prepare to talk about the nearest random object. Then talk about it for one minute (while recording yourself). Once your minute is up, choose another object and repeat.
When listening back to your recordings, note that regardless of how uninteresting the subject may be, you’d make it sound like the most interesting object ever talked about, thus encouraging you to practise intonation, stress and rhythm.
5. Grammar 语法
It is also important to take note of one’s grammar when listening back to your recordings.
Once you’ve noted down some issues, study them so you can try and make saying them correctly a habit. This all comes with practise.
6. Inform yourself 广泛阅读和了解情况
Finally, it always helps to be well-read and informed as knowing a little about general and some world issues could come in quite handy during a test (and in life in general).
Although it is not an IQ test regarding your in-depth knowledge about every global issue, it does help to embrace curiosity about current and general affairs.
Habits for success 成功的习惯
Practising these six daily habits will not only help you improve your chances of a higher band score in the IELTS Speaking test, but also set you up for life when it comes to being great speakers in general.
You can also access Speaking preparation material in IELTS Prepare, or get premium preparation with official IELTS Speaking Coaching.