采购主数据集成Procurement Master Data Integration
Types of Master Data
- 在SAP Ariba中的各种会计元素字段中,填充有效值选择列表。
- 建立会计要素之间的关联关系/交叉验证。
- 主数据相关的数据文件在不同ERP的变体之间会有很大差异。
- 数据来源通常是ERP系统。
Users and Groups
- 确定哪些用户将访问系统,每个用户将拥有哪些权限,以及用户的一些默认值(例如,默认成本中心)。
- 组权限并不总是通过集成定义的-通常客户直接在SAP Ariba中处理这个问题。
- 数据来源通常是ERP、独立的HR系统,有时也可以是Active Directory。
- 不同variant之间的文件大多是相同的,在”默认”字段中有一些差异。
- 用户主数据中未定义用户密码/身份验证。
This slide uses the term “variant.” SAP Ariba realms, when built, are created as one of three variants: SAP, PeopleSoft, or Generic. The variant controls the format of certain fields, e.g. accounting fields, to facilitate the process of integrating with ERP systems.
- 在SAP Ariba中定义发生交易的供应商。
- 尽管SAP Ariba Network上已经有许多这样的供应商,但仍然需要这些数据来提供ERP系统的特定数据信息。(e.g., ERP 供应商编码,ERP系统的付款条件等等)。以及非SAP Ariba Network的供应商信息。
- 不同variant.所需的file大多相同,但字段和列标题有一些差异。
- 数据来源通常是ERP系统。
Payment Terms
- 客户与将在SAP Ariba中交易的供应商达成的付款条款。
- 该列表用于将供应商映射到它们的默认付款条款,并填充在后续操作屏幕上可见的付款条款。
- 不同variant.的数据文件基本上是相同的,只是列标题有一些差异。
- 数据来源通常是ERP。
Tax Tables
- 构建用于验证发票上的税额的tax Table
- 不同“variant.”的文件是相同的,但在字段/功能上有一些重要的差异。
- 数据来源可以是ERP或第三方税务解决方案。((e.g., Vertex, Thomson Reuters).
Commodity Codes
- UNSPSC代码预先加载在SAP Ariba中,因此不需要(或能力)为这些代码构建集成。
- 客户可以加载自己的支出分类分类法(通常称为类别代码),并定义UNSPSC代码和该分类法之间的映射。
- 客户还可以根据商品定义会计/地址缺省值。
- Source of data is typically ERP for the master list of category codes, but the mapping is often manually-maintained
Units of Measure
- UOM pre-loaded in SAP Ariba but customer can map to ERP-specific codes.
- Usually not built as integration.
- Populates list of valid bill-to/ship-to addresses.
- Source of data is typically ERP.
Receiving Types Configuration
- Defines which receiving types will be used (e.g., by quantity or amount) or auto-received based on commodity or supplier part number.
- Usually not built as integration.
Running Tasks Manually
- Import and Export tasks can also be run manually through the SAP Ariba Administrator, Files are exported in .csv format.
- While your master data will typically be integrated, you may occasionally wish to export data as part of troubleshooting activities.
- Manual exports may also be useful for reporting and/or audit purposes, for example:Which invoice reconciliations were processed and sent to ERP this month?Who can log in to the system? What access do they have?