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线性代数基础与应用:基底 (Basis) 与现金流及单期贷款模型(中英双语)

2025/2/6 23:26:57 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/shizheng_Li/article/details/144592372  浏览:    关键词:线性代数基础与应用:基底 (Basis) 与现金流及单期贷款模型(中英双语)




线性代数基础与应用:基底 (Basis) 与现金流及单期贷款模型


一、什么是基底 (Basis)?

1.1 基底的定义

n n n 维空间中,如果一个向量集合 ( { a 1 , a 2 , … , a n } \{a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n\} {a1,a2,,an}) 满足以下两个条件,则称其为基底

  1. 向量线性无关;
  2. 向量数量为 n n n(即与空间的维度相等)。

对于一个 n n n 维向量 ( b b b),如果 ( { a 1 , a 2 , … , a n } \{a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n\} {a1,a2,,an}) 是其空间的一组基底,那么 ( b b b) 可以唯一地表示为基底的线性组合:
b = α 1 a 1 + α 2 a 2 + ⋯ + α n a n , b = \alpha_1a_1 + \alpha_2a_2 + \cdots + \alpha_na_n, b=α1a1+α2a2++αnan,
其中 ( α 1 , α 2 , … , α n \alpha_1, \alpha_2, \dots, \alpha_n α1,α2,,αn) 为线性组合的系数。

1.2 基底的性质

  1. 唯一性:
    每个向量在给定基底下的表示是唯一的。即,对于任意 n 维向量 ( b b b),对应的系数 ( { α 1 , α 2 , … , α n } \{\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \dots, \alpha_n\} {α1,α2,,αn}) 是唯一的。

  2. 基底与线性无关性:
    基底中的向量必须是线性无关的。如果存在系数 ( β 1 , β 2 , … , β n \beta_1, \beta_2, \dots, \beta_n β1,β2,,βn) 不全为零,使得:
    β 1 a 1 + β 2 a 2 + ⋯ + β n a n = 0 , \beta_1a_1 + \beta_2a_2 + \cdots + \beta_na_n = 0, β1a1+β2a2++βnan=0,

  3. 基底的扩展性:
    给定一个 n 维空间,如果已经有 n-1 个线性无关的向量,那么再添加一个与前 n-1 个向量线性无关的向量,就可以构成一个基底。

1.3 基底的线性组合与展开

当一个向量 ( b b b) 用基底表示时,称之为在该基底下的展开(Expansion):
b = α 1 a 1 + α 2 a 2 + ⋯ + α n a n , b = \alpha_1a_1 + \alpha_2a_2 + \cdots + \alpha_na_n, b=α1a1+α2a2++αnan,
其中系数 ( α 1 , α 2 , … , α n \alpha_1, \alpha_2, \dots, \alpha_n α1,α2,,αn) 被称为展开系数



2.1 现金流与单期贷款模型的描述

假设一个投资者的现金流可以用一个 n 维向量 ( c = [ c 1 , c 2 , … , c n ] c = [c_1, c_2, \dots, c_n] c=[c1,c2,,cn]) 表示,其中:

  • ( c i > 0 c_i > 0 ci>0):表示第 ( i i i) 个时间段的收入;
  • ( c i < 0 c_i < 0 ci<0):表示第 ( i i i) 个时间段的支出;
  • ( c i = 0 c_i = 0 ci=0):表示第 ( i i i) 个时间段没有现金流动。

l i = [ 0 i − 1 1 − ( 1 + r ) 0 n − i − 1 ] , i = 1 , … , n − 1 , l_i = \begin{bmatrix} 0_{i-1} \\ 1 \\ -(1 + r) \\ 0_{n-i-1} \end{bmatrix}, \quad i = 1, \dots, n-1, li= 0i11(1+r)0ni1 ,i=1,,n1,

  • ( r ≥ 0 r \geq 0 r0) 是每期的利率;
  • ( l i l_i li) 表示在第 ( i i i) 期借款 1 单位,并在第 ( i + 1 i+1 i+1) 期偿还(包括利息)。

此外,第一个基底向量 ( e 1 e_1 e1) 表示在第 1 期收到 1 单位收入:
e 1 = [ 1 0 0 ⋮ 0 ] . e_1 = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \vdots \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}. e1= 1000 .

基底: 在现金流建模中,向量 ( { e 1 , l 1 , l 2 , … , l n − 1 } \{e_1, l_1, l_2, \dots, l_{n-1}\} {e1,l1,l2,,ln1}) 组成一个基底,能够表示任意一个 n 维现金流向量 ( c c c)。

2.2 单期贷款基底的线性无关性证明

为了验证 ( { e 1 , l 1 , … , l n − 1 } \{e_1, l_1, \dots, l_{n-1}\} {e1,l1,,ln1}) 是一个基底,需要证明它们是线性无关的。

假设存在系数 ( β 1 , β 2 , … , β n \beta_1, \beta_2, \dots, \beta_n β1,β2,,βn),使得:
β 1 e 1 + β 2 l 1 + ⋯ + β n l n − 1 = 0 。 \beta_1e_1 + \beta_2l_1 + \cdots + \beta_nl_{n-1} = 0。 β1e1+β2l1++βnln1=0
[ β 1 + β 2 β 3 − ( 1 + r ) β 2 ⋮ β n − ( 1 + r ) β n − 1 − ( 1 + r ) β n ] = 0 。 \begin{bmatrix} \beta_1 + \beta_2 \\ \beta_3 - (1 + r)\beta_2 \\ \vdots \\ \beta_n - (1 + r)\beta_{n-1} \\ -(1 + r)\beta_n \end{bmatrix} = 0。 β1+β2β3(1+r)β2βn(1+r)βn1(1+r)βn =0
由最后一行 ( − ( 1 + r ) β n = 0 -(1 + r)\beta_n = 0 (1+r)βn=0) 可得 ( β n = 0 \beta_n = 0 βn=0)(因 ( 1 + r > 0 1 + r > 0 1+r>0))。递归推导可得:
β n − 1 = β n − 2 = ⋯ = β 2 = 0 。 \beta_{n-1} = \beta_{n-2} = \dots = \beta_2 = 0。 βn1=βn2==β2=0
最后,由 ( β 1 + β 2 = 0 \beta_1 + \beta_2 = 0 β1+β2=0) 可知 ( β 1 = 0 \beta_1 = 0 β1=0)。因此,( { e 1 , l 1 , … , l n − 1 } \{e_1, l_1, \dots, l_{n-1}\} {e1,l1,,ln1}) 是线性无关的,构成一个基底。

2.3 现金流的线性重构与净现值 (NPV)

对于任意一个现金流向量 ( c = [ c 1 , c 2 , … , c n ] c = [c_1, c_2, \dots, c_n] c=[c1,c2,,cn]),可以用单期贷款基底表示为:
c = α 1 e 1 + α 2 l 1 + ⋯ + α n l n − 1 , c = \alpha_1e_1 + \alpha_2l_1 + \cdots + \alpha_nl_{n-1}, c=α1e1+α2l1++αnln1
其中最重要的系数 ( α 1 \alpha_1 α1) 对应于现金流的净现值(NPV, Net Present Value):
α 1 = c 1 + c 2 1 + r + c 3 ( 1 + r ) 2 + ⋯ + c n ( 1 + r ) n − 1 。 \alpha_1 = c_1 + \frac{c_2}{1 + r} + \frac{c_3}{(1 + r)^2} + \cdots + \frac{c_n}{(1 + r)^{n-1}}。 α1=c1+1+rc2+(1+r)2c3++(1+r)n1cn

  • 经济意义: ( α 1 \alpha_1 α1) 表示在第 1 期一次性收到的等效现金,等价于未来所有现金流的现值之和。
  • 实际应用: 投资者可以用 NPV 指标评估一个投资项目的价值。如果 ( α 1 > 0 \alpha_1 > 0 α1>0),说明项目能够盈利;若 ( α 1 < 0 \alpha_1 < 0 α1<0),则项目不可取。

2.4 应用实例

假设某项目的现金流为 ( c = [ 100 , − 110 , 0 ] c = [100, -110, 0] c=[100,110,0]),利率 ( r = 10 % ( 0.1 ) r = 10\% (0.1) r=10%(0.1))。将 ( c c c) 表示为基底的线性组合:

  1. 计算净现值:
    α 1 = 100 + − 110 1.1 = 100 − 100 = 0 。 \alpha_1 = 100 + \frac{-110}{1.1} = 100 - 100 = 0。 α1=100+1.1110=100100=0

  2. 表示为基底:
    c = α 1 e 1 + α 2 l 1 + α 3 l 2 。 c = \alpha_1e_1 + \alpha_2l_1 + \alpha_3l_2。 c=α1e1+α2l1+α3l2
    通过计算得到 ( α 1 = 0 \alpha_1 = 0 α1=0),( α 2 = 100 \alpha_2 = 100 α2=100),( α 3 = 0 \alpha_3 = 0 α3=0),即:
    c = 0 ⋅ e 1 + 100 ⋅ l 1 + 0 ⋅ l 2 。 c = 0 \cdot e_1 + 100 \cdot l_1 + 0 \cdot l_2。 c=0e1+100l1+0l2




Linear Algebra Fundamentals and Applications: Basis and Cash Flow in Single-Period Loan Models

In linear algebra, the concept of a basis is crucial and has widespread applications in signal processing, financial modeling, and scientific computation. This article integrates theory with practical applications to provide a detailed explanation of the definition and properties of a basis and its specific use in cash flow and single-period loan models.

I. What Is a Basis?

1.1 Definition of Basis

In an n n n-dimensional space, a set of vectors { a 1 , a 2 , … , a n } \{a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n\} {a1,a2,,an} is called a basis if it satisfies the following two conditions:

  1. The vectors are linearly independent.
  2. The number of vectors equals the dimension of the space, n n n.

For any n n n-dimensional vector b b b, if { a 1 , a 2 , … , a n } \{a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n\} {a1,a2,,an} is a basis for the space, then b b b can be uniquely expressed as a linear combination of the basis:
b = α 1 a 1 + α 2 a 2 + ⋯ + α n a n , b = \alpha_1a_1 + \alpha_2a_2 + \cdots + \alpha_na_n, b=α1a1+α2a2++αnan,
where α 1 , α 2 , … , α n \alpha_1, \alpha_2, \dots, \alpha_n α1,α2,,αn are the coefficients of the linear combination.

1.2 Properties of Basis

  1. Uniqueness:
    Every vector in the space has a unique representation in terms of the basis. That is, for any vector b b b, the corresponding coefficients { α 1 , α 2 , … , α n } \{\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \dots, \alpha_n\} {α1,α2,,αn} are unique.

  2. Linear Independence:
    The vectors in a basis must be linearly independent. If there exist coefficients β 1 , β 2 , … , β n \beta_1, \beta_2, \dots, \beta_n β1,β2,,βn, not all zero, such that:
    β 1 a 1 + β 2 a 2 + ⋯ + β n a n = 0 , \beta_1a_1 + \beta_2a_2 + \cdots + \beta_na_n = 0, β1a1+β2a2++βnan=0,
    then the set { a 1 , a 2 , … , a n } \{a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n\} {a1,a2,,an} is not a basis.

  3. Extendibility:
    In an n n n-dimensional space, if n − 1 n-1 n1 linearly independent vectors are given, adding one more vector that is linearly independent of the others will form a basis.

1.3 Linear Combination and Expansion

When a vector b b b is represented using a basis, it is called the expansion of b b b in that basis:
b = α 1 a 1 + α 2 a 2 + ⋯ + α n a n , b = \alpha_1a_1 + \alpha_2a_2 + \cdots + \alpha_na_n, b=α1a1+α2a2++αnan,
where the coefficients α 1 , α 2 , … , α n \alpha_1, \alpha_2, \dots, \alpha_n α1,α2,,αn are called the expansion coefficients.

II. Application of Basis: Cash Flow and Single-Period Loan Models

In finance, cash flow modeling and loan modeling are core problems. Using the concept of basis in linear algebra, we can mathematically describe the characteristics of cash flows and reconstruct them linearly using single-period loan models.

2.1 Cash Flow and Single-Period Loan Model

Suppose the cash flow of an investor is represented by an n n n-dimensional vector c = [ c 1 , c 2 , … , c n ] c = [c_1, c_2, \dots, c_n] c=[c1,c2,,cn], where:

  • c i > 0 c_i > 0 ci>0: indicates income during the i i i-th time period.
  • c i < 0 c_i < 0 ci<0: indicates expenditure during the i i i-th time period.
  • c i = 0 c_i = 0 ci=0: indicates no cash flow during the i i i-th time period.

In a cash flow model, the cash flow vector of a single-period loan is defined as:
l i = [ 0 i − 1 1 − ( 1 + r ) 0 n − i − 1 ] , i = 1 , … , n − 1 , l_i = \begin{bmatrix} 0_{i-1} \\ 1 \\ -(1 + r) \\ 0_{n-i-1} \end{bmatrix}, \quad i = 1, \dots, n-1, li= 0i11(1+r)0ni1 ,i=1,,n1,

  • r ≥ 0 r \geq 0 r0 is the interest rate per period;
  • l i l_i li represents borrowing 1 unit of cash in the i i i-th period and repaying it (including interest) in the ( i + 1 ) (i+1) (i+1)-th period.

Additionally, the first basis vector e 1 e_1 e1 represents receiving 1 unit of income in the first period:
e 1 = [ 1 0 0 ⋮ 0 ] . e_1 = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \vdots \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}. e1= 1000 .

Basis: In cash flow modeling, the set of vectors { e 1 , l 1 , l 2 , … , l n − 1 } \{e_1, l_1, l_2, \dots, l_{n-1}\} {e1,l1,l2,,ln1} forms a basis that can represent any n n n-dimensional cash flow vector c c c.

2.2 Linear Independence of the Single-Period Loan Basis

To verify that { e 1 , l 1 , … , l n − 1 } \{e_1, l_1, \dots, l_{n-1}\} {e1,l1,,ln1} forms a basis, we need to prove that these vectors are linearly independent.

Suppose there exist coefficients β 1 , β 2 , … , β n \beta_1, \beta_2, \dots, \beta_n β1,β2,,βn such that:
β 1 e 1 + β 2 l 1 + ⋯ + β n l n − 1 = 0. \beta_1e_1 + \beta_2l_1 + \cdots + \beta_nl_{n-1} = 0. β1e1+β2l1++βnln1=0.
Expanding this expression gives:
[ β 1 + β 2 β 3 − ( 1 + r ) β 2 ⋮ β n − ( 1 + r ) β n − 1 − ( 1 + r ) β n ] = 0. \begin{bmatrix} \beta_1 + \beta_2 \\ \beta_3 - (1 + r)\beta_2 \\ \vdots \\ \beta_n - (1 + r)\beta_{n-1} \\ -(1 + r)\beta_n \end{bmatrix} = 0. β1+β2β3(1+r)β2βn(1+r)βn1(1+r)βn =0.
From the last row − ( 1 + r ) β n = 0 -(1 + r)\beta_n = 0 (1+r)βn=0, we deduce β n = 0 \beta_n = 0 βn=0 (since 1 + r > 0 1 + r > 0 1+r>0). By recursive substitution, we obtain:
β n − 1 = β n − 2 = ⋯ = β 2 = 0. \beta_{n-1} = \beta_{n-2} = \dots = \beta_2 = 0. βn1=βn2==β2=0.
Finally, from β 1 + β 2 = 0 \beta_1 + \beta_2 = 0 β1+β2=0, we find β 1 = 0 \beta_1 = 0 β1=0. Therefore, { e 1 , l 1 , … , l n − 1 } \{e_1, l_1, \dots, l_{n-1}\} {e1,l1,,ln1} is linearly independent and forms a basis.

2.3 Linear Reconstruction of Cash Flow and Net Present Value (NPV)

For any cash flow vector c = [ c 1 , c 2 , … , c n ] c = [c_1, c_2, \dots, c_n] c=[c1,c2,,cn], it can be expressed as a linear combination of the single-period loan basis:
c = α 1 e 1 + α 2 l 1 + ⋯ + α n l n − 1 , c = \alpha_1e_1 + \alpha_2l_1 + \cdots + \alpha_nl_{n-1}, c=α1e1+α2l1++αnln1,
where the most important coefficient α 1 \alpha_1 α1 corresponds to the Net Present Value (NPV) of the cash flow:
α 1 = c 1 + c 2 1 + r + c 3 ( 1 + r ) 2 + ⋯ + c n ( 1 + r ) n − 1 . \alpha_1 = c_1 + \frac{c_2}{1 + r} + \frac{c_3}{(1 + r)^2} + \cdots + \frac{c_n}{(1 + r)^{n-1}}. α1=c1+1+rc2+(1+r)2c3++(1+r)n1cn.

Interpretation of Net Present Value:
  • Economic Meaning: α 1 \alpha_1 α1 represents the equivalent cash received in the first period, equivalent to the sum of the present values of all future cash flows.
  • Practical Application: Investors use the NPV indicator to evaluate the value of an investment project. If α 1 > 0 \alpha_1 > 0 α1>0, the project is profitable; if α 1 < 0 \alpha_1 < 0 α1<0, the project is not viable.

2.4 Application Example

Suppose a project’s cash flow is c = [ 100 , − 110 , 0 ] c = [100, -110, 0] c=[100,110,0], and the interest rate is r = 10 % ( 0.1 ) r = 10\% (0.1) r=10%(0.1). Represent c c c as a linear combination of the basis:

  1. Compute NPV:
    α 1 = 100 + − 110 1.1 = 100 − 100 = 0. \alpha_1 = 100 + \frac{-110}{1.1} = 100 - 100 = 0. α1=100+1.1110=100100=0.

  2. Represent with the basis:
    c = α 1 e 1 + α 2 l 1 + α 3 l 2 . c = \alpha_1e_1 + \alpha_2l_1 + \alpha_3l_2. c=α1e1+α2l1+α3l2.
    From calculations, we find α 1 = 0 \alpha_1 = 0 α1=0, α 2 = 100 \alpha_2 = 100 α2=100, and α 3 = 0 \alpha_3 = 0 α3=0. Thus:
    c = 0 ⋅ e 1 + 100 ⋅ l 1 + 0 ⋅ l 2 . c = 0 \cdot e_1 + 100 \cdot l_1 + 0 \cdot l_2. c=0e1+100l1+0l2.

III. Conclusion

The concept of basis is widely applicable in finance. Its essence lies in using linear algebra tools to transform complex cash flow problems into simple linear combination problems. Through the single-period loan model, we demonstrated the importance of basis in cash flow modeling and NPV calculations. Mastering these concepts can help investors better understand the nature of cash flows and make more informed investment decisions.


解释一下这个单期贷款的现金流向量定义怎么来的,为什么它是4维 vector,它和e1的维度不匹配啊

单期贷款现金流向量 ( l i l_i li ) 的定义

单期贷款的现金流向量 ( l i l_i li ) 定义为:

l i = [ 0 i − 1 1 − ( 1 + r ) 0 n − i − 1 ] , i = 1 , 2 , … , n − 1 l_i = \begin{bmatrix} 0_{i-1} \\ 1 \\ -(1+r) \\ 0_{n-i-1} \end{bmatrix}, \quad i = 1, 2, \dots, n-1 li= 0i11(1+r)0ni1 ,i=1,2,,n1


  1. ( r ≥ 0 r \geq 0 r0 ) 是每期的利率。
  2. ( 0 k 0_{k} 0k ) 表示一个长度为 ( k k k ) 的零向量,维度为 ( k k k )。
  3. ( l i l_i li ) 是一个 ( n n n )-维向量,表示在第 ( i i i ) 期借款 1 单位,在第 ( i + 1 i+1 i+1 ) 期偿还(本金和利息)。
  • 借款:在第 ( i i i ) 期借入 1 单位资金,因此在 ( i i i ) 期现金流中体现为 +1
  • 偿还:在第 ( i + 1 i+1 i+1 ) 期需要偿还本金和利息,共 ( − ( 1 + r ) -(1+r) (1+r) ),因此现金流在 ( i + 1 i+1 i+1 ) 期体现为 -(1+r)
  • 其他时间点:由于贷款只涉及第 ( i i i ) 和 ( i + 1 i+1 i+1 ) 两个时间点,其余时间点现金流均为 0

向量 ( l i l_i li ) 是 ( n n n )-维的证明

向量 ( l i l_i li ) 是 ( n n n )-维的,这是因为整个现金流模型中,我们假设有 ( n n n ) 个时间周期,因此每个现金流向量(包括 ( e 1 e_1 e1 ) 和 ( l i l_i li ))的长度都是 ( n n n ),表示整个时间范围内的现金流分布。


  • 当 ( n = 4 n = 4 n=4 ) 时(4个时间周期):
    • ( l 1 = [ 1 , − ( 1 + r ) , 0 , 0 ] T l_1 = [1, -(1+r), 0, 0]^T l1=[1,(1+r),0,0]T )
    • ( l 2 = [ 0 , 1 , − ( 1 + r ) , 0 ] T l_2 = [0, 1, -(1+r), 0]^T l2=[0,1,(1+r),0]T )
    • ( l 3 = [ 0 , 0 , 1 , − ( 1 + r ) ] T l_3 = [0, 0, 1, -(1+r)]^T l3=[0,0,1,(1+r)]T )

可以看到,每个 ( l i l_i li ) 的长度是 4,与 ( e 1 e_1 e1 ) 的长度一致。

  • 向量 ( e 1 e_1 e1 ) 的定义
    e 1 = [ 1 0 0 0 ] e_1 = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} e1= 1000
    ( e 1 e_1 e1 ) 的维度同样是 ( n n n ),表示在第 1 期收到 1 单位的收入,其他时间点无收入。

为什么 ( l i l_i li ) 的定义是这样?


  1. 借款发生在某一个具体的时间点(第 ( i i i ) 期),即 ( + 1 +1 +1 )。
  2. 偿还则发生在下一个具体时间点(第 ( i + 1 i+1 i+1 ) 期),包含本金和利息,因此现金流为 ( − ( 1 + r ) -(1+r) (1+r) )。
  3. 其他时间点与贷款无关,因此现金流为 ( 0 0 0 )。

通过这种定义,可以精确表示贷款在整个 ( n n n ) 个时间周期中的流动情况,并在数学上为建模提供便利。

关于基底的问题:为什么 ( e 1 , l 1 , … , l n − 1 e_1, l_1, \dots, l_{n-1} e1,l1,,ln1 ) 是一个基底?


  • 线性独立性
    假设存在系数 ( β 1 , β 2 , … , β n \beta_1, \beta_2, \dots, \beta_n β1,β2,,βn ),使得:
    β 1 e 1 + β 2 l 1 + ⋯ + β n l n − 1 = 0 \beta_1 e_1 + \beta_2 l_1 + \dots + \beta_n l_{n-1} = 0 β1e1+β2l1++βnln1=0
    通过数学推导可以证明(见前文),所有系数 ( β i = 0 \beta_i = 0 βi=0 ),因此它们是线性独立的。

  • 张成整个空间
    任意一个 ( n n n )-维现金流向量 ( c c c ) 都可以表示为 ( e 1 , l 1 , … , l n − 1 e_1, l_1, \dots, l_{n-1} e1,l1,,ln1 ) 的线性组合:
    c = α 1 e 1 + α 2 l 1 + ⋯ + α n l n − 1 . c = \alpha_1 e_1 + \alpha_2 l_1 + \dots + \alpha_n l_{n-1}. c=α1e1+α2l1++αnln1.
    这说明它们可以张成整个 ( n n n )-维向量空间。

因此,( e 1 , l 1 , … , l n − 1 e_1, l_1, \dots, l_{n-1} e1,l1,,ln1 ) 构成了一个 ( n n n )-维向量空间的基底。


  1. 单期贷款现金流向量 ( l i l_i li ) 的定义基于贷款的本质:某期借款,次期偿还(包括利息)。它的形式非常直观地描述了这种现金流模式。
  2. 向量 ( l i l_i li ) 的维度和 ( e 1 e_1 e1 ) 一样,都是 ( n n n )-维的,表示整个时间周期内的现金流分布情况。
  3. 向量 ( e 1 , l 1 , … , l n − 1 e_1, l_1, \dots, l_{n-1} e1,l1,,ln1 ) 构成一个基底,可以唯一表示任意一个 ( n n n )-维现金流向量。




