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UE5.3 C++ CDO的初步理解

2025/2/4 11:44:25 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/m0_64217692/article/details/145392900  浏览:    关键词:UE5.3 C++ CDO的初步理解



注释:所有虚幻引擎对象的基类。对象的类型由基于 UClass 类来定义。
这为创建和使用UObject的对象提供了 函数,并且提供了应在子类中重写的虚函数。

/** * The base class of all UE objects. The type of an object is defined by its UClass.* This provides support functions for creating and using objects, and virtual functions that should be overridden in child classes.* * @see https://docs.unrealengine.com/ProgrammingAndScripting/ProgrammingWithCPP/UnrealArchitecture/Objects*/
class UObject : public UObjectBaseUtility

为 UObject 提供工具类的函数,不应直接使用此类。

/*** Provides utility functions for UObject, this class should not be used directly*/
class UObjectBaseUtility : public UObjectBase


/** * Low level implementation of UObject, should not be used directly in game code */
class UObjectBase


二.UCLASS 宏的理解

The UCLASS Macro

The UCLASS macro gives the UObject a reference to a UCLASS that describes its Unreal-based type. Each UCLASS maintains one Object called the Class Default Object(CDO). The CDO is essentially a default 'template' Object, generated by the class constructor and unmodified thereafter. Both the UCLASS and the CDO can be retrieved for a given Object instance, although they should generally be considered read-only. The UCLASS for an Object instance can be accessed at any time using the GetClass() function.

UCLASS contains a set of properties and functions that define the class. These are normal C++ functions and variables available to standard C++ code, but tagged with Unreal Engine-specific metadata that controls how they behave within the Object system. For more details about the tagging syntax, refer to the Programming

UCLASS宏为 UObject 提供一个对 UCLASS 的引用,而UCLASS描述了一个基于虚幻引擎的类型。 每个 UCLASS 都持有一个 类默认对象(Class Default Object) ,简称CDO。CDO 本质上是一个默认的 “模板” 对象,由类的构造函数生成,随后保持不变。尽管UCLASS和CDO通常都会被看做是“只读”的,但是每个Object实例都可以取得他们的UCLASS和CDO。你随时都可以使用 GetClass() 函数来访问Object实例的UCLASS。

UCLASS 包含了一套用于定义这个类的属性和函数——他们就是原生的C++函数与变量,但被虚幻引擎特有的元数据所标记,它们在UObject系统中的行为也因此受到控制。如需了解标记语法的更多细节,请查阅 Programming Reference。

需要注意 UObject 类也可以包含 native-only(译注:应该是指C++原生的,未被标记的属性或函数),这些属性不存在于相应的 UCLASS 中。


重点是 类的构造函数生成,随后保持不变。每个Object实例都可以取得他们的UCLASS和CDO。 原生的C++函数与变量,但被虚幻引擎特有的元数据所标记,它们在UObject系统中的行为也因此受到控制。


// Sets default values
{// Set this actor to call Tick() every frame.  You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it.PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;RootComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneComponent>("Root");money = 300;
}int32 AMyActor::GetCurrentMoney()
{return money;
}int32 AMyActor::GetMyCDOMoney()
{UClass* GWXClass = AMyActor::StaticClass();UObject* MyObject = GWXClass->GetDefaultObject();AMyActor* MyCDO = Cast<AMyActor>(MyObject);  if (MyCDO){return MyCDO->money;}return -1;
}// Called when




