CDefView::_GetPIDL函数分析之ListView_GetItem函数的参数item的item.mask 为LVIF_PARAM
1: kd> t
001b:77308013 55 push ebp
1: kd> dv
this = 0x00000015
i = 0n21
pidl = 0x00040056
// This function checks to see if we are in virtual mode or not. If we are in
// virtual mode, we always need to ask our folder we are viewing for the item and
// not the listview.
if (_IsOwnerData())
return pidl;
return (LPCITEMIDLIST)LVUtil_GetLParam(_hwndListview, i);
1: kd> t
001b:772c7714 55 push ebp
1: kd> kc 12
00 SHELL32!LVUtil_GetLParam
01 SHELL32!CDefView::_GetPIDL
02 SHELL32!CDefView::_GetItemArray
03 SHELL32!CDefView::_GetItemObjects
04 SHELL32!CDefView::_CreateSelectionShellItemArray
// Note that it returns NULL, if iItem is -1.
LPARAM LVUtil_GetLParam(HWND hwndLV, int i)
LV_ITEM item;
item.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
item.iItem = i;
item.iSubItem = 0;
item.lParam = 0;
if (i != -1)
ListView_GetItem(hwndLV, &item);
return item.lParam;
// ListView Item structure
#define LVIF_TEXT 0x0001 // LV_ITEM.mask flags (indicate valid fields in LV_ITEM)
#define LVIF_IMAGE 0x0002
#define LVIF_PARAM 0x0004
#define LVIF_STATE 0x0008
#define ListView_GetItem(hwnd, pitem) \
(BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(LV_ITEM *)(pitem))
#define LVM_GETITEMW (LVM_FIRST + 75) push 104Bh
#ifdef UNICODE
#define LVM_FIRST 0x1000 // ListView messages
1: kd> dv
plv = 0x00108d88
plvi = 0x013bf8a4
nm = struct tagLVDISPINFOW
1: kd> dx -id 0,0,896d1020 -r1 ((comctl32!tagLVITEMW *)0x13bf8a4)
((comctl32!tagLVITEMW *)0x13bf8a4) : 0x13bf8a4 [Type: tagLVITEMW *]
[+0x000] mask : 0x4 [Type: unsigned int]
[+0x004] iItem : 21 [Type: int]
[+0x008] iSubItem : 0 [Type: int]
[+0x00c] state : 0x100c [Type: unsigned int]
[+0x010] stateMask : 0xffffffff [Type: unsigned int]
[+0x014] pszText : 0x772c74e9 : 0x10c2 [Type: unsigned short *]
[+0x018] cchTextMax : 4108 [Type: int]
[+0x01c] iImage : 1083208 [Type: int]
[+0x020] lParam : 0 [Type: long] lParam : 0
[+0x024] iIndent : 20707516 [Type: int]
[+0x028] iGroupId : 524288 [Type: int]
[+0x02c] cColumns : 0x13bfb20 [Type: unsigned int]
[+0x030] puColumns : 0x77456e76 : 0x209c25ff [Type: unsigned int *]
BOOL ListView_OnGetItem(LV* plv, LV_ITEM* plvi)
pitem = ListView_FastGetItemPtr(plv, plvi->iItem);
if (mask & LVIF_PARAM)
plvi->lParam = pitem->lParam;
1: kd> dt LISTITEM 0010fe68
+0x000 pszText : 0x00111770 -> 0x4e
+0x004 pt : tagPOINT
+0x00c iImage : 0n115
+0x00e cxSingleLabel : 0n119
+0x010 cxMultiLabel : 0n70
+0x012 cyFoldedLabel : 0n28
+0x014 cyUnfoldedLabel : 0n28
+0x016 iWorkArea : 0n0
+0x018 state : 3
+0x01a iIndent : 0n0
+0x01c lParam : 0n1168016 +0x01c lParam : 0n1168016
+0x020 hrgnIcon : (null)
+0x024 ptRgn : tagPOINT
+0x02c rcTextRgn : tagRECT
+0x03c pGroup : 0xffffffff tagLISTGROUP
+0x040 cColumns : 0xffffffff
+0x044 puColumns : (null)
+0x048 dwId : 0x1d
1: kd> g
Breakpoint 34 hit
001b:772c7746 8b45ec mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-14h]
1: kd> r
eax=00000001 ebx=00000015 ecx=772c74e9 edx=00000004 esi=00108748 edi=0000100c
eip=772c7746 esp=013bf8a4 ebp=013bf8d8 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000246
001b:772c7746 8b45ec mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-14h] ss:0023:013bf8c4=0011d290
1: kd> dv
hwndLV = 0x00040056
i = 0n21
item = struct tagLVITEMW
1: kd> dx -id 0,0,896d1020 -r1 (*((SHELL32!tagLVITEMW *)0x13bf8a4))
(*((SHELL32!tagLVITEMW *)0x13bf8a4)) [Type: tagLVITEMW]
[+0x000] mask : 0x4 [Type: unsigned int]
[+0x004] iItem : 21 [Type: int]
[+0x008] iSubItem : 0 [Type: int]
[+0x00c] state : 0x100c [Type: unsigned int]
[+0x010] stateMask : 0xffffffff [Type: unsigned int]
[+0x014] pszText : 0x772c74e9 : 0x10c2 [Type: unsigned short *]
[+0x018] cchTextMax : 4108 [Type: int]
[+0x01c] iImage : 1083208 [Type: int]
[+0x020] lParam : 1168016 [Type: long] lParam : 1168016
[+0x024] iIndent : 20707516 [Type: int]
[+0x028] iGroupId : 524288 [Type: int]
[+0x02c] cColumns : 0x13bfb20 [Type: unsigned int]
[+0x030] puColumns : 0x77456e76 : 0x209c25ff [Type: unsigned int *]
1: kd> dt _ITEMIDLIST 0011d290
+0x000 mkid : _SHITEMID
1: kd> dx -id 0,0,896d1020 -r1 (*((Explorer!_SHITEMID *)0x11d290))
(*((Explorer!_SHITEMID *)0x11d290)) [Type: _SHITEMID]
[+0x000] cb : 0x5e [Type: unsigned short]
[+0x002] abID [Type: unsigned char [1]]
1: kd> db 0x11d290
0011d290 5e 00 32 00 00 00 00 00-66 5a c8 78 20 00 4e 45 ^.2.....fZ.x .NE
0011d2a0 57 54 45 58 7e 31 2e 54-58 54 00 00 42 00 03 00 WTEX~1.TXT..B...
0011d2b0 04 00 ef be 66 5a c8 78-66 5a c8 78 14 00 00 00 ....fZ.xfZ.x....
0011d2c0 4e 00 65 00 77 00 20 00-54 00 65 00 78 00 74 00 N.e.w. .T.e.x.t.
0011d2d0 20 00 44 00 6f 00 63 00-75 00 6d 00 65 00 6e 00 .D.o.c.u.m.e.n.
0011d2e0 74 00 2e 00 74 00 78 00-74 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 t...t.x.t.......