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Chapter 2 - 1. Understanding Congestion in Fibre Channel Fabrics

2024/10/26 1:18:46 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/mounter625/article/details/142641697  浏览:    关键词:Chapter 2 - 1. Understanding Congestion in Fibre Channel Fabrics

This chapter covers the following topics: 本章包括以下主题:

 Fibre Channel Flow Control. 光纤通道流量控制

 Congestion Spreading in Fibre Channel Fabrics. 光纤通道 Fabric 中的拥塞扩散

 Frame Flow within a Fibre Channel Switch. 光纤通道交换机内的帧流

 Effect of Bit Errors on Congestion. 比特错误对拥塞的影响

 Credit Loss Recovery Mechanisms. 信用损失恢复机制

Fibre Channel is the most common type of network for transporting SCSI and NVMe protocols for accessing remote block storage. It uses B2B flow control between directly connected devices to build a lossless network. When congestion happens, it spreads to the traffic source affecting many other devices that share th


