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2024/10/23 5:53:21 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/mChenys/article/details/143085586  浏览:    关键词:英语基础语法


  • 一、词性
    • 1. 词根词缀
    • 2. 名词
      • 2.1 名词后缀
      • 2.2 名词常出现的位置
      • 2.3 可数名词
      • 2.4 不可数名词
      • 2.5 常用的描述可数/不可数的描述性词语
    • 3. 代词
      • 3.1 指代人
      • 3.2 指代物(指示代词)
      • 3.3 相互代词
      • 3.4 不定代词
      • 3.5 关系代词
      • 3.6 疑问代词
    • 4. 冠词
      • 4.1 定冠词 the
      • 4.2 不定冠词(Indefinite Article)a/an
      • 4.3 零冠词
    • 5. 动词
      • 5.1 动词后缀
        • -en
        • en-
        • -ize
        • -ify
    • 6. 形容词
      • 6.1 形容词后缀
        • -able
        • -ive
        • -ous / -ful
        • -ed
        • -ing
      • 6.2 形容词出现的位置
    • 7. 副词
      • 7.1 副词分类
      • 7.2 形容词变副词的规律
    • 8. 介词
    • 9. 连词
      • 9.1 并列连词
      • 9.2 从属连词
  • 二、时态
    • 2.1 一般现在时态
    • 2.2 一般过去式时态
    • 2.3 现在进行时态
    • 2.4 现在完成时态
    • 2.5 现在完成进行时态
    • 2.6 过去完成时态
    • 2.7 一般将来时
  • 三、句型
    • 3.1 五大基本句型
      • 主谓
      • 主谓宾
      • 主谓宾宾
      • 主谓宾宾补
      • 主系表
    • 3.2 非谓语动词
      • 1. 现在分词
      • 2. 过去分词
      • 3. 动词不定式
      • 4. 被动形式
  • 四、从句
    • 4.1 名词性从句 (Noun Clauses)
      • 1. 主语从句 (Subject Clauses)
      • 2. 宾语从句 (Object Clauses)
      • 3. 表语从句 (Complement Clauses)
      • 4. 同位语从句 (Appositive Clauses)
    • 4.2 形容词性从句 (Adjective Clauses / Relative Clauses)
    • 4.3 副词性从句 (Adverbial Clauses)
      • 1. 时间状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Time)
      • 2. 地点状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Place)
      • 3. 原因状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Reason)
      • 4. 目的状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Purpose)
      • 5. 条件状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Condition)
      • 6. 方式状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Manner)
      • 7. 结果状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Result)
      • 8. 让步状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Concession)
      • 9. 比较状语从句(adverbial clause of Comparison)


  • 实词:名词、代词、数词、形容词、动词、副词
  • 虚词:介词、冠词、连词、感叹词

1. 词根词缀

例:disagreement n.不同意
前缀:dis ==》改变词义
词根:agree ==》本意
后缀:ment ==》改变词性

2. 名词


2.1 名词后缀

  • -ion/-ment:表示行为、过程或者行为的结果
  • -ity/-ness/-ce:表示性质、状态、程度
  • -er/-or:表示人或物

(1) 规则:v. + ion / ation → n. (有e 去e)

  • discuss v. --》discussion 讨论(直接+ion)
  • invent v. --》invention 发明(直接+ion)
  • cooperate v. --》cooperation 合作(去e+ion)
  • determine v. --》determination 决心(去e+ation)

(2) 规则:v. + ment → n. (基本不去e) disagreement

  • develop v. --》development 发展(直接+ment)
  • enjoy v. --》enjoyment 乐趣(直接+ment)
  • adjust v. --》adjustment 调整(直接+ment)
  • require v. --》 requirement 需求(直接+ment)

(1)规则:adj. +ity -> n. (有e去e;ble ->bility)

  • secure adj. --》 security 保障,保证;安全
  • possible adj. --》 possibility 可能,可能性

(2)规则:adj.+ ness → n.(以y 结尾, y→i)

  • dark adj. --》 darkness 黑暗;深色
  • happy adj. --》 happiness 快乐,幸福

规则:adj./v. +t 结尾 -> n. (ce)

  • convenient .adj --》convenience (去t+ce)便利
  • present .adj --》presence(去t+ce) 出现
  • absent .adj --》absence (去t+ce) 缺席
  • Intelligent .adj --》intelligence(去t+ce) 智力
  • reluctant .adj --》reluctance(去t+ce) 不情愿;勉强
  • patient .adj --》patience (去t+ce)耐心

规则:v.+er/or -> n. (有e+r/去e+or)

  • teache v. --》teacher 老师
  • consume v. --》consumer (有e+r )消费者
  • invent v. --》inventor 发明家
  • act v. --》 actor 演员
  • elevate v. 提升;抬起,提起 --》elevator (去e+or )电梯

2.2 名词常出现的位置

(1)a、an、the +(形容词)后面

  • a + 名词:I saw a dog in the park.
  • an + 名词:She has an umbrella.
  • the + 名词:He opened the book.
  • a + 形容词 + 名词:It was a beautiful day.
  • an + 形容词 + 名词:She ate an apple.
  • the + 形容词 + 名词:They adopted the cute puppy.

(2)A of B的结构中,A、B都是名词

  • A of B: The color of the sky was stunning.
  • A of B:A cup of tea can be very relaxing.

(3)介词 后面

  • 介词 + 名词:She sat on the chair.
  • 介词 + 名词:He walked through the door.
  • 介词 + 名词:They were talking about the project.

(4)动词的 前面 或 后面

  • 名词 + 动词:The cat sleeps.
  • 动词 + 名词:She writes a letter.
  • 名词 + 动词 + 名词:The teacher gave the student a book.

2.3 可数名词


  • 大部分情况:词尾+“s”:friends
  • 以“s/x/z/sh/ch”结尾:+“es”: boxes , dishes
  • 辅音字母+“y”结尾,变“y”为“i”再加“es”:families
  • 元音字母+“y”结尾,变复数直接+ “s”:toys
  • “f/fe”结尾,变“f/fe”为“v”再加“es ”: thieves
  • 辅音字母+“o”结尾: +“es”: heroes, potatoes, tomatoes
  • 元音字母+“o”结尾: +“s”: zoos, kangaroos, photos

Two thieves stole some potatoes.

Their friends and families take some dishes and boxes to the zoos.

他们看到了袋鼠,拍了很多照片,还买了一些玩具。 They saw kangaroos, took a lot of photos and bought some toys.

auto—autos 小汽车
piano– pianos 钢琴
kilo– kilos 千克

Autos are 100 kilos heavier than pianos.

chief– chiefs 首领
belief– beliefs 信心
roof—roofs 屋顶
proof– proofs 证据
safe– safes 保险箱

The chiefs had beliefs that they would find proofs on the roofs, and
they ended up discovering safes.


  • 单复同形:deer, sheep, fish, Chinese…
  • 词义要求只有复数: shorts, scissors,…
  • 特殊变化: man-men; foot-feet; tooth-teeth; child-children; mouse-mice; ox-oxen…
  • 集合名词:family, people, police, cattle…
  • 合成名词:grown-ups, breakdowns, babysitters,sons-in-law,lookers-on,passers-by,men writers, women singers


Dogs are not allowed in the park Foreigners are not allowed to buy

2.4 不可数名词


  • Water 液体
  • Air 气体
  • Pork 肉类
  • Salt 粉末


  • a piece of:一片,一块
    • a piece of advice
    • a piece of information
  • a cup of:一杯
    • a cup of water
    • a cup of coffee
  • a bottle of:一瓶
    • a bottle of milk
    • a bottle of wine
  • a loaf of:一条(面包)
    • a loaf of bread
  • a slice of:一片
    • a slice of bread
    • a slice of cheese
  • a bit of:一点
    • a bit of knowledge
    • a bit of luck


  • a liter of:一升
    • a liter of water
    • a liter of juice
  • a gram of:一克
    • a gram of salt
    • a gram of sugar
  • a kilo(gram) of:一千克
    • a kilogram of rice
    • a kilogram of flour



  • 表品质:honesty
  • 表情感:love
  • 表动作:translation
  • 表状态:danger

Experience 作为经验是不可数,作为经历则是可数的
I have many unforgettable experiences in China

2.5 常用的描述可数/不可数的描述性词语


  • many(许多)
    • There are many books on the shelf.(书架上有很多书)
  • a number of(一些,若干)
    • A number of students are absent today.(今天有一些学生缺席)
  • a few(一些,几个)
    • I have a few friends in that city.(我在那个城市有几个朋友)
  • few(很少)
    • Few people know the answer.(很少人知道答案)


  • much(许多,大量)
    • There isn’t much water left.(没有剩下多少水了)
  • a great deal of(大量)
    • She has a great deal of experience.(她有丰富的经验)
  • a little(一些,少许)
    • I need a little help.(我需要一些帮助)
  • little(很少,几乎没有)
    • There is little hope.(几乎没有希望)


  • some(一些)
    • I have some apples.(我有一些苹果)
    • I need some information.(我需要一些信息)
  • any(任何,一些)
    • Do you have any questions?(你有任何问题吗?)
    • Is there any milk left?(还有牛奶吗?)
  • a lot of / lots of(许多)
    • There are a lot of people here.(这里有很多人)
    • We have a lot of time.(我们有很多时间)
  • plenty of(充足的,大量的)
    • There are plenty of seats available.(有很多座位)
    • Drink plenty of water.(多喝水)


  1. 复合主语:
  • 当复合主语表示不同实体或物体时,谓语动词使用复数形式。
    • 例如:Tom and Jerry are friends.
    • The teacher and the singer are famous.
  • 当复合主语表示同一实体或物体时,谓语动词使用单数形式。
    • 例如:The teacher and singer is famous.
    • A knife and fork is needed for dinner. (这里的knife和fork是一个整体,表示一副刀叉)
    • Bread and butter is their favorite at dinner (这里的Bread和butter也是一个组合)
  • 就近原则,not…but…、or;either…or、neither…nor、not only…but also、there be 作为连接词时,动词与最接近的主语一致。
    • 例如:Either the cat or the dogs are making noise.
    • There is a mouse and two cats in my house.
    • There are two cats and a mouse in my house.
    • Not only John but also his brothers are coming to the party.
  • as well as, together with, along with, except,but等连接2个主语时,动词与第一个主语保持一致。
    • 例如:He, together with his friends, likes music.
    • He, as well as his friends, likes music.
  1. 不定代词作主语:
  • 某些不定代词总是单数,如everyone, someone, each, nobody,each of等。
    • 例如:Everyone is here.
  • 某些不定代词总是复数,如many, few, several,both of,some of等。
    • 例如:Many are invited.
  1. 集合名词:
  • 集合名词(如team, family, group等)作为单一单位时使用单数动词。
    • 例如:The team is winning.
  • 作为个体成员时使用复数动词。
    • 例如:The team are wearing their jerseys.
  1. 量词和主谓一致:
  • 当量词后面的名词是不可数名词时,用单数动词。
    • 例如:A lot of water is wasted.
  • 当量词后面的名词是可数名词时,用复数动词
    • 例如:A lot of students are attending.
  • 主语是“the number”(数量),动词用单数形式
    • 例如:The number of students is increasing.
  1. 形复意单:
  • 复数形式的名词短语,但意思上表示单一实体或单数意义
    • The news is disturbing.(news” 是复数形式,但意思上表示单一消息)
    • Physics is my favorite subject.
  • 表达时间、金钱、路程等名词做主语,谓语动词用单数形式
    • Ten years is a long time.
    • The duration of ten years is a long time.
    • 100 yuan is a lot of money for me.
    • Five miles seems a long journey.
  1. 形单意复:
  • 单数形式的名词短语,但意思上表示多个实体或复数意义
    • The committee are divided in their opinions.(“committee” 实际上指的是多个委员会成员)
    • The cattle are on the hill. (cattle这里指牛群)

3. 代词

3.1 指代人


3.2 指代物(指示代词)


  • 单数:this、that
  • 复数:these、those
    • I want this / these.
    • You buy me this / these.

3.3 相互代词


  • each other(彼此)
  • one another(彼此)
    • They love each other.
    • The team members help one another.

3.4 不定代词


3.5 关系代词


  • who
    • 用于指代人。
      • 示例:The man who is speaking is my teacher.
  • whom
    • 用于指代人,通常在从句中作宾语。
      • 示例:The woman whom you met yesterday is my aunt.
  • whose
    • 用于表示所属关系,可以指代人或物。
      • 示例:The boy whose bike was stolen is crying.
  • which
    • 用于指代物、动物或事情。
      • 示例:The book which you lent me is very interesting.
  • that
    • 可以用于指代人、物、动物或事情,通常在限定性定语从句中使用。
      • 示例:The house that Jack built is very old.
  • as
    • 用于表示同样的人或物
      • She is a teacher, as is her husband(她是一名教师,她的丈夫也是)
    • 用于表示对等关系
      • He was late, as was to be expected.(他迟到了,这在预料之中)
    • 用于表示原因或理由
      • You can take my car, as yours is in the garage.(你可以用我的车,因为你的车在车库里)
    • 用于强调相同的程度或方式
      • She sings as beautifully as a bird.(她唱歌的美妙程度像鸟一样)

3.6 疑问代词

问代词(Interrogative Pronouns)用于引导疑问句,用来提出问题或询问特定信息。主要的疑问代词包括:who, whom, whose, which, 和 what

  • Who:询问有关人的信息(主语)。
    • Who is that?(那是谁?)
    • Who called you last night?(昨晚谁给你打电话了?)
  • Whom:询问人(宾语),在口语中,whom 的使用越来越少,常常被 who 取代
    • Whom did you see?
    • Whom are you talking about?(你在谈论谁?)
  • Whose:询问所有权。
    • Whose book is this?(这是谁的书?)
    • Whose car is parked outside?(外面停的车是谁的?)
  • Which:询问特定选择。
    • Which color do you prefer, red or blue?(你更喜欢哪种颜色,红色还是蓝色?)
    • Which of these books is yours?(这些书中哪一本是你的?)
  • What:询问广泛选择或不确定信息。
    • What is your name?(你叫什么名字?)
    • What are you doing?(你在做什么?)

4. 冠词

冠词(Articles)用来限定名词。分为:定冠词(Definite Article)、不定冠词(Indefinite Article)和零冠词(Zero Article)。

4.1 定冠词 the


  • 当名词是特指的
    • The book on the table is mine.(桌子上的那本书是我的)
  • 当名词有后置定语修饰
    • The man who is wearing a blue shirt is my brother.(那个穿蓝色衬衫的男人是我哥哥)
  • 当名词是唯一的(如天体、海洋、河流等)
    • The sun rises in the east.(太阳从东方升起)
  • 用于指代前文提到的事物
    • I saw a dog. The dog was very cute.
  • 用于表示某类事物的代表
    • The computer has revolutionized the way we work.(the computer 代表所有计算机)
  • 用于某些固定表达
    • The more you learn, the more you earn.(the 用于比较级)
  • The + 序数词 + 名词(通常用于指特定的顺序、排名、日期或时间。所描述的事物具有特定性和唯一性)
    • The third chapter of the book is the most interesting.
    • The first of January is New Year’s Day.
  • The+形容词:表一类人/物
    • The elderly need special care.(the elderly 指的是老年人群体)

4.2 不定冠词(Indefinite Article)a/an

用于指不特定的人或事物。使用 a 还是 an 取决于后面单词的发音,a 用于辅音音素开头的单词,an 用于元音音素开头的单词。

  • 通常指代的某物或某人是第一次出现
    • I saw a cat in the garden.(我在花园里看到了一只猫)
  • 属于某个类别时使用。
    • She is an engineer.(她是一名工程师)
  • 用于表示不特定的单个事物
    • Can I have an apple?(不特指哪一个苹果,只是想要一个苹果)
  • 用于泛指任何一个
    • A student should always do their homework.(泛指任何一个学生)
  • 用于表示某种类型的东西
    • He has a good sense of humor.(表示一种类型的品质)
  • 用于表数量的一个
    • There is a book on the table.
  • 用于某些固定表达
    • Once in a while, we go out for dinner.
    • It’s an honor to meet you.
    • She is such a kind person.
    • have a cold 、have a meal 、have a good time、have a rest、have a swim

4.3 零冠词

零冠词 是指在某些情况下,名词前面不使用冠词。

  • 季节、月份、星期、日期、节假日:
    • Summer is my favorite season.
    • We met in April.
    • I have classes on Monday.
    • We celebrate Christmas on December 25th.
  • 称呼、头衔、地位、国家、人名、抽象名词:
    • Doctor Smith will see you now.
    • She’s from France.
    • Love is a beautiful feeling.
  • 不可数名词:
    • I need water.
    • Can you pass me some advice?
  • 复数可数名词表示泛指时:
    • Dogs are loyal animals.
    • Books are my passion.
  • 三餐、球类、学科、象棋:
    • He enjoys playing football.
    • She’s studying biology.
    • Let’s play chess.
  • 交通工具前使用 by:
    • I go to work by bus.
    • She travels to Europe by plane.

go to church:指去教堂做礼拜。

  • She goes to church every Sunday.(她每个星期天去教堂)

go to the church:指去某个特定的教堂。

  • They went to the church to attend the wedding.(他们去教堂参加婚礼)

go to school:指去学校上学。

  • Children go to school in the morning.(孩子们早上去上学)

go to the school:指去某个特定的学校。

  • He went to the school to pick up his children.(他去学校接他的孩子们)

stay in hospital:指在医院住院治疗。

  • She stayed in hospital for a week after the accident.(她在事故后住院治疗了一周)

stay in the hospital:指呆在医院的某个地方,可能不一定是住院。

  • He will stay in the hospital until his wife recovers.(他会一直呆在医院直到他妻子康复)

5. 动词


5.1 动词后缀

  • -en/en:使成为,引起,使有
  • -ize:…使,化;
  • -ify:…化

规则:adj./n.+(e)n → v. (e 结尾+n)

  • quick → quicken
  • short → shorten
  • sweet → sweeten
  • strength → strengthen

规则:(e)n+ adj./n. → v.

  • courage → encourage
  • large → enlarge
  • rich → enrich
  • sure → ensure

规则:adj./n.+ize → v. (e结尾去e; y 结尾,变y 为i)

  • memory → memorize
  • apology → apologize
  • special → specialize
  • standard → standardize

规则:adj.+ify → v. (有e去e)

  • pure(adj.)纯的 → purify 提纯
  • simple(adj.)→simplify 使简化
  • quality(n.)→ qualify 取得资格(或学历)
  • clarity (n.)明确;清楚→ clarify 澄清

6. 形容词


6.1 形容词后缀

  • -able / -ible:表示“可以的”,“有能力的”或“适合于”的意思。
  • -ive:表示“有⋯力的”,“与⋯有关的”。
  • -y:表示“有⋯特征的”,“包含⋯的”。
  • -ous / -ful:表示“充满⋯的”或“具有⋯特征的”。
  • -ed:表示“感到⋯的”。
  • -ing:表示“令人感到⋯的”。

(1)规则:v./n. +able → adj. (有e 去e,部分不去e)

  • reason n.→ reasonable 合理的;
  • desire v./n. → desirable 向往的;可取的;
  • unbelieve v. → unbelievable adj.不可信的,不真实的

(2)规则:v./ n.+ible →adj. (有e 去e)

  • sense → sensible 明智的;
  • convert v. → convertible(可转换的)
  • access n. → accessible(可访问的)

规则:v./n.+ive →adj.(有e 去e)

  • attract v. → attractive 有吸引力的
  • effect → effective 有效力的
  • create → creative 有创造力的
  • communicate → communicative 乐意沟通的;有语言交际能力的
  • talk → talkative 健谈的
    规则:n.+ y → adj. (有e 去e;单辅音字母结尾双写)
  • ice → icy 冰冷的
  • luck → lucky 幸运的;
  • juice → juicy 多汁的;
  • fog → foggy 有雾的
  • health -> healthy 健康的
-ous / -ful

(1)规则:n./v.+ful→adj. (y 结尾,变y 为i)

  • help → helpful 有帮助的
  • harm → harmful 有害的
  • delight → delightful 令人愉快的;

(2)规则:n.+ous→ adj. ( y 结尾,变y 为i)

  • danger → dangerous 有危险的
  • envy → envious 羡慕的;


  • bored(感到无聊的):I feel bored after watching the movie.(看完电影后我感到无聊)
  • excited(感到兴奋的):She is excited about her new job.(她对新工作感到兴奋)
  • surprised(感到惊讶的):He was surprised by the unexpected gift.(他对这个意外的礼物感到惊讶)
  • interested(感兴趣的):I am interested in the game.(我对游戏感兴趣)


  • boring(令人感到无聊的):The lecture was so boring that I almost fell asleep.(讲座非常无聊,我几乎要睡着了)
  • exciting(令人兴奋的):The new roller coaster is very exciting.(新的过山车非常令人兴奋)
  • surprising(令人惊讶的):The results of the experiment were surprising.(实验结果令人惊讶)
  • interesting(令人感兴趣的):The game is interesting.(游戏很有趣)
  • astonishing(令人吃惊的):The small boy’s ability to absorb information was astonishing(这个小男孩掌握信息的能力令人吃惊)

6.2 形容词出现的位置

  • a、an、the+(形容词)+后面有名词
    • a beautiful flower(一朵美丽的花)
  • the+more/most+ (形容词)
    • the taller person
    • the most interesting book
  • be动词的后面
    • The sky is blue
    • She feels happy

7. 副词


7.1 副词分类

  • -ly结尾的副词:quickly,happily,easily
  • 不以-ly结尾的副词:fast,hard,well
  • 与形容词形式相同的副词:late,early,daily
  • 表示程度的副词:very,quite,too
  • 疑问副词:how,when,where
  • 时间副词:now,then,yesterday
  • 频率副词:always,often,never

7.2 形容词变副词的规律

(1)基本规则:形容词 + ly → 副词

  • quick → quickly(快速地)
    • She runs quickly.(她跑得很快)
  • happy → happily(快乐地)
    • They lived happily ever after.(他们从此过上了幸福的生活)
  • easy → easily(容易地)
    • He solved the problem easily.(他轻松地解决了这个问题)


  • happy → happily(快乐地)
    • She smiled happily.(她高兴地笑了)
  • angry → angrily(生气地)
    • He shouted angrily.(他生气地喊道)


  • gentle → gently(温柔地)
    • She touched the baby gently.(她轻轻地摸了摸宝宝)
  • Simple → Simply(简单地)
    • She explained it simply.(她简单地解释了)
  • Terrible → Terribly(可怕地)
    • He sang terribly.(他唱得很糟糕)
  • Comfortable → Comfortably(舒适地)
    • She sat comfortably in the chair.(她舒适地坐在椅子上)
  • Responsible → Responsibly(负责任地)
    • He acted responsibly.(他表现得很负责任)
  • Probable → Probably(很可能地)
    • She will probably come.(她很可能会来)


  • basic → basically(基本上)
    • Basically, the idea is sound.(基本上,这个想法是可行的)
  • tragic → tragically(悲惨地)
    • He died tragically in an accident.(他在一场事故中悲惨地去世了)

(5)以辅音字母加“e”结尾: 直接加“ly”

  • Safe -> Safely
    • The children crossed the street safely with the help of the crossing guard.(在过街护卫的帮助下,孩子们安全地过了马路)
  • Terrible -> Terribly
    • She felt terribly sorry for missing the meeting.(她因错过会议感到非常抱歉)
  • Complete -> Completely
    • He was completely exhausted after running the marathon.(跑完马拉松后,他完全筋疲力尽了)

8. 介词

介词(Preposition)是一种用来表示名词、代词或名词短语与句子中其他词语之间关系的词。介词通常表示时间、地点、方向、原因、方式等关系。常见的介词包括 in、on、at、by、with、about、under、over、between 等。

  • The meeting will start at 3 PM. (会议将在下午3点开始)
  • She was born on June 5th. (她出生于6月5日)
  • We will go on vacation in August. (我们将在8月去度假)
    In 用于较长的时间段,如世纪、年代、年、季节和月份。
    On 用于具体的日期或日子。
    At 用于具体的时间点或时刻。
  • The cat is under the table. (猫在桌子下面)
  • They live in New York. (他们住在纽约)
  • She left her book on the desk. (她把书放在桌子上)
  • He walked to the store. (他走到商店)
  • She moved from London to Paris. (她从伦敦搬到了巴黎)
  • He was fined for speeding. (他因超速被罚款)
  • She apologized for being late. (她因迟到而道歉)
  • She wrote the letter with a pen. (她用钢笔写信)
  • They traveled by car. (他们开车旅行)

9. 连词


  • 并列连词:连接词与词、句与句
  • 从属连词:连接从句

9.1 并列连词

并列连词用于连接同等结构的词、短语或句子。主要的并列连词包括 and(和)、but(但是)、or(或者)、nor(也不)、for(因为)、so(所以)、yet(然而)等。

  • 词+并列连词+词

    • The cat and the dog are playing outside.(猫和狗在外面玩)
    • She bought apples, oranges, and bananas.(她买了苹果、橙子和香蕉)
  • 句子1+并列连词+句子2

    • I wanted to go for a walk, but it started raining.(我想去散步,但是开始下雨了)
    • She studied hard for the exam, so she passed with flying colors.(她为考试努力学习,因此顺利通过了)
    • We can go to the park or stay at home.(我们可以去公园,也可以待在家里)
    • I have finished my homework, and I am now watching TV.(我已经完成了作业,现在在看电视)

9.2 从属连词

从属连词用于连接主句和从句,从而构成复杂句。主要的从属连词包括 although(虽然)、because(因为)、if(如果)、when(当…时)、while(而)、since(因为,自…以来)等。

  • 连词 + 句子(从句),句子
    • Although it was raining, we went for a hike.(尽管下着雨,我们还是去爬山了)
    • Because she was tired, she went to bed early.(因为她很累,所以她早早上床睡觉了)
    • If you finish your work, you can join us for dinner.(如果你完成工作,你可以和我们一起吃晚餐)
      在条件句中,情态动词(如 can、may、might 等)可以用来表达将来的可能性或许可。即使这些情态动词本身处于现在时态,但它们的语境和用法可以指向未来的动作或状态。
  • 句子(主句)+ 连词 +句子(从句)
    • Harry is a boy who has magic powers.(哈利是一个有魔法能力的男孩)
    • The man who called you is waiting outside.(那个给你打电话的人正在外面等)
    • I will call you when I arrive.(当我到达时,我会给你打电话)
    • She didn’t come to the party because she was sick.(她没有来参加派对,因为她生病了)


2.1 一般现在时态

(1)基本形式:动词原形 do/does

  • he/she/it 作主语,要用动词第三人称单数形式, 动词第三人称单数形式变化规则:
    • 一般在动词后加 -s:
      • work → works
      • play → plays
    • 以 s, sh, ch, x 或 z 结尾的动词,加 -es:
      • pass → passes
      • watch → watches
    • 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词,变 y 为 i,再加 -es:
      • study → studies
      • try → tries
    • 以元音字母加 y 结尾的动词,直接加 -s:
      • play → plays
      • enjoy → enjoys


  • 表示现在,习惯性,经常性的动作或日常活动。
    • every day、often、usually、sometimes、always、never、seldom、rarely
      • I go to the gym every day.(我每天去健身房)
      • She often reads books before bed.(她常常在睡觉前读书)
  • 表示公认的事实真理和普遍现象
    • The sun rises in the east.(太阳从东方升起)
    • Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.(水在100摄氏度沸腾)
  • 用于时间、条件状语从句(主将从现)
    • when, as soon as= the moment, until
      • I will call you when he arrives.(他到达时我会打电话给你)
      • She will stay here until he comes back.(她会待在这里直到他回来)
      • As soon as she finishes her work, she will join us.
      • Julia will come to give you a hand the moment she finishes her homework.


  • 结构:am/is/are + 过去分词
  • 用法:用于描述一个在现在发生的被动动作,同样地,动作的承受者是句子的主语,执行者通常是未知或不重要的
    • The book is read by many people.(这本书被许多人阅读)
    • The cake is eaten every day.(这个蛋糕每天都被吃掉。
    • The house is cleaned by a cleaning service.(这栋房子由清洁公司打扫)


  • 结构:Do/Does + 主语 + 动词原形?
    • Do you like coffee?(你喜欢咖啡吗?)
    • Does she play the piano?(她弹钢琴吗?)


  • 结构:疑问词 + Do/Does + 主语 + 动词原形?
    • What do you like?(你喜欢什么?)
    • When does he go to school?(他什么时候上学?)

2.2 一般过去式时态


  • 动词过去式(规则动词在原形后加 -ed,不规则动词则有特定的过去式形式)
    规则动词:在动词原形后加 -ed。

    • walk → walked
    • play → played
    • go → went
    • have → had
    • see → saw
    • buy → bought
  • 否定句和疑问句使用助动词 did + 动词原形。
    否定句:主语 + did not (didn’t) + 动词原形。

    • She did not (didn’t) go to the party.(她没有去参加派对)
    • They did not (didn’t) finish their homework.(他们没有完成作业)
      疑问句:Did + 主语 + 动词原形?
    • Did you see that movie?(你看了那部电影吗?)
    • Did he call you yesterday?(他昨天给你打电话了吗?)


  • ago(以前)
  • once upon a time(从前,很久很久以前)
  • yesterday(昨天)/the day before yesterday(前天)
  • last week/year/night/month…(上周/去年/昨晚/上个月)
  • in 1989
  • just now(刚才)…
    • I went to the beach two days ago.(两天前我去了海滩)
    • Once upon a time, there was a brave knight.(从前有一位勇敢的骑士)
    • They had a big party last night.(他们昨晚举办了一个大派对)
    • He moved to this city in 1989.(他1989年搬到了这座城市)
    • I saw him just now.(我刚才看到了他)


  • 结构:was/were + 过去分词
  • 用法:用于描述在过去某个时间点发生的被动动作,即动作的承受者是句子的主语,而执行者通常是未知或不重要的。
    • The book was written by the famous author.(这本书是由那位著名的作家写的)
    • The cake was eaten by the children.(蛋糕被孩子们吃掉了)
    • The house was built in 1990.(这栋房子建于1990年)


  • 结构:Did + 主语 + 动词原形?
    • Did you see the movie?(你看了那部电影吗?)
    • Did they finish the project?(他们完成那个项目了吗?)


  • 结构:疑问词 + Did + 主语 + 动词原形?
    • Where did you go yesterday?(你昨天去哪了?)
    • Why did she leave early?(她为什么提前离开?)

2.3 现在进行时态

(1)基本形式: am/is/are + 动词现在分词(动词-ing形式)

  • 用法:用于描述现在正在进行的动作,或是当前一段时间内正在发生的情况。
    • I am reading a book.(我正在读一本书)
    • She is talking on the phone.(她正在打电话)
    • They are playing soccer.(他们正在踢足球)


  • 表示说话时正在进行的动作:now /right now;at the moment;listen/look
    • I am watching TV now.(我现在正在看电视)
    • He is working on a new project at the moment(他目前正在做一个新项目)
    • Listen! Someone is singing outside.(听!有人在外面唱歌)
    • Look! The kids are playing in the park.(看!孩子们在公园里玩耍)
  • 表示现阶段一直在进行的动作:these days, recently, lately(最近), constantly(不断地)
    • She is studying a lot these days.(她最近一直在学习很多)
    • He is constantly asking questions.(他一直在不断地提问)

(3)被动形式:Am/Is/Are + being + 过去分词

  • 用法:用于描述正在进行的被动动作,即动作的承受者正在被处理或对其进行的过程。
    • The report is being written by the team.(报告正在由团队撰写)
    • The house is being painted at the moment.(房子此刻正在被粉刷)
    • The food is being prepared by the chef.(食物正在由厨师准备)


  • 结构:Am/Is/Are + 主语 + 动词现在分词?
    • Are you reading a book?(你在读书吗?)
    • Is she talking on the phone?(她在打电话吗?)
    • Are they playing soccer?(他们在踢足球吗?)


  • 结构:疑问词 + Am/Is/Are + 主语 + 动词现在分词?
    • What are you doing?(你在做什么?)
    • Where is he going?(他要去哪里?)
    • Why are they laughing?(他们为什么在笑?)

2.4 现在完成时态


  • have 用于主语是 I, you, we, they 或复数名词。
  • has 用于主语是 he, she, it 或单数名词。


  • 表示过去发生的动作对现在的影响
    • 例句:She has lost her keys.(她把钥匙弄丢了。——现在还没找到)
  • 表示从过去某时开始持续到现在的动作或状态
    • 例句:They have lived here for ten years.(他们在这里住了十年)
  • 表示过去某一时间到现在这段时间内反复发生的动作
    • 例句:I have visited this museum several times.(我参观过这座博物馆好几次)


  • already / yet(已经):用于表示动作已经完成或尚未完成。
    • She has already finished her homework.(她已经完成了作业)
    • Have you finished your homework yet?(你完成作业了吗?)
  • since(自从):用于表示动作或状态从过去某一时间开始并持续到现在。
    • I have known him since 2010.(我自2010年以来就认识他)
  • for/in/over/during the past/last + 时间段(在过去的…时间里):用于表示一段时间内发生的动作或状态。
    • They have worked here for the past three years.(他们在过去的三年里一直在这里工作)
    • We have seen many changes over the last decade.(在过去的十年里,我们见证了许多变化)
  • so far / up to now / till now / by now(至今):用于表示从过去到现在的某个动作或状态。
    • So far, we have completed half of the project.(到目前为止,我们已经完成了项目的一半)
  • It is the + 序数词 + 句子(第几次做某事):用于强调某事发生的次数。
    • It is the second time she has visited this place.(这是她第二次来这个地方)


  • 结构:has/have + been + 过去分词
  • 时态:现在完成被动语态
  • 用法:用于表示一个动作已经完成并且这个动作的结果影响到现在。强调的是动作的完成状态,而不是动作的执行者。
    • The work has been done.(工作已经完成了)
    • The letter has been sent.(信已经被寄出了)
    • The house has been painted.(房子已经被粉刷好了)


  • 结构:Have/Has + 主语 + 过去分词?
    • Have you finished your homework?(你完成作业了吗?)
    • Has he ever been to Japan?(他去过日本吗?)


  • 结构:疑问词 + Have/Has + 主语 + 过去分词?
    • What have you done?(你做了什么?)
    • How long has she lived here?(她在这里住了多久了?)

2.5 现在完成进行时态

(1)基本形式:has/have + been + 动词的现在分词

  • 时态:现在完成进行时
  • 用法:用于表示一个动作从过去某个时间开始并且一直持续到现在,可能还会继续。强调的是动作的持续性和反复性。
    • She has been reading for two hours.(她已经读了两个小时的书了)
    • They have been working on this project since last month.(他们自上个月以来一直在做这个项目)
    • He has been waiting for you all day.(他已经等了你一整天了)


  • 结构:Have/Has + 主语 + been + 动词现在分词?
    • Have you been studying?(你一直在学习吗?)
    • Has he been working here long?(他在这里工作很久了吗?)


  • 结构:疑问词 + Have/Has + 主语 + been + 动词现在分词?
    • What have you been doing?(你一直在做什么?)
    • How long has she been waiting?(她等了多久了?)

2.6 过去完成时态

(1)基本形式:had + 过去分词(done)

  • 用法:用于表示一个在过去某一时间点之前已经完成的动作,通常这个动作对过去的某一时刻或事件产生了影响。
    • 表示在过去某个时间点之前已经完成的动作
      • She had left before he arrived.(在他到达之前,她已经离开了)
    • 表示过去的过去,即两个过去动作中,较早发生的一个动作
      • By the time we got to the station, the train had left.(当我们到达车站时,火车已经离开了)


  • by the time(到……时):与其他过去时态连用
    • By the time he was ten, he had read hundreds of books.(到他十岁时,他已经读了数百本书)
  • before(在……之前):单个动作发生在过去的过去
    • I had finished my homework before dinner.(晚饭前我已经完成了作业)
    • She had lived in Paris before she moved to London.(她搬到伦敦之前住在巴黎)
  • after(在……之后)
    • After they had completed the project, they celebrated with a party.(完成项目后,他们举办了一个派对庆祝)
  • when(当……时):多个动作中较早的一个
    • When we arrived at the cinema, the movie had started.(当我们到达电影院时,电影已经开始了)
    • He had already eaten breakfast when I woke up.(我醒来时,他已经吃过早餐了)
  • already(已经):用于表示在某个过去时间点之前已经完成的动作
    • They had already left by the time I arrived.(我到的时候,他们已经离开了)
  • just(刚刚):表示动作刚刚在过去某个时间点之前完成。
    • She had just finished her work when I called her.(我打电话给她的时候,她刚刚完成工作)


  • 结构:Had + 主语 + 过去分词?
    • Had you finished the report before the meeting?(在会议之前你完成报告了吗?)
    • Had they already left when you arrived?(你到达时他们已经离开了吗?)


  • 结构:疑问词 + Had + 主语 + 过去分词?
    • Where had you been before you moved here?(在搬到这里之前你在哪?)
    • Why had she gone home early?(她为什么早早回家了?)

2.7 一般将来时

(1)基本形式 : shall/will/ be going to + do(动词原形)

  • 用法:一般将来时用于表示未来发生的动作或状态。它有几种常见的构成形式:
    • I will visit my grandparents next week.(我下周会去拜访我的祖父母)
    • She will call you tomorrow.(她明天会给你打电话)
    • I shall help you with your homework.(我将帮助你做作业)
    • We shall go to the beach this summer.(我们这个夏天要去海滩)
    • They are going to travel to Japan next year.(他们明年打算去日本旅行)
    • It’s cloudy, so it is going to rain soon.(天阴了,所以很快会下雨)


  • tomorrow(明天)
    • I will start my new task tomorrow.(我明天开始我的新任务)
  • next +时间(下一个时间点,如 week, year, month)
    • We will move to a new house next month.(我们下个月要搬到新房子)
  • in+时间(在一段时间内,如 in a week, in five years)
    • She will return in a week.(她会在一周内回来)
  • in the future(在将来)
    • We will see many technological advancements in the future.(我们将在未来看到许多技术进步)


  • 结构:Will/Shall + 主语 + 动词原形?
    • Will you attend the meeting?(你会参加会议吗?)
    • Shall we go for a walk?(我们去散步好吗?)
    • Will they finish the project on time?(他们会按时完成项目吗?)


  • 结构:疑问词 + Will/Shall + 主语 + 动词原形?
    • What will you do tomorrow?(你明天会做什么?)
    • Where shall we meet?(我们在哪里见面?)
    • How will they solve the problem?(他们将如何解决这个问题?


  • 结构:Will/Shall + be + 过去分词(过去分词)
  • 用法:用于描述将来发生的被动动作,即动作的承受者在将来被处理或对其进行的情况。
    • The report will be reviewed by the manager next week.(报告下周将由经理审阅)
    • The cake will be baked by Sarah.(蛋糕将由莎拉烤制)
    • The new policy will be implemented in the coming months.(新政策将在未来几个月内实施)


3.1 五大基本句型



  • I come.
  • She runs.
  • They laughed.



  • He reads books.
  • We watched a movie.



  • She sent him a letter.(a letter是直接宾语)
  • They offered us help.(help是直接宾语)



  • You made me sad.(sad是宾语补主语)
  • They elected him president.(president是宾语补主语)


这一句型包含主语、系动词和表语。系动词(如 be, seem, feel, look 等)连接主语和表语,表语描述主语的状态或性质。

  • I feel bad.
  • She is happy.
  • The sky looks blue.


  • be动词类 am / is / are

    • I am a teacher.(我是一名老师)
    • She is happy.(她很开心)
    • They are students.(他们是学生)
  • “变得”类 get /become /turn /go /grow get:逐渐变成某种状态。

    • He got tired after the long run.(他在长跑后变得疲惫) become:正式或明显地变成某种状态。
    • She became a doctor last year.(她去年成为了一名医生) turn:变化为某种状态,常带有较明显的转变。
    • The leaves turn red in the fall.(秋天叶子变红) go:表示变化为某种状态,常用于负面变化。
    • He went mad after the accident.(事故后他变得疯狂) grow:表示逐渐变成某种状态,通常是自然过程。
    • She grew more confident over the years.(她在这些年里变得更加自信)
  • “起来”类 look /sound /smel /taste/feel look:看起来(主观印象)。

    • The cake looks delicious.(蛋糕看起来很好吃) sound:听起来(听觉印象)。
    • The music sounds wonderful.(音乐听起来很美妙) smell:闻起来(嗅觉印象)。
    • The flowers smell lovely.(这些花闻起来很香) taste:尝起来(味觉印象)。
    • The soup tastes too salty.(汤尝起来太咸了) feel:感觉(触觉或主观印象)。
    • The fabric feels soft.(这个布料摸起来很柔软)
  • “保持”类 keep /remain /stay keep:保持某种状态。

    • She kept her room clean.(她保持她的房间干净) remain:保持不变,仍然是某种状态。
    • He remained calm throughout the crisis.(他在危机中保持冷静) stay:维持在某种状态。
    • They stayed friends despite the distance.(尽管有距离,他们仍然保持朋友关系)

3.2 非谓语动词


  • v+ing(现在分词,v + -ing):可以作名词、形容词或副词,表示正在进行的动作或状态。
  • done(过去分词,v + ed 或 不规则形式):用于被动语态、形容词,表示完成的动作或状态。
  • to do(动词不定式,to+v):可以作名词、形容词或副词,表示目的、意图或修饰动作的性质或将要做的动作。

1. 现在分词


  • 动名词:作为名词使用,充当主语
    • Swimming is good for your health.(游泳对你的健康有益)
  • 形容词:修饰名词,表示动作正在进行或状态,充当定语
    • The running water is very cold.(流动的水非常冷)
  • 副词:表示动作发生的时间或方式,通常与主句并列,充当状语
    • She sat by the window, reading a book.(她坐在窗边,读着一本书)

2. 过去分词


  • 被动语态:作为被动语态的一部分,充当表语
    • The book was written by a famous author.(这本书是由一位著名作者写的)
  • 形容词:修饰名词,表示动作完成或状态,充当定语
    • The broken window needs to be fixed.(破碎的窗户需要修理)
  • 完成时态:与助动词一起形成完成时态
    • She has finished her homework.(她已经完成了作业)

3. 动词不定式


  • 名词:表示目的或意图,充当主语
    • To learn a new language is challenging.(学习一门新语言是具有挑战性的)
  • 形容词:修饰名词,表示目的或性质,充当后置定语
    • I have a lot of work to do.(我有很多工作要做)
  • 副词:表示目的、原因或结果,修饰动词,充当状语
    • She went to the store to buy some groceries.(她去商店买一些杂货)

4. 被动形式

  • being done:是现在分词形式的被动语态,用于描述一个正在进行的被动动作。它通常出现在进行时态中,并且可以作为名词、形容词或副词使用。

    • The houses being built now are very big. (现在正在建的房子很大)
  • to be done:用于表示将来的被动动作或目的。它通常用来说明一个动作的计划或意图。

    • The houses to be built next year will be very big. (明年将要建的房子将会很大)
  • done:用于完成时态和被动语态,描述一个已完成的被动动作。常用于简单过去时态、完成时态和被动语态中。

    • The houses built last year are very big. (去年建的那些房子很大)



  • 名词性从句 (Noun Clauses)
  • 形容词性从句 (Adjective Clauses / Relative Clauses)
  • 副词性从句 (Adverbial Clauses)

4.1 名词性从句 (Noun Clauses)


1. 主语从句 (Subject Clauses)

主语从句在句子中充当主语的位置。它们通常放在句首,描述主句的主语。通常由What、Whether 和 if 作为引导词

  • What you said is true.(你说的是真的)
  • Whether we will go to the concert depends on the weather.(我们是否去音乐会取决于天气)

2. 宾语从句 (Object Clauses)

宾语从句在句子中充当宾语的位置。它们通常跟在动词或介词后面,表示动词的动作或介词的意义。通常由What、Whether 、If、 What 、Who、Whom、Whose作为引导词

  • I don’t know if she will come.(我不知道她是否会来)
  • She said that she would help us.(她说她会帮助我们)
  • Tell me what you need.(告诉我你需要什么)
  • I know who will be the next president.(我知道谁将成为下任总统)

3. 表语从句 (Complement Clauses)

表语从句用于补充说明主句中的主语,通常由系动词(如 be)引导。表语从句在句中充当表语的位置。通常由What、that、Whether 作为引导词

  • The problem is that we don’t have enough time.(问题是我们没有足够的时间)
  • Her concern is whether we can finish the project on time.(她的担忧是我们是否能按时完成项目)
  • The problem is what we should do next.(问题是我们下一步该做什么)

4. 同位语从句 (Appositive Clauses)

同位语从句用来对主句中的名词进行进一步的说明或解释,通常放在名词后面,提供额外的信息。通常由 that 引导,偶尔也由 whether、if 作为引导词。

  • The fact that he was late surprised everyone.(他迟到的事实让大家都感到惊讶)
  • I heard the news that they are moving to a new house.(我听说他们要搬到新家去)
  • The question whether we should invest in the new project was discussed at the meeting.(会议上讨论了我们是否应该投资这个新项目的问题)
  • The issue if we can meet the deadline needs to be addressed immediately.(我们是否能赶上最后期限的问题需要立即解决)

4.2 形容词性从句 (Adjective Clauses / Relative Clauses)


  • 关系代词:who(谁),whom(谁),whose(谁的),which(哪个),that(那个)
  • 关系副词:where(哪里),when(什么时候),why(为什么)
    • The teacher who is wearing glasses is very strict.(那个戴眼镜的老师非常严格)
    • She is the one whom I admire the most.(她是我最敬佩的人)
    • The book that I borrowed from the library is very interesting.(我从图书馆借的那本书非常有趣)
    • This is the house where I grew up.(这就是我长大的房子)

4.3 副词性从句 (Adverbial Clauses)

副词性从句(Adverbial Clauses)在句子中通常充当状语,即状语从句,提供关于时间、地点、原因、目的、条件、方式、结果等方面的信息。它们修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,通常由从属连词引导,引导词有:

  • 时间:when(当…时)、while(当…时)、before(在…之前)、after(在…之后)、until(直到…)、as(当…时)、since(自从…以来)、as soon as(一…就…)、once(一旦)
  • 地点:where(哪里)、wherever(无论哪里)
  • 原因:because(因为)、since(因为,自…以来)、as(因为)
  • 目的:so that(以便)、in order that(为了)
  • 条件:if(如果)、unless(除非)、provided that(只要)、as long as(只要)
  • 方式:as(按照)、as if(好像)、as though(好像)
  • 结果:so…that(如此…以至于)、such…that(如此…以至于)
  • 让步:although(尽管)、though(尽管)、even though(即使)、while(尽管)
  • 比较:than(比)、as(如同)

1. 时间状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Time)

  • 引导词:when, while, as, before, after, since, until, as soon as, once,表示主句中动作发生的时间
  • I will call you when I arrive.(我到达时会给你打电话)
  • Before you leave, please lock the door.(在你离开之前,请锁门)
  • She was reading a book while waiting for the bus.(她在等公交车的时候在读书)
  • I will start cooking as soon as I get home.(我一到家就开始做饭)

2. 地点状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Place)

  • 引导词:where, wherever,是表示地点、方位的从句,置于句首、句中或句尾
  • She goes wherever she wants.(她想去哪儿就去哪儿)
  • Put the keys where you can easily find them.(把钥匙放在你容易找到的地方)
  • He can sleep wherever he wants.(他想在哪里睡就在哪里睡)

3. 原因状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Reason)

  • 引导词:because, since, as,用来说明主句原因的从句
  • She didn’t go to the party because she was sick.(她没有去参加聚会,因为她病了)
  • Since it’s your birthday, I’ll buy you a gift.(既然今天是你的生日,我会给你买个礼物)
  • As he was tired, he went to bed early.(因为他很累,所以他很早就上床了)

4. 目的状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Purpose)

  • 引导词:so that, in order that,用来表示主句中谓语动词发生的目的
  • He studied hard so that he could pass the exam.(他努力学习,为了通过考试)
  • She saved money so that she could travel around the world.(她存钱为了能环游世界)
  • He whispered in order that no one else could hear.(他低声说话,以便别人听不到)

5. 条件状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Condition)

  • 引导词:if, unless, provided that, as long as,表示主句动作发生条件的从句
  • If it rains, we will stay indoors.(如果下雨,我们就待在室内)
  • You can come with us if you want.(如果你想,你可以和我们一起来)
  • We won’t succeed unless we work together.(除非我们一起努力,否则我们不会成功)

6. 方式状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Manner)

  • 引导词:as, as if, as though,用于描述主句中动作或状态的方式或方法
  • She dances as if no one is watching.(她跳舞就像没有人在看一样)
  • Do it as I showed you.(按照我给你展示的方式做)
  • He looked as if he had seen a ghost.(他看起来好像见了鬼一样)

7. 结果状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Result)

  • 引导词:so…that, such…that,用来补充说明主句谓语动作发生的结果的从句
  • He was so tired that he couldn’t keep his eyes open.(他太累了,眼睛都睁不开)
  • The test was so difficult that no one passed.(考试太难了,没有人通过)
  • She spoke in such a low voice that we could hardly hear her.(她说话声音太低了,我们几乎听不见)

8. 让步状语从句(Adverbial Clauses of Concession)

  • 引导词:although, though, even though, while,其基本含义是“尽管……”、“即使……”。
  • Although it was raining, they went for a hike.(尽管在下雨,他们还是去徒步了)
  • Though it was late, he continued to work.(尽管已经很晚了,他仍然继续工作)
  • While he is very talented, he still practices every day.(尽管他很有才华,他仍然每天练习)

9. 比较状语从句(adverbial clause of Comparison)

  • 引导词:than、as,用于比较两个或多个事物、情况或状态
  • 主句 + 比较级 + than + 从句
    • She runs faster than I do.(她跑得比我快)
    • This book is more interesting than I expected.(这本书比我预期的有趣)
  • 主句 + as + 形容词/副词 + as + 从句
    • She is as tall as her brother.(她和她的哥哥一样高)
    • He can run as fast as I can.(他能跑得和我一样快)


