step 1
package com.example.demo;import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.Toast;
import;public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {private EditText Password; // 密码输入框private EditText User; // 用户名输入框private Button button; // 按钮// 验证输入的字符串是否只包含字母和下划线private boolean isValidInput(String s) {return s.matches("[a-zA-Z_]*"); // 正则表达式:只允许字母和下划线}@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle bundle0) {super.onCreate(bundle0);this.setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); // 设置活动布局,使用activity_main.xml作为布局文件// 初始化UI组件this.button = (Button)this.findViewById(; // 按钮this.User = (EditText)this.findViewById(; // 用户名输入框this.Password = (EditText)this.findViewById(; // 密码输入框// 设置按钮的点击事件监听器this.button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {@Overridepublic void onClick(View view0) {MakePath makePath0 = new MakePath(); // 创建MakePath对象,用于路径处理Round round0 = new Round(); // 创建Round对象,用于密码验证// 获取输入的用户名和密码String s = MainActivity.this.User.getText().toString(); // 获取用户名String s1 = MainActivity.this.Password.getText().toString(); // 获取密码// 检查用户名和密码是否合法if (MainActivity.this.isValidInput(s) && MainActivity.this.isValidInput(s1)) {// 如果用户名符合条件,继续处理密码验证if (makePath0.encodeToBase64(s).equals("c9m1bRmfY5Wk")) { // 检查用户名是否匹配已知的Base64编码值// 如果用户名匹配,再检查密码是否正确if (round0.round(makePath0.encode(MainActivity.this, s), s1)) {// 密码正确,显示成功消息Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "That's right! You have found it, the flag is D0g3xGC{" + s + s1 + "}", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();return;}// 密码错误,显示失败消息Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Wrong! Your password is incorrect", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();return;}// 用户名错误,显示失败消息Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Wrong! Your username is incorrect", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();return;}// 如果输入的用户名或密码无效,显示提示信息Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Invalid input! Only lowercase letters and uppercase letters and '_' are allowed.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();}});}
package com.example.demo;import android.content.Context;public class MakePath {// 定义一个字符数组,用于Base64编码的字符集private static final char[] BASE64_CHARS;static {// 初始化BASE64字符集,包括大写字母、小写字母、数字和 "+"、"/"MakePath.BASE64_CHARS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".toCharArray();}// Makebox 方法,接受一个字符串并生成一个整数数组// 该方法的功能是通过某种方式对传入字符串的每个字符进行操作public int[] Makebox(String s) {// 创建一个长度为0x400(1024)的整数数组int[] arr_v = new int[0x400];// 将整数0到0x3FF填充到数组的反向位置for (int v1 = 0; v1 < 0x400; ++v1) {arr_v[0x3FF - v1] = v1;}// 遍历数组并与字符串中的字符进行异或运算,生成新的数组// 这里通过对字符串每个字符的值与当前位置进行异或,得到一个加密后的结果for (int v = 0; v < 0x400; ++v) {arr_v[v] ^= s.charAt(v % s.length());}// 返回处理后的整数数组return arr_v;}// encode 方法,接受一个 Context 对象和一个字符串,并返回经过加密处理后的整数数组public int[] encode(Context context0, String s) {// 先将字符串进行 Base64 编码,再传递给 Makebox 方法生成加密数组return this.Makebox(this.encodeToBase64(s));}// encodeToBase64 方法,将输入字符串编码为 Base64 格式的字符串public String encodeToBase64(String s) {StringBuilder stringBuilder0 = new StringBuilder();// 将字符串转换为字节数组byte[] arr_b = s.getBytes();// 计算需要补充的字节数,使得字节数组长度是3的倍数int v = (3 - arr_b.length % 3) % 3;// 计算 Base64 编码后所需的总字节长度int v1 = arr_b.length + v;// 遍历字节数组,每三字节为一组,进行编码for (int v2 = 0; v2 < v1; v2 += 3) {// 组合三个字节为一个24位的整数int v3 = 0;for (int v4 = 0; v4 < 3; ++v4) {v3 <<= 8;int v5 = v2 + v4;if (v5 < arr_b.length) {v3 |= arr_b[v5] & 0xFF; // 将字节拼接成整数}}// 将24位整数分割成4个6位的部分,每部分对应一个 Base64 字符for (int v6 = 0; true; ++v6) {int v7 = 2;if (v6 >= 4) { // 每次循环最多生成4个Base64字符break;}if (v6 != 1) {v7 = v6 == 2 ? 1 : v6;}// 根据当前位的值生成Base64字符// 当处理的数据比原始数据少时,用 '=' 作为填充字符if (v2 * 8 / 6 + v6 < arr_b.length * 8 / 6 + v) {stringBuilder0.append(MakePath.BASE64_CHARS[v3 >> (3 - v7) * 6 & 0x3F]);} else {stringBuilder0.append('='); // 填充字符}}}// 返回最终的 Base64 编码字符串return stringBuilder0.toString();}
if (v6 != 1) {v7 = v6 == 2 ? 1 : v6;}
如果 v6 != 1 且 v6 = 2 , v7 = 6 ,否则 v7 = 1
class MakePath { private static char[] BASE64_CHARS; static { MakePath.BASE64_CHARS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".toCharArray(); } public static String encodeToBase64(String s) { StringBuilder stringBuilder0 = new StringBuilder(); byte[] arr_b = s.getBytes(); int v = (3 - arr_b.length % 3) % 3; int v1 = arr_b.length + v; for(int v2 = 0; v2 < v1; v2 += 3) { int v3 = 0; for(int v4 = 0; v4 < 3; ++v4) { v3 <<= 8; int v5 = v2 + v4; if(v5 < arr_b.length) { v3 |= arr_b[v5] & 0xFF; } } for(int v6 = 0; true; ++v6) { int v7 = 2; if(v6 >= 4) { break; } if(v6 != 1) { v7 = v6 == 2 ? 1 : v6; } if(v2 * 8 / 6 + v6 < arr_b.length * 8 / 6 + v) { stringBuilder0.append(MakePath.BASE64_CHARS[v3 >> (3 - v7) * 6 & 0x3F]); } else { stringBuilder0.append('='); } } } return stringBuilder0.toString(); }
} public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String input = "Hello World"; String encoded = MakePath.encodeToBase64(input); System.out.println("Encoded: " + encoded); }
Hello World
应该是 dGVz
不难看出来调换了每四字节的 1,2 位
step 2
round0.round(makePath0.encode(MainActivity.this, s), s1)
import java.util.Arrays; class MakePath { private static char[] BASE64_CHARS; static { MakePath.BASE64_CHARS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".toCharArray(); } public int[] Makebox(String s) { int[] arr_v = new int[0x400]; for(int v1 = 0; v1 < 0x400; ++v1) { arr_v[0x3FF - v1] = v1; } for(int v = 0; v < 0x400; ++v) { arr_v[v] ^= s.charAt(v % s.length()); } return arr_v; } public int[] encode(String s) { return this.Makebox(this.encodeToBase64(s)); } public String encodeToBase64(String s) { StringBuilder stringBuilder0 = new StringBuilder(); byte[] arr_b = s.getBytes(); int v = (3 - arr_b.length % 3) % 3; int v1 = arr_b.length + v; for(int v2 = 0; v2 < v1; v2 += 3) { int v3 = 0; for(int v4 = 0; v4 < 3; ++v4) { v3 <<= 8; int v5 = v2 + v4; if(v5 < arr_b.length) { v3 |= arr_b[v5] & 0xFF; } } for(int v6 = 0; true; ++v6) { int v7 = 2; if(v6 >= 4) { break; } if(v6 != 1) { v7 = v6 == 2 ? 1 : v6; } if(v2 * 8 / 6 + v6 < arr_b.length * 8 / 6 + v) { stringBuilder0.append(MakePath.BASE64_CHARS[v3 >> (3 - v7) * 6 & 0x3F]); } else { stringBuilder0.append('='); } } } return stringBuilder0.toString(); }
} public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] rarry; MakePath MakePath = new MakePath(); rarry = MakePath.encode("round_and"); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(rarry)); }
[924, 967, 912, 973, 921, 936, 916, 926, 942, 963, 930, 927, 912, 971, 924, 961, 909, 956, 896, 906, 946, 991, 958, 899, 900, 991, 904, 981, 897, 944, 908, 902, 902, 1003, 906, 951, 952, 995, 948, 1001, 949, 900, 952, 946, 906, 999, 902, 955, 940, 1015, 928, 1021, 937, 920, 932, 942, 926, 1011, 914, 943, 928, 1019, 940, 1009, 989, 1004, 976, 986, 994, 911, 1006, 979, 980, 911, 984, 901, 977, 992, 988, 982, 1014, 923, 1018, 967, 968, 915, 964, 921, 965, 1012, 968, 962, 1018, 919, 1014, 971, 1020, 935, 1008, 941, 1017, 968, 1012, 1022, 974, 931, 962, 1023, 1008, 939, 1020, 929, 1005, 988, 992, 1002, 978, 959, 990, 995, 996, 959, 1000, 949, 993, 976, 1004, 998, 806, 843, 810, 791, 792, 835, 788, 841, 789, 804, 792, 786, 810, 839, 806, 795, 780, 855, 768, 861, 777, 824, 772, 782, 830, 851, 818, 783, 768, 859, 780, 849, 829, 780, 816, 826, 770, 879, 782, 819, 820, 879, 824, 869, 817, 768, 828, 822, 790, 891, 794, 807, 808, 883, 804, 889, 805, 788, 808, 802, 794, 887, 790, 811, 860, 775, 848, 781, 857, 872, 852, 862, 878, 771, 866, 863, 848, 779, 860, 769, 845, 892, 832, 842, 882, 799, 894, 835, 836, 799, 840, 789, 833, 880, 844, 838, 838, 811, 842, 887, 888, 803, 884, 809, 885, 836, 888, 882, 842, 807, 838, 891, 876, 823, 864, 829, 873, 856, 868, 878, 862, 819, 850, 879, 864, 827, 876, 817, 669, 684, 656, 666, 674, 719, 686, 659, 660, 719, 664, 709, 657, 672, 668, 662, 694, 731, 698, 647, 648, 723, 644, 729, 645, 692, 648, 642, 698, 727, 694, 651, 700, 743, 688, 749, 697, 648, 692, 702, 654, 739, 642, 703, 688, 747, 700, 737, 685, 668, 672, 682, 658, 767, 670, 675, 676, 767, 680, 757, 673, 656, 684, 678, 742, 651, 746, 727, 728, 643, 724, 649, 725, 740, 728, 722, 746, 647, 742, 731, 716, 663, 704, 669, 713, 760, 708, 718, 766, 659, 754, 719, 704, 667, 716, 657, 765, 716, 752, 762, 706, 687, 718, 755, 756, 687, 760, 677, 753, 704, 764, 758, 726, 699, 730, 743, 744, 691, 740, 697, 741, 724, 744, 738, 730, 695, 726, 747, 540, 583, 528, 589, 537, 552, 532, 542, 558, 579, 546, 543, 528, 587, 540, 577, 525, 572, 512, 522, 562, 607, 574, 515, 516, 607, 520, 597, 513, 560, 524, 518, 518, 619, 522, 567, 568, 611, 564, 617, 565, 516, 568, 562, 522, 615, 518, 571, 556, 631, 544, 637, 553, 536, 548, 558, 542, 627, 530, 559, 544, 635, 556, 625, 605, 620, 592, 602, 610, 527, 622, 595, 596, 527, 600, 517, 593, 608, 604, 598, 630, 539, 634, 583, 584, 531, 580, 537, 581, 628, 584, 578, 634, 535, 630, 587, 636, 551, 624, 557, 633, 584, 628, 638, 590, 547, 578, 639, 624, 555, 636, 545, 621, 604, 608, 618, 594, 575, 606, 611, 612, 575, 616, 565, 609, 592, 620, 614, 422, 459, 426, 407, 408, 451, 404, 457, 405, 420, 408, 402, 426, 455, 422, 411, 396, 471, 384, 477, 393, 440, 388, 398, 446, 467, 434, 399, 384, 475, 396, 465, 445, 396, 432, 442, 386, 495, 398, 435, 436, 495, 440, 485, 433, 384, 444, 438, 406, 507, 410, 423, 424, 499, 420, 505, 421, 404, 424, 418, 410, 503, 406, 427, 476, 391, 464, 397, 473, 488, 468, 478, 494, 387, 482, 479, 464, 395, 476, 385, 461, 508, 448, 458, 498, 415, 510, 451, 452, 415, 456, 405, 449, 496, 460, 454, 454, 427, 458, 503, 504, 419, 500, 425, 501, 452, 504, 498, 458, 423, 454, 507, 492, 439, 480, 445, 489, 472, 484, 494, 478, 435, 466, 495, 480, 443, 492, 433, 285, 300, 272, 282, 290, 335, 302, 275, 276, 335, 280, 325, 273, 288, 284, 278, 310, 347, 314, 263, 264, 339, 260, 345, 261, 308, 264, 258, 314, 343, 310, 267, 316, 359, 304, 365, 313, 264, 308, 318, 270, 355, 258, 319, 304, 363, 316, 353, 301, 284, 288, 298, 274, 383, 286, 291, 292, 383, 296, 373, 289, 272, 300, 294, 358, 267, 362, 343, 344, 259, 340, 265, 341, 356, 344, 338, 362, 263, 358, 347, 332, 279, 320, 285, 329, 376, 324, 334, 382, 275, 370, 335, 320, 283, 332, 273, 381, 332, 368, 378, 322, 303, 334, 371, 372, 303, 376, 293, 369, 320, 380, 374, 342, 315, 346, 359, 360, 307, 356, 313, 357, 340, 360, 354, 346, 311, 342, 363, 156, 199, 144, 205, 153, 168, 148, 158, 174, 195, 162, 159, 144, 203, 156, 193, 141, 188, 128, 138, 178, 223, 190, 131, 132, 223, 136, 213, 129, 176, 140, 134, 134, 235, 138, 183, 184, 227, 180, 233, 181, 132, 184, 178, 138, 231, 134, 187, 172, 247, 160, 253, 169, 152, 164, 174, 158, 243, 146, 175, 160, 251, 172, 241, 221, 236, 208, 218, 226, 143, 238, 211, 212, 143, 216, 133, 209, 224, 220, 214, 246, 155, 250, 199, 200, 147, 196, 153, 197, 244, 200, 194, 250, 151, 246, 203, 252, 167, 240, 173, 249, 200, 244, 254, 206, 163, 194, 255, 240, 171, 252, 161, 237, 220, 224, 234, 210, 191, 222, 227, 228, 191, 232, 181, 225, 208, 236, 230, 38, 75, 42, 23, 24, 67, 20, 73, 21, 36, 24, 18, 42, 71, 38, 27, 12, 87, 0, 93, 9, 56, 4, 14, 62, 83, 50, 15, 0, 91, 12, 81, 61, 12, 48, 58, 2, 111, 14, 51, 52, 111, 56, 101, 49, 0, 60, 54, 22, 123, 26, 39, 40, 115, 36, 121, 37, 20, 40, 34, 26, 119, 22, 43, 92, 7, 80, 13, 89, 104, 84, 94, 110, 3, 98, 95, 80, 11, 92, 1, 77, 124, 64, 74, 114, 31, 126, 67, 68, 31, 72, 21, 65, 112, 76, 70, 70, 43, 74, 119, 120, 35, 116, 41, 117, 68, 120, 114, 74, 39, 70, 123, 108, 55, 96, 61, 105, 88, 100, 110, 94, 51, 82, 111, 96, 59, 108, 49]
step 5 逆向算法分析
int v1 = 33; // 初始化索引值为 33
// 遍历输入字符串的每个字符
for(int v2 = 0; v2 < s.length(); ++v2) { int v3 = s.charAt(v2); // 获取当前字符的 ASCII 值 // 对当前字符执行 32 次操作(可能是加密的一个步骤) for(int v4 = 0; v4 < 0x20; ++v4) { // 根据当前状态数组和字符值决定执行哪种操作 switch(((arr_v[v1] ^ v3) % 5 + 5) % 5) { case 0: { // 执行加法操作 round$Result0 = this.add(arr_v, v3, v1); break; } case 1: { // 执行减法操作 round$Result0 = this.sub(arr_v, v3, v1); break; } case 2: { // 执行异或操作 round$Result0 = this.xor(arr_v, v3, v1); break; } case 3: { // 执行左移操作 round$Result0 = this.shl(v3, v1); break; } case 4: { // 执行右移操作 round$Result0 = this.shr(v3, v1); break; } default: { // 默认情况下,不做任何操作 round$Result0 = new Result(v3, v1); } } // 更新字符值和索引值为操作后的结果 v3 = round$Result0.getNum(); v1 = round$Result0.getRip(); } // 将最终处理后的字符值存储到 arr_v1 数组中 arr_v1[v2] = v3;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List; class Round { public static class Result { private int num; private int rip; public Result(int v, int v1) { this.num = v; = v1; } public int getNum() { return this.num; } public int getRip() { return; } } public Result add(int[] arr_v, int v, int v1) { int v2 = ((v + arr_v[v1]) % 0x400 + 0x400) % 0x400; return new Result(v2, (v1 + v2) % 0x400); } public int[] round(int[] box, String s) { Result round$Result0; int input_len = s.length(); int[] out = new int[input_len]; int v1 = 33; for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) { int v3 = s.charAt(i); for(int v4 = 0; v4 < 0x20; ++v4) { switch(((box[v1] ^ v3) % 5 + 5) % 5) { case 0: { round$Result0 = this.add(box, v3, v1); break; } case 1: { round$Result0 = this.sub(box, v3, v1); break; } case 2: { round$Result0 = this.xor(box, v3, v1); break; } case 3: { round$Result0 = this.shl(v3, v1); break; } case 4: { round$Result0 = this.shr(v3, v1); break; } default: { round$Result0 = new Result(v3, v1); } } v3 = round$Result0.getNum(); v1 = round$Result0.getRip(); } out[i] = v3; } return out; } public Result shl(int v, int v1) { int v2 = (v >> 3) % 0x400; return new Result(v2, (v1 + v2) % 0x400); } public Result shr(int v, int v1) { int v2 = (v << 3) % 0x400; return new Result(v2, (v1 + v2) % 0x400); } public Result sub(int[] arr_v, int v, int v1) { int v2 = ((v - arr_v[v1]) % 0x400 + 0x400) % 0x400; return new Result(v2, (v1 + v2) % 0x400); } public Result xor(int[] arr_v, int v, int v1) { int v2 = (arr_v[v1] ^ v) % 0x400; return new Result(v2, (v1 + v2) % 0x400); }
} public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // Initialize the Round class Round round = new Round(); // Target values to match int[] end = {0x160, 646, 0x2F0, 882, 65, 0, 0x7A, 0, 0, 7, 350, 360}; // Assuming 'box' is not required or is used within Round.round appropriately int[] box = {924, 967, 912, 973, 921, 936, 916, 926, 942, 963, 930, 927, 912, 971, 924, 961, 909, 956, 896, 906, 946, 991, 958, 899, 900, 991, 904, 981, 897, 944, 908, 902, 902, 1003, 906, 951, 952, 995, 948, 1001, 949, 900, 952, 946, 906, 999, 902, 955, 940, 1015, 928, 1021, 937, 920, 932, 942, 926, 1011, 914, 943, 928, 1019, 940, 1009, 989, 1004, 976, 986, 994, 911, 1006, 979, 980, 911, 984, 901, 977, 992, 988, 982, 1014, 923, 1018, 967, 968, 915, 964, 921, 965, 1012, 968, 962, 1018, 919, 1014, 971, 1020, 935, 1008, 941, 1017, 968, 1012, 1022, 974, 931, 962, 1023, 1008, 939, 1020, 929, 1005, 988, 992, 1002, 978, 959, 990, 995, 996, 959, 1000, 949, 993, 976, 1004, 998, 806, 843, 810, 791, 792, 835, 788, 841, 789, 804, 792, 786, 810, 839, 806, 795, 780, 855, 768, 861, 777, 824, 772, 782, 830, 851, 818, 783, 768, 859, 780, 849, 829, 780, 816, 826, 770, 879, 782, 819, 820, 879, 824, 869, 817, 768, 828, 822, 790, 891, 794, 807, 808, 883, 804, 889, 805, 788, 808, 802, 794, 887, 790, 811, 860, 775, 848, 781, 857, 872, 852, 862, 878, 771, 866, 863, 848, 779, 860, 769, 845, 892, 832, 842, 882, 799, 894, 835, 836, 799, 840, 789, 833, 880, 844, 838, 838, 811, 842, 887, 888, 803, 884, 809, 885, 836, 888, 882, 842, 807, 838, 891, 876, 823, 864, 829, 873, 856, 868, 878, 862, 819, 850, 879, 864, 827, 876, 817, 669, 684, 656, 666, 674, 719, 686, 659, 660, 719, 664, 709, 657, 672, 668, 662, 694, 731, 698, 647, 648, 723, 644, 729, 645, 692, 648, 642, 698, 727, 694, 651, 700, 743, 688, 749, 697, 648, 692, 702, 654, 739, 642, 703, 688, 747, 700, 737, 685, 668, 672, 682, 658, 767, 670, 675, 676, 767, 680, 757, 673, 656, 684, 678, 742, 651, 746, 727, 728, 643, 724, 649, 725, 740, 728, 722, 746, 647, 742, 731, 716, 663, 704, 669, 713, 760, 708, 718, 766, 659, 754, 719, 704, 667, 716, 657, 765, 716, 752, 762, 706, 687, 718, 755, 756, 687, 760, 677, 753, 704, 764, 758, 726, 699, 730, 743, 744, 691, 740, 697, 741, 724, 744, 738, 730, 695, 726, 747, 540, 583, 528, 589, 537, 552, 532, 542, 558, 579, 546, 543, 528, 587, 540, 577, 525, 572, 512, 522, 562, 607, 574, 515, 516, 607, 520, 597, 513, 560, 524, 518, 518, 619, 522, 567, 568, 611, 564, 617, 565, 516, 568, 562, 522, 615, 518, 571, 556, 631, 544, 637, 553, 536, 548, 558, 542, 627, 530, 559, 544, 635, 556, 625, 605, 620, 592, 602, 610, 527, 622, 595, 596, 527, 600, 517, 593, 608, 604, 598, 630, 539, 634, 583, 584, 531, 580, 537, 581, 628, 584, 578, 634, 535, 630, 587, 636, 551, 624, 557, 633, 584, 628, 638, 590, 547, 578, 639, 624, 555, 636, 545, 621, 604, 608, 618, 594, 575, 606, 611, 612, 575, 616, 565, 609, 592, 620, 614, 422, 459, 426, 407, 408, 451, 404, 457, 405, 420, 408, 402, 426, 455, 422, 411, 396, 471, 384, 477, 393, 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54, 22, 123, 26, 39, 40, 115, 36, 121, 37, 20, 40, 34, 26, 119, 22, 43, 92, 7, 80, 13, 89, 104, 84, 94, 110, 3, 98, 95, 80, 11, 92, 1, 77, 124, 64, 74, 114, 31, 126, 67, 68, 31, 72, 21, 65, 112, 76, 70, 70, 43, 74, 119, 120, 35, 116, 41, 117, 68, 120, 114, 74, 39, 70, 123, 108, 55, 96, 61, 105, 88, 100, 110, 94, 51, 82, 111, 96, 59, 108, 49}; // StringBuilder to build the current string StringBuilder baseStr = new StringBuilder(); // List to store all valid results List<String> validResults = new ArrayList<>(); // Start the backtracking process System.out.println("Starting backtracking search..."); backtrack(round, box, baseStr, 0, end, validResults); // Output all valid results if (validResults.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("No valid character combinations found."); } else { System.out.println("Valid character combinations found:"); for (String result : validResults) { System.out.println(result); } } } /** * Backtrack function to generate and validate character combinations. * * @param round Instance of the Round class * @param box An array required by Round.round method * @param baseStr StringBuilder to accumulate characters * @param index Current index (depth) in the backtracking tree * @param end Target array to match * @param validResults List to store valid combinations */ public static void backtrack(Round round, int[] box, StringBuilder baseStr, int index, int[] end, List<String> validResults) { if (index == 12) { // Base case: Completed a 12-character string String candidate = baseStr.toString(); System.out.println("Attempting string: " + candidate); int[] ret = round.round(box, candidate); if (isValidResult(ret, end)) { System.out.println("Valid combination found: " + candidate); validResults.add(candidate); } else { System.out.println("Invalid combination: " + candidate); } return; } // Iterate through all printable ASCII characters for (int f = 32; f <= 126; f++) { char tmp = (char) f; // Current character to attempt baseStr.append(tmp); // Add character to the current string System.out.println("Selected character '" + tmp + "', current string: " + baseStr.toString()); // Compute 'ret' for the current partial string int[] ret = round.round(box, baseStr.toString()); // Check if the current 'ret' matches 'end' up to the current index if (isValidPartial(ret, end, index + 1)) { // If valid, proceed to the next character backtrack(round, box, baseStr, index + 1, end, validResults); } else { // If not valid, prune this path System.out.println("Pruning path: " + baseStr.toString()); } // Backtrack: Remove the last character and continue baseStr.deleteCharAt(baseStr.length() - 1); System.out.println("Backtracking, removed character '" + tmp + "', current string: " + baseStr.toString()); } } /** * Checks if the computed 'ret' array matches the 'end' array exactly. * * @param ret Computed array from Round.round * @param end Target array to match * @return true if all elements match; false otherwise */ public static boolean isValidResult(int[] ret, int[] end) { if (ret.length < end.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < end.length; i++) { if (ret[i] != end[i]) { return false; // Mismatch found } } return true; // All elements match } /** * Checks if the computed 'ret' array matches the 'end' array up to a certain index. * * @param ret Computed array from Round.round * @param end Target array to match * @param upto Number of elements to check (from start) * @return true if the first 'upto' elements match; false otherwise */ public static boolean isValidPartial(int[] ret, int[] end, int upto) { if (ret.length < upto) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < upto; i++) { if (ret[i] != end[i]) { return false; // Mismatch found in partial match } } return true; // Partial match is valid }
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "That\'s right! You have found it, the flag is D0g3xGC{" + s + s1 + "}", 1).show();