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sql实战解析-sum()over(partition by xx order by xx)

2025/2/24 19:11:31 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/m0_74823705/article/details/145285330  浏览:    关键词:sql实战解析-sum()over(partition by xx order by xx)

sum( c )over( partition by a order by b) 按照一定规则汇总c的值,具体规则为以a分组,每组内按照b进行排序,汇总第一行至当前行的c的加和值。

1、sum( )over( ) 对所有行进行求和
2、sum( )over( order by ) 按照order by 对应字段的顺序,进行累计求和,即第一行到当前行,默认order by 是升序排序(asc),也可以通过指定降序排序(desc)


with aa as
SELECT 1 a,1 b, 3 c  union all 
SELECT 2 a,2 b, 3 c  union all
SELECT 3 a,3 b, 3 c  union all
SELECT 4 a,4 b, 3 c  union all
SELECT 5 a,5 b, 3 c  union all
SELECT 6 a,5 b, 3 c  union all
SELECT 7 a,2 b, 3 c  union all
SELECT 8 a,2 b, 8 c  union all
SELECT 9 a,3 b, 3 c 
SELECT a,b,c,
sum(c) over(order by b) sum1,--有排序,求和当前行所在顺序号的C列所有值
sum(c) over() sum2--无排序,求和 C列所有值
from aa

3、sum( )over( partition by xx order by xx) 在 sum( )over( order by xx) 基础之上,增加一个分组动作,所有的计算都在分组内生效,即在每个分区内,进行sum( )over( order by xx) 的操作。

with aa as
SELECT 1 a,1 b, 3 c  union all 
SELECT 2 a,2 b, 3 c  union all
SELECT 3 a,3 b, 3 c  union all
SELECT 4 a,4 b, 3 c  union all
SELECT 5 a,5 b, 3 c  union all
SELECT 6 a,5 b, 3 c  union all
SELECT 7 a,2 b, 3 c  union all
SELECT 8 a,2 b, 8 c  union all
SELECT 9 a,3 b, 3 c 
SELECT a,b,c,
sum(c) over(partition by a order by b) sum3 --分组排序,求和当前行所在顺序号的C列所有值
from aa




