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MICCAI 2023 List of Papers

2024/10/23 12:39:57 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_36430012/article/details/140319510  浏览:    关键词:MICCAI 2023 List of Papers

MICCAI 2023 - Accepted Papers, Reviews, Author Feedback

List of Papers


• 3D Arterial Segmentation via Single 2D Projections and Depth Supervision in Contrast-Enhanced CT Images
• 3D Dental Mesh Segmentation Using Semantics-Based Feature Learning with Graph-Transformer
• 3D Medical Image Segmentation with Sparse Annotation via Cross-Teaching between 3D and 2D Networks
• 3D Mitochondria Instance Segmentation with Spatio-Temporal Transformers
• 3D Teeth Reconstruction from Panoramic Radiographs using Neural Implicit Functions
• A Closed-form Solution to Electromagnetic Sensor Based Intraoperative Limb Length Measurement in Total Hip Arthroplasty
• A Conditional Flow Variational Autoencoder for Controllable Synthesis of Virtual Populations of Anatomy
• A coupled-mechanisms modelling framework for neurodegeneration • A denoised Mean Teacher for domain adaptive point cloud registration
• A flexible framework for simulating and evaluating biases in deep learning-based medical image analysis
• A General Stitching Solution for Whole-Brain 3D Nuclei Instance Segmentation from Microscopy Images
• A Model-Agnostic Framework for Universal Anomaly Detection of Multi-Organ and
Multi-Modal Images
• A Modulatory Elongated Model for Delineating Retinal Microvasculature in OCTA Images
• A Motion Transformer for Single Particle Tracking in Fluorescence Microscopy Images
• A Multimodal Disease Progression Model for Genetic Associations with Disease Dynamics
• A Multi-Task Method for Immunofixation Electrophoresis Image Classification
• A Multi-Task Network for Anatomy Identification in Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery
• A Novel Multi-Task Model Imitating Dermatologists for Accurate Differential Diagnosis of Skin Diseases in Clinical Images
• A Novel Video-CTU Registration Method with Structural Point Similarity for FURS Navigation
• A One-class Variational Autoencoder (OCVAE) cascade for classifying atypical bone marrow cell sub-types
• A Patient-Specific Self-supervised Model for Automatic X-ray/CT Registration
• A Privacy-Preserving Walk in the Latent Space of Generative Models for Medical Applications
• A Reliable and Interpretable Framework of Multi-view Learning for Liver Fibrosis Staging
• A Semantic-guided and Knowledge-based Generative Framework for Orthodontic Visual Outcome Preview
• A Sheaf Theoretic Perspective for Robust Prostate Segmentation
• A Small-Sample Method with EEG Signals Based on Abductive Learning for Motor Imagery Decoding
• A Spatial-Temporal Deformable Attention based Framework for Breast Lesion Detection in Videos
• A Spatial-Temporally Adaptive PINN Framework for 3D Bi-Ventricular Electrophysiological Simulations and Parameter Inference
• A Style Transfer-based Augmentation Framework for Improving Segmentation and Classification Performance across Different Sources in Ultrasound Images
• A Texture Neural Network to Predict the Abnormal Brachial Plexus from Routine Magnetic Resonance Imaging
• A Transfer Learning Approach to Localise a Deep Brain Stimulation Target
• A Unified Deep-Learning-Based Framework for Cochlear Implant Electrode Array Localization
• A Video-based End-to-end Pipeline for Non-nutritive Sucking Action Recognition and Segmentation in Young Infants
• A2FSeg: Adaptive Multi-Modal Fusion Network for Medical Image Segmentation
• ACC-UNet: A Completely Convolutional UNet model for the 2020s
• Accurate and Robust Patient Height and Weight Estimation in Clinical Imaging using a Depth Camera
• Accurate multi-contrast MRI super-resolution via a dual cross-attention transformer network
• ACTION++: Improving Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation with Adaptive Anatomical Contrast
• ACT-Net:Anchor-context Action Detection in Surgery Videos
• Acute Ischemic Stroke Onset Time Classification with Dynamic Convolution and Perfusion Maps Fusion
• Adapter Learning in Pretrained Feature Extractor for Continual Learning of Diseases
• Adaptive Multi-scale Online Likelihood Network for AI-assisted Interactive Segmentation
• Adaptive Region Selection for Active Learning in Whole Slide Image Semantic Segmentation
• Adaptive Supervised PatchNCE Loss for Learning H&E-to-IHC Stain Translation with Inconsistent Groundtruth Image Pairs
• Additional Positive Enables Better Representation Learning for Medical Images
• Adjustable Robust Transformer for High Myopia Screening in Optical Coherence Tomography
• Adult-like Phase and Multi-scale Assistance for Isointense Infant Brain Tissue Segmentation
• AirwayFormer: Structure-Aware Boundary-Adaptive Transformers for Airway Anatomical Labeling
• Alias-Free Co-Modulated Network for Cross-Modality Synthesis and Super-Resolution of MR Images
• ALL-IN: A Local GLobal Graph-based DIstillatioN Model for Representation Learning of Gigapixel Histopathology Images With Application In Cancer Risk Assessment
• AMAE: Adaptation of Pre-Trained Masked Autoencoder for Dual-Distribution Anomaly Detection in Chest X-Rays
• AME-CAM: Attentive Multiple-Exit CAM for Weakly Supervised Segmentation on MRI Brain Tumor
• An AI-Ready Multiplex Staining Dataset for Reproducible and Accurate Characterization of Tumor Immune Microenvironment
• An Anti-Biased TBSRTC-Category Aware Nuclei Segmentation Framework with A Multi-Label Thyroid Cytology Benchmark
• An Auto-Encoder to Reconstruct Structure with Cryo-EM Images via Theoretically Guaranteed Isometric Latent Space, and its Application for Automatically Computing the Conformational Pathway
• An automated pipeline for quantitative T2* fetal body MRI and segmentation at low field
• An Explainable Deep Framework: Towards Task-Specific Fusion for Multi-to-One MRI Synthesis
• An Explainable Geometric-Weighted Graph Attention Network for Identifying Functional Networks Associated with Gait Impairment
• An Interpretable and Attention-based Method for Gaze Estimation Using Electroencephalography
• An Unsupervised
Multispectral Image Registration Network for Skin Diseases • Analysis
of Suture Force Simulations for Optimal Orientation of Rhomboid Skin
Flaps • Anatomical Landmark Detection Using a Multiresolution Learning
Approach with a Hybrid Transformer-CNN Model • Anatomical-aware
Point-Voxel Network for Couinaud Segmentation in Liver CT •
Anatomy-Driven Pathology Detection on Chest X-rays • Anatomy-informed
Data Augmentation for Enhanced Prostate Cancer Detection • Aneurysm
Pose Estimation with Deep Learning • AngioMoCo: Learning-based Motion
Correction in Cerebral Digital Subtraction Angiography • Annotator
Consensus Prediction for Medical Image Segmentation with Diffusion
Models • Anti-Adversarial Consistency Regularization for Data
Augmentation: Applications to Robust Medical Image Segmentation •
AR2T: Advanced Realistic Rendering Technique for Biomedical Volumes •
Ariadne’s Thread: Using Text Prompts to Improve Segmentation of
Infected Areas from Chest X-ray images • ArSDM: Colonoscopy Images
Synthesis with Adaptive Refinement Semantic Diffusion Models •
Artifact Restoration in Histology Images with Diffusion Probabilistic
Models • ASC: Appearance and Structure Consistency for Unsupervised
Domain Adaptation in Fetal Brain MRI Segmentation • ASCON:
Anatomy-aware Supervised Contrastive Learning Framework for Low-dose
CT Denoising • Assignment Theory-Augmented Neural Network for Dental
Arch Labeling • Asymmetric Contour Uncertainty Estimation for Medical
Image Segmentation • Attentive Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis for
Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease using Multimodal Imaging Genetics •
atTRACTive: Semi-automatic white matter tract segmentation using
active learning • AUA-dE: An adaptive uncertainty guided attention for
diffusion MRI models estimation • Automated CT Lung Cancer Screening
Workflow using 3D Camera • Automatic Bleeding Risk Rating System of
Gastric Varices • Automatic Retrieval of Corresponding US Views in
Longitudinal Examinations • Automatic Segmentation of Internal Tooth
Structure from CBCT Images using Hierarchical Deep Learning •
Automatic Surgical Reconstruction for Orbital Blow-out Fracture via
Symmetric Prior Anatomical Knowledge-Guided Adversarial Generative
Network • B-Cos Aligned Transformers Learn Human-Interpretable
Features • BerDiff: Conditional Bernoulli Diffusion Model for Medical
Image Segmentation • Beyond the Snapshot: Brain Tokenized Graph
Transformer for Longitudinal Brain Functional Connectome Embedding •
Bidirectional Mapping with Contrastive Learning on Multimodal
Neuroimaging Data • BigFUSE: Global Context-Aware Image Fusion in
Dual-View Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy with Image Formation
Prior • Black-box Domain Adaptative Cell Segmentation via Multi-source
Distillation • Boosting Breast Ultrasound Video Classification by the
Guidance of Keyframe Feature Centers • Boundary Difference Over Union
Loss For Medical Image Segmentation • Boundary-weighted logit
consistency improves calibration of segmentation networks • Brain
Anatomy-Guided MRI Analysis for Assessing Clinical Progression of
Cognitive Impairment with Structural MRI • BrainUSL: Unsupervised
Graph Structure Learning for Functional Brain Network Analysis •
Breast Ultrasound Tumor Classification Using a Hybrid Multitask
CNN-Transformer Network • Bridging ex-vivo training and
intra-operative deployment for surgical margin assessment with
Evidential Graph Transformer • Building A Bridge: Close The Domain Gap
in CT Metal Artifact Reduction • Can point cloud networks learn
statistical shape models of anatomies? • CARL: Cross-aligned
Representation Learning for Multi-view Lung Cancer Histology
Classification • Cascade Transformer Encoded Boundary-Aware
Multibranch Fusion Networks for Real-Time and Accurate Colonoscopic
Lesion Segmentation • CAS-Net: Cross-view Aligned Segmentation by
Graph Representation of Knees • Category-independent Visual
Explanation for Medical Deep Network Understanding • Category-level
Regularized Unlabeled-to-labeled Learning for Semi-supervised Prostate
Segmentation with Multi-site Unlabeled Data • CAT-ViL: Co-Attention
Gated Vision-Language Embedding for Visual Question
Localized-Answering in Robotic Surgery • CDiffMR: Can We Replace the
Gaussian Noise with K-Space Undersampling for Fast MRI? • CellGAN:
Conditional Cervical Cell Synthesis for Augmenting Cytopathological
Image Classification • CenterlinePointNet++: A new point cloud based
architecture for coronary artery pressure drop and vFFR estimation •
Centroid-aware feature recalibration for cancer grading in pathology
images • Certification of Deep Learning Models for Medical Image
Segmentation • Chest X-ray Image Classification: A Causal Perspective
• CheXstray: A Real-Time Multi-Modal Monitoring Workflow for Medical
Imaging AI • CircleFormer: Circular Nuclei Detection in Whole Slide
Images with Circle Queries and Attention • CL-ADDA: Contrastive
Learning with Amplitude-Driven Data Augmentation for fMRI-Based
Individualized Predictions • Class Specific Feature Disentanglement
And Text Embeddings For Multi-Label Generalized Zero Shot CXR
Classification • Class-Aware Feature Alignment for Domain Adaptative
Mitochondria Segmentation • Client-Level Differential Privacy via
Adaptive Intermediary in Federated Medical Imaging • Clinical
Evaluation of AI-assisted Virtual Contrast Enhanced MRI in Primary
Gross Tumor Volume Delineation for Radiotherapy of Nasopharyngeal
Carcinoma • CLIP-Lung: Textual Knowledge-Guided Lung Nodule Malignancy
Prediction • Cluster-Induced Mask Transformers for Effective
Opportunistic Gastric Cancer Screening on Non-contrast CT Scans •
Clustering disease trajectories in contrastive feature space for
biomarker proposal in age-related macular degeneration • CoactSeg:
Learning from Heterogeneous Data for New Multiple Sclerosis Lesion
Segmentation • Co-assistant Networks for Label Correction • Cochlear
Implant Fold Detection in Intra-operative CT using Weakly Supervised
Multi-Task Deep Learning • CoLa-Diff: Conditional Latent Diffusion
Model for Multi-Modal MRI Synthesis • Co-Learning Semantic-aware
Unsupervised Segmentation for Pathological Image Registration •
Collaborative modality generation and tissue segmentation for
early-developing macaque brain MR images • COLosSAL: A Benchmark for
Cold-start Active Learning for 3D Medical Image Segmentation • Combat
Long-tails in Medical Classification with Relation-aware Consistency
and Virtual Features Compensation • Combating Medical Label Noise via
Robust Semi-supervised Contrastive Learning • Community-Aware
Transformer for Autism Prediction in fMRI Connectome • Computationally
Efficient 3D MRI Reconstruction with Adaptive MLP • Conditional
Diffusion Models for Weakly Supervised Medical Image Segmentation •
Conditional Physics-Informed Graph Neural Network For Fractional Flow
Reserve Assessment • Conditional Temporal Attention Networks for
Neonatal Cortical Surface Reconstruction • Consistency-guided
Meta-Learning for Bootstrapping Semi-Supervised Medical Image
Segmentation • Content-Preserving Diffusion Model for Unsupervised
AS-OCT image Despeckling • Context-Aware Pseudo-Label Refinement for
Source-Free Domain Adaptive Fundus Image Segmentation • Continual
Learning for Abdominal Multi-Organ and Tumor Segmentation • ConTrack:
Contextual Transformer for Device Tracking in X-ray • Contrastive
Diffusion Model with Auxiliary Guidance for Coarse-to-Fine PET
Reconstruction • Contrastive Feature Decoupling for Weakly-supervised
Disease Detection • Contrastive Masked Image-Text Modeling for Medical
Visual Representation Learning • ConvFormer: Plug-and-Play CNN-Style
Transformers for Improving Medical Image Segmentation • Convolving
Directed Graph Edges via Hodge Laplacian for Brain Network Analysis •
cOOpD: Reformulating COPD classification on chest CT scans as anomaly
detection using contrastive representations • Correlation-Aware Mutual
Learning for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation • CorSegRec: A
Topology-Preserving Scheme for Extracting Fully-Connected Coronary
Arteries from CT Angiography • CortexMorph: fast cortical thickness
estimation via diffeomorphic registration using VoxelMorph • Cortical
analysis of heterogeneous clinical brain MRI scans for large-scale
neuroimaging studies • Coupling Bracket Segmentation and Tooth Surface
Reconstruction on 3D Dental Models • COVID-19 Pneumonia Classification
with Transformer from Incomplete Modalities • Cross-adversarial local
distribution regularization for semi-supervised medical image
segmentation • Cross-Dataset Adaptation for Instrument Classification
in Cataract Surgery Videos • Cross-modulated Few-shot Image Generation
for Colorectal Tissue Classification • Cross-view Deformable
Transformer for Non-displaced Hip Fracture Classification from
Frontal-Lateral X-ray Pair • CT Kernel Conversion Using Multi-Domain
Image-to-Image Translation with Generator-Guided Contrastive Learning
• CTFlow: Mitigating Effects of Computed Tomography Acquisition and
Reconstruction with Normalizing Flows • CT-guided, Unsupervised
Super-resolution Reconstruction of Single 3D Magnetic Resonance Image
• CXR-CLIP: Toward Large Scale Chest X-ray Language-Image Pre-training
• CycleSTTN: A Learning-Based Temporal Model for Specular Augmentation
in Endoscopy • DARC: Distribution-Aware Re-Coloring Model for
Generalizable Nucleus Segmentation • DAS-MIL: Distilling Across Scales
for MIL Classification of Histological WSIs • DAST: Differentiable
Architecture Search with Transformer for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
• Data AUDIT: Identifying Attribute Utility- and Detectability-Induced
Bias in Task Models • DBTrans: A Dual-Branch Vision Transformer for
Multi-modal Brain Tumor Segmentation • DCAug: Domain-aware &
Content-consistent Cross-cycle Framework for Tumor Augmentation •
Debiasing Medical Visual Question Answering via Counterfactual
Training • Deblurring Masked Autoencoder is Better Recipe for
Ultrasound Image Recognition • Decoupled Consistency for
Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation • DeDA: Deep Directed
Accumulator • Deep Cellular Embeddings: An Explainable Plug and Play
Improvement for Feature Representation in Histopathology • Deep
Homography Prediction for Endoscopic Camera Motion Imitation Learning
• Deep Learning for Tumor-associated Stroma Identification in Prostate
Histopathology Slides • Deep Learning-Based Air Trapping
Quantification using Paired Inspiratory-Expiratory Ultra-Low Dose CT •
Deep Learning-based Anonymization of Chest Radiographs: A
Utility-preserving Measure for Patient Privacy • Deep Mutual
Distillation for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation • Deep
probability contour framework for tumour segmentation and dose
painting in PET images • Deep Reinforcement Learning Based System for
Intraoperative Hyperspectral Video Autofocusing • Deep unsupervised
clustering for conditional identification of subgroups within a
digital pathology image set • DeepGraphDMD: Interpretable
Spatio-Temporal Decomposition of Non-linear Functional Brain Network
Dynamics • DeepSOZ: A Robust Deep Model for Joint Temporal and Spatial
Seizure Onset Localization from Multichannel EEG Data • Democratizing
Pathological Image Segmentation with Lay Annotators via
Molecular-empowered Learning • Dense Transformer based Enhanced Coding
Network for Unsupervised Metal Artifact Reduction • Deployment of
Image Analysis Algorithms under Prevalence Shifts • Detecting domain
shift in multiple instance learning for digital pathology using
Fréchet Domain Distance • Detecting the Sensing Area of A Laparoscopic
Probe in Minimally Invasive Cancer Surgery • Detection of basal cell
carcinoma in whole slide images • Detection-free Pipeline for Cervical
Cancer Screening of Whole Slide Images • Developing Large Pre-trained
Model for Breast Tumor Segmentation from Ultrasound Images •
Development and Fast Transferring of General Connectivity-based
Diagnosis Model to New Brain Disorders with Adaptive Graph
Meta-learner • Devil is in Channels: Contrastive Single Domain
Generalization for Medical Image Segmentation • DHC: Dual-debiased
Heterogeneous Co-training Framework for Class-imbalanced
Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation • Dice Semimetric Losses:
Optimizing the Dice Score with Soft Labels • DiffDP: Radiotherapy Dose
Prediction via a Diffusion Model • Differentiable Beamforming for
Ultrasound Autofocusing • DiffMIC: Dual-Guidance Diffusion Network for
Medical Image Classification • DiffMix: Diffusion Model-based Data
Synthesis for Nuclei Segmentation and Classification in Imbalanced
Pathology Image Datasets • DiffULD: Diffusive Universal Lesion
Detection • DiffuseIR: Diffusion Models For Isotropic Reconstruction
of 3D Microscopic Images • Diffusion Kinetic Model for Breast Cancer
Segmentation in Incomplete DCE-MRI • Diffusion Transformer U-Net for
Medical Image Segmentation • Diffusion-based Data Augmentation for
Nuclei Image Segmentation • Diffusion-Based Hierarchical Multi-Label
Object Detection to Analyze Panoramic Dental X-rays • DiMix:
Disentangle-and-Mix based domain generalizable medical image
segmentation • DISA: DIfferentiable Similarity Approximation for
Universal Multimodal Registration • DisAsymNet: Disentanglement of
Asymmetrical Abnormality on Bilateral Mammograms using
Self-adversarial Learning • DisC-Diff: Disentangled Conditional
Diffusion Model for Multi-Contrast MRI Super-Resolution • Discovering
Brain Network Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease Using Brain
Hypergraph Neural Network • Disentangling Site Effects with
Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Autoencoder for Multi-site Cortical Data
Harmonization • Distilling BlackBox to Interpretable models for
Efficient Transfer Learning • Distributionally Robust Image
Classifiers for Stroke Diagnosis in Accelerated MRI •
Diversity-preserving Chest Radiographs Generation from Reports in One
Stage • DMCVR: Morphology-Guided Diffusion Model for 3D Cardiac Volume
Reconstruction • Do we really need that skip-connection? Understanding
its interplay with task complexity • Domain Adaptation for Medical
Image Segmentation using Transformation-Invariant Self-Training •
Domain-agnostic segmentation of thalamic nuclei from joint structural
and diffusion MRI • DOMINO++: Domain-aware Loss Regularization for
Deep Learning Generalizability • Dose Guidance for
Radiotherapy-oriented Deep Learning Segmentation • DRMC: A Generalist
Model with Dynamic Routing for Multi-Center PET Image Synthesis • Dual
Arbitrary Scale Super-Resolution for Multi-Contrast MRI • Dual
Conditioned Diffusion Models for Out-Of-Distribution Detection:
Application to Fetal Ultrasound Videos • Dual Domain Motion Artifacts
Correction for MR Imaging Under Guidance of K-space Uncertainty •
DULDA: Dual-domain Unsupervised Learned Descent Algorithm for PET
image reconstruction • Dynamic Curriculum Learning via In-Domain
Uncertainty for Medical Image Classification • Dynamic Functional
Connectome Harmonics • Dynamic Graph Neural Representation Based
Multi-modal Fusion Model for Cognitive Outcome Prediction in Stroke
Cases • Dynamic Structural Brain Network Construction by Hierarchical
Prototype Embedding GCN using T1-MRI • EchoGLAD: Hierarchical Graph
Neural Networks for Left Ventricle Landmark Detection on
Echocardiograms • ECL: Class-Enhancement Contrastive Learning for
Long-tailed Skin Lesion Classification • EdgeAL: An Edge Estimation
Based Active Learning Approach for OCT Segmentation • Edge-aware
Multi-task Network for Integrating Quantification Segmentation and
Uncertainty Prediction of Liver Tumor on Multi-modality Non-contrast
MRI • EdgeMixup: Embarrassingly Simple Data Alteration to Improve Lyme
Disease Lesion Segmentation and Diagnosis Fairness • Efficient
Spatiotemporal Learning of Microscopic Video for Augmented
Reality-Guided Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery • Efficient
Subclass Segmentation in Medical Images • EGE-UNet: an Efficient Group
Enhanced UNet for skin lesion segmentation • Elongated Physiological
Structure Segmentation via Spatial and Scale Uncertainty-aware Network
• Enabling Geometry Aware Learning Through Differentiable Epipolar
View Translation • Encoding Surgical Videos as Latent Spatiotemporal
Graphs for Object and Anatomy-Driven Reasoning • EndoSurf: Neural
Surface Reconstruction of Deformable Tissues with Stereo Endoscope
Videos • Enhance Early Diagnosis Accuracy of Alzheimer’s Disease by
Elucidating Interactions between Amyloid Cascade and Tau Propagation •
Enhancing Automatic Placenta Analysis through Distributional Feature
Recomposition in Vision-Language Contrastive Learning • Enhancing
Breast Cancer Risk Prediction by Incorporating Prior Images •
EoFormer: Edge-oriented Transformer for Brain Tumor Segmentation •
EPVT: Environment-aware Prompt Vision Transformer for Domain
Generalization in Skin Lesion Recognition • Estimated time to surgical
procedure completion: An exploration of video analysis methods •
Estimation of 3T MR images from 1.5T images regularized with Physics
based Constraint • Evidence Reconciled Neural Network for
Out-of-Distribution Detection in Medical Images • Evolutionary
normalization optimization boosts semantic segmentation network
performance • Explainable Image Classification with Improved
Trustworthiness for Tissue Characterisation • Explaining
Massive-Training Artificial Neural Networks in Medical Image Analysis
Task through Visualizing Functions within the Models • Exploring Brain
Function-Structure Connectome Skeleton via Self-Supervised
Graph-Transformer Approach • Exploring Unsupervised Cell Recognition
with Prior Self-activation Maps • Eye-Guided Dual-Path Network for
Multi-organ Segmentation of Abdomen • Factor Space and Spectrum for
Medical Hyperspectral Image Segmentation • FairAdaBN: Mitigating
unfairness with adaptive batch normalization and its application to
dermatological disease classification • Faithful Synthesis of Low-dose
Contrast-enhanced Brain MRI Scans using Noise-preserving Conditional
GANs • Fast Non-Markovian Diffusion Model for Weakly Supervised
Anomaly Detection in Brain MR Images • Fast Reconstruction for Deep
Learning PET Head Motion Correction • Feature-Conditioned Cascaded
Video Diffusion Models for Precise Echocardiogram Synthesis •
FedContrast-GPA: Heterogeneous Federated Optimization via Local
Contrastive Learning and Global Process-aware Aggregation • FEDD -
Fair, Efficient, and Diverse Diffusion-based Lesion Segmentation and
Malignancy Classification • Federated Condition Generalization on
Low-dose CT Reconstruction via Cross-domain Learning • Federated
Uncertainty-Aware Aggregation for Fundus Diabetic Retinopathy Staging
• FedGrav: An Adaptive Federated Aggregation Algorithm for
Multi-institutional Medical Image Segmentation • FedIIC: Towards
Robust Federated Learning for Class-Imbalanced Medical Image
Classification • FedSoup: Improving Generalization and Personalization
in Federated Learning via Selective Model Interpolation • FE-STGNN:
Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network with Functional and Effective
Connectivity Fusion for MCI Diagnosis • FeSViBS: Federated Split
Learning of Vision Transformer with Block Sampling • Few Shot Medical
Image Segmentation with Cross Attention Transformer • Few-Shot Medical
Image Segmentation via a Region-enhanced Prototypical Transformer •
Fine-grained Hand Bone Segmentation via Adaptive Multi-dimensional
Convolutional Network and Anatomy-constraint Loss • Fine-Tuning
Network in Federated Learning for Personalized Skin Diagnosis •
Flexible Unfolding of Circular Structures for Rendering Textbook-Style
Cerebrovascular Maps • FLIm-based In Vivo Classification of Residual
Cancer in the Surgical Cavity during Transoral Robotic Surgery •
Flow-based Geometric Interpolation of Fiber Orientation Distribution
Functions • FocalErrorNet: Uncertainty-aware focal modulation network
for inter-modal registration error estimation in ultrasound-guided
neurosurgery • FocalUNETR: A Focal Transformer for Boundary-aware
Prostate Segmentation using CT Images • Forensic Histopathological
Recognition via a Context-Aware MIL Network Powered by Self-Supervised
Contrastive Learning • Forward-solution aided deep-learning framework
for patient-specific noninvasive cardiac ectopic pacing localization •
Foundation Ark: Accruing and Reusing Knowledge for Superior and Robust
Performance • Foundation Model for Endoscopy Video Analysis via
Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-train • Fourier Test-time Adaptation
with Multi-level Consistency for Robust Classification • FreeSeed:
Frequency-band-aware and Self-guided Network for Sparse-view CT
Reconstruction • Frequency Domain Adversarial Training for Robust
Volumetric Medical Segmentation • Frequency-mixed Single-source Domain
Generalization for Medical Image Segmentation • From Mesh Completion
to AI Designed Crown • From Sparse to Precise: A Practical Editing
Approach for Intracardiac Echocardiography Segmentation • From Tissue
to Sound: Model-based Sonification of Medical Imaging • FSDiffReg:
Feature-wise and Score-wise Diffusion-guided Unsupervised Deformable
Image Registration for Cardiac Images • Full Image-index Remainder
based Single Low-dose DR/CT Self-supervised Denoising • Fully Bayesian
VIB-DeepSSM • Fundus-Enhanced Disease-Aware Distillation Model for
Retinal Disease Classification from OCT Images • Gadolinium-Free
Cardiac MRI Myocardial Scar Detection by 4D Convolution Factorization
• Gall Bladder Cancer Detection from US Images with Only Image Level
Labels • Gene-induced Multimodal Pre-training for Image-omic
Classification • Generating High-Resolution 3D CT with 12-bit Depth
using a Diffusion Model with Adjacent Slice and Intensity Calibration
Network • Generating Realistic Brain MRIs via a Conditional Diffusion
Probabilistic Model • Geometric Ultrasound Localization Microscopy •
Geometry-adaptive Network for Robust Detection of Placenta Accreta
Spectrum Disorders • Geometry-invariant abnormality detection •
GL-Fusion: Global-Local Fusion Network for Multi-view Echocardiogram
Video Segmentation • Global k-Space Interpolation for Dynamic MRI
Reconstruction using Masked Image Modeling • GLSFormer : Gated - Long,
Short Sequence Transformer for Step Recognition in Surgical Videos •
GRACE: A Generalized and Personalized Federated Learning Method for
Medical Imaging • Gradient and Feature Conformity-Steered Medical
Image Classification with Noisy Labels • Graph Convolutional Network
with Morphometric Similarity Networks for Schizophrenia Classification
• Graph-theoretic automatic lesion tracking and detection of patterns
of lesion changes in longitudinal CT studies • GSDG: Exploring A
Global Semantic-guided Dual-stream Graph Model for Automated Volume
Differential Diagnosis and Prognosis • GSMorph: Gradient Surgery for
cine-MRI Cardiac Deformable Registration • Guiding the Guidance: A
Comparative Analysis of User Guidance Signals for Interactive
Segmentation of Volumetric Images • H2GM: A Hierarchical Hypergraph
Matching Framework for Brain Landmark Alignment • HACL-Net:
Hierarchical Attention and Contrastive Learning Network for MRI-Based
Placenta Accreta Spectrum Diagnosis • HartleyMHA: Self-Attention in
Frequency Domain for Resolution-Robust and Parameter-Efficient 3D
Image Segmentation • HC-Net: Hybrid Classification Network for
Automatic Periodontal Disease Diagnosis • H-DenseFormer: An Efficient
Hybrid Densely Connected Transformer for Multimodal Tumor Segmentation
• HENet: Hierarchical Enhancement Network for Pulmonary Vessel
Segmentation in Non-contrast CT Images • Hierarchical Vision
Transformers for Disease Progression Detection in Chest X-Ray Images •
High-Quality Virtual Single-Viewpoint Surgical Video: Geometric
Autocalibration of Multiple Cameras in Surgical Lights •
High-Resolution Cranial Defect Reconstruction by Iterative,
Low-Resolution, Point Cloud Completion Transformers • HIGT:
Hierarchical Interaction Graph-Transformer for Whole Slide Image
Analysis • Histopathology Image Classification using Deep Manifold
Contrastive Learning • How Does Pruning Impact Long-Tailed Multi-Label
Medical Image Classifiers? • How Reliable are the Metrics Used for
Assessing Reliability in Medical Imaging? • Identification of
Disease-sensitive Brain Imaging Phenotypes and Genetic Factors using
GWAS Summary Statistics • IIB-MIL: Integrated instance-level and
bag-level multiple instances learning with label disambiguation for
pathological image analysis • Image2SSM: Reimagining Statistical Shape
Models from Images with Radial Basis Functions • Imitation Learning
from Expert Video Data for Dissection Trajectory Prediction in
Endoscopic Surgical Procedure • Implicit Anatomical Rendering for
Medical Image Segmentation with Stochastic Experts • Implicit neural
representations for joint decomposition and registration of gene
expression images in the marmoset brain • Importance Weighted
Variational Cardiac MRI Registration Using Transformer and Implicit
Prior • Improved flexibility and interpretability of large vessel
stroke prognostication using image synthesis and multi-task learning •
Improved Multi-Shot Diffusion-Weighted MRI with Zero-Shot
Self-Supervised Learning Reconstruction • Improved Prognostic
Prediction of Pancreatic Cancer Using Multi-Phase CT by Integrating
Neural Distance and Texture-Aware Transformer • Improving Automatic
Fetal Biometry Measurement with Swoosh Activation Function • Improving
Image-Based Precision Medicine with Uncertainty-Aware Causal Models •
Improving Outcome Prediction of Pulmonary Embolism by De-Biased
Multi-Modality Model • Improving Pathology Localization: Multi-Series
Joint Attention Takes the Lead • Incomplete Multimodal Learning for
Visual Acuity Prediction after Cataract Surgery Using Masked
Self-Attention • Incremental Learning for Heterogeneous Structure
Segmentation in Brain Tumor MRI • Inflated 3D Convolution-Transformer
for Weakly-supervised Carotid Stenosis Grading with Ultrasound Videos
• Infusing physically inspired known operators in deep models of
ultrasound elastography • Instance-Aware Diffusion Model for Gland
Segmentation in Colon Histology Images • Instructive Feature
Enhancement for Dichotomous Medical Image Segmentation • Intelligent
Virtual B-scan Mirror (IVBM) • Interpretable Deep Biomarker for Serial
Monitoring of Carotid Atherosclerosis Based on Three-Dimensional
Ultrasound Imaging • Interpretable Medical Image Classification using
Prototype Learning and Privileged Information • Inter-slice
Consistency for Unpaired Low-Dose CT Denoising using Boosted
Contrastive Learning • Intraoperative CT augmentation for needle-based
liver interventions • Intra-operative Forecasting of Standing Spine
Shape with Articulated Neural Kernel Fields • Inverse Consistency by
Construction for Multistep Deep Registration • InverseSR: 3D Brain MRI
Super-Resolution Using a Latent Diffusion Model • Ischemic stroke
segmentation from a cross-domain representation in multimodal
diffusion studies • Iteratively Coupled Multiple Instance Learning
from Instance to Bag Classifier for Whole Slide Image Classification •
JCCS-PFGM: A Novel Circle-Supervision based Poisson Flow Generative
Model for Multiphase CECT Progressive Low-Dose Reconstruction with
Joint Condition • Joint Dense-Point Representation for Contour-Aware
Graph Segmentation • Joint optimization of a β-VAE for ECG
task-specific feature extraction • Joint prediction of response to
therapy, molecular traits, and spatial organisation in colorectal
cancer biopsies • Joint Representation of Functional and Structural
Profiles for Identifying Common and Consistent 3-Hinge Gyral Folding
Landmark • Joint Segmentation and Sub-Pixel Localization in Structured
Light Laryngoscopy • Knowledge Boosting: Rethinking Medical
Contrastive Vision-Language Pre-Training • L3DMC: Lifelong Learning
using Distillation via Mixed-Curvature Space • Label-Free Nuclei
Segmentation Using Intra-Image Self Similarity • Label-preserving Data
Augmentation in Latent Space for Diabetic Retinopathy Recognition •
LABRAD-OR: Lightweight Memory Scene Graphs for Accurate Bimodal
Reasoning in Dynamic Operating Rooms • Laplacian-Former: Overcoming
the Limitations of Vision Transformers in Local Texture Detection •
Learnable Cross-modal Knowledge Distillation for Multi-modal Learning
with Missing Modality • Learnable Query Initialization for Surgical
Instrument Instance Segmentation • Learnable Subdivision Graph Neural
Network for Functional Brain Network Analysis and Interpretable
Cognitive Disorder Diagnosis • Learned Alternating Minimization
Algorithm for Dual-Domain Sparse-View CT Reconstruction • Learning
Asynchronous Common and Individual Functional Brain Network for AD
Diagnosis • Learning Deep Intensity Field for Extremely Sparse-View
CBCT Reconstruction • Learning Expected Appearances for Intraoperative
Registration during Neurosurgery • Learning Large Margin Sparse
Embeddings for Open Set Medical Diagnosis • Learning normal asymmetry
representations for homologous brain structures • Learning
Ontology-based Hierarchical Structural Relationship for Whole Brain
Segmentation • Learning Reliability of Multi-Modality Medical Images
for Tumor Segmentation via Evidence-Identified Denoising Diffusion
Probabilistic Models • Learning Robust Classifier for Imbalanced
Medical Image Dataset with Noisy Labels by Minimizing Invariant Risk •
Learning Transferable Object-Centric Diffeomorphic Transformations for
Data Augmentation in Medical Image Segmentation • Learning with
Domain-Knowledge for Generalizable Prediction of Alzheimer’s Disease
from Multi-Site Structural MRI • Learning with Synthesized Data for
Generalizable Lesion Detection in Real PET Images • Lesion-aware
Contrastive Learning for Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis • LightNeuS:
Neural Surface Reconstruction in Endoscopy using Illumination Decline
• Liver Tumor Screening and Diagnosis in CT with Pixel-Lesion-Patient
Network • LLCaps: Learning to Illuminate Low-Light Capsule Endoscopy
with Curved Wavelet Attention and Reverse Diffusion • Localized
Questions in Medical Visual Question Answering • Localized Region
Contrast for Enhancing Self-Supervised Learning in Medical Image
Segmentation • Longitudinal Multimodal Transformer Integrating Imaging
and Latent Clinical Signatures From Routine EHRs for Pulmonary Nodule
Classification • LOTUS: Learning to Optimize Task-based US
representations • Low-dose CT image super-resolution network with
dual-guidance feature distillation and dual-path content communication
• LSOR: Longitudinally-Consistent Self-Organized Representation
Learning • LUCYD: A Feature-Driven Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution
Network • M&M: Tackling False Positives in Mammography with a
Multi-view and Multi-instance Learning Sparse Detector • M3D-NCA:
Robust 3D Segmentation with Built-in Quality Control • Machine
Learning for Automated Mitral Regurgitation Detection from Cardiac
Imaging • Make-A-Volume: Leveraging Latent Diffusion Models for
Cross-Modality 3D Brain MRI Synthesis • Mammo-Net: Integrating Gaze
Supervision and Interactive Information in Multi-view Mammogram
Classification • Many tasks make light work: Learning to localise
medical anomalies from multiple synthetic tasks • Masked Frequency
Consistency for Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation of Laparoscopic
Images • Masked Vision and Language Pre-training with Unimodal and
Multimodal Contrastive Losses for Medical Visual Question Answering •
Maximum Entropy on Erroneous Predictions: Improving model calibration
for medical image segmentation • Maximum-entropy estimation of joint
relaxation-diffusion distribution using multi-TE diffusion MRI •
MDA-SR: Multi-level Domain Adaptation Super-Resolution for Wireless
Capsule Endoscopy Images • MDViT: Multi-domain Vision Transformer for
Small Medical Image Segmentation Datasets • MedGen3D: A Deep
Generative Framework for Paired 3D Image and Mask Generation • Medical
Boundary Diffusion Model for Skin Lesion Segmentation • Medical Phrase
Grounding with Region-Phrase Context Contrastive Alignment • MedIM:
Boost Medical Image Representation via Radiology Report-guided Masking
• MedNeXt: Transformer-driven Scaling of ConvNets for Medical Image
Segmentation • Memory Replay for Continual Medical Image Segmentation
through Atypical Sample Selection • MEPNet: A Model-Driven Equivariant
Proximal Network for Joint Sparse-View Reconstruction and Metal
Artifact Reduction in CT Images • Merging-Diverging Hybrid Transformer
Networks for Survival Prediction in Head and Neck Cancer • Mesh2SSM:
From Surface Meshes to Statistical Shape Models of Anatomy • MetaLR:
Meta-tuning of Learning Rates for Transfer Learning in Medical Imaging
• M-FLAG: Medical Vision-Language Pre-training with Frozen Language
Models and Latent Space Geometry Optimization • M-GenSeg: Domain
Adaptation For Target Modality Tumor Segmentation With
Annotation-Efficient Supervision • Microstructure Fingerprinting for
Heterogeneously Oriented Tissue Microenvironments • Minimal-supervised
Medical Image Segmentation via Vector Quantization Memory • Mining
Negative Temporal Contexts For False Positive Suppression In Real-Time
Ultrasound Lesion Detection • MI-SegNet: Mutual Information-Based US
Segmentation for Unseen Domain Generalization • Mitigating Calibration
Bias Without Fixed Attribute Grouping for Improved Fairness in Medical
Imaging Analysis • Mitosis Detection from Partial Annotation by
Dataset Generation via Frame-Order Flipping • Mitral Regurgitation
Quantification from Multi-channel Ultrasound Images via Deep Learning
• Mixing Temporal Graphs with MLP for Longitudinal Brain Connectome
Analysis • MixUp-MIL: Novel Data Augmentation for Multiple Instance
Learning and a Study on Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis • MoCoSR: Respiratory
Motion Correction and Super-Resolution for 3D Abdominal MRI • Modeling
Alzheimers’ Disease Progression from Multi-task and Self-supervised
Learning Perspective with Brain Networks • ModeT: Learning Deformable
Image Registration via Motion Decomposition Transformer •
Modularity-Constrained Dynamic Representation Learning for
Interpretable Brain Disorder Analysis with Functional MRI •
ModusGraph: Automated 3D and 4D Mesh Model Reconstruction from cine
CMR with Improved Accuracy and Efficiency • Morphology-inspired
Unsupervised Gland Segmentation via Selective Semantic Grouping •
Motion Compensated Unsupervised Deep Learning for 5D MRI • MPBD-LSTM:
A Predictive Model For Colorectal Liver Metastases Using Time Series
Multi-phase Contrast-Enhanced CT Scans • MRIS: A Multi-modal Retrieval
Approach for Image Synthesis on Diverse Modalities • MSKdeX:
Musculoskeletal (MSK) decomposition from an X-ray image for
fine-grained estimation of lean muscle mass and muscle volume •
MulHiST: Multiple Histological Staining for Thick Biological Samples
via Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation • Multi-Head Multi-Loss
Model Calibration • Multi-IMU with Online Self-Consistency for
Freehand 3D Ultrasound Reconstruction • Multimodal brain age
estimation using interpretable adaptive population-graph learning •
Multimodal CT and MR Segmentation of Head and Neck Organs-at-Risk •
Multimodal Deep Fusion in Hyperbolic Space for Mild Cognitive
Impairment Study • Multi-modal Pathological Pre-training via Masked
Autoencoders for Breast Cancer Diagnosis • Multi-Modal Semi-supervised
Evidential Recycle Framework for Alzheimer’s Disease Classification •
Multi-modal Variational Autoencoders for normative modelling across
multiple imaging modalities • Multi-modality contrastive learning for
sarcopenia screening from hip X-rays and clinical information •
Multi-objective point cloud autoencoders for explainable myocardial
infarction prediction • Multi-perspective Adaptive Iteration Network
for Metal Artifact Reduction • Multiple Prompt Fusion for Zero-Shot
Lesion Detection Using Vision-Language Models • Multi-scale
Cross-restoration Framework for Electrocardiogram Anomaly Detection •
Multi-Scale Prototypical Transformer for Whole Slide Image
Classification • Multi-Scale Self-Supervised Learning for Longitudinal
Lesion Tracking with Optional Supervision • Multi-scope Analysis
Driven Hierarchical Graph Transformer for Whole Slide Image based
Cancer Survival Prediction • Multi-shot Prototype Contrastive Learning
and Semantic Reasoning for Medical Image Segmentation • MultiTalent: A
Multi-Dataset Approach to Medical Image Segmentation • Multi-Target
Domain Adaptation with Prompt Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
• Multi-task Joint Prediction of Infant Cortical Morphological and
Cognitive Development • Multi-task Learning of Histology and Molecular
Markers for Classifying Diffuse Glioma • Multi-view Guidance for
Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation on Laparoscopic Images via
Spatio-temporal Correspondence • Multi-View Vertebra Localization and
Identification from CT Images • MUVF-YOLOX: A Multi-modal Ultrasound
Video Fusion Network for Renal Tumor Diagnosis • NASDM: Nuclei-Aware
Semantic Histopathology Image Generation Using Diffusion Models •
Neural LerPlane Representations for Fast 4D Reconstruction of
Deformable Tissues • Neural Pre-Processing: A Learning Framework for
End-to-end Brain MRI Pre-processing • NeuroExplainer: Fine-Grained
Attention Decoding to Uncover Cortical Development Patterns of Preterm
Infants • NISF: Neural Implicit Segmentation Functions • Noise
Conditioned Weight Modulation for Robust and Generalizable Low Dose CT
Denoising • Noise2Aliasing: Unsupervised Deep Learning for View
Aliasing and Noise Reduction in 4DCBCT • Non-iterative Coarse-to-fine
Transformer Networks for Joint Affine and Deformable Image
Registration • Nonuniformly Spaced Control Points based on Variational
Cardiac Image Registration • On the Relevance of Temporal Features for
Medical Ultrasound Video Recognition • One-shot Federated Learning on
Medical Data using Knowledge Distillation with Image Synthesis and
Client Model Adaptation • One-Shot Traumatic Brain Segmentation with
Adversarial Training and Uncertainty Rectification • OpenAL: An
Efficient Deep Active Learning Framework for Open-Set Pathology Image
Classification • Open-Ended Medical Visual Question Answering Through
Prefix Tuning of Language Models • Optical Coherence Elastography
Needle for Biomechanical Characterization of Deep Tissue • Optical
Ultrasound Imaging for Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic
Aneurysms: A Pilot Study • Optimizing the 3D Plate Shape for Proximal
Humerus Fractures • Overall Survival Time Prediction of Glioblastoma
on Preoperative MRI Using Lesion Network Mapping • Parse and Recall:
Towards Accurate Lung Nodule Malignancy Prediction like Radiologists •
Partial Vessels Annotation-based Coronary Artery Segmentation with
Self-training and Prototype Learning • Partially Supervised
Multi-Organ Segmentation via Affinity-aware Consistency Learning and
Cross Site Feature Alignment • PAS-Net: Rapid Prediction of Antibiotic
Susceptibility from Fluorescence Images of Bacterial Cells Using
Parallel Dual-branch Network • Path-based Heterogeneous Brain
Transformer Network for Resting-State Functional Connectivity Analysis
• Pathology-and-genomics Multimodal Transformer for Survival Outcome
Prediction • Patients and Slides are Equal: A Multi-level
Multi-instance Learning Framework for Pathological Image Analysis •
PCMC-T1: Free-breathing myocardial T1 mapping with
Physically-Constrained Motion Correction • Pelphix: Surgical Phase
Recognition from X-ray Images in Percutaneous Pelvic Fixation • Pelvic
Fracture Reduction Planning Based on Morphable Models and Structural
Constraints • Pelvic Fracture Segmentation Using a Multi-scale
Distance-weighted Neural Network • Performance Metrics for
Probabilistic Ordinal Classifiers • Personalized Patch-based Normality
Assessment of Brain Atrophy in Alzheimer’s Disease • PET Image
Denoising with Score-Based Diffusion Probabilistic Models •
PET-diffusion: Unsupervised PET Enhancement based on the Latent
Diffusion Model • Physics-based Decoding Improves Magnetic Resonance
Fingerprinting • Physics-Informed Conditional Autoencoder Approach for
Robust Metabolic CEST MRI at 7T • Physics-Informed Neural Networks for
Tissue Elasticity Reconstruction in Magnetic Resonance Elastography •
Pick and Trace: Instance Segmentation for Filamentous Objects with a
Recurrent Neural Network • Pick the Best Pre-trained Model: Towards
Transferability Estimation for Medical Image Segmentation • PIViT:
Large Deformation Image Registration with Pyramid-Iterative Vision
Transformer • PLD-AL: Pseudo-Label Divergence-Based Active Learning in
Carotid Intima-Media Segmentation for Ultrasound Images • PMC-CLIP:
Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training using Biomedical Documents •
Point Cloud Diffusion Models for Automatic Implant Generation • Polar
Eyeball Shape Net for 3D Posterior Ocular Shape Representation •
Polar-Net: A Clinical-Friendly Model for Alzheimer’s Disease Detection
in OCTA Images • Position-aware masked autoencoder for histopathology
WSI representation learning • Positive Definite Wasserstein Graph
Kernel for Brain Disease Diagnosis • POV-Surgery: A Dataset for
Egocentric Hand and Tool Pose Estimation During Surgical Activities •
Predicting Diverse Functional Connectivity from Structural
Connectivity Based on Multi-Contexts Discriminator GAN • Prediction of
Cognitive Scores by Joint Use of Movie-watching fMRI Connectivity and
Eye Tracking via Attention-CensNet • Prediction of Infant Cognitive
Development with Cortical Surface-based Multimodal Learning •
Pre-operative Survival Prediction of Diffuse Glioma Patients with
Joint Tumor Subtyping • Pre-trained Diffusion Models for Plug-and-Play
Medical Image Enhancement • Prior-driven Dynamic Brain Networks for
Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition • Privacy-preserving Early Detection
of Epileptic Seizures in Videos • Probabilistic Modeling Ensemble
Vision Transformer Improves Complex Polyp Segmentation • Progressive
Attention Guidance for Whole Slide Vulvovaginal Candidiasis Screening
• Progressively Coupling Network for Brain MRI Registration in
Few-shot Situation • Prompt-based Grouping Transformer for Nucleus
Detection and Classification • Prompt-MIL: Boosting Multi-Instance
Learning Schemes via Task-specific Prompt Tuning • PROnet: Point
Refinement using Shape-guided Offset Map for Nuclei Instance
Segmentation • ProtoASNet: Dynamic Prototypes for Inherently
Interpretable and Uncertainty-Aware Aortic Stenosis Classification in
Echocardiography • Punctate White Matter Lesion Segmentation in
Preterm Infants Powered by Counterfactually Generative Learning •
QCResUNet: Joint Subject-level and Voxel-level Prediction of
Segmentation Quality • Radiomics-Informed Deep Learning for
Classification of Atrial Fibrillation Sub-Types from Left-Atrium CT
Volumes • Rad-ReStruct: A Novel VQA Benchmark and Method for
Structured Radiology Reporting • RBGNet: Reliable Boundary-Guided
Segmentation of Choroidal Neovascularization • RCS-YOLO: A Fast and
High-Accuracy Object Detector for Brain Tumor Detection • Realistic
endoscopic illumination modeling for NeRF-based data generation •
Reconstructing the Hemodynamic Response Function via a Bimodal
Transformer • Recruiting the best teacher modality: A customized
knowledge distillation method for IF based nephropathy diagnosis •
Rectifying Noisy Labels with Sequential Prior: Multi-Scale Temporal
Feature Affinity Learning for Robust Video Segmentation • Reflectance
Mode Fluorescence Optical Tomography with Consumer-Grade Cameras •
Regressing Simulation to Real: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for
Automated Quality Assessment in Transoesophageal Echocardiography •
Regular SE(3) Group Convolutions for Volumetric Medical Image Analysis
• Regularized Kelvinlet Functions to Model Linear Elasticity for
Image-to-Physical Registration of the Breast • Relaxation-Diffusion
Spectrum Imaging for Probing Tissue Microarchitecture • Reliable
Multimodality Eye Disease Screening via Mixture of Student’s t
Distributions • Representation, Alignment, Fusion: A Generic
Transformer-based Framework for Multi-modal Glaucoma Recognition •
RESToring Clarity: Unpaired Retina Image Enhancement using Scattering
Transform • Rethinking Semi-Supervised Federated Learning: How to
co-train fully-labeled and fully-unlabeled client imaging data •
Retinal Age Estimation with Temporal Fundus Images Enhanced
Progressive Label Distribution Learning • Retinal Thickness Prediction
from Multi-modal Fundus Photography • Reveal to Revise: An Explainable
AI Life Cycle for Iterative Bias Correction of Deep Models • Revealing
Anatomical Structures in PET to Generate CT for Attenuation Correction
• Reversing the Abnormal: Pseudo-Healthy Generative Networks for
Anomaly Detection • Revisiting Distillation for Continual Learning on
Visual Question Localized-Answering in Robotic Surgery • Revisiting
Feature Propagation and Aggregation in Polyp Segmentation •
Revolutionizing Space Health (Swin-FSR): Advancing Super-Resolution of
Fundus Images for SANS Visual Assessment Technology • Right for the
Wrong Reason: Can Interpretable ML Techniques Detect Spurious
Correlations? • Robust and Generalisable Segmentation of Subtle
Epilepsy-causing Lesions: a Graph Convolutional Approach • Robust
Cervical Abnormal Cell Detection via Distillation from Local-scale
Consistency Refinement • Robust estimation of the microstructure of
the early developing brain using deep learning • Robust Exclusive
Adaptive Sparse Feature Selection for Biomarker Discovery and Early
Diagnosis of Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus • Robust
Hough and Spatial-To-Angular Transform Based Rotation Estimation for
Orthopedic X-Ray Images • Robust Segmentation via Topology Violation
Detection and Feature Synthesis • Robust T-Loss for Medical Image
Segmentation • Robust vertebra identification using simultaneous node
and edge predicting Graph Neural Networks • S2ME: Spatial-Spectral
Mutual Teaching and Ensemble Learning for Scribble-supervised Polyp
Segmentation • S3M: Scalable Statistical Shape Modeling through
Unsupervised Correspondences • SAMConvex: Fast Discrete Optimization
for CT Registration using Self-supervised Anatomical Embedding and
Correlation Pyramid • SATTA: Semantic-Aware Test-Time Adaptation for
Cross-Domain Medical Image Segmentation • Scale Federated Learning for
Label Set Mismatch in Medical Image Classification • Scale-aware
Test-time Click Adaptation for Pulmonary Nodule and Mass Segmentation
• Scaling Up 3D Kernels with Bayesian Frequency Re-Parameterization
for Medical Image Segmentation • SCOL: Supervised Contrastive Ordinal
Loss for Abdominal Aortic Calcification Scoring on Vertebral Fracture
Assessment Scans • Scribble-based 3D Multiple Abdominal Organ
Segmentation via Triple-branch Multi-dilated Network with Pixel- and
Class-wise Consistency • Second-course Esophageal Gross Tumor Volume
Segmentation in CT with Prior Anatomical and Radiotherapy Information
• SEDSkill: Surgical Events Driven Method for Skill Assessment from
Thoracoscopic Surgical Videos • Segment Membranes and Nuclei from
Histopathological Images via Nuclei Point-level Supervision •
Segmentation Distortion: Quantifying Segmentation Uncertainty under
Domain Shift via the Effects of Anomalous Activations • Segmentation
of Kidney Tumors on Non-Contrast CT Images using Protuberance
Detection Network • SegmentOR: Obtaining Efficient Operating Room
Semantics Through Temporal Propagation • SegNetr: Rethinking the
local-global interactions and skip connections in U-shaped networks •
Self- and Semi-Supervised Learning for Gastroscopic Lesion Detection •
Self-adaptive Adversarial Training for Robust Medical Segmentation •
Self-aware and Cross-sample Prototypical Learning for Semi-supervised
Medical Image Segmentation • Self-distillation for surgical action
recognition • Self-feedback Transformer: A Multi-label Diagnostic
Model for Real-world Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms Data •
Self-pruning Graph Neural Network for Predicting Inflammatory Disease
Activity in Multiple Sclerosis from Brain MR Images • Self-supervised
dense representation learning for live-cell microscopy with time arrow
prediction • Self-Supervised Domain Adaptive Segmentation of Breast
Cancer via Test-Time Fine-Tuning • Self-Supervised Learning for
Endoscopic Video Analysis • Self-Supervised Learning for
Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling in Dynamic PET •
Self-supervised learning via inter-modal reconstruction and feature
projection networks for label-efficient 3D-to-2D segmentation •
Self-Supervised MRI Reconstruction with Unrolled Diffusion Models •
Self-Supervised Polyp Re-Identification in Colonoscopy •
Self-supervised Sim-to-Real Kinematics Reconstruction for Video-based
Assessment of Intraoperative Suturing Skills • Semantic difference
guidance for the uncertain boundary segmentation of CT left atrial
appendage • Semantic segmentation of surgical hyperspectral images
under geometric domain shifts • Semantic Virtual Shadows (SVS) for
Improved Perception in 4D OCT Guided Surgery • Semi-supervised Class
Imbalanced Deep Learning for Cardiac MRI Segmentation •
Semi-supervised Domain Adaptive Medical Image Segmentation through
Consistency Regularized Disentangled Contrastive Learning •
Semi-supervised Pathological Image Segmentation via Cross Distillation
of Multiple Attentions • SENDD: Sparse Efficient Neural Depth and
Deformation for Tissue Tracking • SFusion: Self-attention based
N-to-One Multimodal Fusion Block • Shape-Aware 3D Small Vessel
Segmentation with Local Contrast Guided Attention • Shape-based pose
estimation for automatic standard views of the knee • Shifting More
Attention to Breast Lesion Segmentation in Ultrasound Videos •
SHISRCNet: Super-resolution And Classification Network For
Low-resolution Breast Cancer Histopathology Image • SimPLe:
Similarity-Aware Propagation Learning for Weakly-Supervised Breast
Cancer Segmentation in DCE-MRI • Simulation of Arbitrary Level
Contrast Dose in MRI Using an Iterative Global Transformer Model •
Simulation-based parameter optimization for fetal brain MRI
super-resolution reconstruction • Single-subject Multi-contrast MRI
Super-resolution via Implicit Neural Representations • Skin Lesion
Correspondence Localization in Total Body Photography • SLPD:
Slide-level Prototypical Distillation for WSIs • SLPT: Selective
Labeling Meets Prompt Tuning on Label-Limited Lesion Segmentation •
Smooth Attention for Deep Multiple Instance Learning: Application to
CT Intracranial Hemorrhage Detection • SMRD: SURE-based Robust MRI
Reconstruction with Diffusion Models • Soft-tissue Driven
Craniomaxillofacial Surgical Planning • Solving Low-Dose CT
Reconstruction via GAN with Local Coherence • Source-Free Domain
Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation via Prototype-Anchored
Feature Alignment and Contrastive Learning • Source-Free Domain
Adaptive Fundus Image Segmentation with Class-Balanced Mean Teacher •
Spatiotemporal Hub Identification in Brain Network by Learning Dynamic
Graph Embedding on Grassmannian Manifold • Spatiotemporal Incremental
Mechanics Modeling of Facial Tissue Change • Spectral Adversarial
MixUp for Few-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation • Speech Audio
Synthesis from Tagged MRI and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization via
Plastic Transformer • Spinal nerve segmentation method and dataset
construction in endoscopic surgical scenarios • SPR-Net: Structural
Points based Registration for Coronary Arteries across Systolic and
Diastolic Phases • StainDiff: Transfer Stain Styles of Histology
Images with Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models and Self-Ensemble
• STAR-Echo: A Novel Biomarker for Prognosis of MACE in Chronic Kidney
Disease Patients using Spatiotemporal Analysis and Transformer-Based
Radiomics Models • Structured State Space Models for Multiple Instance
Learning in Digital Pathology • Structure-decoupled Adaptive Part
Alignment Network for Domain Adaptive Mitochondria Segmentation •
StructuRegNet: Structure-guided Multimodal 2D-3D Registration •
Structure-Preserving Instance Segmentation via Skeleton-Aware Distance
Transform • Structure-Preserving Synthesis: MaskGAN for Unpaired MR-CT
Translation • Style-based Manifold for Weakly-supervised Disease
Characteristic Discovery • SurfFlow: A Flow-Based Approach for Rapid
and Accurate Cortical Surface Reconstruction from Infant Brain MRI •
Surgical Action Triplet Detection by Mixed Supervised Learning of
Instrument-Tissue Interactions • Surgical Activity Triplet Recognition
via Triplet Disentanglement • Surgical Video Captioning with
Mutual-Modal Concept Alignment • SurgicalGPT: End-to-End
Language-Vision GPT for Visual Question Answering in Surgery • SwinMM:
Masked Multi-view with Swin Transformers for 3D Medical Image
Segmentation • SwinUNETR-V2: Stronger Swin Transformers with Stagewise
Convolutions for 3D Medical Image Segmentation • SwIPE: Efficient and
Robust Medical Image Segmentation with Implicit Patch Embeddings •
Synthesis of Contrast-Enhanced Breast MRI Using T1- and Multi-b-Value
DWI-based Hierarchical Fusion Network with Attention Mechanism •
Synthesising Rare Cataract Surgery Samples with Guided Diffusion
Models • Synthetic Augmentation with Large-scale Unconditional
Pre-training • TabAttention: Learning Attention Conditionally on
Tabular Data • TauFlowNet: Uncovering Propagation Mechanism of Tau
Aggregates by Neural Transport Equation • TCEIP: Text Condition
Embedded Regression Network for Dental Implant Position Prediction •
TCL: Triplet Consistent Learning for Odometry Estimation of Monocular
Endoscope • Temporal Uncertainty Localization to Enable
Human-in-the-loop Analysis of Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Cardiac MRI
Datasets • Tensor-based Multimodal Learning for Prediction of
Pulmonary Arterial Wedge Pressure from Cardiac MRI • Text-Guided
Cross-Position Attention for Segmentation: Case of Medical Image •
Text-guided Foundation Model Adaptation for Pathological Image
Classification • The Role of Subgroup Separability in Group-Fair
Medical Image Classification • Thinking Like Sonographers: A Deep CNN
Model for Diagnosing Gout from Musculoskeletal Ultrasound • Thyroid
Nodule Diagnosis in Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound via
Microvessel Infiltration Awareness • Topology Repairing of
Disconnected Pulmonary Airways and Vessels: Baselines and a Dataset •
Topology-Preserving Automatic Labeling of Coronary Arteries via
Anatomy-aware Connection Classifier • Topology-Preserving Computed
Tomography Super-resolution Based on Dual-stream Diffusion Model •
Toward Fairness Through Fair Multi-Exit Framework for Dermatological
Disease Diagnosis • Towards Accurate Microstructure Estimation via 3D
Hybrid Graph Transformer • Towards AI-driven radiology education: A
self-supervised segmentation-based framework for high-precision
medical image editing • Towards Expert-Amateur Collaboration:
Prototypical Label Isolation Learning for Left Atrium Segmentation
with Mixed-Quality Labels • Towards frugal unsupervised detection of
subtle abnormalities in medical imaging • Towards Generalizable
Diabetic Retinopathy Grading in Unseen Domains • Towards multi-modal
anatomical landmark detection for ultrasound-guided brain tumor
resection with contrastive learning • Towards Novel Class Discovery: A
Study in Novel Skin Lesions Clustering • TPRO: Text-prompting-based
Weakly Supervised Histopathology Tissue Segmentation • Trackerless
Volume Reconstruction from Intraoperative Ultrasound Images • Tracking
adaptation to improve SuperPoint for 3D reconstruction in endoscopy •
TractCloud: Registration-free Tractography Parcellation with a Novel
Local-global Streamline Point Cloud Representation • Transfer
Learning-Assisted Survival Analysis of Breast Cancer Relying on the
Spatial Interaction Between Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes and Tumors
• Transferability-Guided Multi-Source Model Adaptation for Medical
Image Segmentation • Transformer-based Annotation Bias-aware Medical
Image Segmentation • Transformer-based Dual-domain Network for
Few-view Dedicated Cardiac SPECT Image Reconstructions •
Transformer-based end-to-end classification of variable-length
volumetric data • Transformer-based tooth segmentation, identification
and pulp calcification recognition in CBCT • TransLiver: A Hybrid
Transformer Model for Multi-phase Liver Lesion Classification •
TransNuSeg: A Lightweight Multi-Task Transformer for Nuclei
Segmentation • Treasure in Distribution: A Domain Randomization based
Multi-Source Domain Generalization for 2D Medical Image Segmentation •
Treatment Outcome Prediction for Intracerebral Hemorrhage via
Generative Prognostic Model with Imaging and Tabular Data • Triangular
Analysis of Geographical Interplay of Lymphocytes (TriAnGIL):
Predicting Immunotherapy Response in Lung Cancer • TriDo-Former: A
Triple-Domain Transformer for Direct PET Reconstruction from Low-Dose
Sinograms • Trust your neighbours: Penalty-based constraints for model
calibration • TSegFormer: 3D Tooth Segmentation in Intraoral Scans
with Geometry Guided Transformer • Twelve-Lead ECG Reconstruction from
Single-Lead Signals Using Generative Adversarial Networks • Ultrasonic
tracking of a rapid-exchange microcatheter with simultaneous pressure
sensing for cardiovascular interventions • UM-CAM:
Uncertainty-weighted Multi-resolution Class Activation Maps for
Weakly-supervised Fetal Brain Segmentation • Uncertainty and
Shape-Aware Continual Test-Time Adaptation for Cross-Domain
Segmentation of Medical Images • Uncertainty Inspired Autism Spectrum
Disorder Screening • Uncertainty-informed Mutual Learning for Joint
Medical Image Classification and Segmentation • Uncovering
Heterogeneity in Alzheimer’s Disease from Graphical Modeling of the
Tau Spatiotemporal Topography • Uncovering Structural-Functional
Coupling Alterations for Neurodegenerative Diseases • Understanding
Silent Failures in Medical Image Classification • Unified Brain
MR-Ultrasound Synthesis using Multi-Modal Hierarchical Representations
• Unified surface and volumetric inference on functional imaging data
• UniSeg: A Prompt-driven Universal Segmentation Model as well as A
Strong Representation Learner • Unpaired Cross-modal Interaction
Learning for COVID-19 Segmentation on Limited CT images • Unsupervised
3D out-of-distribution detection with latent diffusion models •
Unsupervised 3D registration through optimization-guided cyclical
self-training • Unsupervised classification of congenital inner ear
malformations using DeepDiffusion for latent space representation •
Unsupervised Discovery of 3D Hierarchical Structure with Generative
Diffusion Features • Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Anatomical
Landmark Detection • Unsupervised Domain Transfer with Conditional
Invertible Neural Networks • Unsupervised Learning for Feature
Extraction and Temporal Alignment of 3D+t Point Clouds of Zebrafish
Embryos • UOD: Universal One-shot Detection of Anatomical Landmarks •
UPCoL: Uncertainty-informed Prototype Consistency Learning for
Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation • Utilizing Longitudinal
Chest X-Rays and Reports to Pre-Fill Radiology Reports • UWAT-GAN:
Fundus Fluorescein Angiography Synthesis via Ultra-wide-angle
Transformation Multi-scale GAN • UXDiff: Synthesis of X-ray Image from
Ultrasound Coronal Image of Spine with Diffusion Probabilistic Network
• Vertex Correspondence in Cortical Surface Reconstruction •
VesselVAE: Recursive Variational Autoencoders for 3D Blood Vessel
Synthesis • VF-HM: Vision Loss Estimation using Fundus Photograph for
High Myopia • Virtual Heart models help elucidate the role of border
zone in sustained monomorphic Ventricular Tachycardia • VISA-FSS: A
Volume-Informed Self Supervised Approach for Few-Shot 3D Segmentation
• Vision Transformer based Multi-Class Lesion Detection in IVOCT •
Visual Grounding of Whole Radiology Reports for 3D CT Images •
Visual-Attribute Prompt Learning for Progressive Mild Cognitive
Impairment Prediction • vox2vec: A Framework for Self-supervised
Contrastive Learning of Voxel-level Representations in Medical Images
• Wall thickness estimation from short axis ultrasound images via
temporal compatible deformation learning • WarpEM: Dynamic Time
Warping for Accurate Catheter Registration in EM-guided Procedures •
Wasserstein Distance-Preserving Vector Space of Persistent Homology •
Weakly Supervised Cerebellar Cortical Surface Parcellation with
Self-Visual Representation Learning • Weakly Supervised Lesion
Localization of Nascent Geographic Atrophy in Age-Related Macular
Degeneration • Weakly Supervised Medical Image Segmentation via
Superpixel-guided Scribble Walking and Class-wise Contrastive
Regularization • Weakly-supervised Drug Efficiency Estimation with
Confidence Score: Application to COVID-19 Drug Discovery •
Weakly-supervised positional contrastive learning: application to
cirrhosis classification • WeakPolyp: You Only Look Bounding Box for
Polyp Segmentation • What Do AEs Learn? Challenging Common Assumptions
in Unsupervised Anomaly Detection • Whole-Heart Reconstruction with
Explicit Topology Integrated Learning • X2Vision : 3D CT
Reconstruction from Biplanar X-Rays with Deep Structure Prior •
Xplainer: From X-Ray Observations to Explainable Zero-Shot Diagnosis •
X-Ray to CT Rigid Registration Using Scene Coordinate Regression •
YONA: You Only Need One Adjacent Reference-frame for Accurate and Fast
Video Polyp Detection • You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Amazing:
Unveil the Utility of Synthetic Images • You’ve Got Two Teachers:
Co-evolutionary Image and Report Distillation for Semi-supervised
Anatomical Abnormality Detection in Chest X-ray • Zero-shot Nuclei
Detection via Visual-Language Pre-trained Models Copyright © 2023.
Kitty K. Y. Wong, The MICCAI Society


