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2025/3/12 17:32:07 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_24768591/article/details/139709635  浏览:    关键词:linux信息查询

技术|17 种查看 Linux 物理内存的方法

apt install -y neofetch screenfetch glances


0x41 - 1.54/1.54GHz                                                         user system   idle iowait  steal              MEM -   53.0%  active    168M              SWAP -   0.7%              LOAD -  4core
CPU0 [|                                                          2.1%]      0.7%   1.4%  97.9%   0.0%   0.0%              total    989M  inacti    554M              total    495M              1 min    0.50
CPU1 [|                                                          1.6%]      0.7%   0.5%  98.4%   0.0%   0.0%              used     525M  buffer   39.6M              used    3.50M              5 min    0.29
CPU2 [||||||||||||                                              20.8%]     16.0%   4.3%  79.2%   0.0%   0.0%              free     465M  cached    324M              free     491M              15 min   0.14
CPU3 [|                                                          1.1%]      0.7%   0.2%  98.9%   0.0%   0.0%
MEM  [||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||                            53.0%]
SWAP [                                                           0.7%]NETWORK                  Rx/s   Tx/s   TASKS 167 (303 thr), 1 run, 108 slp, 58 oth Threads sorted automatically by CPU consumption
eth0                      3Kb   13Kb
lo                       12Kb   12Kb   CPU%   MEM%  VIRT  RES     PID USER          TIME+ THR  NI S  R/s W/s  Command ('k' to kill)>21.0  2.4   39.5M 23.4M 21412 root           0:03 1     0 R    0 0    python3 /usr/bin/glances
DefaultGateway                  13ms    1.4   0.0   0     0        52 root           0:10 1     0 S    0 0    [kswapd0]0.7   0.8   11.8M 7.73M 20932 root           0:01 1     0 S    0 0    sshd: root@pts/0
DISK I/O                  R/s    W/s    0.5   1.8   142M  18.0M  1539 lightdm     2h53:27 4     0 S    0 0    slick-greeter
mmcblk1                     0      0    0.2   3.5   679M  34.7M  1337 root        1h56:30 8     0 S    0 0    casaos -c /etc/casaos/casaos.conf
mmcblk1boot0                0      0    0.2   3.2   679M  31.4M  1314 root          40:02 8     0 S    0 0    casaos-message-bus -c /etc/casaos/message-bus.conf
mmcblk1boot1                0      0    0.2   3.0   230M  30.1M  1047 root        2h13:33 4     0 S    0 0    Xorg :0 -seat seat0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch
mmcblk1p1                   0      0    0.2   0.8   21.3M 7.48M   533 root          37:23 1     0 S    0 0    systemd-journald
mmcblk1p2                   0      0    0.2   0.0   0     0     11973 root           0:06 1     0 I    0 0    [kworker/0:2-mm_percpu_wq]
zram0                       0      0    0.2   0.0   0     0     18954 root           0:00 1     0 I    0 0    [kworker/1:0-mm_percpu_wq]
zram1                       0      0    0.0   8.2   715M  81.4M  2502 root          16:18 7     0 S    0 0    casaos-app-management -c /etc/casaos/app-management.conf
zram2                       0      0    0.0   6.4   707M  63.2M  1656 root         1h1:47 9     0 S    0 0    casaos-local-storage -c /etc/casaos/local-storage.conf0.0   2.5   804M  25.0M  2121 root          33:32 11    0 S    0 0    dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock
FILE SYS                 Used  Total    0.0   2.1   674M  21.2M  1415 root          14:30 7     0 S    0 0    casaos-user-service -c /etc/casaos/user-service.conf
/ (mmcblk1p2)           3.52G  6.83G    0.0   1.7   36.7M 17.2M 21248 root           0:01 1     0 S    0 0    python3 /usr/bin/glances -s -B
/var/log (zram1)        23.7M  46.8M    0.0   1.7   664M  17.1M  1097 root           7:26 10    0 S    0 0    casaos-gateway
/var/log.hdd            3.52G  6.83G    0.0   1.5   69.5M 15.0M  1511 root           0:15 1     0 S    0 0    smbd --foreground --no-process-group0.0   1.4   821M  14.3M   644 root          19:52 10    0 S    0 0    rclone rcd --rc-addr unix:///var/run/rclone/rclone.sock --rc-no-auth --rc-allow-origin *
SENSORS                                 0.0   1.4   806M  14.2M  2392 root           4:54 10    0 S    0 0    alist server --no-prefix
iio_hwmon 1                      54C    0.0   1.4   90.5M 14.0M 21369 root           0:00 3     0 S    0 0    packagekitd0.0   1.3   771M  13.2M   998 root          41:50 10    0 S    0 0    containerd0.0   1.3   55.1M 13.0M   741 root           5:26 3     0 S    0 0    NetworkManager --no-daemon0.0   1.2   40.2M 11.9M   981 root           0:00 2     0 S    0 0    python3 /usr/share/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrade-shutdown --wait-for-signal0.0   1.2   91.9M 11.8M   454 root          38:13 6   -10 S    0 0    brltty --no-daemon0.0   1.1   60.3M 10.5M  1469 root           2:22 1     0 S    0 0    nmbd --foreground --no-process-group0.0   1.0   33.1M 10.1M     1 root          26:50 1     0 S    0 0    init splash0.0   1.0   99.4M 9.59M  1535 lightdm        0:00 2     0 S    0 0    pulseaudio --daemonize=no --log-target=journal0.0   0.9   68.0M 8.71M  1521 root           0:03 1     0 S    0 0    smbd --foreground --no-process-group0.0   0.8   12.8M 7.97M 20942 root           0:02 1     0 S    0 0    systemd --user0.0   0.8   12.8M 7.71M  1376 lightdm        0:12 1     0 S    0 0    systemd --user0.0   0.8   11.5M 7.54M 20939 root           0:00 1     0 S    0 0    sshd: root@notty0.0   0.8   59.2M 7.48M   631 root           0:01 5     0 S    0 0    udisksd0.0   0.6   37.2M 6.40M   795 polkitd        0:00 3     0 S    0 0    polkitd --no-debug0.0   0.6   18.7M 5.67M   627 root           3:34 1     0 S    0 0    systemd-logind0.0   0.5   10.2M 5.31M  1012 root           0:00 1     0 S    0 0    sshd: /usr/sbin/sshd -D [listener] 0 of 10-100 startups0.0   0.5   40.6M 5.07M  1651 lightdm        0:00 3     0 S    0 0    gvfsd0.0   0.5   26.6M 5.00M  1360 root           0:00 3     0 S    0 0    lightdm --session-child 19 220.0   0.5   25.0M 4.93M  1934 root           0:00 1     0 S    0 0    cupsd -l0.0   0.5   68.0M 4.91M  1522 root           0:03 1     0 S    0 0    smbd --foreground --no-process-group0.0   0.5   45.8M 4.67M  1638 lightdm        0:00 4     0 S    0 0    at-spi-bus-launcher0.0   0.5   10.1M 4.55M   749 root           0:13 1     0 S    0 0    wpa_supplicant -u -s -O DIR=/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev0.0   0.5   43.8M 4.55M  1014 root           0:00 3     0 S    0 0    lightdm0.0   0.4   37.9M 4.45M   635 root           0:00 3     0 S    0 0    upowerd0.0   0.4   28.4M 4.26M  1891 lightdm        0:00 3     0 S    0 0    at-spi2-registryd --use-gnome-session0.0   0.4   7.26M 4.11M   540 root           1:01 1     0 S    0 0    haveged --Foreground --verbose=1


neofetchroot@onecloud-------------█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █      OS: Armbian (23.11.0-trunk) armv7l███████████████████████     Host: Xunlei OneCloud▄▄██                   ██▄▄   Kernel: 6.1.63-current-meson▄▄██    ███████████    ██▄▄   Uptime: 12 days, 5 hours, 18 mins▄▄██   ██         ██   ██▄▄   Packages: 1210 (dpkg)▄▄██   ██         ██   ██▄▄   Shell: bash 5.2.15▄▄██   ██         ██   ██▄▄   Resolution: 1920x1080▄▄██   █████████████   ██▄▄   Theme: Adwaita [GTK3]▄▄██   ██         ██   ██▄▄   Icons: Adwaita [GTK3]▄▄██   ██         ██   ██▄▄   Terminal: /dev/pts/0▄▄██   ██         ██   ██▄▄   CPU: Amlogic Meson platform (4) @ 1.536GHz▄▄██                   ██▄▄   Memory: 488MiB / 989MiB████████████████████████ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █


screenfetch_,met$$$$$gg.           root@onecloud,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P.        OS: Debian 12 bookworm,g$$P""       """Y$$.".      Kernel: armv7l Linux 6.1.63-current-meson,$$P'              `$$$.      Uptime: 12d 5h 19m',$$P       ,ggs.     `$$b:    Packages: 1210`d$$'     ,$P"'   .    $$$     Shell: bash 5.2.15$$P      d$'     ,    $$P     Resolution: 1920x1080$$:      $$.   -    ,d$$'     WM: Not Found$$\;      Y$b._   _,d$P'      GTK Theme: Adwaita [GTK3]Y$$.    `.`"Y$$$$P"'          Disk: 3.7G / 7.6G (49%)`$$b      "-.__               CPU: ARMv7 rev 1 (v7l) @ 4x 1.536GHz`Y$$                         GPU: llvmpipe (LLVM 15.0.6, 128 bits)`Y$$.                       RAM: 512MiB / 989MiB`$$b.`Y$$b.`"Y$b._`""""



