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数值分析作业(第七章):代码+手写计算:数值微分与数值积分 - 复化梯形公式、复化Simpson公式、逐次分半算法(梯形、Simpson、Romberg)

2025/2/6 12:13:56 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/IYXUAN/article/details/144238364  浏览:    关键词:数值分析作业(第七章):代码+手写计算:数值微分与数值积分 - 复化梯形公式、复化Simpson公式、逐次分半算法(梯形、Simpson、Romberg)


作业P257: 1, 3, 4(1), 5, 8, 16(1)
数值实验P258: 9, 13, 14; P260: 1

代码+手写计算:数值微分与数值积分 - 复化梯形公式、复化Simpson公式、逐次分半算法(梯形、Simpson、Romberg)


代码仓库:https://github.com/sylvanding/bit-numerical-analysis-hw 点个star⭐️吧~

P258. Q9

分别用 n = 10 n=10 n=10的复化梯形公式和复化Simpson公式计算积分

I = ∫ 0 1 e − x 2 d x I=\int_0^1 \mathrm{e}^{-x^2} \mathrm{~d} x I=01ex2 dx




function result = composite_int(f, a, b, method, n)% Composite integration using trapezoidal or Simpson's rule.%% Args:%   f:      Function handle to be integrated.%   a:      Lower limit of integration.%   b:      Upper limit of integration.%   method: Integration method ('trapezoidal' or 'simpson').%   n:      Number of subintervals.%% Returns:%   result: The approximate value of the definite integral.h = (b - a) / n;x = a:h:b; % Generate equally spaced pointsswitch lower(method)case 'trapezoidal'result = h / 2 * (f(x(1)) + 2 * sum(f(x(2:end - 1))) + f(x(end)));case 'simpson'if mod(n, 2) ~= 0error('Number of subintervals (n) must be even for Simpson''s rule.');endresult = h / 3 * (f(x(1)) + 4 * sum(f(x(2:2:end - 1))) + 2 * sum(f(x(3:2:end - 2))) + f(x(end)));otherwiseerror('Invalid integration method. Use "trapezoidal" or "simpson".');endend


% Define the function to be integrated
f = @(x) exp(-x .^ 2);% Integration limits
a = 0;
b = 1;% Number of subintervals
n = 10; % Try different values of n% Calculate the integral using the trapezoidal rule
result_trapezoidal = composite_int(f, a, b, 'trapezoidal', n);
fprintf('Trapezoidal rule result: %f\n', result_trapezoidal);% Calculate the integral using Simpson's rule
result_simpson = composite_int(f, a, b, 'simpson', n);
fprintf('Simpson''s rule result: %f\n', result_simpson);% Calculate the exact value of the integral
exact_value = integral(f, a, b);% Calculate the truncation error for the trapezoidal rule
error_trapezoidal = abs(exact_value - result_trapezoidal);
fprintf('Trapezoidal rule truncation error: %e\n', error_trapezoidal);% Calculate the truncation error for Simpson's rule
error_simpson = abs(exact_value - result_simpson);
fprintf('Simpson''s rule truncation error: %e\n', error_simpson);% Define the second derivative of the function
f2 = @(x) -2 * exp(-x .^ 2) + 4 * x .^ 2 .* exp(-x .^ 2);% Calculate the maximum value of the second derivative on [a, b]
x_vals = linspace(a, b, 1000);
max_f2 = max(abs(f2(x_vals)));% Estimate the error for the trapezoidal rule
error_est_trapezoidal = ((b - a) ^ 3 / (12 * n ^ 2)) * max_f2;
fprintf('Estimated trapezoidal rule error: %e\n', error_est_trapezoidal);% Define the fourth derivative of the function for Simpson's rule error estimation
f4 = @(x) (16 * x .^ 4 - 48 * x .^ 2 + 12) .* exp(-x .^ 2);% Calculate the maximum value of the fourth derivative on [a, b]
max_f4 = max(abs(f4(x_vals)));% Estimate the error for Simpson's rule
error_est_simpson = ((b - a) ^ 5 / (180 * n ^ 4)) * max_f4;
fprintf('Estimated Simpson''s rule error: %e\n', error_est_simpson);


>> P258_Q9
Trapezoidal rule result: 0.746211
Simpson's rule result: 0.746825
Trapezoidal rule truncation error: 6.133367e-04
Simpson's rule truncation error: 8.154420e-07
Estimated trapezoidal rule error: 1.666667e-03
Estimated Simpson's rule error: 6.666667e-06

P258. Q13


KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 6: (1) &̲& \int_0^\pi \f…

要求误差不超过 ϵ = 3 × 1 0 − 4 \epsilon =3\times 10^{-4} ϵ=3×104.



function [result, error_est] = adaptive_int(f, a, b, method, tolerance)% Adaptive integration using successive interval halving.%% Args:%   f:          Function handle to be integrated.%   a:          Lower limit of integration.%   b:          Upper limit of integration.%   method:     Integration method ('trapezoidal', 'simpson', or 'romberg').%   tolerance:  Desired error tolerance.%% Returns:%   result:     The approximate value of the definite integral.%   error_est:  Estimated error of the approximation.% Initial integral approximationswitch lower(method)case 'trapezoidal'I_old = (b - a) * (f(a) + f(b)) / 2;case 'simpson'I_old = (b - a) * (f(a) + 4 * f((a + b) / 2) + f(b)) / 6;case 'romberg'R(1, 1) = (b - a) * (f(a) + f(b)) / 2; % Initialize Romberg tableI_old = R(1, 1);otherwiseerror('Invalid integration method. Use "trapezoidal", "simpson", or "romberg".');endn = 1; % Initial number of intervalserror_est = Inf;n = 2 * n;h = (b - a) / n;while error_est > tolerancex = a:h:b;switch lower(method)case 'trapezoidal'I_new = 0.5 * I_old + h * sum(f(x(2:2:end - 1)));error_est = abs(I_new - I_old) / 3;n = 2 * n;h = (b - a) / n;case 'simpson'I_new = (h / 3) * (f(a) + f(b) + 2 * (sum(f(x(2:2:end - 2)))) + 4 * (sum(f(x(1:2:end - 1)))));error_est = abs(I_new - I_old) / 15;n = 2 * n;h = (b - a) / n;case 'romberg'h = (b - a) / 2 ^ (n - 1);% Improved Trapezoidal Rulesum_f = 0;for j = 1:2 ^ (n - 2)sum_f = sum_f + f(a + (2 * j - 1) * h);endR(n, 1) = 0.5 * R(n - 1, 1) + h * sum_f;% Extrapolationfor j = 2:nR(n, j) = (4 ^ (j - 1) * R(n, j - 1) - R(n - 1, j - 1)) / (4 ^ (j - 1) - 1);endI_new = R(n, n);error_est = abs(R(n, n) - R(n - 1, n - 1)); % More accurate error estimaten = n + 1;otherwiseerror('Invalid integration method.');endI_old = I_new;endresult = I_new;end


f = @(x) 1 ./ (x + cos(x));
a = 0;
b = pi;% f = @(x) 1 ./ (1 + x .^ 3);
% a = 0;
% b = 1;tolerance = 3e-4;[result_trap, error_trap] = adaptive_int(f, a, b, 'trapezoidal', tolerance);
fprintf('Trapezoidal: Result = %f, Error = %f\n', result_trap, error_trap);[result_simp, error_simp] = adaptive_int(f, a, b, 'simpson', tolerance);
fprintf('Simpson: Result = %f, Error = %f\n', result_simp, error_simp);[result_romb, error_romb] = adaptive_int(f, a, b, 'romberg', tolerance);
fprintf('Romberg: Result = %f, Error = %f\n', result_romb, error_romb);% Calculate the truncation error
true_value = integral(f, a, b);
truncation_error_trap = abs(true_value - result_trap);
truncation_error_simp = abs(true_value - result_simp);
truncation_error_romb = abs(true_value - result_romb);fprintf('Trapezoidal: Truncation Error = %f\n', truncation_error_trap);
fprintf('Simpson: Truncation Error = %f\n', truncation_error_simp);
fprintf('Romberg: Truncation Error = %f\n', truncation_error_romb);


>> P258_Q13_1
Trapezoidal: Result = 2.043220, Error = 0.000157
Simpson: Result = 2.046333, Error = 0.000218
Romberg: Result = 2.043078, Error = 0.000289
Trapezoidal: Truncation Error = 0.000157
Simpson: Truncation Error = 0.003270
Romberg: Truncation Error = 0.000015>> P258_Q13_2
Trapezoidal: Result = 0.835405, Error = 0.000245
Simpson: Result = 0.918732, Error = 0.000138
Romberg: Result = 0.835649, Error = 0.000007
Trapezoidal: Truncation Error = 0.000244
Simpson: Truncation Error = 0.083083
Romberg: Truncation Error = 0.000000

P258. Q14


I = ∫ 0 4 1 + cos ⁡ 2 x d x I=\int_0^4 \sqrt{1+\cos ^2 x} \mathrm{~d} x I=041+cos2x  dx

的近似值,要求误差不超过 1 0 − 2 10^{-2} 102.



f = @(x) sqrt(1 + cos(x) .^ 2);
a = 0;
b = 4;
tolerance = 1e-2;[result_romb, error_romb] = adaptive_int(f, a, b, 'romberg', tolerance);
fprintf('Romberg: Result = %f, Error = %f\n', result_romb, error_romb);% Calculate the truncation error
true_value = integral(f, a, b);
truncation_error_romb = abs(true_value - result_romb);fprintf('Romberg: Truncation Error = %f\n', truncation_error_romb);


>> P258_Q14
Romberg: Result = 4.966675, Error = 0.001780
Romberg: Truncation Error = 0.000059

P260. Q1


{ x ( s ) = ∫ 0 s cos ⁡ 1 2 a t 2 d t y ( s ) = ∫ 0 s sin ⁡ 1 2 a t 2 d t \left\{\begin{array}{l} x(s)=\int_0^s \cos \frac{1}{2} a t^2 \mathrm{~d} t \\ y(s)=\int_0^s \sin \frac{1}{2} a t^2 \mathrm{~d} t \end{array}\right. {x(s)=0scos21at2 dty(s)=0ssin21at2 dt

曲线关于原点对称。取 a = 1 a=1 a=1,参数 s s s变化范围是 [ − 5 , 5 ] [-5,5] [5,5],容许误差限分别是 1 0 − 6 10^{-6} 106 1 0 − 10 10^{-10} 1010. 选取适当的节点个数,利用数值积分方法计算曲线上点的坐标,并画出曲线的图形。



% Define the Cornu spiral functions
a = 1;
tolerance_x = 1e-6;
tolerance_y = 1e-10;% Define the integrand functions for x(s) and y(s)
fx = @(s) cos(pi * s .^ 2/2);
fy = @(s) sin(pi * s .^ 2/2);% Define the range for s
s_range = linspace(-5, 5, 1000);% Initialize arrays to store the results
x_vals = zeros(size(s_range));
y_vals = zeros(size(s_range));% Compute the values of x(s) and y(s) using adaptive integration
for i = 1:length(s_range)s = s_range(i);x_vals(i) = adaptive_int(fx, 0, s, 'trapezoidal', tolerance_x);y_vals(i) = adaptive_int(fy, 0, s, 'trapezoidal', tolerance_y);
end% Plot the Cornu spiral
plot(x_vals, y_vals);
title('Cornu Spiral');
grid on;



s s s变化范围是 [ − 5 , 5 ] [-5,5] [5,5] s s s均匀分为 1000 1000 1000份。使用复化梯形公式的半分法估计积分,计算结果如上。





