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2025/2/22 2:12:55 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43949535/article/details/142876719  浏览:    关键词:PostgreSQL的学习心得和知识总结(一百五十四)|高级数据结构和算法之快速排序算法quicksort的实现及使用

注:提前言明 本文借鉴了以下博主、书籍或网站的内容,其列表如下:

4、日本著名PostgreSQL数据库专家 铃木启修 网站主页,点击前往
7、参考书籍:《事务处理 概念与技术》

1、本文内容全部来源于开源社区 GitHub和以上博主的贡献,本文也免费开源(可能会存在问题,评论区等待大佬们的指正)
2、本文目的:开源共享 抛砖引玉 一起学习
3、本文不提供任何资源 不存在任何交易 与任何组织和机构无关
4、大家可以根据需要自行 复制粘贴以及作为其他个人用途,但是不允许转载 不允许商用 (写作不易,还请见谅 💖)
5、本文内容基于PostgreSQL master源码开发而成


  • 文章快速说明索引
  • 快速排序内部使用
  • 快速排序内部实现



做数据库内核开发久了就会有一种 少年得志,年少轻狂 的错觉,然鹅细细一品觉得自己其实不算特别优秀 远远没有达到自己想要的。也许光鲜的表面掩盖了空洞的内在,每每想到于此,皆有夜半临渊如履薄冰之感。为了睡上几个踏实觉,即日起 暂缓其他基于PostgreSQL数据库的兼容功能开发,近段时间 将着重于学习分享Postgres的基础知识和实践内幕。




2024年10月12日 21:01:55


1、PostgreSQL数据库基础知识回顾 1个
2、CSDN 技术博客 1篇

注:下面我们所有的学习环境是Centos8+PostgreSQL master +Oracle19C+MySQL8.0

postgres=# select version();version                                                   
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PostgreSQL 18devel on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-21), 64-bit
(1 row)postgres=##-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#SQL> select * from v$version;          BANNER        Oracle Database 19c EE Extreme Perf Release - Production	
BANNER_FULL	  Oracle Database 19c EE Extreme Perf Release - Production Version	
BANNER_LEGACY Oracle Database 19c EE Extreme Perf Release - Production	
CON_ID 0#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#mysql> select version();
| version() |
| 8.0.27    |
1 row in set (0.06 sec)mysql>



postgres=# SET enable_hashjoin = 'off';
postgres=# explain (verbose, costs off, analyze) SELECT * FROM norm_test WHERE x IN (VALUES (1), (29));QUERY PLAN                                          
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nested Loop (actual time=0.184..0.309 rows=97 loops=1)Output: norm_test.x, norm_test.payload->  Unique (actual time=0.010..0.014 rows=2 loops=1)Output: "*VALUES*".column1->  Sort (actual time=0.009..0.010 rows=2 loops=1)Output: "*VALUES*".column1Sort Key: "*VALUES*".column1Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 25kB->  Values Scan on "*VALUES*" (actual time=0.002..0.003 rows=2 loops=1)Output: "*VALUES*".column1->  Bitmap Heap Scan on public.norm_test (actual time=0.089..0.135 rows=48 loops=2)Output: norm_test.x, norm_test.payloadRecheck Cond: (norm_test.x = "*VALUES*".column1)Heap Blocks: exact=10->  Bitmap Index Scan on norm_test_x_idx (actual time=0.061..0.061 rows=48 loops=2)Index Cond: (norm_test.x = "*VALUES*".column1)Planning Time: 0.442 msExecution Time: 0.373 ms
(18 rows)postgres=#

如上,中间出现Sort Method: quicksort这样的字眼,那么数据库内部是怎么实现以及使用这个快速排序的呢?当时上学的时候,没有少手撕代码,死去的回忆突然间开始攻击我!有兴趣的小伙伴可以看一下本人之前(long long time ago)的博客:

  • DSA之十大排序算法第六种:Quick Sort,点击前往

简单看了一眼内核代码,该算法是快速排序的变种算法,该算法是改编至J. L. Bentley and M. D. McIlroy在专刊Software–Practice and Experience发表的名为Engineering a sort function论文,如下:

// src/include/lib/sort_template.h/** Qsort routine based on J. L. Bentley and M. D. McIlroy,* "Engineering a sort function",* Software--Practice and Experience 23 (1993) 1249-1265.** We have modified their original by adding a check for already-sorted* input, which seems to be a win per discussions on pgsql-hackers around* 2006-03-21.* 我们修改了原来的版本,增加了对已排序输入的检查,* 根据 2006-03-21 左右 pgsql-hackers 上的讨论,这似乎是一个胜利。** Also, we recurse on the smaller partition and iterate on the larger one,* which ensures we cannot recurse more than log(N) levels (since the* partition recursed to is surely no more than half of the input).  Bentley* and McIlroy explicitly rejected doing this on the grounds that it's "not* worth the effort", but we have seen crashes in the field due to stack* overrun, so that judgment seems wrong.* 此外,我们在较小的分区上进行递归,在较大的分区上进行迭代,* 这确保了我们不能递归超过 log(N) 级(因为递归到的分区肯定不超过输入的一半)。* * Bentley 和 McIlroy 明确拒绝这样做,理由是“不值得付出努力”,* 但我们在现场看到过由于堆栈溢出而导致的崩溃,因此这种判断似乎是错误的。*/

在PostgreSQL内核中直接调用非常简单,本来想的是直接调试一个现有的逻辑 但是复杂的调试过程不便于理解学习的重点。我随便写了一个简单的插件,因为比较简单 而且我很懒,就不再仓库上传,这里直接贴源码 如下:

[postgres@localhost:~/postgres/contrib/test_use_qsort → master]$ git branch REL_17_0
* master
[postgres@localhost:~/postgres/contrib/test_use_qsort → master]$ ls
Makefile  meson.build  test_use_qsort--1.0.sql  test_use_qsort.c  test_use_qsort.control  test_use_qsort.o  test_use_qsort.so
[postgres@localhost:~/postgres/contrib/test_use_qsort → master]$ 
[postgres@localhost:~/postgres/contrib/test_use_qsort → master]$ make clean
rm -f test_use_qsort.so test_use_qsort.o  \test_use_qsort.bc
[postgres@localhost:~/postgres/contrib/test_use_qsort → master]$ 
[postgres@localhost:~/postgres/contrib/test_use_qsort → master]$ pwd
[postgres@localhost:~/postgres/contrib/test_use_qsort → master]$
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------** test_use_qsort.c** Copyright (c) 2010-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group** IDENTIFICATION*		contrib/test_use_qsort/test_use_qsort.c** -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "postgres.h"
#include "funcapi.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "utils/hsearch.h"#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(test_internal_qsort);PG_MODULE_MAGIC;typedef struct Student
{int class_id;int student_id;char *name;bool gender;
} Student;static inline int student_comparator(const Student *a, const Student *b);#define ST_SORT sort_student
#define ST_ELEMENT_TYPE Student
#define ST_COMPARE(a, b) student_comparator(a, b)
#define ST_SCOPE static
#define ST_DEFINE
#include <lib/sort_template.h>typedef struct
{int class_id;int student_id;
} StudentKey;typedef struct StudentEntry
{StudentKey key;bool active;
} StudentEntry;static inline int
student_comparator(const Student *a, const Student *b)
{/* compare student */if (a->class_id < b->class_id)return -1;else if (a->class_id > b->class_id)return 1;if (a->student_id < b->student_id)return -1;else if (a->student_id > b->student_id)return 1;return 0;
{/* other plugins can perform things here */
}Datum test_internal_qsort(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
{int		max_class = 3,max_student = 20;Student	*students = NULL;HASHCTL	hashCtl;HTAB	*student_hash = NULL;int stu_num = PG_GETARG_INT32(0);if(stu_num <= 0 || stu_num > max_class * max_student){ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE),errmsg("invalid num")));}students = (Student *)palloc0(sizeof(Student) * stu_num);hashCtl.keysize = sizeof(StudentKey);hashCtl.entrysize = sizeof(StudentEntry);student_hash = hash_create("student hash",stu_num,&hashCtl,HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS);srand((unsigned)time(NULL));for(int i = 0; i < stu_num; ++i){bool found = false;StudentKey key = {0, 0};StudentEntry *entry = NULL;char student_name[24] = { 0 };retry:key.class_id = rand() % max_class + 1;key.student_id = rand() % max_student + 1;hash_search(student_hash, &key, HASH_FIND, &found);if(found){goto retry;}else{entry = hash_search(student_hash, &key, HASH_ENTER, NULL);entry->active = true;}students[i].class_id = key.class_id;students[i].student_id = key.student_id;
#define STUDENT_NAME_PREFIX "songbaobao"sprintf(student_name, "%s_%d_%d", STUDENT_NAME_PREFIX, students[i].class_id, students[i].student_id);students[i].name = pstrdup(student_name);students[i].gender = (rand() % 1) == 0 ? false : true;}for(int i = 0; i < stu_num; ++i){ereport(NOTICE,(errmsg("Student %2d class id: %d, student id: %2d, student name: %s",i + 1, students[i].class_id, students[i].student_id, students[i].name)));}ereport(NOTICE,(errmsg("Sorting, please wait...")));sort_student(students, stu_num);ereport(NOTICE,(errmsg("Sorting End.")));for(int i = 0; i < stu_num; ++i){ereport(NOTICE,(errmsg("Student %2d class id: %d, student id: %2d, student name: %s",i + 1, students[i].class_id, students[i].student_id, students[i].name)));}for(int i = 0; i < stu_num; ++i){pfree(students[i].name);}pfree(students);hash_destroy(student_hash);PG_RETURN_BOOL(true);
-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION
\echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION test_use_qsort" to load this file. \quitCREATE FUNCTION test_internal_qsort(studentNum int)




postgres=# select test_internal_qsort(10);
NOTICE:  Student  1 class id: 1, student id:  8, student name: songbaobao_1_8
NOTICE:  Student  2 class id: 3, student id:  3, student name: songbaobao_3_3
NOTICE:  Student  3 class id: 3, student id: 12, student name: songbaobao_3_12
NOTICE:  Student  4 class id: 1, student id: 17, student name: songbaobao_1_17
NOTICE:  Student  5 class id: 3, student id: 18, student name: songbaobao_3_18
NOTICE:  Student  6 class id: 1, student id:  4, student name: songbaobao_1_4
NOTICE:  Student  7 class id: 3, student id: 14, student name: songbaobao_3_14
NOTICE:  Student  8 class id: 2, student id:  5, student name: songbaobao_2_5
NOTICE:  Student  9 class id: 2, student id:  3, student name: songbaobao_2_3
NOTICE:  Student 10 class id: 2, student id:  4, student name: songbaobao_2_4
NOTICE:  Sorting, please wait...
NOTICE:  Sorting End.
NOTICE:  Student  1 class id: 1, student id:  4, student name: songbaobao_1_4
NOTICE:  Student  2 class id: 1, student id:  8, student name: songbaobao_1_8
NOTICE:  Student  3 class id: 1, student id: 17, student name: songbaobao_1_17
NOTICE:  Student  4 class id: 2, student id:  3, student name: songbaobao_2_3
NOTICE:  Student  5 class id: 2, student id:  4, student name: songbaobao_2_4
NOTICE:  Student  6 class id: 2, student id:  5, student name: songbaobao_2_5
NOTICE:  Student  7 class id: 3, student id:  3, student name: songbaobao_3_3
NOTICE:  Student  8 class id: 3, student id: 12, student name: songbaobao_3_12
NOTICE:  Student  9 class id: 3, student id: 14, student name: songbaobao_3_14
NOTICE:  Student 10 class id: 3, student id: 18, student name: songbaobao_3_18test_internal_qsort 
(1 row)postgres=#


#define ST_SORT sort_student
#define ST_ELEMENT_TYPE Student
#define ST_COMPARE(a, b) student_comparator(a, b)
#define ST_SCOPE static
#define ST_DEFINE
#include <lib/sort_template.h>



// src/include/lib/sort_template.h** Usage notes:**	  To generate functions specialized for a type, the following parameter*	  macros should be #define'd before this file is included.*	  要生成专门针对某种类型的函数,应在包含此文件之前#define 以下参数宏。**	  - ST_SORT - the name of a sort function to be generated 要生成的排序函数的名称*	  - ST_ELEMENT_TYPE - type of the referenced elements 引用元素的类型*	  - ST_DECLARE - if defined the functions and types are declared 如果定义了函数和类型则声明*	  - ST_DEFINE - if defined the functions and types are defined 如果已定义,则定义了函数和类型*	  - ST_SCOPE - scope (e.g. extern, static inline) for functions*	  - ST_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS - if defined the sort is interruptible 如果已定义,则排序是可中断的**	  Instead of ST_ELEMENT_TYPE, ST_ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID can be defined.  Then*	  the generated functions will automatically gain an "element_size"*	  parameter.  This allows us to generate a traditional qsort function.*	  可以定义 ST_ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID 来代替 ST_ELEMENT_TYPE。*	  然后生成的函数将自动获得“element_size”参数。*	  这使我们能够生成传统的 qsort 函数。**	  One of the following macros must be defined, to show how to compare*	  elements.  The first two options are arbitrary expressions depending*	  on whether an extra pass-through argument is desired, and the third*	  option should be defined if the sort function should receive a*	  function pointer at runtime.*	  必须定义以下宏之一,以显示如何比较元素。*	  前两个选项是任意表达式,具体取决于是否需要额外的传递参数,如果排序函数应在运行时接收函数指针,则应定义第三个选项。**	  - ST_COMPARE(a, b) - a simple comparison expression*	  - ST_COMPARE(a, b, arg) - variant that takes an extra argument 接受额外参数的变体*	  - ST_COMPARE_RUNTIME_POINTER - sort function takes a function pointer 排序函数接受一个函数指针**	  NB: If the comparator function is inlined, some compilers may produce*	  worse code with the optimized comparison routines in common/int.h than*	  with code with the following form:**	      if (a < b)*	          return -1;*	      if (a > b)*	          return 1;*	      return 0;**	  To say that the comparator and therefore also sort function should*	  receive an extra pass-through argument, specify the type of the*	  argument.*	  要说明比较器以及排序函数应该接收额外的传递参数,请指定参数的类型。**	  - ST_COMPARE_ARG_TYPE - type of extra argument**	  The prototype of the generated sort function is:**	  void ST_SORT(ST_ELEMENT_TYPE *data, size_t n,*				   [size_t element_size,]*				   [ST_SORT_compare_function compare,]*				   [ST_COMPARE_ARG_TYPE *arg]);**	  ST_SORT_compare_function is a function pointer of the following type:**	  int (*)(const ST_ELEMENT_TYPE *a, const ST_ELEMENT_TYPE *b,*			  [ST_COMPARE_ARG_TYPE *arg])*

如上 宏的设置根据自己的需要而定,就像数据库中其他使用的那样:

// src/backend/utils/sort/tuplesort.c#define ST_SORT qsort_tuple_unsigned
#define ST_ELEMENT_TYPE SortTuple
#define ST_COMPARE(a, b, state) qsort_tuple_unsigned_compare(a, b, state)
#define ST_COMPARE_ARG_TYPE Tuplesortstate
#define ST_SCOPE static
#define ST_DEFINE
#include "lib/sort_template.h"#if SIZEOF_DATUM >= 8
#define ST_SORT qsort_tuple_signed
#define ST_ELEMENT_TYPE SortTuple
#define ST_COMPARE(a, b, state) qsort_tuple_signed_compare(a, b, state)
#define ST_COMPARE_ARG_TYPE Tuplesortstate
#define ST_SCOPE static
#define ST_DEFINE
#include "lib/sort_template.h"
#endif#define ST_SORT qsort_tuple_int32
#define ST_ELEMENT_TYPE SortTuple
#define ST_COMPARE(a, b, state) qsort_tuple_int32_compare(a, b, state)
#define ST_COMPARE_ARG_TYPE Tuplesortstate
#define ST_SCOPE static
#define ST_DEFINE
#include "lib/sort_template.h"#define ST_SORT qsort_tuple
#define ST_ELEMENT_TYPE SortTuple
#define ST_COMPARE_ARG_TYPE Tuplesortstate
#define ST_SCOPE static
#define ST_DECLARE
#define ST_DEFINE
#include "lib/sort_template.h"#define ST_SORT qsort_ssup
#define ST_ELEMENT_TYPE SortTuple
#define ST_COMPARE(a, b, ssup) \ApplySortComparator((a)->datum1, (a)->isnull1, \(b)->datum1, (b)->isnull1, (ssup))
#define ST_COMPARE_ARG_TYPE SortSupportData
#define ST_SCOPE static
#define ST_DEFINE
#include "lib/sort_template.h"


/** Sort an array.*/
{ST_POINTER_TYPE *a = (ST_POINTER_TYPE *) data,*pa,*pb,*pc,*pd,*pl,*pm,*pn;size_t		d1,d2;int			r,presorted;loop:DO_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();if (n < 7){for (pm = a + ST_POINTER_STEP; pm < a + n * ST_POINTER_STEP;pm += ST_POINTER_STEP)for (pl = pm; pl > a && DO_COMPARE(pl - ST_POINTER_STEP, pl) > 0;pl -= ST_POINTER_STEP)DO_SWAP(pl, pl - ST_POINTER_STEP);return;}presorted = 1;for (pm = a + ST_POINTER_STEP; pm < a + n * ST_POINTER_STEP;pm += ST_POINTER_STEP){DO_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();if (DO_COMPARE(pm - ST_POINTER_STEP, pm) > 0){presorted = 0;break;}}if (presorted)return;pm = a + (n / 2) * ST_POINTER_STEP;if (n > 7){pl = a;pn = a + (n - 1) * ST_POINTER_STEP;if (n > 40){size_t		d = (n / 8) * ST_POINTER_STEP;pl = DO_MED3(pl, pl + d, pl + 2 * d);pm = DO_MED3(pm - d, pm, pm + d);pn = DO_MED3(pn - 2 * d, pn - d, pn);}pm = DO_MED3(pl, pm, pn);}DO_SWAP(a, pm);pa = pb = a + ST_POINTER_STEP;pc = pd = a + (n - 1) * ST_POINTER_STEP;for (;;){while (pb <= pc && (r = DO_COMPARE(pb, a)) <= 0){if (r == 0){DO_SWAP(pa, pb);pa += ST_POINTER_STEP;}pb += ST_POINTER_STEP;DO_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();}while (pb <= pc && (r = DO_COMPARE(pc, a)) >= 0){if (r == 0){DO_SWAP(pc, pd);pd -= ST_POINTER_STEP;}pc -= ST_POINTER_STEP;DO_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();}if (pb > pc)break;DO_SWAP(pb, pc);pb += ST_POINTER_STEP;pc -= ST_POINTER_STEP;}pn = a + n * ST_POINTER_STEP;d1 = Min(pa - a, pb - pa);DO_SWAPN(a, pb - d1, d1);d1 = Min(pd - pc, pn - pd - ST_POINTER_STEP);DO_SWAPN(pb, pn - d1, d1);d1 = pb - pa;d2 = pd - pc;if (d1 <= d2){/* Recurse on left partition, then iterate on right partition */if (d1 > ST_POINTER_STEP)DO_SORT(a, d1 / ST_POINTER_STEP);if (d2 > ST_POINTER_STEP){/* Iterate rather than recurse to save stack space *//* DO_SORT(pn - d2, d2 / ST_POINTER_STEP) */a = pn - d2;n = d2 / ST_POINTER_STEP;goto loop;}}else{/* Recurse on right partition, then iterate on left partition */if (d2 > ST_POINTER_STEP)DO_SORT(pn - d2, d2 / ST_POINTER_STEP);if (d1 > ST_POINTER_STEP){/* Iterate rather than recurse to save stack space *//* DO_SORT(a, d1 / ST_POINTER_STEP) */n = d1 / ST_POINTER_STEP;goto loop;}}


	if (n < 7){for (pm = a + ST_POINTER_STEP; pm < a + n * ST_POINTER_STEP;pm += ST_POINTER_STEP)for (pl = pm; pl > a && DO_COMPARE(pl - ST_POINTER_STEP, pl) > 0;pl -= ST_POINTER_STEP)DO_SWAP(pl, pl - ST_POINTER_STEP);return;}


	presorted = 1;for (pm = a + ST_POINTER_STEP; pm < a + n * ST_POINTER_STEP;pm += ST_POINTER_STEP){DO_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();if (DO_COMPARE(pm - ST_POINTER_STEP, pm) > 0){presorted = 0;break;}}if (presorted)return;

第三部分:array size大于7,使用快排:首先求取基准数,尤其是当数组大小超过40,为了更好取样,将划分8个为一组,求取median:

	pm = a + (n / 2) * ST_POINTER_STEP;if (n > 7){pl = a;pn = a + (n - 1) * ST_POINTER_STEP;if (n > 40){size_t		d = (n / 8) * ST_POINTER_STEP;pl = DO_MED3(pl, pl + d, pl + 2 * d);pm = DO_MED3(pm - d, pm, pm + d);pn = DO_MED3(pn - 2 * d, pn - d, pn);}pm = DO_MED3(pl, pm, pn);}


/** Find the median of three values.  Currently, performance seems to be best* if the comparator is inlined here, but the med3 function is not inlined* in the qsort function.* 找到三个值的中位数。* 目前,如果比较器在此处内联,性能似乎最佳,但 med3 函数未在 qsort 函数中内联。** Refer to the comment at the top of this file for known caveats to consider* when writing inlined comparator functions.*/
static pg_noinline ST_ELEMENT_TYPE *
{return DO_COMPARE(a, b) < 0 ?(DO_COMPARE(b, c) < 0 ? b : (DO_COMPARE(a, c) < 0 ? c : a)): (DO_COMPARE(b, c) > 0 ? b : (DO_COMPARE(a, c) < 0 ? a : c));

然后正式进入排序的过程,首先 pa,pb 指向第二个元素, pc,pd指向尾部;而基准数则是放在第一位:

	DO_SWAP(a, pm);pa = pb = a + ST_POINTER_STEP;pc = pd = a + (n - 1) * ST_POINTER_STEP;for (;;){while (pb <= pc && (r = DO_COMPARE(pb, a)) <= 0){if (r == 0){DO_SWAP(pa, pb);pa += ST_POINTER_STEP;}pb += ST_POINTER_STEP;DO_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();}while (pb <= pc && (r = DO_COMPARE(pc, a)) >= 0){if (r == 0){DO_SWAP(pc, pd);pd -= ST_POINTER_STEP;}pc -= ST_POINTER_STEP;DO_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();}if (pb > pc)break;DO_SWAP(pb, pc);pb += ST_POINTER_STEP;pc -= ST_POINTER_STEP;}
  • 上面第一个while循环是从头开始筛选出与基准数相等和小于基准数的值,如果相等则从头向尾排列
  • 注意基准数也就是a 都是在和它进行比较
  • 而第二个循环则是从尾开始筛选出与基准数相等和大于基准数的值,如果相等则从尾向头排列






	pn = a + n * ST_POINTER_STEP;d1 = Min(pa - a, pb - pa);DO_SWAPN(a, pb - d1, d1); // 判断相等数据量 和 小于的数据量,实际只要移动数据量少的一方d1 = Min(pd - pc, pn - pd - ST_POINTER_STEP);DO_SWAPN(pb, pn - d1, d1); // 判断相等数据量 和 大于的数据量,实际只要移动数据量少的一方d1 = pb - pa; // 小于区的长度 乱序d2 = pd - pc; // 大于区的长度 乱序




	if (d1 <= d2){/* Recurse on left partition, then iterate on right partition */// 在左分区上递归,然后在右分区上迭代if (d1 > ST_POINTER_STEP)DO_SORT(a, d1 / ST_POINTER_STEP);if (d2 > ST_POINTER_STEP){/* Iterate rather than recurse to save stack space */// 迭代而不是递归以节省堆栈空间/* DO_SORT(pn - d2, d2 / ST_POINTER_STEP) */a = pn - d2;n = d2 / ST_POINTER_STEP;goto loop;}}else{/* Recurse on right partition, then iterate on left partition */if (d2 > ST_POINTER_STEP)DO_SORT(pn - d2, d2 / ST_POINTER_STEP);if (d1 > ST_POINTER_STEP){/* Iterate rather than recurse to save stack space */// 在右分区上递归,然后在左分区上迭代/* DO_SORT(a, d1 / ST_POINTER_STEP) */n = d1 / ST_POINTER_STEP;goto loop;}}





