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陆游的《诗人苦学说》:从藻绘到“功夫在诗外”(中英双语)mastery lies beyond poetry

2025/2/4 8:42:15 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/shizheng_Li/article/details/145421565  浏览:    关键词:陆游的《诗人苦学说》:从藻绘到“功夫在诗外”(中英双语)mastery lies beyond poetry









  1. 初学阶段:追求辞藻华丽

    • “我初学诗日,但欲工藻绘”:年少时初学诗歌,只注重辞藻的华丽和修辞技巧,希望诗句雕琢得精美华丽。
    • 这一阶段的陆游,和许多初学诗歌的文人一样,把写诗当作一种技巧性的艺术,关注的是如何让诗歌更优美、对仗更工整,而忽略了诗歌更深层次的内涵。
  2. 中年阶段:稍有领悟

    • “中年始少悟,不坠垂堂诲”:到了中年,才逐渐领悟到诗歌不只是辞藻的堆砌,而是应该蕴含思想、表达真实情感。同时,他也没有违背古人关于学诗的训诲。
    • “垂堂诲”出自《左传》,指“高屋建瓴,近水坠堂”的危险,意在告诫人要谨慎,这里指古人对诗歌创作的深远思考。
  3. 老年阶段:真正理解诗歌的本质

    • “老更识根源,功夫在诗外”:年老之后才彻底明白,诗歌的真正根源并不在于辞藻的修饰,而在于诗人自身的学识、阅历、思想修养,以及对人生的理解。真正的诗学修养来自生活的积淀,而不仅仅是写作技巧的打磨。
    • 这就是“功夫在诗外”的真正含义,即诗人的才情不仅来源于文学技巧的训练,更来源于对人生、历史、学问的积累。






  • 书法:仅仅练习笔画是不够的,还要有深厚的文化修养和对历史的理解,才能写出真正有韵味的书法作品。
  • 音乐:弹奏技巧固然重要,但音乐的真正魅力在于演奏者的情感、经历、理解力。
  • 科学研究:不仅仅是实验技术或数学能力,更重要的是整体的思维方式、跨学科的知识储备以及对问题的深刻洞察。
  • 商业与管理:管理企业不仅仅是掌握商业模式,而在于对市场、消费者心理、社会经济环境的深刻理解。








  • 我初学诗日 —— 我刚开始学习写诗的时候,

  • 但欲工藻绘 —— 只想着把辞藻修饰得华丽精美。

  • 中年始少悟 —— 到了中年才稍微有所领悟,

  • 不坠垂堂诲 —— 没有忘记古人传授的忠告和教诲。

  • 老更识根源 —— 到了年老时才彻底明白诗歌的真正根本,

  • 功夫在诗外 —— 诗歌的造诣并不仅仅取决于文字技巧,而在于诗人自身的阅历、学识和思想修养。



Lu You’s On the Hardship of Learning Poetry: The True Meaning of “Mastery Lies Beyond Poetry”

Lu You (1125–1210), one of the greatest poets of the Southern Song Dynasty, is renowned for his patriotic spirit, bold poetic style, and deep reflections on literature and life. At the age of 84, he composed the famous poem On the Hardship of Learning Poetry (诗人苦学说), in which he put forward the idea that “mastery lies beyond poetry” (功夫在诗外). This phrase has since been widely quoted, often as a general learning philosophy across various fields. However, many people misinterpret its true meaning by isolating it from its original context.

1. The Complete Poem and Its Interpretation

Original Poem:


Translation and Explanation:
  1. Early Years: Chasing Ornamental Rhetoric

    • “When I first learned poetry, I sought only to refine its ornamentation.”
    • As a young poet, Lu You was preoccupied with polishing his poetic language, focusing on rhetorical beauty and elegant diction. Like many beginners, he initially believed that poetic mastery lay in technical refinement and aesthetic appeal.
  2. Middle Age: Gaining Some Insight

    • “In middle age, I gained some understanding and did not neglect the lessons of the ancients.”
    • With age and experience, he realized that poetry was not just about superficial elegance. He began to appreciate deeper poetic principles and the wisdom passed down from previous poets, avoiding a shallow approach.
  3. Old Age: True Realization

    • “In old age, I finally understood the true foundation: mastery lies beyond poetry.”
    • In his later years, Lu You reached a profound realization: the essence of poetry does not solely depend on linguistic craftsmanship but rather on broader intellectual and experiential cultivation. A poet’s depth is rooted in a rich reservoir of knowledge, life experience, and profound thought.

2. The Historical Context: Lu You’s Life and Reflections

Lu You lived during the Southern Song Dynasty, an era marked by national decline and the loss of northern China to the Jin dynasty. As a passionate patriot, he longed for the restoration of his homeland, but his political aspirations were repeatedly thwarted by the ruling peace-faction. His frustration with the political situation led him to a life of reclusion in Shaoxing, Zhejiang.

By the time he wrote this poem at 84, he had come to terms with his youthful ambitions and poetic journey. His realization that true poetic mastery comes from life experience rather than mere technical skill reflects not only his literary philosophy but also his deeper reflections on life itself.

3. The Deeper Implication of “Mastery Lies Beyond Poetry”

The phrase “功夫在诗外” (gōngfū zài shī wài) has since been extended beyond poetry and applied to various disciplines. The core idea is that technical skills alone do not make a true master; deeper understanding, experience, and broad intellectual cultivation are essential.

  • Calligraphy: A master calligrapher does not merely perfect brush strokes; their art is informed by historical knowledge, philosophy, and cultural appreciation.
  • Music: True musicality extends beyond technical proficiency; it requires emotional depth, interpretation, and life experience.
  • Scientific Research: Mastery in science is not just about technical expertise but also about an expansive mindset, interdisciplinary knowledge, and innovative thinking.
  • Business and Leadership: Effective leadership is not just about management techniques but about understanding people, markets, and social dynamics.

4. Conclusion

Lu You’s On the Hardship of Learning Poetry is not just a self-reflection on poetry but a profound life lesson. His realization at an advanced age reminds us that in any field, true mastery extends beyond mere technique. The real essence of expertise is cultivated through broad intellectual curiosity, deep reflection, and lived experience.

When we quote “mastery lies beyond poetry” today, we should not reduce it to a simplistic call for general knowledge or interdisciplinary learning. Instead, we should recognize it as a hard-earned wisdom from an aged poet, urging us to seek deeper meaning beyond technical excellence in whatever we pursue.




